PCD survey – Confidential (ADULT VERSION 1.0, DECEMBER 2002) Not much is known about some aspects of the condition known as PCD (primary ciliary dyskinesia; Kartagener’s syndrome; immotile cilia syndrome). This questionnaire is therefore trying to find out basic information about several aspects of the condition and its effect on people. These include: ! Some questions about your PCD, how and when it was diagnosed, and whether or not anyone else in the family also has PCD. This is the first section of the questionnaire. ! The overall effects of PCD upon health and everyday activities. This uses a standard questionnaire used in much medical research which is called the SF-36. ! The effects of PCD upon the chest, and the occurrence of any respiratory symptoms. Some people with PCD develop chest infections, and we would like to know how common this is. This part of the questionnaire is called the Respiratory Symptom Questionnaire, and is also a standard questionnaire used in medical research which was developed at St. George’s Hospital in London. ! People with PCD often have their body organs reversed, and in particular their heart can be on the right side. Although that is well known, there is very little information about whether they are more likely to be left-handed or show other reversals of ‘lateralisation’. The section called the ‘Laterality Questionnaire’ uses some standard questions for assessing handedness and related behaviours. ! The section marked ‘Background questions’ uses some brief, standard questionnaires to find a little more about the sort of person you are. ! The final section of the questionnaire contains two very important sections: " A consent form. This section of the questionnaire contains a form which we want you to sign and which gives us your permission to use the information you have provided for our research. It also makes clear what we will and will not do with the data. Please note that if the person with PCD is under the age of 16 we are also asking for the consent of their parent or guardian. " Your contact information. The PCD Family Support Group has kindly agreed to help us with this study, but they are, quite correctly, concerned to protect the privacy of those taking part. This questionnaire has therefore been mailed to you by the PCD Family Support Group, and at present we do not know your name, address or other contact details. We would however like to be able to get back in touch in the future, in order to to ask some further questions. If you are willing to help us further we would be grateful if you could provide us with your contact details. We do hope you will be able to help with this research project. Should you have any further questions about the questionnaire then please feel free to contact me, either by e-mail at i.mcmanus@ucl.ac.uk, by telephone on 020-7679 5390 (sec 020-7679 5333), by fax at 020-7436 4276, or by post at the address below: Department of Psychology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. Professor Chris McManus MA, MD, PHD, FRCP Firstly, some questions about you, your family, and about PCD. 1. What is your date of birth? _______(day) ________ (month) _________ (year) 2. What is your sex? Male / Female 3. How old were you when PCD was diagnosed? 4. What were the symptoms that led to PCD being diagnosed? Please give brief details. 5. Do you have any other medical problems apart from PCD? No / Yes _________ (years) _________ (months) If Yes, please give brief details 6. On which side of the body is your heart? Left / Right. If your heart is on the right-hand side: 7. a. Has this been confirmed by a Chest X-ray? No / Yes b. To your knowledge are all of your body organs reversed (situs inversus)? No / Yes Does anyone else in your family have PCD? No / Yes a. 8. If Yes, please tell us a bit more about them. i. How old are they? ii. What is their relationship to you? iii. How old were they when they were diagnosed with PCD? iv. Is their heart on the right or the left side? Please tell us a bit more about your family? a. How many brothers do you have? ______ What are their ages? __________________ b. How many sisters do you have? c. What year was your mother born? ______ i. d. ______ What are their ages? __________________ How many brothers and sisters does/did she have? Brothers ____ Sisters_____ What year was your father born? _______ i. How many brothers and sisters does/did he have? 2 Brothers ____ Sisters_____ The SF-36 questionnaire Please answer all the questions. Some questions may look like others, but each one is different. Please take the time to read and answer each question carefully by putting a tick in the box that best represents how you feel. How to answer the questions Do not answer this question, which is only an example. For each question you will be asked to tick one of the boxes on the line. For instance: How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Strongly agree a) I enjoy listening to music Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree U b) I enjoy reading magazines U In this case the person filling in the questionnaire agrees that they enjoy listening to music but YOUR HEALTH IN GENERAL 1. In general, would you say your health is: Excellent 2. Very good Good Fair Poor Compared to one year ago, how would you rate your health in general now? Much better now than one year ago Somewhat better now than one year ago About the same as one year ago 3 Somewhat worse now than one year ago Much worse now than one year ago 3. The following items are about activities you might do during a typical day. Does your health now limit you in these activities? If so, how much? Yes, limited a lot Yes, limited a little No, not limited at all a) Vigorous activities, such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports b) Moderate activities, such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling, or playing golf c) Lifting or carrying groceries d) Climbing several flights of stairs e) Climbing one flight of stairs f) Bending , Kneeling, or stooping g) Walking more than a mile h) Walking several hundred yards i) Walking one hundred yards j) Walking in the house k) Sitting or lying still l) Bathing or dressing yourself 4. During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of your physical health? Yes No a) Cut down on the amount of time you spent on work or other activities b) Accomplished less than you would like c) Were limited in the kind of work or other activities d) Had difficulty performing the work or other activities (for example, it took extra time) 5. During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of any emotional problems (such as feeling depressed or anxious)? Yes No a) Cut down on the amount of time you spent on work or other activities b) Accomplished less than you would like c) Didn’t do work or other activities as carefully as usual 6. During the past 4 weeks, to what extent have your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your normal social activities with family, friends, neighbours, or groups? Not at all Slightly Moderately 4 Quite a bit Extremely 7. How much bodily pain have you had during the past 4 weeks? None 8. Very mild Moderate Severe Very severe During the past 4 weeks, how much did pain interfere with your normal work (including both work outside the home and housework)? Not at all 9. Mild A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely These questions are about how you feel and how things have been with you during the past 4 weeks. For each question, please give the one answer that comes to closest to the way you have been feeling. How much of the time during the past 4 weeks: All of the time Most of the time A good bit of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time a) did you feel full of life? b) have you been very nervous? c) have you felt so down in the dumps nothing could cheer you up? d) have you felt calm and peaceful? e) did you have a lot of energy? f) have you felt downhearted and depressed? g) did you feel worn out? h) have you been happy? i) did you feel tired? 10. During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time have your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your social activities (like visiting friends, relatives, etc.)? All of the time 11. Most of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time How TRUE or FALSE is each of the following statements for you? Definitely true a) I seem to get sick a little easier than other people b) I am as healthy as anybody I know c) I expect my health to get worse d) My health is excellent 5 Mostly true Don’t know Mostly false Definitely false Respiratory Symptom Questionnaire Some people with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) have troubles with their breathing. This questionnaire is designed to help us understand whether you have any such problems. If you do not have any problems with your breathing then just indicate that in your answers. 12. Please describe how often breathing or respiratory problems or other problems associated with PCD have affected you over the last four weeks. Almost everyday Several days a week A few days a month One day or so Not at all a. I have coughed ... b. I have brought up phlegm (sputum) ... c. I have had shortness of breath ... d. I have had episodes of wheezing ... e. I have had headaches... f. I have had indigestion or heart-burn (reflux) ... g. I have had a runny nose and nasal congestion ... h. I have had a sore throat i. I have had pain over my sinuses ... j. I have had a fever ... k. I have had earache or hearing problems ... 13. During the last 4 weeks, how many severe or very unpleasant episodes of breathing or respiratory problems have you had? No episodes 14. 1 episode More than 3 episodes 3 or more days 1 or 2 days Less than a day Over the last 4 weeks, in an average week, how many good days (with few breathing or respiratory problems ) have you had? Every day 16. 3 episodes How long did the worst episode of breathing or respiratory problems last? Go to the next question if you didn't have a severe episode. A week or more 15. 2 episodes Nearly every day 3 or 4 1 or 2 None How would you describe your breathing or respiratory problems ? Please fill in one circle only. Causes me no problem Causes me a few problems Causes me a lot of problems 6 The most important problem I have 17. These are more questions about cough and shortness of breath. True False Not applicable Coughing hurts Coughing makes me tired I am short of breath when I talk I am short of breath when I bend over My coughing or breathing disturbs my sleep I become exhausted easily 18. These are questions about other effects that breathing or respiratory problems may have. If you do not have a particular problem then please tick ‘Not applicable’. Definitely Agree Disagree Definitely Not agree somewhat somewhat disagree applicable My coughing or breathing is embarrassing in public My lung/respiratory problem is a nuisance to my family, friends, or neighbours I panic or get afraid when I cannot catch my breath I feel that I am not in control of my breathing or respiratory problems I do not expect my breathing or respiratory problems to get any better I have become frail or an invalid because of my breathing or respiratory problems Exercise is not safe for me Everything seems too much of an effort I have sometimes felt I had to hide from other people the fact that I had PCD I have sometimes felt embarrassed in public because of having PCD I have sometimes avoided situations where people might find out that I had PCD I have sometimes felt worried about other people’s reaction to PCD 7 19. Are you using any of the following treatments to help with the symptoms of PCD? At present In the past Never used Regular antibiotics Bronchodilators (inhaler or tablets) Mucolytics to thin the sputum Physiotherapy Breathing exercises and techniques Expectorants Antacids or other drugs for heartburn or reflux 20. If you are receiving any treatment or medication for breathing or respiratory problems, please answer the following questions. If you are not receiving medication, please tick ‘not applicable’. True False Not applicable My treatment does not help me very much I get embarrassed using my treatment in public I have unpleasant side effects from my treatment My treatment interferes with my life a lot 21. These are questions about how your activities might be affected by breathing or respiratory problems. Answer True if the statement applies to you because of your breathing problem, and otherwise answer False True I take a long time to get washed or dressed I cannot take a bath or shower, or I take a long time to do it I walk slower than other people my age, or I stop to rest Jobs such as household chores take a long time, or I have to stop to rest If I walk up one flight of stairs, I have to go slowly or stop If I hurry or walk fast, I have to stop or slow down My breathing problem makes it difficult to do things such as walking up hills, carrying things up stairs, dancing, gardening, or playing light sports My breathing problems make it difficult to do things such as carrying heavy loads, digging in the garden or shovelling snow, jogging or walking briskly, playing tennis, or swimming My breathing problems make it difficult to do things such as heavy manual labour, riding a bike, running, swimming fast, or playing competitive sports such as football or netball 8 False Not applicable 22. How does PCD affect your daily life? True False Not applicable I cannot play sports or active games I cannot go out for entertainment or recreation I cannot go out of the house to go shopping I cannot do household chores I cannot move far from my bed or chair I sometimes feel it makes people reject me Sometimes it makes it more difficult for me to make friends It is sometimes difficult telling people about my condition Sometimes I prefer not to let other people know that I have PCD Sometimes it is difficult having a rare and unusual condition 23. Overall, how would you describe the effect of PCD on you? Causes me no problems 24. Causes me minimal problems Causes me a few problems Causes me a lot of problems The most important problem I have Please indicate how overall you think that PCD affects you by ticking one of the boxes. It does not stop me from doing anything I would like to do It stops me from doing one or two things I would like to do It stops me from doing most of the things I would like to do It stops me from doing everything I would like to do Smoking 25. Do you smoke? Yes / Not now, but in the past / Never If Yes, i. How many cigarettes do you smoke? __________________ per day ii. Do you smoke a pipe or cigars? No / Yes iii. How old were you when you started smoking? ______________ If Yes, How much? _____________ If Not now, but in the past iv. How old were you when you started smoking? ______________ v. How long ago did you give up? _______ years ________ months vi. How many cigarettes did you used to smoke? __________ per day 9 Laterality questionnaire 26. Which hand would you use: Always Usually use right use right Slightly prefer right Slightly prefer Usually left use left Always use left i. To hold a pen while writing a letter? ii. To throw a ball at a target? iii. To hold a pencil while drawing a picture? iv. To hold a dish while drying it? v. To turn the winder on a clock? vi. To hold a jar while unscrewing its lid? vii. To hold a thread while guiding it through the eye of a needle? viii. To hold a knife when eating with a knife and fork? ix. To hold a potato while peeling it? x. At the top of a broom when sweeping the floor? xi. To pick up a glass of water? 27. Below are pictures of a range of tasks. Indicate the usual way in which you would carry out each one by ticking one of the six boxes for each task. Open can with right hand Always do this Usually do this Open can with left hand Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Left hand raised to mouth Always do this Usually do this Right hand raised to mouth Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Chin in right palm Always do this Usually do this Always do this Always do this Chin in left palm Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this 10 Always do this Right hand to forehead Always do this Usually do this Left hand to forehead Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Baby held on right side Always do this Usually do this Baby held on left side Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Counting fingers on right hand Always do this Usually do this Usually do this Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Usually do this Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Usually do this Always do this Right hand shielding eyes Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Always do this Left foot forward, right hand shielding eyes Right foot forward, left hand shielding eyes Always do this Always do this Left leg forward, pick up with right hand Left hand shielding eyes Always do this Always do this Counting fingers on left hand Right leg forward, pick up with left hand Always do this Always do this Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this 11 Always do this Bag held over right shoulder Bag held over left shoulder Always do this Usually do this Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Hands clasped, left thumb on top Always do this Usually do this Hands clasped, right thumb on top Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Usually do this Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Ankles crossed, right foot in front Always do this Usually do this Usually do this Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Usually do this Always do this Arms folded, right forearmon top Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this Hands folded, right hand upper Always do this Always do this Ankles crossed, left foot in front Arms folded, left forearmon top Always do this Always do this Legs crossed, left leg in front Legs crossed, right leg in front Always do this Always do this Always do this Hands folded, left hand upper Slightly Slightly Usually prefer this prefer this do this 12 Always do this Mobile in left hand Always do this 28. Usually do this Mobile in right hand Slightly Usually Slightly prefer this prefer this do this Always do this To which ear would you hold a mobile phone while writing? Circle one of these pictures. . 29. Please indicate which foot, eye or hand you would use for each of these tasks. Always Usually use right use right Slightly prefer right Slightly prefer Usually left use left Always use left Which foot would you use to kick a ball at a goal? With which eye would you look through a keyhole? With which hand do you operate a computer mouse? On which wrist do you wear your watch? 30. Which diagram best shows the position of your hand when writing? 31. Has injury, damage or disease ever prevented you using your dominant hand? No / Yes If Yes: How old were you? _______ years Which hand/arm was injured or damaged? Right / Left Was the effect temporary or permanent? Temporary / Permanent If Temporary, how long? _________ Please describe the problem briefly: _________________________________________________ 32. Has any person ever tried to change your handedness? No / Yes If Yes: Was it? From using the right hand to using the left hand / From using the left hand to using the right hand. How old were you when the attempt was made? _______ years Who was the person who tried to change your handedness? _____________________ How successful was the attempt? Very successful / Moderately / Not very / Not at all successful 13 33. Please tell us whether the following relations are (or were) right- or left-handed? Righthanded Lefthanded Not sure Mother Father Mother’s mother (maternal grandmother) Mother’s father (maternal grandfather) Father’s mother (paternal grandmother) Father’s father (paternal grandfather) 34. How many brothers do you have who are: Right-handed 35. Left-handed Not sure of their handedness How many sons do you have who are: Right-handed 37. Not sure of their handedness How many sisters do you have who are: Right-handed 36. Left-handed Left-handed Not sure of their handedness How many daughters do you have who are: Right-handed Left-handed Not sure of their handedness Please turn to the next page 14 A few questions about yourself These last few questions are to help us understand a little more about you and your personality. There are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions, so please just answer them as seems most appropriate. 38. Below is a list of words which may describe how you see yourself or how others see you. – Underline a word if it describes you particularly well – like this – Cross out a word if it describes you particularly badly – like this – If it neither describes you well nor badly, just leave it – like this active adaptable artistic calm careless cheerful conscientious considerate contented co-operative creative curious domineering energetic happy intelligent kind knowledgeable lazy moody neat nervous organised contented quiet reserved sensitive shy spiteful stable superficial suspicious 39. scatterbrained self-centred talkative thoughtful touchy unimaginative unreliable unsophisticated Do you agree with the way these statements describe you as a person? Strongly Disagree I try to be courteous to everyone I meet I'm pretty good about pacing myself so as to get things done on time When I'm under a great deal of stress, sometimes I feel like I'm going to pieces I am intrigued by the patterns I find in art and nature I really enjoy talking to people I often feel tense and jittery I like to be where the action is I often feel as if I'm bursting with energy I often get angry at the way people treat me Some people think of me as cold and calculating I have little interest in speculating on the nature of the universe or the human condition I generally try to be thoughtful and considerate I never seem to be able to get organised I often enjoy playing with theories or abstract ideas I strive for excellence in everything I do 15 Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 40. Please say how have you been feeling in general over the past four weeks, by ringing one of the answers. Have you recently: : Been able to concentrate on whatever you're doing? Lost much sleep over worry? Better than usual Not at all Same as usual Less than usual Much less than usual No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual Felt that you were playing a useful part in things? More so than usual Same as usual Less useful than usual Much less useful Felt capable of making decisions about things? More so than usual Same as usual Less so than usual Much less capable Felt constantly under strain? Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual Felt that you couldn't overcome your difficulties? Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual Been able to enjoy your normal day-to-day activities? More so than usual Same as usual Less so than usual Much less than usual Been able to face up to your problems? More so than usual Same as usual Less able than usual Much less able Been feeling unhappy and depressed? Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual Been losing confidence in yourself? Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual Been thinking of yourself as a worthless person? Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual Been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered? More so than usual About same as usual Less so than usual Much less than usual Consent and contact information In this questionnaire you have provided us with important and sensitive information about yourself and your condition. In order that we can use that information for medical research we need your signed consent. Please read the statement below and sign it: Consent: I understand that the information I have provided in this questionnaire is strictly for the purposes of medical research, that it will be kept entirely confidential, and that the information will only be available to other individuals directly involved in the research itself. Any information which is published will only be in an anonymised or aggregated form, in which individuals cannot be identified. I hereby give my consent to such use of this information. Full name ___________________ Signature ______________________ Date_________________ Contact information This questionnaire has sent to you via the Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Family Support Group. If in the future you are willing for the researchers to contact you directly, then please complete the section below. Address: ___________________________________________________ Post code _______________ Telephone number ______________________ E-mail address ________________________________ Many thanks for your help with this research study 16