The solar cycle Prof. Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi Post-graduate lecture series, MSSL, 19 January 2016 The Sun is a variable star … and we live in its ever-changing corona. The discovery of sunspots • First sunspot sightings: >2000 years ago in China • Aristotle: the Sun is perfect and blemish-free • Mid-fourth century B.C.: 1st reasonably certain sunspot sighting by Theophrastus (Aristotle’s student) • 1608: discovery of the telescope → 1610: discovery of sunspots by several independent observers e.g. Galileo and Christoph Scheiner. Galileo Galilei’s sunspot drawing from the early 17th century, from his manuscript Delle Machie Solari Discovery of sunspots - England Sunspots, independently of Galileo’s sunspot sightings, were also discovered in England in the XVII century by Thomas Harriot (1560-1621), who was born and educated in Oxford (St. Mary Hall). He was a mathematician and natural philosopher. • 1609: he bought a telescope in The Netherlands • 28 November 1611: his first recorded observation of a sunspot. Discovery of magnetic fields in sunspots • The first step towards physical understanding of sunspots became possible when George Ellery Hale of Mt. Wilson Observatory detected magnetic fields in sunspots in 1908 (Hale, ApJ 28, 315, 1908). • Hale made this discovery by observing splitting of several spectral lines originating from sunspots and attributing it to the Zeeman effect (discovered by Peter Zeeman in 1896 - Nobel prize in 1902). • Hale proved the magnetic origin of the spectral line splitting by showing the presence of circular polarisation of the light. Hα fibril structure around sunspots is similar to the distribution of iron filing around a bar magnet - this inspired Hale to look for magnetic signals. DOT image of AR10786 taken on July 8, 2005 Zeeman splitting - example Spectrograph slit position Sunspot image spectrum circular polarization Position of V-λ profile V-λ profile Zeeman splitting and circular polarization of the Fe I line at 1564.8 nm. The correlation tracker is used to scan the sunspot image across the entrance of the spectrograph. Observation on 9 Nov. 1999 at the German Vacuum Tower Telescope on Tenerife, with the infrared polarimater TIP (Schlichenmaier and Collados, 2002). 2-w HMI Magnetic fields are ubiquitous on the Sun, even in the socalled “quiet-sun” regions, and they are in continuous evolution. The movie shows two weeks of magnetic field observations by SDO’s HMI instrument. Magnetic vector field of emerging flux SDO/HMI vector magnetic field AR 12119, 18 July 2014 03:20 – 14:00 UT Credit: Sally Dacie, Dave Long, Sudong Sun Emergence of AR11158 – 11-15 February 2011 Pre-emergence signatures are seen at 60000 km depth as acoustic travel-time perturbations with helioseismology (movie: Thomas Hartlep and Scott Winegarden) Solar active region tomography Images of the Sun from the photosphere to the corona on 12-01-2016 Note that strong magnetic concentrations are dark in the photosphere, surrounded by dispersed fields (bright faculae in the chromosphere) and connected by bright loops in the corona. Movie of 30 years of magnetic data Movie by D. Hathaway Blue: negative; yellow: positive magnetic polarity. Kitt Peak Obs., MDI, HMI magnetograms Solar cycle - history • 1776: Having observed sunspots in 1761 and 1764 to 1776, Christian Horrebow (1718-1776) Danish astronomer mentions their possible periodic variation in his diary. • 1844: The 11-year cyclic variation in the number of sunspots was discovered by Heinrich Schwabe (Astron. Nachr. 21, 233, 1944) based on his 18 years of sunspot observations - he reported a ~10-year cycle. D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Number of sunspot groups observed by H. Schwabe between 1826-43 Solar cycle - history • 1849: (Johann) Rudolf Wolf started to tabulate daily sunspot numbers + started to reconstruct sunspot behaviour back to the beginning of the 17th century using a few long-term observers and filling gaps with geomagnetic activity measurements as proxies for the sunspot number (!). Wolf’s sunspot index or Zürich relative sunspot number is defined as: R = k(10g + n) Where n is the number of individual spots visible on the disk, g is the number of sunspot groups (ARs with spots) and k is a correction factor to adjust for observers, telescopes and site conditions. This became the base of the Wolf, Zürich, and now International Sunspot Number series. The ‘11-year’ cycle Colours: Months with observation every day; months with 1-10 days observation missing; months with 11-20 days observation missing; months with >20 days observation missing. Hathaway, LRSP (2015) • The International Sunspot Number Series is the longest available record of solar activity, and the single most analysed dataset. • Averages (daily, monthly, yearly) are used. • Standard smoothing is a 13month running mean centred on the month in question and using halfweights for the months at the start and end. • The times of solar cycle minima and maxima are usually given in terms of these smoothed numbers. The ‘11-year’ cycle • amplitude variations with factor of 3 • length: 8-14 yr • mean length: 11.1 yr • asymmetry in rise and decline strongest for high-amplitude cycles (Waldmeier effect) Colours: Months with observation every day; months with 1-10 days observation missing; months with 11-20 days observation missing; months with >20 days observation missing. Hathaway, LRSP (2015) Group Sunspot Number Devised by Hoyt and Schatten (Solar Phys. 181, 491, 1998), counts only the number of sunspot groups, averaging observations from multiple observers: 12.08 N RG = kiGi ∑ N i=1 N is the number of observers, ki is the i-th observer’s correction factor, Gi is the number of sunspot groups observed by observer I, and 12.08 normalises the number to the International Sunspot Number. Its primary use is to extend sunspot number series back to the earliest telescopic observations of sunspots in 1610. 1879-1995 For missing days from 1750 to 1818 (Cycles 1-6; red points) in the SN count RG is used, and it probably represents an overestimate. RG = 1.01 R D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Data gaps and uncertainty Sunspots observed in the same month 6 July 2014 (left) and 7 July 2014 (right). Having only a few observations per month can seriously bias the SN, which adds great uncertainty to the early historical cycles. Solar Dynamic Observatory Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (SDO/HMI) continuum data (top), and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) 1700 Å continuum data Revisions of the SN Over the centuries errors have crept into the record, degrading its value for long-term studies. New data and discoveries now allow scientists to detect and correct errors. The SN series has not been adjusted since Rudolf Wolf created it over 160 years ago… Recent years, a huge international group effort has been made to eliminate past errors and inconsistencies and provide a more reliable sunspot record (with error estimates!) from 1610 to the present. Sunspot numbers, mainly the uncertain early records, have been revised based on new information, as new sources came to light (principally due to work by José Vaquero and Reiner Arlt). Leif Svalgaard (JSWSC,3, A24, 2013) noted that from 1946 Max Waldmeier (observer 1945-79) changed the SN calculation method, by giving greater counts (2-5) to larger spots. This practice has continued up to the present and went unnoticed by the community. Svalgaard estimates that this inflated the modern SN by ~20% ! The revised series has replaced the original SN data at SILSO (Brussels) on 1 July 2015 (the earlier data remains available). The 400-year sunspot record is the longest continuously recorded daily measurement made in science. The revision of SN has far-reaching impact on other areas (e.g. the impact of solar activity on the terrestrial climate, or the galactic cosmic rays and the radioisotopes they produce in the Earth’s atmosphere). Revisions of the SN The SN revision is still work in progress… In the revised SN series • The so-called “Modern Maximum” disappears • Sunspot activity shows no upward trend over the last 250 years (but a 80-100 year long-term cycle, the Gleissberg cycle, remains) • Three detected “inhomogeneities” in method since 1880 have been corrected • Cycle 24 will become the weakest in 200 years Clette, Svalgaard, Vaquero, Cliver: SSRv, 186, 35, 2014 The Maunder minimum Early records of sunspots indicate that the Sun went through a period of inactivity in the late 17th century. Very few sunspots were seen on the Sun from about 1645 to 1715. Although the observations were not as extensive as in later years, the Sun was in fact well observed during this time and this lack of sunspots is well documented. There is evidence that the Sun has had similar periods of inactivity in the more distant past. More recent low-activity period was the Dalton minimum (1790-1830). Sunspot area As sunspot area is proportional with the magnetic flux of the sunspot, sunspot area are considered more physical measures of solar activity than the SN. Cho et al., ApJ 811, 49 (2015) 1874-1976: sunspot areas were measured at the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) and corrected for foreshortening, in the millionths of the solar hemisphere (MHS, µHem). Pores Small forming spots Mature sunspots SN and sunspot area data are well correlated at 99.4% level with a proportionality constant of 16.7, and an offset of 4 (for a single sunspot with a correction factor of 0.6, ISN = 6.6). D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Since 1977 the Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory continues the program of sunspot area (and position) measurements which started at the RGO. Sunspot area Credit: D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Sunspot area as a function of latitude and time. Sunspots form in two bands, one in each hemisphere, which start at ~25° from the equator at the start of a cycle and migrate toward the equator as the cycle progresses. This was called “Spörer’s law of zones” by Maunder (MNRAS, 50, 251, 1890) and illustrated by his (made in collaboration with his wife Annie Maunder) “Butterfly Diagram” (Maunder, MNRAS, 64, 747, 1904). The 10.7 cm solar flux Disc-integrated emission at λ=10.7 cm, ν=2800 MHz taken from 1946 close to Ottawa, and since 1990 in Penticton, Canada. Six months overlap ensured continuity and cross-calibration. Measurements are taken several times/day to avoid flaring times. Advantage: objective, and virtually independent of weather conditions, so it is a continuous series. Its correlation with the RI is a bit complicated, as its slope changes for RI >30. Holland and Vaughn (JGR, 89,11, 1984) formulated this as: F10.7 = 67+0.97 RI + 17.6(e-0.035R -1) and the 10.7 flux may lag behind the RI by ~1 month. The relationship seemed to have changed after 1997. The cause of the change may be a lower number of small spots in cycle 23 than before (Tapping and Valdés, ( (2011), Lefèvre and Clette (2011). D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. ¢ 1947-1997 1998- Total irradiance The total solar irradiance (TSI) is the radiant energy emitted by the Sun at all wavelengths m2 s-1 at 1 AU outside of the Earth’s atmosphere è space-borne observations. It was named un-aptly “solar constant”. PMOD composite (v. d41-62-1204) – ISN Different behaviour for cycle 23 (20% lower ISN, but the same TSI as for cycles 21 & 22) Daily measurements of the TSI from instruments on different satellites. The systematic offsets among measurements taken with different instruments complicate determinations of the long-term behavior. ACRIM composite – ISN Weaker correlation, if any – is the irradiance tied to magnetic activity? D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Total solar irradiance – the PMOD composite • Irradiance changes are due to the competition between dark sunspots and bright faculae in which the faculae win: they over-compensate the effect of sunspots. max max 3 solar cycles max • The total solar irradiance changes by 0.2% from cycle maximum to minimum. Total solar irradiance – the PMOD composite max max 3 solar cycles max Flares and CMEs data before cycle 23 ¢ data after 1997 D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Occurrence of big flares (X-flares) during the cycle – they can occur at any time. There is a tendency for flares to occur more frequently during the declining phase of the cycle. Carrington’s super-flare on 1 Sept. 1859 occurred during the rising phase at a SN~70 during the rising phase of cycle 10. Monthly number of M- and X-class flares vs. the SN for 03-1976 – 12-2013. Proportionality is weaker for high SN (>100). Geomagnetic activity Credit: D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Solar activity increases the baseline level of geomagnetic activity. • • • • Smoothed monthly geomagnetic index aa (red) and the SN (black). The aa index extends back to 1868, the longest geomagnetic time series. It is derived from two antipodal stations at ~±50°. The minima in geomagnetic activity tend to occur just just after the SN minima, and it tends to remain high during the declining phase of the sunspot cycle. The latter is due to high-speed solarwind streams from low-latitude coronal holes. There is a multi-cycle trend in geomagnetic activity, which follows the long-term trend in the SN. There are two components of geomagnetic variability, one is in phase, another is out of phase with the solar cycle (Feynmann, JGR, 87, 6153, 1982). Cosmic rays Monthly averaged cosmic ray flux from the Climax Neutron Monitor (1951-2006) and rescaled sunspot number (multiplied by five and offset by 4500). SN 19 20 GCR • • • 21 22 23 D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. The flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are electrons and nuclei accelerated to ≥GeV energies by supernova explosions. They are scattered by tangled heliospheric magnetic field and fluctuations in it (CMEs, interfaces of solar-wind streams with different solar-wind velocity). Cosmic ray variations are anti-correlated with solar activity but with differences depending upon the Sun’s global magnetic field polarity (A+ indicates periods with positive polarity north pole, while A– indicates periods with negative polarity). GCR modulations lag (2m or 10-14m) SN variations, and the lag depends on the Sun’s polarity (even - odd cycle variation), on which the shape of the GCR variation also depends. Radioisotopes in tree rings and ice cores • • • • • The radioisotopes 14C and 10Be are produced in Earth’s stratosphere by the impact of GCRs on 14N and 16O. The 14C gets oxidized to form CO2, which is absorbed by plants è remains traceable in tree rings. The 10Be gets oxidized and becomes attached to aerosols that can precipitate in snow è remains traceable in annual ice layers. GCR modulation by the solar cycle è atmospheric abundance variation of 14C (Stuiver and Quay, Science, 207, 11, 1980) and 10Be (Beer et al., Nature, 347,164, 1990). The production rates are function of magnetic latitude, which changes as the Earth’s magnetic dipole wanders and varies in strength. The production/transport/storage/deposition process is complicated and makes direct comparison between 14C and the solar cycle difficult (Usoskin, LRSP, 2013-1). Long-term trends: The Maunder Minimum • • Walter Maunder (MNRAS, 50, 251, 1890), reporting on the work of Spörer, noted that for a seventy-year period from 1645 – 1715 the course of the sunspot cycle was interrupted. Annie Maunder closely collaborated with her husband Walter in the follow-up investigation of the historic sunspot records. They also noted a possible correlation between sunspot activity and Earth's climate, including a period of low activity and cold weather much later referred to as the "Maunder Minimum." J.A. Eddy (Science, 192, 1189, 1976) provided additional references to the lack of activity during this period and referred to it as the Maunder Minimum. He noted that many observers prior to 1890 had noticed this lack of activity and that both he and Maunder were simply pointing out an overlooked aspect of solar activity. Recent Grand Minima & Maxima Sunspot index Reconstruction of solar activity over the past millennium • From telescopic sunspot observations (light solid line, starts ~ 1650) • Proxy of sunspot number from 14C data (heavy solid line left, index c) • Northern hemisphere aurorae (circles, in sightings per decade, index a) Charateristics: • Gleissberg cycle (presence of a superposed 80-100 year periodicity) • Grand minima (Wolf, Spörer, Maunder) • High activity period in the 12th-early 13th century Long-term cycle data 10Be in ice cores and 14C in tree rings data provide10 000-year reconstruction of past solar activity These records indicate about 15 Grand Maxima and 25 Grand Minima over this time period (one in every 400 years). Note that presently we see the end of a Grand Maximum. Cycle characteristics Cycles 19-23 • The Waldmeier effect (Waldmeier Astron. Mitt. Zurich, 1935, 1939) Can be used for predictions after a cycle has started. Rise Time (in months) ≈ 35 + 1800/ Amplitude (in Sunspot Number). • Double peaks – the Gnevishev gap (Gnevishev, 1963) There is no consensus on the origin – signature of a quasi-biannual oscillation – effect of the N-S phase shift in activity? Norton & Gallagher (Solar Phys. 261, 193, 2010) show that each hemisphere has its double-peaked activity. • N-S asymmetry / phase shift The two hemispheres are never get out of phase by more than ~10 months. D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. SN ¢ 10.7 cm The deep 23/24 cycle minimum There was a long, unexpected delay in the start of cycle 24 left behind a solar cycle minimum unlike any seen in living memory, indicating the end of the Modern Grand Maximum. • • • • In December of 2008, the 13-month smoothed SN dropped to 1.7 – its lowest value since July of 1913, and the smoothed number of spotless days in a month reached its highest value since August of 1913. In September of 2009, the geomagnetic aaindex dropped to its lowest value on record (since 1868), while the galactic cosmic ray flux reached record highs (since 1953). Since that minimum, we have seen cycle 24 rise slowly through one peak and then another to a maximum smoothed sunspot number of 81.9 in April 2014. While this behavior is not exceptional in terms of the historical record, it is exceptional when considering that the last time this was seen was 100 years ago. It is likely that solar activity is going through a Dalton-minimum type phase, which would mean 2-3 consecutive low-activity cycles. Movie of 30 years of magnetic data Movie by D. Hathaway Blue: negative; yellow: positive magnetic polarity. Kitt Peak Obs., MDI, HMI magnetograms Hale’s law Cycle 23, 19 January 2002 Cycle 24, 19 January 2012 N hemisphere: - + S hemisphere: + - N hemisphere: + S hemisphere: - + Magnetic polarities of sunspot pairs located in the northern and southern solar hemispheres are reversed; in one hemisphere the negative magnetic polarity sunspot leads the positive polarity sunspot (with respect to the westward apparent motion due to solar rotation), on the other one the reverse is true. Polarities reverse at the beginning of a new solar cycle. Bipole tilt 8o 6o 4o ~6-7° at 30° ~1-2° at the equator 0o 10o 20o 30o 2o Observation: • Bipolar active regions show a tilt relative to the equator: the leading spot is closer to the equator than the following spot. The tilt increases with latitude. This is Joy’s law (Hale et al., 1919). • The tilt increases with decreasing sunspot size/magnetic flux content -> effect of convective turbulence. • The tilt may vary inversely with the latitude of the cycle. Cause: • Coriolis forces acting on the rising expanding flux tubes leads to clockwise rotation of the flux tube on the Northern hemisphere and counter-clockwise rotation on the South. • Direction of the flux strand in the sub-photospheric layers (Ω effect). Butterfly diagram DAILY SUNSPOT AREA AVERAGED OVER INDIVIDUAL SOLAR ROTATIONS 90N SUNSPOT AREA IN EQUAL AREA LATITUDE STRIPS (% OF STRIP AREA) > 0.0% > 0.1% > 1.0% 30N EQ 30S 90S 1870 0.5 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 DATE 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 AVERAGE DAILY SUNSPOT AREA (% OF VISIBLE HEMISPHERE) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1870 12 1880 13 1890 14 1900 15 1910 1920 16 1930 17 18 1940 1950 DATE 19 1960 20 1970 21 1980 22 1990 23 2000 2010 2020 HATHAWAY NASA/ARC 2016/01 The sunspot “butterfly diagram”, showing the fractional coverage of sunspots as a function of solar latitude and time (D.Hathaway). • Sunspots are restricted to latitudinal bands ~30º wide, symmetric about the equator. • Sunspots emerge closer and closer to the equator in the course of a cycle, peaking in coverage at about ±15º of latitude. • Note the absence of sunspots at high latitudes ( > 40º) at any time during the cycle, and the equatorward drift of the sunspot distribution as the cycle proceeds from maximum to minimum are particularly striking here. • Note how the latitudinal distribution of sunspots is never exactly the same, and how for certain cycles (for example cycle 20, 1965---1976) there exists a pronounced North--South asymmetry in the hemispheric distributions. • Note also how, at solar minima, spots from each new cycle begin to appear at mid-latitudes while spots from the preceding cycle can still be seen near the equator, and how sunspots are almost never observed within a few degrees in latitude of the equator. • Sunspot maximum (1991, 1980, 1969,...) occurs about midway along each butterfly, when sunspot coverage is maximal at about 15 degrees latitude. Butterfly diagram DAILY SUNSPOT AREA AVERAGED OVER INDIVIDUAL SOLAR ROTATIONS 90N SUNSPOT AREA IN EQUAL AREA LATITUDE STRIPS (% OF STRIP AREA) > 0.0% > 0.1% > 1.0% 30N EQ 30S 90S 1870 0.5 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 DATE 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2010 2020 AVERAGE DAILY SUNSPOT AREA (% OF VISIBLE HEMISPHERE) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1870 12 1880 13 1890 14 1900 15 1910 1920 16 1930 17 18 1940 1950 DATE 19 1960 20 1970 21 1980 22 1990 23 2000 HATHAWAY NASA/ARC 2016/01 The width and slope of the butterfly Top: Latitude positions of the sunspot area centroid in each hemisphere for each Carrington Rotation as functions of time from cycle start. Bottom: The centroids of the centroids in 6-month intervals are shown for large, medium, and small cycles. The exponential fit to the active latitude positions is shown with 2𝜎 error bars. D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. The activity bands widen during the rise to maximum and narrow during the decline to minimum. This width is primarily a direct function of the sunspot number or area with little, if any, further dependence on cycle size or phase. Magnetic butterfly diagram - polar field reversal Each pixel column is a fullsun synoptic map the sum of magnetic fields along a given latitude Both polar caps (θ > +/-60°) are occupied by faculae of a dominant polarity. They change polarity at about the solar maximum to the following polarity of the given hemisphere of the actual cycle. They are most extended and have the highest total magnetic flux just before the sunspot minimum. The red arrows indicate the change of magnetic polarity of the poles. Hale’s law is also seen, due to leading-polarity magnetic fields being more concentrated and dominant, alternating on opposite hemispheres and in successive cycles. Observations Magnetic connectivity before polarity reversal Magnetic connectivity after polarity reversal Main rules of solar activity Hale(-Nicholson)’s law (Hale, 1924): active regions on opposite hemispheres have opposite leading magnetic polarities, alternating between successive sunspot cycles. Spörer’s butterfly diagram (Carrington, 1858): spot groups tend to emerge at progressively lower latitudes as a cycle progresses. Joy’s law (Hale et al., 1919): the centre of gravity of the leading polarity in bipolar sunspot groups tends to lie closer to the equator than that of the following polarity; the tilt increases with latitude. ~6-7° at 30° ~1-2° at the equator Surface flows • Surface flows are dominated by the basic rotation of the Sun and cellular flows. • But they also include differential rotation and an axisymmetric meridional flow. • These flows can be measured by direct Doppler imaging, feature tracking and helioseismic inversions. • These surface flows, and their extensions into the interior, play significant roles in the solar cycle. Flow components The meridional circulation has been particularly difficult to characterize because of its weakness and masking by other velocity signals. There have been conflicting measurements since it was first measured by Beckers in 1978. Differential rotation Sub-surface solar differential rotation from helioseismology Solar differential rotation: Ω(φ)=A+Bsin2φ+Csin4φ For magnetic features: Ω(φ)=14.38-1.95sin2φ-2.17sin4φ Meridional circulation • The axisymmetric flow in the meridional plane is generally known as the meridional circulation.The meridional circulation in the solar envelope is much weaker than the differential rotation, making it relatively difficult to measure. Although it can in principle be probed using global helioseismology, the effect of meridional circulation on global acoustic oscillations is small and may be difficult to distinguish from rotational and magnetic effects. Thus, we must currently rely on surface measurements and local helioseismology. • The meridional circulation is largely poleward from the equator at about 20 m/s and extends deep into the convection zone from the surface. Evidence is mounting that the flow is time-dependent. • The equatorward return flow deep down in the convection zone has not been measured. However, it should exist (mass conservation). However, since ρ increases with depth, a 20 m/s poleward flow would be balanced by a ~ 4 m/s equatorward flow in the lower half of the convection zone… Meridional circulation - cycle variation (a) Hernandez Gonzalez 2010 (b) Spatial and temporal variation of the meridional circulation in the surface layers of the Sun. (a) The meridional flow as a function of the solar cycle and depth. In the shallow layers (3-8 Mm depth) a “bump” is present in the activity belt during the high-activity years, while there is no significant cycle variation at greater depth (11-14 Mm). This is attributed to a geostrophic flow due to the lower sub-surface temperature of active regions (Spruit, 2003). (b) The meridional flow as a function of latitude and time at a depth of 5.8 Mm, averaged for the two hemispheres – note the fluctuations and cycle dependence. Dynamo Dynamo refers to the complex of mechanisms that cause the magnetic phenomena in the Sun. Usually, it is broken down into three components: (1) Generation of strong, large-scale fields of periodically reversing polarity (2) The rise of these fields to the photosphere (3) The processing, spreading across, and removal from the photosphere of magnetic flux After decades of magnetic measurements on the Sun which included the weaker facular fields besides the strong ones, inspired by the observed time-dependent behaviour of the photospheric magnetic fields, in 1961 Babcock put forward a conceptual model, which describes the 22-year cycle in five stages. Babcock’s model : 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage: About 3 years before the onset of the new sunspot cycle, the new field to be involved in the new cycle is approximated by a dipole field symmetric about the rotation axis. That poloidal field is identified with observed field in the polar caps. Low-latitude regions are residuals of the preceding cycle. All the internal poloidal field lines are arbitrarily taken to lie in a relatively thin sheet at depth in the order of 0.1 R that extends in latitude from -55o to +55o having flux of 8x1021 Mx. 2nd stage: The originally poloidal field is pulled into a helical spiral in the activity belts, by diff. rot., with the result that the field becomes nearly toroidal and gets amplified - after 3 years the equator will have gained in its rotation about 5.6 turns on the latitude circles +/- 55o, which gives the same number of turns for the field lines on both hemispheres (0.0001→0.03T). Further amplification was reached by twisting by the roller bearing effect of the radial differential rotation shear: αeffect (→0.3T) Third stage: Formation of active regions • Provides a natural explanation of the Hale-Nicolson polarity law. Each Ω-shaped loop erupting through the surface will produce a bipolar active region with preceding and following magnetic polarity, and p and f polarities switch at the equator. • Explains Spörer’s law: given the sin2φ (φ=latitude) term in the solar differential rotation, the intensification proceeds most rapidly at φ=+/-30o, so the 1st ARs of the cycle expected to erupt there, and only later at lower latitudes. It takes 8 years between the 1st spots at φ=+/-30o and the last low-latitude spots to appear using the differential rotation curve. Solar differential rotation: Ω(φ)=A+Bsin2φ+Csin4φ For magnetic features: Ω(φ)=14.38-1.95sin2φ-2.17sin4φ Fourth stage: Describes the neutralization and subsequent reversal of the general poloidal field as a result of the systematic inclination of active regions (i.e. that the following polarity tends to lie at higher latitude than the leading polarity; Joy’s law). When opposite polarities are brought together, equal amount of opposite flux cancel. ~99% of AR flux cancels against remnant flux from neighbour ARs, less than 1% of following polarity makes it to the nearest pole, first neutralizing the existing field and then replacing them by flux of opposite polarity. The same fraction of leading polarities of the two hemispheres cancel in the equatorial strip. The cancellations are helped by a presumed meridional flow pattern (pole/equatorward at high/low latitudes). Fifth stage: Babcock assumed that ~11 years after the beginning of the 1st stage the polar fields correspond to a purely poloidal field opposite to that during the 1st phase. From here on, the dynamo process has been suggested to continue for the second half of the 22-yr activity cycle, now with all polarities reversed with respect to the first 11-yr. In Babcock’s model, the migration of the f polarity towards the nearest pole was included simply as an observed fact. Leighton (1969) interpreted the mean flux transport as the combined effect of • the dispersal of magnetic elements by a random walk process • and (like Babcock) the asymmetry in the flux emergence (tilt - Joy’s law) Leighton included this flux transport in a quantitative, closed kinematic model for the solar cycle, dealing with zonal and radial averages of the magnetic field, which are assumed to vary only with latitude and time. → Babcock-Leighton semiempirical kinematic model Limitations of the B-L model • Heuristic and semi-quantitative, assumes a highly simplified initial state. • Does not explain why the sunspot zones drift towards the equator. • Kinematical - velocity field v is assumed, while the dynamics of the magnetic phenomena are much less understood; Assumes a meridional circulation pattern (low-latitudes towards the equator, high-latidudes toward the pole), which does not agree with modern observations. • In the original Babcock model the internal poloidal field lines were arbitrarily taken to lie in a relatively thin sheet at a depth of 0.1 R, while now it is commonly accepted that the toroidal flux cannot reside in the convection zone proper, but it is stored in the thin boundary layer below the convection zone called the tachocline. • It neglects the diffusive effects of the convective motions on the magnetic field (convective motions were not known at that time). • The intensification of the field is produced by both latitudinal and radial gradients in the Sun’s angular rotation rate. The latter impart a further twist to the flux tubes, adjusting the α effect to the required level in order to reproduce Spörer’s law. However, the radial gradient in the differential rotation (in the convection zone) is not confirmed by helioseismology - however, there is radial gradient in the tachocline. Recent models Since then, dynamo models have aimed fully dynamical solutions of the induction equation together with the coupled mass, momentum and energy relations for the plasma → dynamo equation. ω-effect α-effect All dynamo models rely on the differential rotation to pull the field in the horizontal direction (ωeffect). The main problem of the solar dynamo is how to generate the properly cyclic poloidal field. Parker (1955): rising plasma blobs (in the CZ) expand laterally → they rotate due to the Coriolis force → helical turbulence in convective motions → rising magnetic elements carry a poloidal field component correct for the next cycle. With helioseismology establishing the strong differential rotation shear at the base of the convection zone in the tachocline, there is little doubt that the dynamo operates there, and the magnetic field produced there has a magnitude of the order of 10 T. However, such strong field can not be twisted by helical turbulence, so for the generation of the poloidal field the BL idea is revived - i.e. that it is produced by the decay of bipolar regions on the surface. It is the meridional circulation which will carry this field poleward and then down to the base of the convection zone, where it is stretched by the differential rotation to produce a strong toroidal field. → advective dynamo model (Choudhuri et al., 1995). Though the details are far from being clear, it seems that solar magnetic fields are generated and maintained by the dynamo process. Cycle prediction – polar fields Out of the many methods which are based on cycle statistics, the method based on polar fields (Schatten et al., JRL, 5, 411, 1978), one of the most “physical” method is based on the polar field strength at the start of the cycle, in accordance with Babcock’s dynamo model. The method works for the few cycles the data span allows prediction to be made. Svalgaard et al. (GRL 32, L01104, 2005) gave a prediction of RMax(24)=75±8. Actual peak value: 81.9! This is about half of RMax(23), with a prior polar field being half as strong. Simple! Cycles 15-24 Wilcox Solar Observatory data (1976-) D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Using Mount Wilson Observatory-observed counts of polar faculae as a proxy and calibrating it with Wilcox and SOHO/MDI magnetic measurements for field strength and flux, Munoz-Jaramillo et al. (ApJL, 767, L25, 2012) created a century-long new polar magnetic flux database for cycle predictions. The measurements taken within 2 years of cycle minimum give the best prediction. Squares (circles) - North (south) hemisphere Munoz-Jaramillo et al., 2012. Cycle prediction – flux transport dynamos 3D (latitude, depth, and time) flux-transport dynamo models have been developed to include the kinematic effects of the Sun’s meridional circulation, finding that it can play a significant role in the magnetic dynamo (Dikpati and Charbonneau, 1999). In these models the speed of the meridional circulation sets the cycle period and influences both the strength of the polar fields and the amplitudes of following cycles. Two predictions were made based on flux transport dynamos with assimilated data, with very different results. Dikpati et al. (2006 ) predicted an amplitude for cycle 24 of 150 – 180. They used: (i) Rotation profile and a near surface meridional flow based on helioseismic observations. (ii) Two source terms for the poloidal field – one at the surface due to the Joy’s Law tilt of the emerging active regions, and one in the tachocline due to hydrodynamic and MHD instabilities. (iii) They drove the model with a surface source of poloidal field that depends upon the sunspot areas observed since 1874. The surface poloidal source term drifted linearly from 30° to 5° over each cycle with an amplitude that depended on the observed sunspot areas. (iv) The prediction was based on the strength of the toroidal field produced in the tachocline. They found excellent agreement between this toroidal field strength and the amplitude of each of the last eight cycles, but failed predicting the small amplitude of Cycle 24. D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Cycle prediction – flux transport dynamos Choudhuri et al. (2007) predicted an amplitude for cycle 24 of 80 using a similar flux-transport dynamo, but using the surface poloidal field at minimum as the assimilated data. They used a similar axisymmetric model for the poloidal and toroidal fields, but with a meridional flow that extends below the base of the convection zone and a diffusivity that remains high throughout the convection zone. In their model, the toroidal field in the tachocline produces flux eruptions when its strength exceeds a given limit. The number of eruptions is proportional to the sunspot number and was used as the predicted quantity. They assimilate data by instantaneously changing the poloidal field at minimum throughout most of the convection zone to make it match the dipole moment obtained from the Wilcox Solar Observatory observations. They found an excellent fit to the last three cycles (the full extent of the data) and found 𝑅max (24) ∼ 80, in agreement with the polar field prediction of Svalgaard et al. (2005). Problems: (i) Flux-transport models assume that the meridional flow sinks inward at the poles and returns toward the equator at the bottom of the tachocline. However, most recent helioseismology measurements indicate a shallower return depth, and a two-cell structure (Zhao et al., 2013), which are incompatible with these dynamo models. (ii) The meridional flow is time-dependent. Tobias et al. (2006) and Bushby and Tobias (2007) note that even weak stochastic perturbations to the parameters of flux transport dynamos produce substantial changes to the activity cycles. They conclude that the solar dynamo is deterministically chaotic and thus inherently unpredictable. D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Cycle prediction – flux transport dynamos Choudhuri et al. (2007) predicted an amplitude for cycle 24 of 80 using a similar flux-transport dynamo, but using the surface poloidal field at minimum as the assimilated data. They used a similar axisymmetric model for the poloidal and toroidal fields, but with a meridional flow that extends below the base of the convection zone and a diffusivity that remains high throughout the convection zone. In their model, the toroidal field in the tachocline produces flux eruptions when its strength exceeds a given limit. The number of eruptions is proportional to the sunspot number and was used as the predicted quantity. They assimilate data by instantaneously changing the poloidal field at minimum throughout most of the convection zone to make it match the dipole moment obtained from the Wilcox Solar Observatory observations. They found an excellent fit to the last three cycles (the full extent of the data) and found 𝑅max (24) ∼ 80, in agreement with the polar field prediction of Svalgaard et al. (2005). Problems: (i) Flux-transport models assume that the meridional flow sinks inward at the poles and returns toward the equator at the bottom of the tachocline. However, most recent helioseismology measurements indicate a shallower return depth, and a two-cell structure (Zhao et al., 2013), which are incompatible with these dynamo models. (ii) The meridional flow is time-dependent. Tobias et al. (2006) and Bushby and Tobias (2007) note that even weak stochastic perturbations to the parameters of flux transport dynamos produce substantial changes to the activity cycles. They conclude that the solar dynamo is deterministically chaotic and thus inherently unpredictable. D.H. Hathaway, LRSP, 2015-4. Summary - solar cycle 11-year cycle: • amplitude variations with factor of 3 • length: 8-14 yr • mean length: 11.1 yr ± 14 months • asymmetry in rise and decline - strongest for high-amplitude cycles Rules: • Hale(-Nicolson)’s law: active regions on opposite hemispheres have opposite leading magnetic polarities, alternating between successive sunspot cycles. • Spörer’s butterfly diagram: spot groups tend to emerge at progressively lower altitude as a cycle progresses. • Joy’s law: the centre of gravity of the leading polarity in bipolar sunspot groups tends to lie closer to the equator than that of the following polarity: the tilt increases with latitude. Longer-term cycle modulations: • 80-100 yr (Gleissberg cycle) • number of grand minima (Wolf, Spörer, Maunder) • grand maximum in the 12th-early 13th century Summary: B-L dynamo model The five stages of the development of the cycle as described by the Babcock-Leighton model: (i) low activity phase – pure poloidal magnetic field (ii) winding up and intensification of the field by differential rotation (iii) emergence of active regions – sense of positive and negative polarities are equivalent of Hale’s law (iv) neutralisation and reversal of general poloidal field due to flux cancellation with flux diffused out of following polarity spots which are closer to the poles (Joy’s law) (v) renewed winding up by differential rotation with polar field polarity reversed. – 22-year cycle is required to restore original polarity. The solar dynamo The solar dynamo: Toroidal and radial magnetic fields.