
As required by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13a, §6, the Register
publishes executive orders issued by the Governor of Texas. Appointments made and proclamations issued by the governor are also published. Appointments are published in chronological order.
Additional informationon documents submitted for publication by the
Governor's Office can be obtained by calling (512) 475-3021.
Appointment Made September 7
Governor's Advisory Panel on Offshore
Oil and Chemical Spill Responses
To be chair for a term to continue at the pleasure of this
Janice R. Coggeshall
Galveston City Hall
P.O. Box 779
Galveston, Texas 77553
Issued in Austin, Texas, on September 7 , 1'984.
Mark White
Governor of Texas
Designating Advocacy, Inc., to Administer the CIient Assistance Program Created by Feder~lPublic Law 98-221,
and Desigmting the Director of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to Chair an Advisory Committee to the
Client Assistance Program.
WHEREAS, Public Law 98-221, the Rehabilitation Amendments of 1984, requires each state which received
a federal allotment for vocational rehabilitative services to have in lace bv October 1. 1984. a client assistance
program; and .
WHEREAS,it is desirable that such client assistance programs be administered by an organization with experience
in successfully running this type of program and be closely associated with, but separate from, state agencies
charged with providing vocational rehabilitation services;
NOW THEREFORE, by the authority v-ested in me as governor, after consultation with representatives of the disabled community and review of the accomplishments of Advocacy, Inc., a nonprofit corporation associated with
the State Bar of Texas, in administering an ombudsman program for the disabled community, I hereby designate
Advocacy, Inc., as the Texas client assistance program to be established in compliance with Public Law 98-221.
I further designate the commissioner of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to chair a project advisory committee which I will appoint to oversee and make recommendations for aqinistration df the client assistan& program. This committee will be composed of
consumers and service providers.
I further direct Advocacy Inc., to submit an evaluation of the client assistance program with review and comment by the Project Advisory Committee and to file a report regarding the program and its deficiencies and/or
accomplishments on or before September 1, 1985, and annually each year thereafter.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 2, 1984.
Governor of Texas
TexReg 4902
September 18, 1984