Document 13892270

Reading Recovery Information for Preparing a New Teacher Leader for an Existing Site
Reading Recovery implementation requires careful study and strong commitment from the sponsoring
administrative agency (e.g., district, consortium, or Area Education Agency). Submission of an application to
prepare a Reading Recovery teacher leader indicates that the site administrators agree to adherence to the following
requirements for a Reading Recovery Teacher Training Site.
Requirements for Site:
Develop a long-term plan for the site that follows and honors the Standards and Guidelines of Reading
Recovery in the United States.
Develop a long-range budget to support the role of a teacher leader, including compensation for additional
responsibilities of the position and professional development requirements. The budget should include
resources for staffing, materials, travel, training and tuition costs, and facilities.
Consider plans that work towards the goal of full implementation (i.e., 20 percent or more as needed in highimpact schools). Full implementation may apply to building, area, or district levels. At the building level, a
minimum of two half-time Reading Recovery teachers may be able to serve a cohort of 100 first-grade children,
with expanded services needed for high-impact schools. It is more productive to have full implementation in
fewer schools than attempt to provide wide coverage without adequate staffing.
Obtain long-term commitment to implementation and maintenance of a quality program from all levels of
personnel involved (e.g., administrators, teachers, etc.) so the program will reflect a system intervention.
Make plans for necessary staff allocations so that an individual can attend full-time teacher leader preparation at
UNI for one academic year. Select the individual and officially nominate him/her for training.
Year 1 of Implementation: Training Year
The site coordinator facilitates the activities of the teacher leader. The site coordinator is responsible for providing
the administrative support necessary for successful implementation of the program.
Teacher leaders-in-training spend the academic year at UNI.
The administrative unit should provide funding for the following purposes:
Tuition and training expenses at UNI. This includes all professional books, children’s books, and other
necessary teaching materials. (Reimbursement for additional incidental materials is suggested.)
Travel and other expenses for
o Weekly visits to teacher training sites for internship with experienced teacher leaders.
o Attendance at a Reading Recovery conference sponsored by the Reading Recovery Center of Iowa, the
National Reading Recovery and Classroom Literacy Conference, and the Teacher Leader Institute.
o Commuting between home district and UNI (suggested).
In addition, the administrative unit needs to
Allocate resources as needed for the development or maintenance of the Reading Recovery Teacher Training
Site that includes:
o An area for one-to-one instruction that contains a one-way glass window with sound system
situated in such a manner that 10 to 12 individuals can observe and discuss the instruction without
disturbing the lesson (specifications will be provided).
o An area suitable for displaying materials and conducting group instruction for 10 to 12
individuals, including access to audiovisual equipment.
o An office for the teacher leader.
o The site must be ready for use by the new teacher leader by August following the year of
Make arrangements and assist the teacher leader in conducting Reading Recovery awareness sessions for
appropriate personnel.
Work with the teacher leader to prepare a budget for the year after training (Field Year).
Work with the teacher leader to establish recruitment and application procedures for the training class.
Plan orientation meetings for selected principals and teachers.
rrci/jccl existing site
rv. 2.13.12
Year 2: Field Year
Make necessary arrangements for the teacher leader to conduct a one-week seminar for teachers on the
administration of An Observation Survey during August.
Make necessary arrangements for the teacher leader to provide training for 8 to 12 Reading Recovery teachers;
these teachers should be selected from within the geographic area of the site.
Make necessary arrangements for Reading Recovery teachers-in-training to receive six hours of graduate credit
from UNI for the academic year training. Make payment to UNI for the course credit.
Make necessary staff allocations so the teacher leader may spend two and one-half hours per day teaching
individual children in Reading Recovery and the remaining time performing the functions of the role of teacher
Make necessary staff allocations so that Reading Recovery teachers-in-training my work at least two and onehalf hours per day teaching four individual children in Reading Recovery.
Purchase professional books, children’s books, and other teaching materials for the teacher training class.
Provide teacher leader with secretarial assistance and resources for telephone, duplication, mailings, etc.
Sponsor two site visits by the UNI trainer of teacher leaders, including a fee plus travel expenses. (Note: Site
visits are required during Year 2 and optional as needed or requested in subsequent years.)
Provide resources for professional assistance from the University Training Center at UNI (e.g., consultation
with teacher leader and site coordinator, professional development sessions, updated materials, etc.) including
site fee and travel expenses.
Continue to provide support and resources for the teacher leader to:
o Make colleague visits to other teacher leaders.
o Participate in ongoing professional development sessions at UNI.
o Attend a Reading Recovery conference sponsored by a University Training Center and the Teacher Leader
Institute in the summer.
Collect and maintain data on Reading Recovery children in accordance with guidelines of the International Data
Evaluation Center at The Ohio State University. The fee for submission includes analysis and reporting of data.
Submit a site report to UNI on or before September 15 th each year.
Year 3: Support Year
Continue to follow responsibilities for program implementation and maintenance outlined above for Year 2:
Field Year.
In addition, provide support and resources for the teacher leader to conduct six or more ongoing professional
development sessions for trained Reading Recovery teachers and to visit each teacher at least once during the
year, with additional visits based on need or request.
rrci/jccl existing site
rv. 2.13.12