Mineralogical Magazine, October 2005, Vol. 69(5), pp. 695±706 Mineralogical controls on storage of As, Cu, Pb and Zn at the abandoned Mathiatis massive sulphide mine, Cyprus K. A. HUDSON-EDWARDS1,* AND S. J. EDWARDS2 1 Research School of Earth Sciences at UCl-Birkbeck, Birkbeck, University of London, London WC1E 7HX, UK 2 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Greenwich at Medway, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, UK ABS TR AC T The Mathiatis massive sulphide deposit in Cyprus was a low-grade (0.3% Cu), three million ton ore body of pyrite and minor chalcopyrite occurring within basaltic lavas of the Troodos ophiolite. Cessation of mining in 1987 left a deep open pit surrounded by large heaps of spoil, which are undergoing oxidation and leaching. The aim of this study was to determine the mineralogical controls on the storage and potential remobilization of As, Cu, Pb and Zn within, and from, mine spoil heaps. Most of the spoil samples collected, and related materials (stream sediment, reaction zone between a boulder of massive pyrite and calcareous chert, salt crusts on stream beds), are enriched in As (27ÿ220 ppm), Cu (110ÿ400 ppm), Pb (10ÿ140 ppm) and Zn (290ÿ12,000 ppm) relative to both the basalt and calcareous chert (As 4ÿ10 ppm, Cu 20ÿ76 ppm, Pb 3ÿ6 ppm, Zn 39ÿ200 ppm). Arsenic, Cu, Pb and Zn in the spoil and related materials are associated with Fe(-Al-S)-O, Fe(-AlMg)-S-O, Al(-Mg-Fe)-S-O and Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O phases (the brackets represent minor components of less than 20 wt.% within the phases). Chemical extraction work using CaCl2 suggests that Cu, Zn and to some extent, As, are potentially more soluble than Pb. This is corroborated by the very high total concentrations of Cu and Zn in both the secondary salt crusts and the reaction zone material, high CaCl2-extractable As, Cu and Zn in the salt crusts, and aqueous data for the Mathiatis mine area collected for a European Union LIFE report. This may have implications for ecosystem health and water quality in the Mathiatis area and areas of similar mineralogy and climate world wide. K EY WORDS : mine spoil, arsenic, copper, lead, zinc, Mathiatis, Cyprus, sulphate. Introduction MINE spoil is a rich source of potentially toxic metallic and metalloid elements to the Earth's surface environment. In the EU alone there are 400 million tonnes from extractive industries, a large proportion of which is mine waste (including quarrying) (http://www.minesandcommunities.org/Action/press456.htm; accessed 1 January 2005). In many areas, the spoil is uncontrolled and left to weather, causing a potential threat to water and soil systems, and to their indigenous organisms. It is important to * E-mail: k.hudson-edwards@geology.bbk.ac.uk DOI: 10.1180/0026461056950281 # 2005 The Mineralogical Society understand the mineralogical controls on metallic and metalloid elements in these systems, since they will determine the degree to which these elements will be redistributed should environmental conditions change. Cyprus, in the eastern Mediterranean, hosted numerous, relatively small, massive sulphide mines that were exploited in historical times, and that are now characterized by large piles of mine spoil, acidic pit waters and metal-rich sediments (Edwards ., 1996). Of these, the Mathiatis mine provides a good case study area to examine the mineralogical controls on metallic and metalloid element mobility, since it hosts large mine spoil piles and carbonate-bearing rocks, which may promote acid-neutralizing et al K. A. HUDSON-EDWARDS AND S. J. EDWARDS reactions. This paper, therefore, aims to characterize the mineralogical hosts of As, Cu, Pb and Zn at the Mathiatis mine in Cyprus, and their processes of formation and long-term stability. Methods and materials Geology and mining history of the Mathiatis massive sulphide deposit, Cyprus Mathiatis mine (33ë21 E, 34ë58 30 N) lies in the eastern part of the Troodos ophiolite, in the volcanic sequence, between the villages of Agia Varvara and Mathiatis. The Mathiatis deposit was a typical example of a Cyprus-type Cu-bearing massive sulphide ore body (Constantinou, 1980). It consisted of a lower mineralized stockwork zone and an overlying lens of massive sulphide capped by ochre. This mineralized sequence consisted of mainly pyrite and marcasite with minor chalcopyrite and was overlain, in turn, by unmineralized lavas, umbers, calcareous cherts and chalks. The Mathiatis deposit is one of the 30 or so sulphide deposits in the Troodos ophiolite that have been mined over the past 5000 years. Ancient slags occurring in the area surrounding Mathiatis attest to small-scale mining and smelting operations that date back to at least Roman times. Although the modern mine at Mathiatis opened during the 1930s, large scale extraction did not commence until 1965, and this was completed in the mid-1980s. Over this period, approximately three million tonnes of low grade (averaging 0.3 per cent Cu) copper ore were removed. The abandonment of Mathiatis mine in the mid-1980s left a deep pit, now hosting a lake fed by surface runoff, surrounded by piles of mineralized and unmineralized spoil. The spoil is estimated to be of the order of 10.5 million tonnes (Charalambides ., 1998) and comprises sediment ranging in size from ®ne clay- and silt-sized particles to boulders exceeding 1 m in diameter. The waste was dumped to form ¯at-topped piles with steepsided slopes, some of which have failed. Precipitation ponds on the ¯at surfaces and drains through the piles or washes down the slopes, causing gullying and transporting mainly clay-, silt- and sand-sized particles onto adjacent farmland and into stream beds. Sulphidic waste, particularly that containing pyrite, is quite obviously oxidizing and giving rise to sulphurous gases and a plethora of colourful secondary minerals, which appear to be responsible for cementing the waste sediment in the spoil piles. ' ' et '' al 696 Sampling took place in September 1999. Sampling efforts were concentrated on the SE side of the Mathiatis area because all of the mine spoil tips and rock types were present and exposed there (Fig. 1). Solid materials collected included mine-spoil tip material, sediment from dry stream beds, salt crusts on the surfaces of stream beds and a reaction zone between massive pyritic ore and calcareous chert. To establish background values of As, Cu, Pb and Zn in the area, samples of weathered calcareous chert and basalt bedrock were also taken. All samples were collected using a stainless steel trowel. In the laboratory, the samples were homogenized, and a portion was air-dried, disaggregated and sieved to pass through a 2 mm aperture. A sub-sample of the air-dried material was then ground in an agate tema for 4 min. The samples were digested in an HF-HClO4-HNO3 mixture and analysed by ICP-MS (VG Elemental Plasma Quad II+) for As, Cu, Pb and Zn. Analytical precision was determined by inserting blind duplicates to ~10% of the total number of samples analysed. Precisions (2 ) were within 5% for Zn, and 12% for As, Cu and Pb. Analytical trueness was determined using the reference sediment standard GBW07311 (Of®ce of Reference Materials, Laboratory of the Government Chemist, UK). Estimates of trueness, based on four replicates of this standard material, were within 3% for Zn, 14% for Cu and As and 12% for Pb, and are regarded as acceptable for the purposes of the study. Total sulphur was determined by dry combustion using a LECO instrument. Precision and trueness were within 10%. Single batch chemical extractions have been employed successfully to estimate the solubility and potential environmental impacts of metallic and metalloid elements in soils and sediments (Vidal ., 1999). For this study, a single chemical extraction using 0.01 M CaCl2, to represent the fraction that is easily remobilized after rainfall (cf. Pickering, 1986), was applied to the samples. 1 g of sample was shaken at 20 rev/ min in 10 ml of 0.01 M CaCl 2 for 2 h (Novozamsky ., 1993). The extractions were performed in acid-washed, 25 ml erlenmeyer ¯asks. After shaking, the solutions were ®ltered using Whatman no. 42 ®lter papers, made up to 50 ml volume and stored in polypropylene bottles until analysis. For every eight samples, a s et al et al MINERALOGICAL CONTROLS ON METAL STORAGE, CYPRUS FIG. 1. Location of the abandoned Mathiatis mine, Cyprus, and of samples taken for this study. duplicate sample and a blank were also extracted. Two drops of 50% HNO3 (Aristar) were added to prevent ¯occulation and sorption of metals onto the bottle walls. Analyses for Cu, Pb and Zn were carried out by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES, Phillips instrument) and for As using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Unicam Soker system). Precisions were better than 10%, except for samples exhibiting very low concentrations (<0.1 ppm). Polished thin sections were made of all samples, examined using a petrological microscope, and relative proportions of major minerals 697 estimated. All samples were analysed by X-ray diffraction (Philips PW1710 instrument ®tted with a graphite monochromator, with Cu-K radiation at 40 kV/30 Ma operating conditions) for their mineralogical compositions. The 2 range was 2ÿ60ë, step size 0.020ë and step time 1.25 s. The relative proportions of the minerals identi®ed were estimated using peak height, after calibrating to an aluminium standard. Elemental analysis and X-ray element mapping for Fe, S, O, As, Al, Zn, Cu and Mg were performed on a CAMECA SC100 electron microprobe, with operating conditions of 20 kV accelerating voltage and 10 nA incident specimen current. a y K. A. HUDSON-EDWARDS AND S. J. EDWARDS Results Mineralogy of mine spoil and related products X-ray diffraction (XRD) and petrological microscope analysis reveals that the basalt samples consist of albite, anorthite, augite, chlorite, diopside, kaolinite and quartz, with minor calcite occurring mainly in amygdales, and the calcareous chert samples comprise calcite, kaolinite, muscovite and quartz. The same analytical techniques show that the mine spoil and stream sediment samples contain the minerals found in the basalt and calcareous chert, re¯ecting the fact that they contain fragments of these two rock types. In addition, they contain up to 25 vol.% each of goethite, gypsum, hematite, jarosite, kierserite, melanterite, illite, natrojarosite, pyrite, quartz and vermiculite and in one stream sediment sample, minor (<5 vol.%) ferrohexahydrite (detected only by XRD). Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) and X-ray mapping suggest that the mine spoil and stream sediments also contain Al(-Mg-Fe)-S-O and Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O phases (that are probably X-ray amorphous), and petrographic analysis of the areas analysed suggests that these are relatively rare TABLE 1. Total As, Cu, Pb, Zn and S concentrations of mine spoil, stream sediment, salt crusts, reaction zone, basalt and calcareous chert. Sample Description (ppm) As (ppm) Mine spoil MAT8 Basaltic spoil 10 MAT9 Basaltic spoil 27 MAT10 Basaltic spoil 63 MAT15 Basaltic spoil 76 MAT22 Massive pyrite 220 Stream sediment MAT17 30 MAT19 53 MAT20 49 MAT14 64 MAT13 50 MAT12 71 MAT11 120 MAT6 110 MAT5 130 MAT4 27 MAT3 43 MAT2 41 MAT1 45 Salt crusts on stream bed MAT24 38 MAT25 41 Contact zone between MAT22 and MAT23 MAT21 46 Basalt MAT7 9 MAT26 4 MAT27 5 Calcareous chert MAT16 8 MAT18 10 MAT23 10 698 Cu (ppm) Pb (ppm) Zn (%) S (%) 75 190 160 240 110 3 19 50 41 150 220 440 410 290 500 0.41 0.03 5.19 7.57 17.8 180 170 320 280 300 250 310 200 210 150 190 170 170 21 13 22 32 21 59 68 78 140 27 100 58 85 350 800 340 570 840 630 660 440 670 570 590 480 530 1.12 3.78 6.46 5.37 6.24 7.30 4.90 5.70 5.66 2.54 3.03 4.18 4.46 280 350 20 10 1300 1300 8.21 9.13 400 4 12000 9.37 76 56 63 6 5 6 200 160 180 0.01 0.02 0.04 22 20 48 3 5 5 51 39 81 0.01 0.01 0.09 MINERALOGICAL CONTROLS ON METAL STORAGE, CYPRUS (<5 vol.%). On the mine spoil tips, swallow-tail crystals of secondary selenite line many of the deep gully cracks. The reaction zone (sample MAT 21) consists of gypsum, quartz and hydronium jarosite (detected by XRD), as well as an amorphous Fe(-Al-S)-O oxide phase (suggested by EMPA and X-ray mapping; the brackets around the elements here and below represent minor components of <20 wt.% within the phases). The XRD and petrographic microscope analysis suggest that the calcareous chert comprises calcite, kaolinite and quartz, and the pyrite boulder, abundant pyrite and quartz, and minor (<5 vol.%) hydronium jarosite, gypsum and sphalerite. The XRD analysis of the secondary salt crusts show that they contain hematite and a wide range of hydrous Fe sulphates including copiapite, melanterite, natrojarosite and rozenite, as well as other minerals including gypsum, paragonite and minor (<5 vol.%) quartz. Petrographic, EMPA and X-ray mapping suggest that X-ray amorphous Al(-Mg-Fe)-S-O and Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O phases are also present in abundances of <25 vol.%. Total and CaCl2-extractable concentrations of As, Cu, Pb, Zn and S All but one of the mine spoil samples (MAT8), stream sediments, salt crusts and reaction zone materials are enriched in As, Cu, Pb and Zn by two to 200 times relative to both the basalt and calcareous chert (Table 1). The mine-spoil and mine-spoil reaction products also contain some S (Table 1). The reaction zone sample (MAT21) exhibits the highest concentrations of Cu and Zn of all the samples, intermediate concentrations of As and low concentrations of Pb, whereas the secondary salt crusts exhibit the second-highest concentrations of Zn of all the sample media, intermediate concentrations of As and Cu, and low concentrations of Pb. Copper and Zn are the most easily extracted using CaCl2, followed by As and Pb (Fig. 2). The salt crusts exhibit the highest concentrations of CaCl2-extractable As, Cu and Zn of all of the sample types (both in terms of absolute concentrations and percentages of total concentrations), and the basalt and chert, the lowest. Between 60 and 83% of the total Zn, As FIG. 2. Absolute concentrations (in ppm) and percentages of total concentrations for 0.01 M CaCl2 extractions of mine spoil, reaction zone, salt crust, stream sediment, basalt and chert samples at Mathiatis. 699 K. A. HUDSON-EDWARDS AND S. J. EDWARDS and Cu in the two Mathiatis salt crust samples are CaCl2-soluble, suggesting that these elements will be easily mobilized after rainfall. This is likely to occur frequently: secondary salts at the nearby Sia Mine in Cyprus have been observed by Wong and Malpas (2000) to readily dissolve in the run-off resulting from the ®rst precipitation following a dry period, especially during the winter months from November to February. Between 10 and 100 ppm Cu and Zn will be mobilized from mine spoil and stream sediment materials, and <1 ppm Zn from the basalt and chert, following rainfall (Fig. 2). These values represent <10% of the total amount of Cu and Zn present in these materials. Stream sediment samples MAT12 and MAT14 exhibit the highest concentrations of CaCl2-soluble As, Cu and Zn of all the stream sediments. MAT14 was sampled downstream of the spoil heap represented by sample MAT15, which also has elevated CaCl2soluble As (1.2 ppm), Cu (20 ppm) and Zn (46 ppm): it is therefore possible that the dissolution of soluble As, Cu and Zn from the MAT 15 spoil heap may have contributed to the total As, Cu and Zn in MAT14. MAT12 was sampled downstream of the contact between the mine spoil and calcareous chert; its elevated CaCl2-soluble As (2.4 ppm), Cu (70 ppm) and Zn (260 ppm) may be a product of reactions between these two materials. Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O phases (Fig. 3). The Fe(-Al-S)-O, Al(-Mg-Fe)-S-O and Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O phases have been reported in the section on the `mineralogy of mine spoil and related products' above, and it is likely that the Fe(-Al-Mg)-S-O phases represent the jarosite, natrojarosite, hydronium jarosite, ferrohexahydrite, copiapite, melanterite and rozenite also reported in that section and detected by XRD. Similarly, the Fe(-Al-S)-O phases probably include the XRD-detected goethite and hematite, and the X-ray amorphous phase in MAT 21 described in the section on the `mineralogy of mine spoil and related products' above. These associations suggest that there may be a large degree of substitution or sorption of Fe, Al and Mg on the oxide and sulphate phases, or sulphate mineral solid solution series involving these three elements. This has been discussed in the literature: melanterite, for example, has been shown to contain up to 2 mol.% Mg (Alpers ., 1994), melanterite, rozenite and copiapite, several mol.% of Mg (Jerz and Rimstidt, 2003) and Mg sulphate salts such as epsomite, some Fe (Palache ., 1951). Arsenic is mainly associated with Fe(-Al-Mg)S-O phases, and particularly, with Fe(-Al-S)-O phases (Fig. 3). The association of As with Fe oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxysulphates is welldocumented in mining areas affected by sulphide oxidation (e.g. Foster ., 1998; HudsonEdwards ., 1999; Savage ., 2000; Courtin-Nomade ., 2003). In the salt crusts and to a lesser extent, the mine spoil and stream sediments, Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O phases also contain As (Fig. 4 ); this association, by contrast, has been poorly documented. The Al(-Mg-Fe)-S-O phases contain little As. Copper and Zn show similar associations in both the X-ray maps and the microprobe analysis (Figs 3, 4 ). These elements are mainly associated with Fe(-Al-S)-O and Fe(-Al-Mg)-S-O phases (Fig. 4 ), and occur to a lesser extent in the Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O and Al(-Mg-Fe)-S-O phases. All of these Cu- and Zn-bearing phases are intimately intergrown and interbanded with gypsum. Substitution of Cu and Zn in Fe and Mg sulphate minerals has been clearly demonstrated by Jambor . (2000). Where Pb was detected, it was associated with Fe(-Al-Mg)-S-O and Fe(-Al-S)-O phases (Fig. 3). The association of Pb with Fe oxyhydroxysulphate minerals such as jarosite, plumbojarosite or beudantite is well known (Hudson-Edwards ., 1999; Dutrizac and Jambor, 2000). et al et al et et al al et al et al Discussion Mineralogical controls on storage of As-, Cu-, Pb- and Znbearing mine spoil and reaction products T-tests reveal that there are no signi®cant differences between total As, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations for the mine spoil and stream sediment samples (Table 1). This may re¯ect the fact that the streams are directly supplied by runoff from the mine spoil tips, and that the As, Cu, Pb and Zn could, therefore, be related to detrital phases that are eroded from the mine spoil tips. In the reaction zone, however, Cu and Zn concentrations exceed those of its parent materials MAT22 and MAT23, and the chemical reactions that produced it may result in a net accumulation of these elements in the zone, and a net depletion from the pyrite and the chert, as well as additions from rain and groundwater. Electron microprobe analysis shows that As, Cu, Pb and Zn in the mine spoil and reaction products are associated with pyrite and with Fe(-Al-S)-O, Fe(-Al-Mg)-S-O, Al(-Mg-Fe)-S-O and 700 a b b et al et al MINERALOGICAL CONTROLS ON METAL STORAGE, CYPRUS FIG. 3. EMPA data plots for As, Cu, Pb and Zn. The Fe-S-O phases include the Fe(-Al-S)-O and the Fe(-Al-Mg)-S-O phases. Samples that plot near zero have below-detection limit concentrations of As, Cu, Pb and Zn. Formation of As, Cu, Pb and Zn-bearing secondary phases at Mathiatis The oxidation of pyrite and other sulphide minerals in abandoned massive sulphide mines results in the formation of acid waters that carry considerable quantities of metallic and metalloid ions (Nordstrom, 1982; FoÈrstner and Wittman, 1981; Boult ., 1994; Hudson-Edwards ., 1999). These acid waters are often attenuated naturally either by chemical reactions with host rocks offering a high degree of buffering capacity (such as limestones), or where the drainage mixes with surrounding waters (Chapman ., 1983). These processes result in increases in aqueous pH, effectively neutralizing the acidity, which in turn cause precipitation of secondary phases such as Fe oxides, hydroxides, oxyhydroxides and/or hydroxysulphates that co-precipitate or sorb metallic and metalloid elements (Langmuir and Whittemore, 1971; Nordstrom, 1982; Chapman ., 1983; Johnson, 1986; Hochella ., 1999). At Mathiatis, these phases, and remobilized mine spoil, form a considerable proportion of the sediment found in streams draining the mine. et al et al et al et al et al 701 In the Mathiatis area, reactions between the pyritic (and other sulphide mineral) mine spoil, surrounding calcareous chert and basalt have resulted in the formation of metallic and metalloid element-bearing, secondary Fe oxides and oxyhydroxides (hematite, goethite, amorphous Fe oxyhydroxide; the Fe(-Al-S)-O phases) and oxyhydroxysulphates (jarosite, natrojarosite, soluble sulphates such as copiapite; the Fe(-AlMg)-S-O phases), as seen in other mining areas, as well as Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O and Al(-Mg-Fe)-S-O phases. The Mg sulphate phase may be kieserite (detected by XRD), and the Al sulphate, basaluminite, a phase common in acid-mine drainage areas, forming at pH values of 5 or above (Nordstrom ., 1984; Nordstrom and Alpers, 1999), or a soluble Al sulphate salt such as alunogen or meta-alunogen (Jambor ., 2000). The Mg and Al could come from the weathering of the silicate minerals found in the abundant basalt in the area (cf. Jambor, 2000). Secondary salt crusts such as those at Mathiatis have been observed in many other mine drainage systems (e.g. Nordstrom, 1982; Alpers ., 1994; Bayless and Olyphant, 1993; Hudsonet al et al et al K. A. HUDSON-EDWARDS AND S. J. EDWARDS FIG. 4. X-ray colour maps: ( ) MAT 25 showing association of As with an Mg-Al-S-O-bearing phase; ( ) MAT14 showing an association of Cu and Zn with Fe-Al-Mg-O-bearing phases. a above b facing page Edwards ., 1999; Buckby ., 2003). They are thought to form by the evaporation of acidic et al et al 702 drainage waters, precipitation of upward-moving pore water by capillary action (i.e. ef¯orescent MINERALOGICAL CONTROLS ON METAL STORAGE, CYPRUS salts) or through the oxidation of pyrite under humid conditions (Alpers ., 1994; Wong and Malpas, 2000). The ®rst two processes appear to et al 703 be occurring at Mathiatis, as no pyrite was found in the stream bed. Pyrite does, however, occur in the abandoned Mathiatis pit and in other pyritic K. A. HUDSON-EDWARDS AND S. J. EDWARDS At Mathiatis, the high concentrations of CaCl2soluble As, Cu and Zn in the salt crusts suggest that, after dissolution of these phases, these elements will be released to local waters. The greater solubility of Cu and Zn relative to Pb and, in some cases, As, in these crusts and some of the stream sediment and mine waste samples, has been demonstrated for other areas affected by acid mine drainage (e.g. tailings leachates, Sweden, Lin, 1997; alluvium, RõÂo Tinto, Spain, HudsonEdwards ., 1999). The different af®nities that secondary phases have for Cu and Zn relative to As and Pb may play a large role in this greater solubility. The sorption of As and Pb onto Febearing precipitates in acid mine drainage areas, for example, is thought to occur at pH 4.5ÿ5, whereas sorption of Cu and Zn occurs at more neutral pH (Smith, 1999). Thus, as long as the pH remains below 4.5ÿ5, Cu and Zn are likely to be more soluble. The solubility of the sorbing minerals also plays a large role: Lin (1997) suggested that the relative immobility of As and Pb were due to sorption on insoluble Fe oxyhydroxides (such as goethite) and hydrocerussite, respectively, whereas the mobility of Cu and Zn were due to their incorporation in soluble Fe sulphate salts. Some or all of these factors may be responsible for the differing solubilities seen at Mathiatis. waste on the northern side of the area, and salt crusts can be frequently observed coating these sulphides. The salt crusts pose a potential threat to mining ecosystems because their stored acidity and metallic and metalloid elements (see below) can be released to mining ecosystems when the minerals are dissolved by recharge or runoff, and when the Fe or Al undergoes hydrolysis (Alpers ., 1994; Jerz and Rimstidt, 2003), and because their released ferric ion can oxidize pyrite and result in further acid discharge (Cravotta, 1994). et al et al Long-term storage of As, Cu, Pb and Zn at Mathiatis and other similar mining areas The small amounts of soluble As, Cu, Pb and Zn in all of the sample media except the salt crusts at Mathiatis suggest that these elements are not likely to be dissolved during rainfall at neutral pH. The Mathiatis Fe(-Al-S)-O and Fe(-Al-Mg)S-O phases, which host considerable amounts of As, Cu, Zn and, to a lesser extent, Pb, are likely to be relatively insoluble under near-surface oxidizing conditions, but may dissolve in the longer-term due to reduction after burial and early diagenesis. Many Al sulphates that form in acid mine drainage environments (and are inferred to form at Mathiatis) also have low solubility (Bigham and Nordstrom, 2000). The incorporation of Cu and Zn in products such as the reaction zone sample (MAT21, Table 1), and, in turn, their relatively small amounts of CaCl2-soluble Cu and Zn (Fig. 2), suggests that much of the Cu and Zn will be stored for a potentially long period. Relatively small amounts of CaCl2-soluble As and Pb in all materials except the salt crusts also implies that these elements may also undergo long-term storage in the solid media. These assertions are supported by data from a recent European Union LIFE report (Charalambides ., 1998), in which most of the water samples taken from open wells, boreholes, springs and streams in the Mathiatis area exhibit relatively small dissolved concentrations of As and Cu (generally <10 ppb), Pb (<0.5 ppb) and Zn (<100 ppb). By contrast, water samples from the mine pit show elevated concentrations of Cu (3260ÿ5360 ppb), Pb (3.05ÿ58.4 ppb) and Zn (19600ÿ23000 ppb), particularly at the end of the wet season. These correlate with high aqueous Fe and SO4 concentrations, suggesting that they might be the result of pyrite oxidation, or of the dissolution of large amounts of soluble sulphate salt crusts that line the pit walls and cement the spoil sediment. Conclusions Arsenic, Cu, Pb and Zn in mine spoil, stream sediments, a reaction zone between pyrite and calcareous chert, and stream bed salt crusts are associated mainly with Fe(-Al-Mg-)-S-O and Fe(-Al-S)-O phases, and to a lesser extent, Al(Mg-Fe)-S-O and Mg(-Al-Fe)-S-O phases. As in other mining-affected areas, soluble Fe sulphate minerals that form salt crusts control the potential mobility of As, Cu and Zn, but there is evidence at Mathiatis that the Al and Mg sulphates may also be important. Overall, As and Pb appear to be less soluble than Cu and Zn, which is probably due to mineralogical factors and, possibly, the relative sorption of these elements on the Fe, Al and Mg oxide and sulphate phases. et al Acknowledgements 704 The authors would like to thank the Geological Survey Department, Nicosia, Cyprus, for their support for the project and for making available the European Union LIFE data. We also thank MINERALOGICAL CONTROLS ON METAL STORAGE, CYPRUS S. Hirons for XRD analysis and S.L. Houghton for carrying out the CaCl2 extractions. A portion of the laboratory work was carried out using Wolfson Laboratory for Environmental Geochemistry facilities (Research School of Earth Sciences at UCLBirkbeck, University of London), and additional analysis was done using the NERC ICP-AES Facility at RHUL, with the permission of its Director, Dr J.N. Walsh. We also acknowledge the assistance of D.A. Plant and the facilities of the NERC Electron Microprobe Facility at the University of Manchester. This work was funded by the University of London Central Research Fund, the Birkbeck Faculty of Science and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Greenwich. We appreciate the comments of two anonymous reviewers and guest editor Eva Valsami-Jones that greatly improved the manuscript. van Dijk, P. and van der Meer, F. (1998) . LIFE project ®nal report, Geological Survey Department, Nicosia. Constantinou, G. 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[ ] Geological Society of America Program with Abstracts 16(6) International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 51 The System of Mineralogy Ore Geology Reviews 1 Applied Geochemistry 15 The Geochemistry of Mineral Environmental Deposits, Part A. Processes, Techniques and Health Issues 6A Science of the Total Environment 242 Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Geology of Mediterranean Manuscript received 24 January 2005: revised 11 July 2005 706 the Eastern