MARCH 1960
Lloyd Wilson Retires After
Interesting Fishery Career
Lloyd Wilson, superintendent of the
MARCH, 1960
Fall River hatchery in Deschutes County,
retired January 31, following 42 years of
fish cultural experience with various
state and federal agencies in Oregon and
Number 3, Volume 15
With his background, it was only natural for Lloyd to develop into a fish cul-
Published Monthly by the
turist. At the time of his birth in 1894,
his father, Irwin Wilson, was employed
1634 S.W. Alder StreetP. 0. Box 4136
Portland 8, Oregon
H. C. SMITH, Staff Artist
Oregon City
J. H. Van Winkle, Chairman
Rollin E. Bowles
Ralph T. Renner
Max Wilson
John P. Amacher
Assistant Director
Chief of Open, Game Div.
John McKean
Chief of Oper., Fishery Div.
C. J. Campbell
Chief, Inf. and Educ.
R. C. Holloway__
H. J. Rayner
Chief, Research Division
W. D. DeCew
John B. Dimick ._ Chief, Supply and Property
William E. Pitney __Chief, Basin Investigations
. .
Chief, Lands Section
A. V. Meyers
George Kernan
Personnel Officer
H. R. Newcomb
Roy C. Atchison
P. W. Schneider
C. B. Walsh
Leslie Zumwalt, Region I,
Route 1, Box 325, Corvallis
J. W. Vaughn, Region II Box 577, Roseburg
L. M. Mathisen, Region III Parrell Road, Bend
W. H. Brown, Region IV Box 742, La Grande
Box 8, Hines
W. V. Masson, Region V
Entered as second-class matter September 30,
1947, at the post office at Portland, Oregon,
under the act of August 24, 1912.
Please report promptly any change of address. Send in both the old and new address
with notice of change.
At the present time the Bulletin is circulated
free of charge to anyone forwarding a written
the cover
Students Trained
Page 2
Wilson (granted a 5 year leave of absence) took his wife and children and
1,000,000 chinook salmon eggs to Argen-
tina. The trip took two months via New
York, Southampton, Cherbourg, Lisbon
and Buenos Aires.
The Argentine hatchery site was 20
miles inland from Santa Cruz, at the
southern tip of South America. Fish were
fed in ponds for several months, guana-
cos being killed to obtain hearts and
livers for fish food. After two years, Mr.
Wilson sent his family back to Oregon
while he remained for three more years
to complete his contract and to see
whether any mature chinooks returned
up the Santa Cruz River. None did and
the transplant was considered a failure.
Upon the return home, the family travelled up the west coast of South America, taking three months for the trip.
In 1912, Lloyd started work with the
State Fish and Game Commission at the
Bonneville hatchery. Through the years
he also worked at the Trask River hatchery (now Oregon Fish Commission station), the Cedar Creek, Enterprise, Oak
ina and Elk Lakes and Crane Prairie
Firearms accidents reported 1960
family lived there until 1907, when Mr.
(Klamath County), Diamond, East, Paul-
Month of January
Total to Date
of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. The
Springs, Diamond Lake and Fall River
hatcheries of the Game Commission His
career includes considerable time either
in charge of or assisting in rainbow and
eastern brook trout eggtakes at Spencer
Creek (Klamath River), Fourmile Lake
Members of the Prineville school camp help release trout in one of the smaller lakes in vicinity of
Suttle Lake. (Photo by Ron Shay)
Instructors Approved
Month of January
Total to Date
at the original Clackamas River hatchery
Reservoir. During the period 1924-28 at
Diamond Lake, Lloyd recalls spawning
a rainbow weighing 26 pounds. Taking
The Oregon State Game Commission
will meet in regular session on Friday,
March 18, at its Portland office at 1634
Southwest Alder Street.
J. H. Van Winkle is serving as chair-
man for 1960.
18 or 19 million eggs a season at Diamond Lake was not unusual at that time.
In those days travelling through the snow
to the high lakes was rugged workit
had to be done on snowshoes or skiis and
supplies were towed on sleds.
On two different occasions Lloyd travelled to Hawaii. In 1922-1924, he joined
his father in working for the Territorial
Fish and Game Commission. Lloyd
worked on a game farm raising pheasants
and also helped hatch and plant some of
the first rainbow trout in Hawaiian
streams. Good results were obtained from
these trout plants on the islands of Hawaii and Kauai. After an interim working
for the Oregon Game Commission again,
Lloyd returned to Hawaii in 1929 for an-
other two years of fish cultural work
with the Territorial Commission.
Lloyd and his wife have retired to a
trailer home on the Oregon Coast. They
have four children living, two daughters
in Bend, one in Seattle, and a son in
The 17th largest elk taken on the
North American continent and listed in
the Boone and Crockett big game records
can be claimed by Andy Chamber of
Portland. Last November in the Izee dis-
trict of Grant County he killed a big
seven-pointer whose rack of antlers tallied 387 and 4/8 points when measured "Th
for entry in the Boone and Crockett records. Top position of 441 points has been
held since 1890 by a Wyoming elk.
March, 1960
By Austin F. Hamer, Education Chief
the outdoors in which to teach conservation of wildlife, soil, water, and plant
life, education specialists for resource
management agencies are not aware of
it. They believe that "mother nature's
classroom" offers an ideal teaching situ-
ation where youngsters can learn by
seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. It
is in the outdoor laboratory that many
of the basic concepts of conservation
become tangible. Relationships of one
resource to another become understandable when students can observe them in
natural surroundings.
There was a day when schools didn't
have special rooms for teaching physical
education, science, music, or art. Now
we think nothing of having two gymna-
siums at a modern school. The wellequipped science and physics laboratories
of today were unheard of luxuries not
too many years ago. Special rooms for
teaching music and art are included in
the plans for most new schools. But one
of the finest laboratories for teaching
the science of "living things" lies just
outside the schoolroom window.
School Grounds Provide Opportunities
For Outdoor Teaching
Teachers with imagination, ingenuity,
and the desire to help young people learn
the almost lost art of observation, can
open up new vistas of interests and
understandings by taking their students
into the outdoor classroom. Here is where
the combined efforts of teachers and
resource consultants can do a most
effective job of conservation education.
County agents, state and federal foresters, soil conservationists, and wildlife
biologists can frequently make suggestions for using the school ground as a
laboratory for teaching natural resource
conservation. They can sometimes visit
the classroom to talk to students, thereby
setting the stage for outdoor activities.
They can often assist in planning for
most effective use of the outdoor classroom and can always provide instructional materials in limited quantities to
be used as reference material. Many
agencies have
films which can be borrowed or rented.
The National Association of Biology
Teachers has recently published a handbook entitled "Manual for Outdoor Laboratories: The Development and Use of
School Grounds as Outdoor Laboratories
for Teaching Science and Conservation."'
This manual provides the teacher with
some concrete suggestions for various
activities in the outdoors. Each suggestion is the result of practices being car-
ried out in schools in various parts of
the country.
Field trips to observe scientific phenomena or to collect specimens for later
study are accepted as an integral part
of an educational program. Field trips
provide students with an opportunity
to observe the things of nature, but it
is important
that both students and
teacher approach the field trip with an
inquiring mind. Behind each log, animal
track, bit of vegetation and gully is a
story. It may take several trips to gain
the whole story. Any field trip into the
outdoors should have a purpose related
to the classroom efforts.
One of the major problems is that of
finding an area suitable for study. When
the school ground itself does not offer
adequate opportunities for outdoor teach-
ing, adjacent areas may be used. Sisters
High School has solved the problem by
obtaining a special use permit from the
U. S. Forest Service for a tract of forest
land. The conservation class has made
a survey of the resources and mapped
the land. They have made plans for the
management of timber and other re-
sources. The stream which flows through
the plot has been studied to determine
if it can be improved for fish. Several
small areas have been developed to provide more food and shelter for small animals and deer. Students participating in
this project become 'so enthusiastic that
they invited the elementary school to
participate in a conducted tour of the
area. A sixth grade from as far away as
Madras has visited the area in order to
provide students with learning experiences in the outdoor classroom.
School Camping Not New
Outdoor education in the school curriculum is designed to "teach in the
out-of-doors those things which can best
be taught there."' School camping is the
term frequently applied to the situation
in which the classroom teacher takes her
class into the outdoor classroom for a
whole week of living, learning, and
working together. Camps owned by youth
Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.,
Danville, Illinois, 1959. 84 pages, $1.25.
2. Snarp, L. B., "Basic Consideration in Outdoor and Camping Education," Bulletin of
National Association of Secondary School
Principals, Vol. 31, No. 147, 1947, page 43.
organizations such as the Boy Scouts,
Girl Scouts, or denominational groups
are sometimes used for school camping
(Continued on Page 6)
Page 3
dlife Week
20-26, 1960
Industry uses between 80 and 85 billion gallons
of water each day in the United States. Electric
power, steel, chemicals, petroleum refining, and
pulp and paper industries are the biggest users.
Site selection frequently depends upon water.
the life blood of our land. Rivers like
this play a vital role in producing crops. It is
estimated that anywhere from 75 to 100 billion
Wildlife depends upon adequate year 'round supplies of water. Big game such as mule deer and
prong-horned antelope benefit from the construction of water holes on ranges which lack natural
Water is
gallons of water a day go for irrigation purposes.
(IJ. S. Soil Conservation Service photo)
springs or streams.
State or federally owned management areas provide waterfowl fe e d i n g and resting
Habitat improvement
is a primary function on these
areas. Some are also designed
to be used as public shooting
grounds. The storage and control of water supplies is vital
Fishing is most popular form
of outdoor recreation. More
than 337,000 licensed anglers
fished Oregon waters in 1959.
Tourists and vacationists added
to the total. Large lakes such
as Diamond, Odell, Sutt le, and
East Lake attract thousands of
boat fishermen each season.
Reservoirs also provide excellent areas for fishing, water
skiing, and pleasure boating.
More than 100 cisterns have been installed in
drinking water
upland game birds such as quail, chukars, sage
grouse and pheasants. Rain water is collected from
the apron and stored in underground cistern.
Throughout the nation, city and
town water systems supply 14
billion gallons of water a day
from reservoirs similar to this
one above Portland. The average American home now uses
from 30 to 50 gallons of water
per person each day. Our needs
are expected to double within
the next twenty years.
Of the 9,000 sewer systems in the nation, only
about 6,000 flow into a modern treatment plant.
The other 3,000 empty into rivers, endangering the
health of people, fish, animals, and waterfowl.
(Oregon State Sanitary Authority photo)
is the queen among American
rivers, so far as water power is concerned. More than
42 per cent of all the latent hydroelectricity in the
country growls in the turbulent rapids of the Columbia
The majestic Columbia
basin. (U. 5. Army Engineers photo)
back in the early 1940's with help
from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
California has taken the lead in recent
which have proved their worth. The development of outdoor education in camp
settings in the United States has come
about chiefly within the past 15 years.
The continued growth of existing programs and the plans for new ones give
evidence that outdoor education is one
of the new frontiers of education.
School Camping Comes to Oregon
Oregon's school camping program is
so new that many people are not even
aware of it. The first school camping
years with school camping programs in
San Diego, Long Beach, Los Angeles,
spring of 1957 under the direction of
School Camps
(Continued from Page 3)
purposes because they provide teaching
opportunities which resource consultants
recommend. In addition, adequate facilities are available for housing and feeding youngsters and staff.
Michigan pioneered school camping
and many other cities. In other parts
project in Oregon took place in the
Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin, Illinois, and
Dr. Irene Hollenbeck of Southern Oregon College. A combined fifth and sixth
grade class from the Westside Elemen-
Indianathere are excellent programs
tary School of Medford and their teacher,
of the countryNew York, Ohio, North
Don Perry, spent a week at Dead Indian
Soda Springs Camp located east of Eagle
Point on Little Butte Creek. Resource
consultants from the U.S. Forest Service,
the Soil Conservation Service, and the
Game Commission assisted in planning
learning experiences in the outdoors
which would have meaning for the students and would enrich subject matter
taught in the regular classroom.
During the pre-camp phase, which
extended over several weeks, the class
obtained information about the camp
area, the resources which they would
find there, and the facilities which
would be used. Emphasis was given to
the study of soil and water, forests and
wildlife, and also the wise and proper
use of scenic, scientific, historic and
recreational resources. Students helped
in preparing menus, food orders, and
also work activities such as table setting
and other housekeeping chores.
The in-camp experiences helped to
give meaning to reading, discussions, and
other classroom work which preceded
the week in the outdoors. Attitudes, interests, and skills conducive to wise use
and better understanding of the importance of natural resources can be developed more fully out-of-doors in direct
contact with the environment. The forester, soil scientist, and wildlife biolo-
gist worked hand in hand with the
teacher to see that every activity in the
outdoor classroom was a learning experience for the students. The teacher
helped to make each activity relate to
the subject matter which was being
taught as part of the regular curriculum.
The post-camp experience is the third
phase of the program. Here is where
the students have an opportunity to
review some of the things learned in
the outdoors and make use of their experiences. Without this follow-up, the
outdoor learnings and experiences would
lose much of their value to both the
students and the teacher. This is an important part of the teaching job and one
which the experienced teacher will not
No one has had a greater influence
on the development of school camping
in Oregon than Miss Margaret Milliken,
Associate Professor of Education at Oregon State College. Several years ago she
started teaching courses in outdoor education at the college, and with encouragement from Dean Franklin R. Zeran,
Every dip of the net brings up a surprise. Children are eager to learn in the outdoor laboratory. The importance of water for domestic, industrial, agricultural, and recreational use is a
part of social science education. These students are exploring the pond edge for aquatic insects.
(Photo by Dur Morton, National Audubon Society)
Page 6
she soon added a seminar on school
camping. Her enthusiasm and energy
have been instrumental in promoting the
pilot projects in outdoor education which
(Continued on Page 7)
March, 1960
School Camps
(Continued from Page 6)
have been conducted in several school
Prineville Sixth Grade Goes to
School Camp
In the spring of 1958, Oregon State
College and the Oregon Game Commis-
sion sponsored the first of a series of
pilot projects in outdoor education. With
assistance from the State Department of
Education and Crook County Schools, the
Crooked River Elementary School of
Prineville was selected, and Mrs. Ellen
McCormack and her class were chosen
to be the first group to go to camp. Mrs.
McCormack had prepared herself for
teaching in the outdoors by attending a
one-week Conservation Education Work-
shop held at Hoodoo Bowl. As Camp
Director for the project, Miss Milliken
assumed the responsibility for handling
the mechanics of the operation. She and
her seminar students in school camping
prepared outlines and schedules, gathered instructional materials, helped ar-
range menus, assisted in setting up a
budget. They planned learning, recre-
Youngsters learn how to construct a fire trail to prevent the spread of forest fires. Foresters teach them
that anyone can start fires. Knowledge, skill, and plenty of hard work are necessary to control them.
(Oregon State College photo)
ational, and work activities for the young
outdoorsmen who would be descending
upon Tamarack, a private camp located
near Suttle Lake in the Oregon Cascades.
The Oregon Game Commission provided
who assisted Miss Milliken in the prepa-
ration of teaching materials geared for
use by sixth grade students.
So successful was the Prineville proj-
ect that other school districts soon be-
came interested in participating in a
similar project. The Salem school district
sent its two special education teachers
to assist Miss Milliken and her staff in
planning a project for educationally advanced youngsters in fourth through
sixth grades in the Salem elementary
schools. Right on the heels of this came
plans for Prineville's second outdoor edu-
cation project. Portland schools joined
the procession into the outdoor classroom
in the spring of 1959 when the Fernwood Elementary School took its seventh
grade into the outdoor classroom at Camp
Adams near Colton.
Coos County schools are currently
making plans for the fifth pilot project
sponsored by Oregon State College and
the Oregon Game Commission. Sixth
grades at the Lakeside and Bunker Hill
Schools will begin a period of pre-camp
preparation about the first of March.
The week of May 9-13 will be spent at
yrCamp Tsiltcoos, the Boy Scout camp on
Siltcoos Lake.
Each pilot project has been carefully
planned to provide factual information
Leaves picked by students for classification in nature study are identified by Robert Damberg, special
resource consultant for Portland outdoor education project. Students also collected flowers, rocks, insects.
Their work went into Fernwood school curriculum library. (Oregon Journal photo)
on organization, curriculum, staffing, and
costs of op era tio n. Participation of
schools from various parts of the state
has been encouraged so that different
problems are encountered. When the
final pilot project has been completed,
a guide to school camping will undoubt(Continued on Page 8)
Page 7
Anglers and Hunters Increase
Each year more people turn to hunting and fishing for recreation and 1959
was no exception. A total of 624,680
hunting and fishing licenses was issued,
exceeding by almost 45,000 the 1958 record of 579,742 licenses. Much of this was
accounted for by the increase in the
number of daily angling licenses but the
growing interest in big game and other
hunting also pushed up the number of
license holders.
To this group can be added an undetermined, but sizable, number of ang-
lers and hunters for no license is required under the following conditions:
fishing for nongame ocean fish in the
surf or bays; hunting small game or fish-
ing for trout and warm-water fish on
one's own land; and fishing and hunting
small game by juveniles under 14 years.
Mullet fishermen are reminded that
this species is now classified by law as a
game fish and may be taken by hook and
line only. There are no restrictions on
size or bag limit. Mullet are found mostly
in the Klamath Lake area.
Back in 1948 the Game Commission
live-trapped and ear-tagged a number of
adult beaver along the Pistol River and
then transplanted them to the Chetco
River. In January, Frank Worrell of Cen-
tral Point reported he had trapped a
50-pound male beaver carrying one of the
1948 ear tags. The Chetco drainage has
been open to beaver trapping since 1951.
"Mammals of Prey," Information Leaf-
let No. 12, has just been issued by the
Game Commission. Copies are available
from the Commission office.
Type of License
Resident combination
Resident angler
Juvenile angler
Nonresident angler
Vacation angler
Daily angler
Resident hunter
Juvenile hunter
Nonresident hunter
*Special annual combination
*Special annual angler
*Special annual hunter
Blind angler (free)
Total sales to individuals
*Special annual elk tags
Resident elk tags
Nonresident elk tags
Supervised elk hunts
Resident deer tags
Nonresident deer tags
*Special deer tags
Supervised deer hunts
Antelope tags
*Includes disabled veterans, old age, indigent, and other special licenses.
The annual mid-winter waterfowl inventory in Oregon was conducted during
January by the Game Commission and
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as part
of a similar program carried on throughout the nation, Canada and Mexico.
Wintering greater Canadas, however,
contributed to the lack of hunter success.
The 16,519 hunters checked through
the three shooting grounds bagged a total
The Oregon tally was 1,019,356 birds,
an increase of 21,089 over 1959. The total
School Camps
duck count was 906,816, compared to
(Continued from Page 7)
of 29,056 waterfowl, of which 21,136 were
ducks and 7,920 were geese. During 1958
883,748 last year. Sizable increases were
edly be prepared to assist school admin-
Hunter success during the 1959 waterfowl season was considerably lower than
in 1958 on the public shooting areas at
Sauvies Island, Summer Lake and Warner Valley. Poor water conditions, bluebird weather and birds feeding at night
more than 16,135 hunters took 38,029
Sauvies Island had the biggest drop
in hunter success, the 1959 success ratio
being 1.56 birds per man compared to
2.27 in 1958. At Summer Lake, the number of ducks taken this season was con-
siderably less but hunters shot almost
twice as many snow geese as last year.
Oregon State Game
Commission Bulletin
noted in numbers of pintail, widgeon,
bufflehead and ruddy ducks, but the
number of wintering mallards seen decreased from 514,393 in 1959 to 413,194
this winter.
The 1960 total for geese seen was 75,289. Last year's count was 88,755. Most of
the decrease was in the numbers of lesser
Canadas which went down from the 1959
count of 59,000 to about 28,000 this year.
showed an increase from 22,000 to al-
most 39,000 this year.
The black brant population continues
to show a decline. Whistling swan appeared to be much more numerous in
western Oregon although the state-wide
total was lower.
istrators and interested teaching staff
in planning their own outdoor education
programs. With the increasing interest
being shown by educators, conservationists, and the public, it seems fairly safe
to predict that within ten years, a majority of schools will include outdoor education in their curricula, and school
camping programs will be well established.
ottOON ST4rt
P. 0. BOX 4136