Victoria Grimwood1 , Patrick Chappell2 Department of Bioresource Research, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR1 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR2 Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis regulation + Hypothalamus Pulse vs. Surge GnRH Anterior Pituitary LH Steroid Hormones GnRH Neurons Location Approximately 2000 in hypothalamus Scattered cell bodies Axons release neuropeptide outside of brain Pulsatile secretions Possess many receptors Suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCN) Pacemaker clock Activated by light Coordination peripheral clocks Secretes neuropeptides Composed of heterogeneous mixture of cell types Oscillation at molecular, cellular, and tissue levels Kisspeptin Secreted by Kiss-1 neurons Powerful stimulator GnRH release Essential to pubertal progression and feedback to steroid hormones May be essential to GnRH pulsatile secretions When pulse comes to surge: Do endogenous oscillators play a role in modulation of GnRH secretion patterns in response to estradiol? SCN DNS GnRH Kiss1? When pulse comes to surge: Do endogenous oscillators play a role in modulation of GnRH secretion patterns in response to estrogen? Proestrus DNS SCN E2 GnRH Kiss1? •We use our in vitro GnRH cell models (GT1-7 cells) to examine direct dose- and time-dependent effects of E2 as well as circadian genes. Gpr54/Kiss1-R expression in GT1-7 cells is rhythmic in the presence of 17β-E2 100pM E2 2 1 0 Fold change from 0h 3 EtOH 0 12 24 36 48 0 hours 12 24 36 48 Circadian Rhythms Biological process containing an endogenous approximately twenty-four hour oscillation pattern Regulates many bodily functions Sleep-wake cycle Hormonal secretion Core body temp, hunger, heart rate, ect. Occur throughout many taxonomic levels Prokaryotes, basic eukaryotes, and multicellular organisms All organisms have highly conserved clock Molecular Clock Coordinate circadian feedback Can be entrained by extracellular signaling Initiate intracellular response Regulate transcription patterns of specific genes Clock, Bmal1, Period, and Cryptochrome In response to cell signaling bHLH-PAS txn factors Period Cryptochrome BMAL1 CLOCK B Cl E-box CCG OUTPUT B Cl P Cy E-box Per1/Per2 P E-box Cry1/Cry2 Cy Cy P B Cl Nuc Cyto Gpr54-luciferase expression is significantly higher when co-transfected with CLOCK/BMAL1 average fold induction compared to GPR54-luc + pcDNA3.1 * luciferase fold induction relative luciferase 40 30 20 10 0 pcDNA3.1 6 4 2 0 CLOCK/BMAL1 B Cl ? GPR54 promoter 8 GPR54-luc + CLOCK/BMAL1 luciferase LUC 80 80 70 70 relative luciferase relative luciferase Gpr54-luciferase expression is depressed when treated with E2, even when co-transfected with CLOCK/BMAL1 60 20 10 0 60 20 10 0 mock E2 GPR54-luc+ pcDNA3.1 GPR54-luc + CLOCK/BMAL1 E2 B Cl ? GPR54 promoter mock E2 mock luciferase E2 mock LUC E2 Estrogen Receptors (ER) Nuclear hormone family of intracellular receptors Multiple isoforms of estrogen receptors exist Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) Estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) A. B. C. D. E. Legend Estrogen receptor Estrogen Estrogen helper proteins Cell nucleus DNA Estrogen Receptor Alpha Believed essential to fertility Prior study demonstrated that E2 in ERα breast cancer cell lines induces Per2 mRNA levels in mammary epithelial cells Physical interaction between Per2 and ERα Why we looked at ERβ Not expressed by GnRH neurons Estrogen Receptor Beta Present in GnRH neurons E2 binding appears to down-regulate Erβ expression Negative feedback mechanism E2 possibly interacts with endogenous circadian oscillators at ERβ We believe direct protein-protein interactions exist between clock component BMAL1 and ERβ in GT1-7 and SCN cell lines, modulated by presence of E2 ? B Cl E-box -steroid hormone modulation of the cellular clock GPR54 GPR54 E2 ERβ? B Cl E-box B Cl E-box Per1/Per2 P ? Cry1/Cry2 Cy B Cl identify protein-protein interactions between ERβ and BMAL1 in multiple in the absence and presence of E2 Nuc Materials and Methods Maintanence of Cell Lines -GT1-7, E2 GT1-7, SCN Cell Lines -Immortalized neuronal cell line Protein extraction and quantification -Cell lysis and protein extraction -Quantification BCA Assay Co-Immunoprecipitation -isolate specific protein and complexes with direct protein-antibody interactions Western Blot -Identify protein by size -Anti-estrogen receptor beta primary antibody (rabbit) -Anti-BMAL1 primary antibody (rabbit) -Anti-rabbit secondary antibody Co-Immunoprecipitation Primary antibody coupled to column Pre-cleared lysate in control column Lysate incubated in antibody coupled column Wash of unbound protein Elution of protein complex associated with column Western Blot Western blot utilized to produced visual results of Co- Immunoprecipition Run products of Co-IP through polyacrylamide gel Bind products with target primary and secondary antibodies SCN 2.2 Co-IP Blot Bands perceived in antibody verification, unbound protein, elution, and SCN protein lanes Bands only appeared just above 50kDa in the elution lanes. GT1-7 Co-IP Blot Bands in antibody verification, unbound protein, elution, and GT1-7 lanes Elution bands at ~53kDa in each Unexpected Fewer bands in BMAL coupled blot GT1-7 BMAL1 coupled, Erβ probed Only blot supporting hypothesis Evidence of Erβ protein in elution lanes Theoretically contain only protein associated with antiBMAL1 antibody Band at 53kb appears in each lane except negative control and blank Expected Estradiol exposed GT1-7 Co-IP Blot Both blots exhibit lack of association in elution lanes BMAL1 probed possesses more bands in protein and unbound protein lanes Unexpected Estradiol Modulation Estradiol down-regulates positive clock elements BMAL1 is positive clock transcription factor No indication of BMAL1-Erβ protein interactions Strong band in lysate lanes at 53kDa Should see 53kDa in Erβ probed elution lane Original Hypothesis Direct protein-protein interactions between BMAL1 and Erβ in GT1-7 (in presence or absence of estradiol) and SCNcell lines appear unclear Positive Erβ and BMAL1 bands expressed in lysate did not show in altogher appropriate positions of elution Only bands of roughly Erβ size appeared in elution lanes Confirmatory band in BMAL1 coupled column when probed with ERβ Generation of an effective BMAL1or ER beta antibody in species other than rabbit necessary Future Research Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (chIP) Determines whether a specific genomic region interacts with the protein of interest Transcription factors on promoters or other DNA binding sites If promoter known, can determine if ERbeta and BMAL1 binding site close enough for direct contact where on the Kiss1R promoter ERbeta and BMAL1 are binding Domain(s) of each transcription factor is/are required for this interaction Kiss-1R Promoter E2 response elements (ERE) and E-boxes within the GPR54 promoter sequence CLOCK/BMAL1 suspected binding sites Infertility “Circadian health” essential to fertility Proper rhythmic cycling necessary for ovulation Clock disregulation could cause missed surges Less ovulation Decreasing fertility rate since Industrial Revolution “Abnormal” sleep wake cycles Swing shift workers Nurses, flight attendents • Increase of hormone dependent cancers • Breast and Prostate cancers combine to roughly 30% of total new cancer cases each year -American Cancer Association Acknowledgements The Chappell Lab Dr. Patrick Chappell Cheri Goodall Ian Hilgart, Briana Knight, Robinson Taylor, Alex Koosman, Kristen Tonsfeld Wanda Crannell Funding ER Jackman Grant Honors Experience Award