WEATHER AND CLIMATE EXTREMES Professor Mark Saunders Mullard Space Science Laboratory University College London 9th February 2016 MSSL LECTURE SERIES! 2015/16! Lecture Structure 1. Definitions. 2. Why weather and climate extremes are important. 3. Quantifying weather and climate extremes. 4. Sources of uncertainty. 5. Examples of MSSL research. 2 Climate Extremes Cricket Ground, Worcester July 2007! (Courtesy Webb Aviation)! UK Summer 2007 Floods! (Loss ~ US $ 9 billion)! 2004 Hurricane Season! (Loss ~ US $ 50 billion)! Storm Imogen 8th February 2016 High waves batter Porthleven, Cornwall Photo from Mike Stacey/Barcroft Media Was this an extreme weather event? 4 1. Definitions 5 Definition of an ‘Extreme’ Event Extreme events are, in general, easy to recognise but difficult to define. - There is no unique definition of an ‘extreme’ (Stephenson, 2008; IPCC, 2012). - The concept of ‘extremeness’ is relative. - The words ‘severe’, ‘rare’, and ‘high-impact’ are used interchangeably with ‘extreme’. - An event from the extreme tails of a distribution is not necessarily extreme in terms of its impact. 6 Distinction between “Extreme Weather Event” and “Extreme Climate Event” • Distinction is not precise but is related to their time scales: Extreme weather event (or weather extreme) is typically associated with changing weather patterns; namely with timescales between 1 day and a few weeks. Extreme climate event (or climate extreme) happens on timescales longer than about 1 month. • Weather and climate extremes can be defined quantitatively in two ways: - Related to their probability of occurrence. - Related to a specific threshold. 7 Choice of Threshold The high threshold used to define extreme events can be chosen in different ways. These may be: (a) impact-related; (b) use of a constant threshold based on an empirical distribution (for example the 90th or 95th quantile). 90th quantile threshold 95th quantile threshold 8 NOAA Choice of Threshold In most cases, extreme events are defined as lying in the outermost 10% of the places history (analyses are done at national and regional levels). 9 Types of Weather and Climate Extremes Main types: Windstorms (tropical and extratropical), floods (river, storm surge and flash), severe weather (thunderstorms/tornado/hail), drought, wildfires, heat waves, extreme cold, and extreme ocean waves. Climate oscillations: El Niño Southern Oscillation North Atlantic Oscillation Arctic Oscillation 10 2. Why Weather and Climate Extremes are Important. 11 Global Billion-Dollar Loss Events 2000-2015! Economic Loss Events Dominated by weather hazards Insured Loss Events Dominated by weather hazards Source: Aon Benfield! 2015 Most Costly Natural Catastrophe Global Economic Loss Events Source: Aon Benfield! Dominated by weather and climate extremes. 3. Quantifying Weather and Climate Extremes. 14 Basic Methods for Quantification 1. A probabilistic description of the hazard process, defined on a particular domain (region and time interval). 2. Hazard maps showing the probability of a specified measure exceeding a specified threshold in the given time interval. 3. Probability of exceedance (PE) curves, which can be applied directly to the features of the hazard, but which can also be applied to summarise loss. PE curves usually show the hazard feature or loss along the horizontal axis and the probability of exceedance on the vertical axis. 15 Why Quantification is Important It provides the best information for assessing risk (including loss) and its uncertainty. Risk managers will want the best information that the risk assessor can provide, subject to resource constraints. Thus perforce scientific information (based on testable physical laws and empirical regularities) should be quantified, if it can be, because a failure to quantify implies a loss of information. Additional Reason: Catastrophe models – the sophisticated modelling technique used by (re)insurers to assess natural hazard risk and loss – is underpinned by quantitative data. Example of probabilistic descriptions: 66 h probabilistic forecast for 15–16 October 1987 Slingo J , and Palmer T Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2011;369:4751-4767 Ensemble Set of 100 Tracks & Intensities Hurricane Ike Issued 72hrs before Texas landfall. (TSR Business forecast product) 18 ECMWF Forecast for Nino 3.4 SST 19 Example of hazard map showing probability of a specified measure 20 Cat 1 Surface Wind Probabilities 21 Probabilistic Storm Surge Provides likelihood that storm surge will exceed different heights above normal tide level.! Hurricane Earl (2010)! 22 Probability of Loss Exceedance: Hurricane Wilma Modelling output from TSR (Tropical Storm Risk) 23 Return Period Return Period, R, for an event of specified magnitude is the mean recurrence interval for that event during a period of one year. R has a unit of year(s). R is related to the probability of exceedance, pE, where pE is the probability that the event of specified magnitude will be equalled or exceeded during a one year period. R and pE are inversely related: R = 1 / pE and thus pE = 1 / R Example: A 50-year return-period wind speed: - has an probability of exceedence of 0.02 in any one year or an average rate of exceedence of 1 in 50 years. - should not be interpreted as occurring regularly every 50 years. 24 Example 1: Probability of exceedance curve: Peak 3-sec wind gust at Heathrow Exceedance probability in 1 year (%) 100 90 HEATHROW WMO NR: 03772 Lat: 51° 28' 48" N; Long: 0° 27' W; Height: 25m Climatology period: 1981-2010 (30 years) Data completeness: 99.6% Number modelled gust values: 401,300 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gust speed [m/s] ≥ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Example 2: Return Period Curves for Annual Precipitation in Bangkok, Thailand 26 Example 3: Probability of Exceedance Curves for Thailand Monsoon Rainfall Shown as a function of ENSO sign and ENSO event duration. Taken from Gale (2016) 4. Sources of Uncertainty 28 Sources of Uncertainty All three sources of information are imperfect and hence introduce uncertainty. 1. Physical models --- These models inevitably require approximations of complex processes and can often exclude processes either because they are unknown or poorly understood. Some hydrometeorological hazards (eg precipitation) are more challenging than others. --- Inputs and outputs of the physical model may be incompatible with the system observations (due to different spatial and temporal scales), making the model parameters hard to calibrate. --- Non-stationarity due to the infuence of either natural of anthropogenic forcings occurs within the Earth System. Nonstationarity should be accounted for, where present, in the statistical analysis of observational records. 29 Sources of Uncertainty (2) 2. Hazard Data --- Historical hazard data can be limited especially for large hazards (tropical cyclones, European windstorms and US tornadoes), and extend back only 30-40 years. For some variables (eg temperature extremes the record length can be 150 years or more). --- Historical hazard data can be of poor quality. There are often issues of under-recording, data bias and incomplete datasets. 30 Sources of Uncertainty (3) 3. Experts --- Experts frequently disagree even under careful elicitation to avoid ambiguity. --- Experts can be wrong. 31 Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation AMO time series AMO link to U.S. hurricane landfalls Goldenberg et al., Science, 2001. Sutton and Hodson, Science, 2005. 32 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 1949 1952 1955 1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 400 Nr of stations Nr of Wind speed obs. Nr of Gust obs. 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1949 1952 1955 1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 Nr of stations 1949 1952 1955 1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1949 1952 1955 1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 Limited nature of UK peak gust data Nr of Wind speed obs. Nr of Gust obs. Number of stations, wind speed and max. gust observations at UK stations in MIDAS WH (left panel) and WM (right panel) hourly datasets Example 1 of Poor Data Quality Until recently (~2010) annual hurricane numbers in the North Atlantic were underestimated prior to the mid 1960s due to lack of satellite monitoring. This was a particular problem for systems forming/tracking a long way from land. Careful analyses have now corrected for the missing hurricane numbers. See the top panel opposite for the original hurricane numbers and time series 1880-2010, and the bottom panel for the corrected numbers. (Figure from Vecchi and Knutson, 2011). Example 2 of Poor Data Quality Downward trend in ratio of hurricanes to intense hurricanes, and of tropical storm to intense hurricanes, but not of tropical storms to hurricanes Intense hurricane numbers too low in 1970’s and early 1980’s 35 Example 3 of Poor Data Quality Correlation (running 30-yr) between Aug-Sep tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and North Atlantic hurricane activity disappears centered on the 1940s. This suggests the physical link may not be temporally stable. However, quantification of the uncertainties in this SST shows the drop-out in correlation is likely related to a large increase in SST uncertainty in the 1940s (which implies the link is likely stable after all). 36 Experts Disagree and Can be Wrong 37 5. Examples of MSSL Research 38 5.1 Solar Link to UK/European Winter Climate Objective: To improve understanding of the drivers and predictability of UK/European winter climate Motivation: 1. Recent years have seen considerable variability in winter climate. Why is this? 2. Skillful long-range predictability would provide beneficial impact. Background Winter 2009/10 Winter 2013/14 Porthleven, Cornwall: 4 Jan 1998 (Courtesy, Simon Burt) UK Big Freeze: Jan 2010 (Image courtesy of NASA). Porthleven, Cornwall – Storm of 5th February 2014 (Photograph courtesy of Matt Clark, Met Office) Recent winters have varied from ‘freezes’ to ‘mild, wet and stormy’. Are these changes caused by natural variability or are they predictable? North Atlantic Oscillation +ve NAO! -ve NAO (Figures Courtesy of Martin Visbeck, Columbia University)! Winter NAO Time Series 1825-2013 CRU NAO Index (Iceland – Gibraltar) Figure courtesy of Tim Osborn, University of East Anglia Potential Drivers of Winter Variability • North Atlantic sea surface temperature: Rodwell and Folland (2002), Saunders and Qian (2002). • Prior summer Eurasian/Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent: Bojariu and Gimeno (2003), Saunders et al. (2003). • Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO): Kuroda and Kodera (1999), Castanheira and Graf (2003), Barriopedro et al. (2008) and others. • Solar cycle: Labitzke (1987), Frame and Gray (2010), Roy and Haigh (2011) and others. ! Link Between Winter NAO and Solar Activity Winter NAO Probability of Exceedance by JAS Solar Activity Quartile Sign 1950/1-2013/4 Link Between Winter NAO and Solar Activity Red = Winter NAO at least 1.0. Blue = Winter NAO less than -1.0. 8 out of 10 winters with NAO less than -1.0 have a JAS solar flux < 100 sfu. (p-value = 0.02). 17 out of 22 winters with NAO greater than 1.0 have a JAS solar flux > 100 sfu (p-value = 0.04). Implication 1: Predicting Extreme Winters • The p-value for the combined low solar flux and strong easterly QBO years having a mean DJF NAO value ≤ -1.52 is highly significant. • Four of the six most –ve NAO winters 1950/1-2013/4 occurred under these conditions. These include 2009/10 and 1962/3. • Since solar activity and the QBO are both cyclical and hence predictable several months ahead this model offers promise for the long-range predictability of cold winters. Implication 2: Occurrence of Next Cold Winters? The current (Jan 2016) projection for the next solar minimum is for 2018/9. Thus I would anticipate a heightened probability of further cold winters in 2-3 years time. 5.2 Drivers and predictability of Atlantic hurricane activity and European winter climate Objective: To improve understanding of the drivers and predictability of weather and climate extremes. Motivation: 1. Recent years have seen considerable variability in hurricane activity and European winter climate. Why? 2. Skillful long-range predictability would provide beneficial impact. A. Unexpected quiet 2013 hurricane season • Quietest hurricane season since 1982. • Research team from eight institutes formed to explore cause. • Explanation eventually determined by MSSL. Physical mechanism: NAO switched from –ve to +ve in April 2013. This strong change in the spring NAO affected North Atlantic atmospheric circulation and tropical SSTs where hurricanes form. B. Anticorrelation between hurricane activity and upcoming European winter climate • Hurricane main season: Aug-Oct. • European winter main season: Dec-Feb. • European winter climate strongly linked to sign of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) +ve NAO -ve NAO Significant anticorrelation (i.e. stormy winter season follows quiet hurricane season and vice versa) observed when: (a) hurricane activity is in upper or lower tercile. (b) summer ENSO is neutral. Significant anticorrelation may be anticipated by hurricane season mid point in early September. Physical mechanism: Cool SST waters in the tropics favour a quiet hurricane season. This cooling is part of a larger-scale ‘tripole’ SST pattern which persists, slowly evolves, and by Oct-Nov-Dec is associated with an enhanced latitudinal temperature gradient at ~50°N which favours a stormy European winter. C. WMO assessment of performance of seasonal hurricane outlooks 2003-2013 TSR/MSSL outperforms the two leading US forecasters (NOAA and CSU) Storm Imogen 8th February 2016 Peak recorded gusts and their return periods (MSSL analysis): Needles: Culdrose: Pembrey: Avonmouth: Heathrow: Gatwick: 95 mph 79 mph 76 mph 75 mph 57 mph 45 mph 1 year 1-2 years 1 year 3 years 1 year <1 year. Conclusion: Imogen was not that unusual. Historically we expect a storm like Imogen once a year.55