4 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE AG Commodity Data Sheet 4205 -90 Mint Oil AREA & ITEM UNIT 1986r 1987r 1988r 1989r 1990p PEPPERMINT OIL OREGON Acres harvested Yield Production Farm price Value acres 35,000 lbs /acre thou lbs 67 $11b thou $ 2,345 11.70 27,437 35,500 - h 40,000 46,500 69 71 67 73 2,450 12.40 30,380 2,840 16.80 47,712 3,116 13.90 43,312 3,358 15.00 50,370 101,800 - `. 46,-0 UNITED STATES Acres harvested Yield Production Farm price Value Exports /a / Remainder /b / acres 64,200 67,000 80,500 100,800 lbs /acre 67 67 67 66 68 thou lbs $/lb thou $ thou lbs " 4,328 10.70 46,218 2,357 1,971 4,495 11.70 52,373 2,659 1,836 5,360 15.90 85,324 2,712 2,648 6,652 13.10 87,005 3,314 3,338 6,953 14.00 97,294 N/A N/A acres 28,500 24,000 22,600 26,400 33,700 lbs /acre thou lbs 93 86 77 70 76 2,658 11.40 30,396 2,060 12.10 24,998 822 1,238 1,745 12.80 22,382 985 1,846 13.90 25,693 1,393 760 453 2,565 14.70 37,629 N/A N/A - SPEARMINT OIL UNITED STATES Acres harvested Yield Production Farm price Value Exports /a / Remainder /b / $ /lb thou $ thou lbs " 911 1,747 r - revised p - preliminary. N/A Not available at this time. /a/ January - December of'each year. Exports have been revised back to 1986 due to a new information source. /b/ Production less exports. These numbers have been revised back to 1986 due to a revision in exports. SOURCE: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University, from USDA and other government reports. March, 1991 PEPPERMINT FOR OIL, BY COUNTIES, OREGON Harvested Acres Yield Per Acre COUNTY 1987 Benton Lane Linn Marion Polk Malheur Crook Jefferson Descutes Other Co.s. 2,000 5,400 4,000 4,500 1,120 1,300 3,200 11,300 1988 2,200 5,700 4,200 5,200 1,500 1,420 1989r acres 2,700 6,000 5,890 6,100 2,150 1,400 3,700 6,400 13,300 12,500 500 970 2,280 2,390 450 2,230 STATE TOTAL 35,500 40,000 46,500 1990p 1987 - -- 2,700 6,540 6,250 6,200 2,810 1,070 7,200 9,800 1,160 2,960 71 74 71 73 73 69 63 68 56 62 46,690 69 1989r 1990p 82 82 82 82 82 70 67 62 72 70 62 70 70 69 65 65 60 56 71 67 73 1988 lbs 76 81 76 74 83 63 66 67 61 .. 67 60 50 PEPPERMINT FOR OIL, BY COUNTIES, OREGON Production Sold Value of Sales COUNTY 1987 Benton Lane Linn Marion Polk Malheur Crook.....; 142 398 283 327 82 89 Jefferson Descutes Other Co.s. 201 765 25 138 STATE TOTAL 2,450 r - revised p - 1988 1989r 000 lbs 196 436 367 429 164 89 97 243 418 885 817 166 460 318 383 124 1990p 1987 1,680 4,729 3,359 3,927 1988 1989r 1990p thousand dollars 30 59 142 133 212 513 490 486 220 75 485 660 70 147 2,840 3,116 3,358 978 982 2,655 10,133 331 1,606 30,380 2,152 2,772 6,191 5,209 6,091 2,326 1,082 5,808 11,345 813 1,675 3,134 7,591 7,254 7,196 3,261 923 7,566 10,347 1092 2,006 47,712 43,312 50,370 2,894 8,000 5,527 6,851 2,220 1,136 3,965 14,472 495 -preliminary source: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State March, 1991 University. Stanley D. Miles, Extension Economist. -