Chronobiology International, 2013; 30(5): 699–710 ! Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. ISSN: 0742-0528 print / 1525-6073 online DOI: 10.3109/07420528.2013.782313 Differential effects of transient constant light-dark conditions on daily rhythms of Period and Clock transcripts during Senegalese sole metamorphosis Águeda J. Martı́n-Robles1,2,3, David Whitmore4, Carlos Pendón2, and José A. Muñoz-Cueto1,3 Departamento de Biologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, Universidad de Cádiz, Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (CEIMAR), Puerto Real, Spain, 2Departamento de Biomedicina, Biotecnologı́a y Salud Pública, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain, 3CACYTMAR, Institutos de Investigación, Campus Universitario de Puerto Real, Puerto Real, Spain, and 4Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Centre for Cell and Molecular Dynamics, University College London, London, United Kingdom Studies on the developmental onset of the teleost circadian clock have been carried out in zebrafish and, recently, in rainbow trout and Senegalese sole, where rhythms of clock gene expression entrained by light-dark (LD) cycles have been reported from the first days post fertilization. However, investigations of molecular clock rhythms during crucial developmental phases such as metamorphosis are absent in vertebrates. In this study, we documented the daily expression profile of Per1, Per2, Per3, and Clock during Senegalese sole pre-, early-, middle-, and postmetamorphic stages under LD 14:10 cycles (LD group), as well as under transient exposure to constant light (LL-LD group) or constant dark (DD-LD group) conditions. Our results revealed that robust rhythms of clock genes were maintained along the metamorphic process, although with declining amplitudes and expression levels. All daily profiles were affected by transient constant conditions, in particular Per1, Per3, and Clock amplitudes and Per2 acrophase. Rhythm parameters were progressively restored upon reversion to LD cycles but even after 9 d under cycling conditions, a prolonged effect on clock function was observed, especially in the LL-LD group. These results reflect the differential sensitivity of clock machinery of sole to transitory light cues, being Per1 and Per3 predominantly clock regulated and supporting the role of Per2 as part of the light input pathway. Interestingly, there is no reversal in the phase of clock gene rhythms between pre- and post-metamorphic animals that would be coincident with the switch from diurnal to nocturnal locomotor activity, which occurs in this species just before the beginning of this process. Whether specialized central pacemakers dictate the phase of locomotor activity or this control is exerted outside of the core clock mechanism remains to be elucidated. Our results emphasize the importance of maintaining cycling light-dark conditions in aquaculture practices during ontogeny of Senegalese sole. (Author correspondence: or Keywords: Circadian system, clock genes, development, fish, photoperiod INTRODUCTION 20 13 Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. 1 prenatal to the postnatal period. Synchronized oscillations with high amplitude appear earlier in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus than in the peripheral clocks such as liver and heart (Kovacikova et al., 2006; Sakamoto et al., 2002; Sladek et al., 2007). Maternal signals such as feeding time and melatonin production play a key role in setting the phase of these early clocks, whereas photic entrainment appears later on development (Seron-Ferre et al., 2007; Sumova et al., 2006). The timing of biochemical, physiological, and behavioral daily functions is controlled by the circadian system in most living organisms. One of the central elements of this system is the endogenous oscillator or molecular clock, which is maintained by complex transcriptional-translational feedback loops of clock genes and their protein products (Pegoraro & Tauber, 2011). In mammals, the emergence of clock gene rhythms during ontogenesis arises gradually from the Submitted November 23, 2012, Returned for revision February 20, 2013, Accepted March 1, 2013 Correspondence: José A. Muñoz-Cueto, Departamento de Biologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, Universidad de Cádiz, Campus Rio San Pedro, E-11510, Puerto Real, Spain. Tel.: +34 956016023. Fax: +34 956016019. E-mail:; or to Carlos Pendón, Departamento de Bioquı́mica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Cádiz, Campus Rio San Pedro, E-11510, Puerto Real, Spain. Tel.: +34 956016391. Fax: +34 956016288; E-mail: 699 Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. 700 Á. J. Martı́n-Robles et al. Fish have ultimately proven to be valuable complementary models for studying various aspects of clock biology (Idda et al., 2012). Early development in this vertebrate group is strongly influenced by photoperiod conditions (Villamizar et al., 2011). Importantly in zebrafish, embryos, cell lines, as well as most tissues and organs appear directly light responsive (Carr et al., 2006). Circadian rhythms of behavior are first detected soon after hatching, and are dependent on exposure of larvae to light-dark cycles (Hurd & Cahill, 2002). Rhythmic clock gene expression begins much earlier, and a functional circadian clock has been shown to autonomously oscillate within the first 12 h of development, prior to the complete differentiation of specialized light-receptive structures (Davie et al., 2011; Dekens & Whitmore, 2008; Delaunay et al., 2003). These embryonic molecular clocks require exposure to environmental stimuli for the entrainment and generation of synchronized oscillations in the embryo (Dekens & Whitmore, 2008; Lahiri et al., 2005). The Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) shows a rapid larval development, which is also tightly influenced by lighting conditions (Blanco-Vives et al., 2010; Cañavate et al., 2006; Parra & Yúfera, 2001; Yúfera et al., 1999). Rhythms in behavior appear early at 3 d post hatching (dph), roughly coinciding with the complete organization of molecular clock rhythms, at least for Per1, Per2, Per3, and Clock genes (Martı́nRobles et al., 2012a). In the course of their development, flatfish species as Senegalese sole undergo a real metamorphic process that represents a dramatic transition from symmetric pelagic larva to an asymmetric benthic juvenile and involves tissue differentiation, biochemical, molecular, and physiological changes (Fernández-Dı́az et al., 2001; Isorna et al., 2009b; Parra & Yúfera, 2001; Power et al., 2001). Regarding biological rhythms, it has been reported that this rearrangement of the body plan encompasses a lightdependent switch from diurnal to nocturnal locomotor activity rhythms and feeding behavior, which occur just before the onset of this process (Blanco-Vives et al., 2012; Cañavate et al., 2006). In previous studies, we showed that constant light (LL) or dark (DD) photoperiods markedly influenced clock gene expression rhythms during the first days of development and prolonged DD conditions led to a high mortality in sole larvae, which do not accomplish the metamorphic process (Blanco-Vives et al., 2012; Martı́n-Robles et al., 2012a). Nevertheless, the existence of clock molecular rhythms and the effect of lighting conditions during this remarkable phase of larval ontogeny are still unknown. The aim of this work was to determine, for the first time, clock gene expression profiles during Senegalese sole pre- and post-metamorphic stages and investigate the effects of transitory constant light or dark conditions in Per1, Per2, Per3, and Clock daily rhythms. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals and rearing system Senegalese sole fertilized eggs were supplied by IFAPA El Toruño (Puerto de Santa Marı́a, Cádiz, Spain) from naturally spawning tanks during the main reproductive season (spring). They were collected early in the morning (0 d post fertilization [dpf]) and transferred to the indoor fish facilities of the ‘‘Laboratorio de Cultivos Marinos’’ (Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain). Eggs were maintained in 1-m3 tanks equipped with a cover connected to an individual automatic photoperiod control system. Tanks were filled up with 200 L of seawater at a temperature and salinity of 19 1 C and 39 ppt, respectively, in an open circuit system with gentle aeration and a central draining pipe with 132-mm mesh. Larvae were maintained from the day of fertilization (0 dpf) to 24 dpf when metamorphosis had been completed in all groups. They were fed with Brachionus plicatilis rotifers and Artemia sp. nauplii. Rotifers were supplied from 2 to 14 d post hatching (dph) and its density was gradually increased from 3 to 15 rotifers mL1 for 9-d-old larvae onwards. Live brine shrimp Artemia sp. nauplii were supplied from 10 to 24 dph, its density being daily adjusted and also gradually increased from 0.1 to 8 nauplii mL1. The unicellular marine microalgaes Isochrysis galbana (T-ISO strain) and Nannochloropsis gaditana were used for enrichment of live preys and were also added to larval tanks during rotifer use (green waters technique). The experimental protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Cádiz and were conducted in accordance with international ethical standards (Portaluppi et al., 2010). Experimental design and sampling Senegalese Sole eggs were split and initially stocked at a density of 100 individuals per liter. In order to analyze the diel expression of clock genes during sole metamorphosis as well as the effect of transient constant lighting conditions, three different experimental groups were made. In the first experimental group, larvae were maintained under LD (14:10) from 0 to 24 dpf (LD group). The two remaining groups were reared under LD from 0 to 9 dpf, followed by transient constant light (LL-LD group) or dark (DD-LD group) conditions from 10 to 14 dpf and then they were returned to LD conditions from 15 to 24 dpf. Light was switched on at zeitgeber time (ZT) 0 (08:00 h local time) and off at ZT 14 (22:00 h local time). The artificial photophase under LD conditions was adjusted to 14 h, since this is the local average duration of day light following the main natural spawning period of Solea senegalensis (Anguis & Cañavate, 2005). Animals were sampled at four developmental stages during the metamorphic process, coinciding with pre- (11 dpf), early (14 dpf), middle (18), and post- (24 dpf) metamorphosis. We have Chronobiology International Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. Clock Genes During Senegalese Sole Metamorphosis tested the expression of clock genes by using different sampling points along a daily cycle. Cosinor analysis does not markedly differ by using four (ZT 0, ZT 7, ZT 12, ZT 19) or six (ZT 0, ZT 4, ZT 8, ZT 12, ZT 16, ZT 20) sampling points (data not shown). Therefore, we have considered that four sampling points/24-h cycle were enough to perform a comprehensive developmental study. Pools of whole animals containing 5–10 specimens were then collected at ZT 0, ZT 7, ZT 12, and ZT 19 (n ¼ 5). In constant light and dark conditions, these hours represent circadian time (CT). Animals were starved during the sampling days and collected at the same developmental stage, measured according to their position in the water column. During darkness, sampling was performed under a dim red light. All samples were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 C until used. Gene expression analysis Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) was used to analyze Per1, Per2, Per3, and Clock mRNA relative expression. Total RNA from sole larvae was extracted using TRIsure Reagent (Bioline, London, UK) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were homogenized in a mixer mill MM400 (Retsch, Haan, Germany) with 4–6 stainless steel beads (2 mm diameter). After extraction, RNA was resuspended in 20–30 mL diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)-treated water (Bioline). Total RNA yield and purity were determined by the 260/280 nm absorbance ratio in an Eppendorf biophotometer (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). Aliquots of 100 ng were reverse transcribed into cDNA (20 mL reaction volume) using random hexamers and the Quantitec reverse transcription kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), which includes a previous genomic DNA removal step. RT-qPCR reactions were developed in a Chromo 4 FourColor Real-Time System using the iTaqTM SYBR Green Supermix with ROX (Bio-Rad, Alcobendas, Spain) as previously described (Martı́n-Robles et al., 2011, 2012a, 2012b). Samples were run in duplicate. Nontemplate control and non-retrotranscribed total RNA sample were used as negative controls. Relative mRNA expression was determined by means of the DDCt method (Livak & Schmittgen, 2001), using Senegalese sole -actin (GenBank accession number DQ485686) as a reference gene, which was revealed as an adequate housekeeping gene for developmental studies in this species (Infante et al., 2008). Moreover, we used a second housekeeping gene for normalisation, rps4 (GenBank accession number AB291557), which provided similar developmental profiles of clock gene expression. Data analysis Statistical tests were performed using the Statgraphics Plus 5.1 software (Statpoint Technologies, Warrenton, VA, USA). Data of clock gene relative expression within a given developmental stage (11, 14, 18, or 24 dpf) were subjected to a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) ! Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. 701 followed by a Tukey’s post hoc comparisons test to determine significant differences between photoperiods and daily time points. When a significant correlation between both factors was found, a one-way ANOVA was used followed by the Tukey test. In all cases, significance was accepted at p50.05. Data are presented as mean SEM (standard error of the mean). Rhythmicity in daily gene expression values was evaluated by cosinor analysis using the chronobiological software El Temps (version 1.228; developed by Prof. A. Dı́ez Noguera (University of Barcelona). Expression profiles were considered to display a significant daily rhythm when p50.05. RESULTS Period genes expression during senegalese sole metamorphosis The three Period genes currently studied (Per1, Per2, and Per3) were rhythmically expressed in sole from premetamorphic larvae to post-metamorphic juveniles, as revealed by ANOVA and cosinor analysis (Figures 1–3 and Table 1). Regarding Per1 expression, a significant interaction between photoperiod and time of day was found at 11, 14, 18, and 24 dpf (two-way ANOVA, p50.05; Figure 1). The interaction also yielded significant differences in Per2 and Per3 at 11, 14, and 18 dpf (two-way ANOVA, p50.05; Figures 2, 3). In these cases, Period genes expression significantly varied with time in all photoperiods (Figures 1–3). At 24 dpf, statistically significant differences were found across time points and also between photoperiod conditions in the case of Per3, and only across time points in Per2 mRNA levels (Figures 2, 3). In larvae exposed to light-dark conditions (LD group), an overall reduction of amplitudes and transcript levels was observed from early metamorphosis (14 dpf) to middle- and post-metamorphic stages (18 and 24 dpf, respectively; Figures 1–3, Table 1). Acrophases of Per1 and Per3 were observed at dawn in all cases, being Per1 peaks slightly phase advanced in relation to Per3. They were placed just prior to lights on for Per1 (between ZT 23.52 and ZT 0.61; Table 1) and immediately subsequent to lights on for Per3 (between ZT 0.49 and ZT 1.62; Table 1). Per2 phase was also maintained during pre and metamorphic stages, its peak expression occurring later during daytime between ZT 4.42 and ZT 7.19 (Table 1). Under transient conditions of constant light (LL-LD group), amplitudes and transcript levels were also reduced, although in this case it was evident from preto early metamorphosis (11–14 dpf), when the continuous light treatment was applied. Rhythmicity in Period genes was conserved, but their amplitudes and acrophases were differentially affected. During the second day under LL (11 dpf), amplitudes were similar to those observed in LD conditions, and expression peaks at CT 20.69 and 22.71 for Per1 and Per3, respectively (Table 1, Figures 1, 3). Per2 phase was markedly influenced by 702 Á. J. Martı́n-Robles et al. Per1 Relave expreession 11 dpf p PreM LD 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 g def cd ab Relave exxpression 14 dpf EarlyM E l M Relave eexpression 18 dpf MidM 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 f abc a 24 dpf PostM 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 e bc a bc cd ab efg c ab bcde 0 ZT0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 e ZT0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 de bcd abcd de ab 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ab a abc ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 de b 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 cde bcd ab 9 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 f ab ZT0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 a ef 0 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 d efg ZT0 9 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 abc ZT0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 e ZT0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 DD-LD fg ZT0 9 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 f ZT0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 g 0 ZT0 Relavee expression Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. ZT0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 LL-LD cd a ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 d abc a ZT0 abc ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 FIGURE 1. Relative Per1 mRNA expression during sole metamorphosis. The LD group was maintained under a 14 h light:10 h dark regime, and transient constant conditions of light and dark were applied from 10 to 14 dpf in the LL-LD and DD-LD groups, respectively. Larvae were collected during pre- (11 dpf; PreM), early- (14 dpf; EarlyM), middle- (18 dpf; MidM), and post- (24 dpf; PostM) metamorphic stages at ZT/CT 0, 7, 12, and 19. The bars above each graph indicate the photoperiod conditions within a given 24-h period, white bars representing light phases and black bars representing phases of darkness. Relative expression was quantified by RT-qPCR. Each value represents the mean SEM (n ¼ 5). Daily expression data from different photoperiods were analyzed at each metamorphic stage by two-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey’s post hoc test. When a significant correlation between hours and photoperiods was found, a one-way ANOVA was used followed by the Tukey test. Different letters indicate significant differences between time points from different photoperiod regimes within a given developmental stage. constant lighting conditions and its peak expression was displaced from daytime at ZT 7.19 under LD conditions to the subjective night at CT 21.17 under LL (Table 1, Figure 2). By the fifth consecutive day under this regime (14 dpf), amplitudes of Per1 and Per3 were significantly reduced in relation to LD conditions (Table 1). Acrophases of Per1 and Per3 resembled those observed under LD (Table 1, Figures 1, 3), but Per2 peak occurred again during the subjective night at CT 20.29 (Table 1, Figure 2). From 15 dpf onwards, animals were reverted to LD conditions and by the next two sampling days (18 and 24 dpf) lower amplitude was still detected in Chronobiology International Clock Genes During Senegalese Sole Metamorphosis Per2 Relave expreession 11 dpf p PreM LD LL-LD 35 35 30 30 25 ab a 5 Relave exp pression Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. ZT7 Relave expression e 10 5 5 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT0 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 de bcd 10 a 5 fg ef ef 15 10 5 5 ZT7 35 35 30 30 25 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 15 bc bc 10 a 5 b bcd bcd ZT7 a 5 ZT12 ZT19 ZT7 35 30 30 25 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 15 5 b 10 a 0 b b 10 b a 5 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT12 ZT19 d cd a ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 b b b a 5 0 0 ZT0 ZT7 e ZT0 ZT12 ZT19 35 b abc 0 ZT0 30 b ab 5 35 10 bc 10 0 ZT0 ZT12 ZT19 de ZT0 ZT12 ZT19 30 bcd ZT7 0 ZT0 35 10 a 20 10 ZT12 ZT19 a 25 g 0 ZT7 ab 0 ZT0 35 cde bc 15 30 0 Relavve expression bc 35 ZT0 24 dpf PostM 20 bc 10 ZT12 ZT19 0 18 dpf MidM 25 0 ZT0 35 30 de 15 0 14 dpf l EarlyM e 20 bc 15 10 DD-LD 25 cd 20 703 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 FIGURE 2. Relative Per2 mRNA expression during sole metamorphosis. For further details, see the legend of Figure 1. Per1 compared to LD conditions (Table 1). Three days after the restoration of LD regime (18 dpf), the phases of the three Period genes remained similar in the LL-LD group and the LD group (Table 1, Figures 1–3). In animals kept under transient conditions of continuous dark during 10–14 dpf (DD-LD group), Period genes expression was revealed as rhythmic by ANOVA and cosinor analysis (Figures 1–3, Table 1). Amplitudes were also decreased compared to LD conditions but after 5 d of constant darkness, the effect was not as noticeable as in LL conditions (Table 1). Acrophases of Per1 and Per3 at 11 and 14 dpf were comparable to their peaks in LD conditions (Table 1, Figures 1, 3). Per2 ! Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. phase was the most affected by the DD conditions, showing its peak of expression during the subjective day but 4–6 h phase advanced in relation to LD conditions, at CT 0.89 and 1.64 during 11 and 14 dpf, respectively (Table 1, Figure 2). At 18 dpf, 3 d after reversion to LD cycles, amplitudes of Period genes were even higher to those observed in LD conditions (Table 1). At 24 dpf, Per2 and Per3 amplitudes were similar to the LD group but Per1 amplitude was lower than that observed in LD conditions (Table 1). The phase of Per2 was resynchronized to the new LD cycle, showing its acrophase at ZT 3.73 and ZT 4.84 during 18 and 24 dpf, respectively (Table 1, Figure 2). 704 Á. J. Martı́n-Robles et al. Per3 LD LL-LD 11 dpf p PreM Relave expreession 120 100 120 f 100 80 60 40 d ab 20 Relave exp pression 40 de b de c 20 0 a 0 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT0 120 120 100 100 100 80 80 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 g 60 60 e 40 80 f 60 e 40 cd 20 de e ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT0 120 120 100 100 100 80 80 80 60 e 40 20 d ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 0 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT0 120 120 120 100 100 100 80 80 80 f 60 60 40 ab 20 0 20 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 d abcd a 0 ZT0 f 40 abcd abcd ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 60 e 40 cd cd b 20 0 ZT0 d 40 b 20 0 f c c a ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 60 e 40 cd b 0 ZT0 120 60 de 40 20 0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 f c 20 a ZT0 Relave expression e f 80 60 40 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 0 Relavee expression Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. f 20 120 24 dpf PostM 100 f 60 e ZT0 18 dpf MidM 120 80 0 14 dpf E l M EarlyM DD-LD bcd abc 20 0 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 FIGURE 3. Relative Per3 mRNA expression during sole metamorphosis. For further details, see the legend of Figure 1. Clock expression during senegalese sole metamorphosis The expression profile of Clock gene was also clearly rhythmic during sole metamorphosis (Figure 4, Table 1). A significant interaction between time points and photoperiod conditions was observed at 11, 14, and 18 dpf (two-way ANOVA, p50.05; Figure 4). At 11 and 18 dpf, Clock mRNA levels significantly varied with time in all photoperiods, but at 14 dpf only the LD group shows significant daily variations (Figure 4). At 24 dpf, both time of day and photoperiod condition yielded significant differences (Figure 4). As occurred with Period genes, Clock expression levels, mesor, and amplitudes showed a general decline in the LD group from pre- (11 dpf) and early metamorphosis (14 dpf) to middle- (18 dpf) and post-metamorphic (24 dpf) stages (Figure 4, Table 1). The phase of the rhythm was maintained over the four stages Chronobiology International Clock Genes During Senegalese Sole Metamorphosis 705 TABLE 1. Cosinor analysis of Per1, Per2, Per3, and Clock daily expression during Senegalese sole metamorphosis under the different lighting conditions tested. 11 dpf; PreM Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. Gene Per1 Mesor (r.e.) Amplitude (r.e.) Acrophase Variance (%) Significance Per2 Mesor (r.e.) Amplitude (r.e.) Acrophase Variance (%) Significance Per3 Mesor (r.e.) Amplitude (r.e.) Acrophase Variance (%) Significance Clock Mesor (r.e.) Amplitude (r.e.) Acrophase Variance (%) Significance 14 dpf; EarlyM 18 dpf; MidM 24 dpf; PostM LD LL DD LD LL DD LD LL DD LD LL DD 65.55 63.04 23.94 91.77 58.99 53.04 20.69 88.61 42.67 43.37 22.95 95.96 61.87 71.36 23.52 93.68 37.38 9.25 20.91 94.85 41.29 26.36 .36 96.21 27.41 30.48 23.61 95.22 19.60 17.45 23.05 97.73 25.45 36.24 .37 89.78 32.91 37.85 .61 92.53 17.66 19.64 .57 91.72 18.71 21.67 1.32 85.83 9.67 6.32 7.19 97.68 19.25 7.40 21.17 94.02 5.91 5.65 .89 87.23 6.93 4.71 5.29 96.45 14.37 2.26 20.29 97.30 6.30 3.49 1.64 94.83 4.51 2.38 5.88 89.84 4.99 2.61 7.37 94.84 7.95 5.19 3.73 88.76 3.67 2.39 4.42 94.02 4.23 2.14 4.49 92.30 5.29 3.82 4.84 76.00 35.65 44.80 1.62 90.90 44.59 39.11 22.71 95.14 28.05 36.77 .43 88.86 34.60 43.97 .49 89.85 33.38 14.10 .77 96.53 25.16 23.28 23.98 95.44 19.95 20.21 1.25 96.07 22.11 18.45 2.03 98.17 34.81 44.26 1.33 90.46 24.51 28.68 1.24 91.95 19.26 21.16 1.11 93.04 27.47 30.62 1.40 92.41 28.19 31.27 10.63 94.70 15.48 8.90 10.43 90.06 6.81 5.56 9.72 86.57 34.45 33.29 9.27 96.44 13.77 2.59 13.15 92.11 N.S. 9.85 6.02 9.44 89.37 21.87 16.38 9.37 98.42 16.09 9.22 9.47 97.66 26.54 13.82 10.40 93.61 18.00 8.41 10.73 96.98 12.77 7.29 11.12 95.53 24.62 10.98 11.85 92.24 Light-Dark (LD) group was maintained under a 14L:10D photoperiod regime all over the metamorphic process. Constant light or dark conditions were applied from day 10 to day 14 of development in the LL-LD group (LL) and DD-LD group (DD), respectively. Samples were collected during pre- (11 dpf; PreM), early- (14 dpf; EarlyM), middle- (18 dpf; MidM), and post- (24 dpf; PostM) metamorphic stages. Rhythm parameters (mesor, amplitude, acrophase, variance, and significance) are indicated. Mesor and amplitude are given as relative expression values (r.e.), acrophase as zeitgeber/circadian time (ZT/CT), and hours and variance as percentage of experimental data explained by the cosine function calculated by the cosinor method. Significance: p50.01; p50.001; p50.0001; p50.00001; p50.00000001. analyzed, with the peak expression occurring at the second half of the light period (ZT 9.27 to ZT 10.73; Table 1). In the LL-LD and DD-LD groups, where LL or DD conditions were applied from 10 to 14 dpf, Clock transcript levels did not change over the metamorphic process or even increased in the DD-LD animals after reversion to LD cycles (Figure 4). Rhythm amplitudes and mesor were remarkably diminished at 11 and 14 dpf in relation to the LD group (Table 1, Figure 4). The effect of the transient constant conditions was particularly important in the LL-LD group, where Clock expression did not show significant daily variations and did not fit a cosinor analysis at 14 dpf (Figure 4, Table 1, cosinor, p40.2). After reversion to LD conditions, Clock expression was again significantly rhythmic at 18 dpf, with its peak expression at ZT 9.47, similar to LD conditions. However, its amplitude was still lower than that of the LD group (Table 1). At 24 dpf, all groups showed similar amplitudes and acrophases (Table 1, Figure 4). DISCUSSION In the present study, we have analyzed the diel expression of Per1, Per2, Per3, and Clock genes in Senegalese ! Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. sole during the metamorphic process. Previously, we have revealed that the locomotor activity rhythms in this species exhibited a switch from diurnal to nocturnal before the onset of metamorphosis (Blanco-Vives et al., 2012). In this paper, we have shown that the mesor and amplitudes of Periods and Clock rhythms decline notably along this process, but their phases do not markedly change through metamorphosis or in relation to early developmental stages (Martı́n-Robles et al., 2012a). In addition, we have evidenced that transient constant light and dark conditions have differential effects on the phases and amplitudes of some of the core clock gene rhythms, which in some cases remain affected even after the restoration of cycling conditions. Metamorphosis drastically modifies the anatomy of Pleuronectiform species (Padrós et al., 2011). Importantly, this process implies eye migration towards the upper-pigmented side of the body (Amaoka, 1971; Fernández-Dı́az et al., 2001; Policansky, 1982) and craniofacial remodeling, which determines its characteristic juvenile and adult asymmetry (Brewster, 1987; Okada et al., 2001; Rodrı́guez-Gómez et al., 2000a, 2000b; Schreiber, 2006; Wagemans et al., 1998). This transformation is accompanied by changes in their habitats, where they come across markedly different 706 Á. J. Martı́n-Robles et al. Clock LD LL-LD 11 dpf p PreM Relave expreession 80 f 70 60 ef 50 20 bc bc Relave exp pression 10 40 de de 30 cd bc ZT12 ZT19 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT0 80 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 20 b a a 20 a a a a 10 0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 30 20 10 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 80 80 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 40 40 d 30 20 bc 30 a a 20 10 10 0 0 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 bc a 30 a ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 80 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 40 40 40 20 abc 30 20 10 10 0 0 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 d cd ab ZT0 70 abcd a ab 0 ZT0 80 def a 10 70 de a ZT12 ZT19 20 80 30 ZT7 a ZT0 70 cd ab 0 ZT0 80 40 cd a 0 ZT0 80 b 70 cd 20 10 0 ZT7 0 e Relave expression 50 20 10 Relavve expression Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. 60 50 30 80 24 dpf PostM 70 60 30 ZT0 18 dpf MidM 80 70 40 0 14 dpf EEarlyM l M 80 40 10 DD-LD abcde cde 30 ab a ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 f ef bcde abcde 20 10 0 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 ZT0 ZT7 ZT12 ZT19 FIGURE 4. Relative Clock mRNA expression during sole metamorphosis. For further details, see the legend of Figure 1. environmental light conditions as pre-metamorphic pelagic larvae swimming in the water column develop into benthic juveniles living on the bottom of the sea. Moreover, adaptive mechanisms intended to enhance light sensitivity have been described in Senegalese sole photoreceptive structures such as the pineal gland (Confente et al., 2008). Of particular interest in this species is the light-dependent switch from diurnal to nocturnal locomotor activity and feeding behavior that takes place just before the onset of this process, at 9–10 dph (Blanco-Vives et al., 2012). Studies on animals that show the ability to switch their chronotypes, including mammalian (Blanchong et al., 1999; Kas & Edgar, 1999; Oster et al., 2002; Vivanco et al., 2010) and fish species such as the European sea bass, goldfish, and Senegalese sole (Blanco-Vives et al., 2012; Reebs, 2002; SánchezVázquez et al., 1995, 1996), are of special interest in deciphering the mechanisms responsible for temporal preference. Once the molecular oscillations of Per1, Per2, Per3, and Clock are fully organized at 4 dpf in Senegalese sole (Martı́n-Robles et al., 2012a), all of them were actively expressed throughout the metamorphic process. Daily expression levels were also found to be rhythmic, showing the usual profiles described for fish Chronobiology International Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. Clock Genes During Senegalese Sole Metamorphosis central tissues, where acrophases of Per1 and Per3 were placed at dawn, Per2 during the first half of the day, and Clock at the second half of the light phase (Park et al., 2007; Patiño et al., 2011; Sánchez et al., 2010; Velarde et al., 2009; Whitmore et al., 1998; Zhdanova et al., 2008). These rhythms could sustain the day-night variations in the expression of Aanats and melatonin receptors as well as the daily pattern of locomotor activity observed in sole during the metamorphic process (Blanco-Vives et al., 2012; Isorna et al., 2009a, 2011a, 2011b). Our results, together with previous works, revealed that the molecular clock oscillations are established very early during development and are preserved during the whole ontogeny of sole. All phases of the rhythms were maintained during pre-, early-, middle-, and post-metamorphic stages and were clearly similar to those found earlier at 4 dpf and in adult neural tissues (Martı́n-Robles et al., 2011, 2012a, 2012b). This fact is consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the key for diurnality/nocturnality does not lie upon changes on the molecular clock, at least in the genes currently studied. However, specialized central pacemakers could dictate the phase of locomotor activity, which cannot be visualized in a whole animal RNA extract. Otherwise, it could arise from mechanisms operating upstream, downstream from the neural oscillators, or both, i.e., in the light input pathway or in the neural/humoral output connecting to the physiological and behavioral rhythmic processes (Mrosovsky & Hattar, 2005). In the course of metamorphosis, an important decrease of clock gene amplitudes was observed. This decline could be associated with changes in tissuedependent zeitgebers and reflect a reorganization of the circadian clock in the different tissues, which appear masked when whole animals are used. As mentioned before, locomotor activity and feeding behavior of Senegalese sole changes from diurnal to nocturnal preference. Peripheral tissues can be entrained by food-related cues in fish (Feliciano et al., 2011; LópezOlmeda et al., 2010), affecting the phases of clock genes in these organs. Indeed, in sole adult (nocturnal) specimens, clock gene rhythms in central tissues displayed and inverted phase in relation to peripheral tissues such as liver (Martı́n-Robles et al., 2012b). The phases of rhythms in clock gene expression also vary throughout mammalian development in liver and heart (Sakamoto et al., 2002; Sladek et al., 2007). Changes in pups’ feeding behavior appear to account for these phase differences (Weinert, 2005). However, the possibility that the metamorphic process itself may have an effect on the expression levels of clock genes should not be ruled out, since the mesor of the rhythms also decrease as metamorphosis proceed (see Table 1) and the most important fall in rhythm amplitudes do not coincide in time with the diurnal-nocturnal shift in locomotor activity and feeding behavior (Blanco-Vives et al., 2012). Further investigation at tissue or organ level ! Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. 707 is needed in sole metamorphic larvae as well as studies in other metamorphic species. Embryonic development and larval growth of marine fish are greatly affected by biotic and abiotic conditions (Blanco-Vives et al., 2010; Villamizar et al., 2009). Fish appear to be highly light responsive from eggs and embryos to larvae and juveniles (Tamai et al., 2004; Whitmore et al., 2000). Moreover, multitude of rhythms and physiological parameters such as hatching, locomotor activity, feeding time, and cortisol or melatonin secretion are influenced by lighting conditions (BlancoVives et al., 2011, 2012; López-Olmeda et al., 2009; Oliveira et al., 2007). In previous studies, it has also been demonstrated that constant light or darkness have important effects on developing sole larvae, affecting total length, yolk sac absorption, mouth opening, jaw malformations, development of pectoral fins, and eye pigmentation (Blanco-Vives et al., 2010, 2011, 2012). Some of these effects could be mediated, at least in part, by changes in clock gene expression rhythms, which are entrained by the LD cycle. In fact, a differential response in clock gene rhythms was observed in sole during exposure to transient constant light and dark conditions, which affected particularly Per1, Per3, and Clock amplitudes and Per2 acrophase. Upon release into DD and after 5 d in these conditions (DD-LD group), rhythmic gene expression consistent with the previous LD cycles persisted in Per1, Per3, and Clock, demonstrating its circadian nature (Pando et al., 2001; Whitmore et al., 2000). Amplitudes were reduced but acrophases did not vary considerably in relation to the LD group. In contrast, Per2 expression was rhythmic by the cosinor analysis but was immediately 6-h phase advanced in relation to the LD group, peaking during the subjective dawn. Therefore, its daily expression pattern was significantly different from the LD conditions. Under transient LL conditions (LL-LD group), clock gene expression rhythms were much more affected, supporting that sustained light treatment markedly influences clock function (Tamai et al., 2007). Amplitudes of Per1 and Per3 were significantly reduced after 5 d of continuous light, but their phases were almost unaltered. In contrast, Per2 phase was markedly disrupted, with the acrophase located during the subjective night. Per2 was also up-regulated under these conditions (compare expression values between groups and significance, Figure 2). It should be noted that Clock rhythm was lost at 14 dpf, after 5 d in LL conditions. Whether this absence of rhythmicity is related to the decrease in the amplitude of Per oscillation remains to be elucidated. Altogether, our results in sole are consistent with previous works supporting that the three Per genes have different regulatory mechanisms. Whereas Per1 and Per3 are predominantly clock regulated, alteration in the light regime clearly influences Per2 expression (Besharse et al., 2004; Okabayashi et al., 2003; Pando et al., 2001; Shearman et al., 1997; Zhuang et al., 2000; Ziv et al., 2005; Zylka et al., 1998). As an element of the Chronobiol Int Downloaded from by University College London on 12/02/13 For personal use only. 708 Á. J. Martı́n-Robles et al. light input pathway, and together with Cry1a, Per2 has been proposed in fish to play key roles in circadian entrainment (Tamai et al., 2004, 2007; Vatine et al., 2009). An intriguing observation of this study is that although Per2 is markedly affected by lighting conditions, a rhythmic expression was maintained either under DD and LL transient regimes. This evidence could suggest a clock-regulated control of Senegalese sole Per2 in the absence of cycling conditions. In contrast, in zebrafish cell lines and transgenic embryos, Per2 rhythmic expression dampens immediately and remains constant following transfer to DD (Pando et al., 2001; Vatine et al., 2009). However, under LL conditions, oscillations in Per2 are maintained in the transgenic embryos, suggesting also both light- and clock-regulated transcriptional control of Per2 in this species (Vatine et al., 2009). Whether these differences in Per2 rhythmic expression under constant conditions represent real species-specific differences or a consequence of the different experimental approaches and sensitivity of the techniques used remain to be elucidated. Additionally, other environmental cues could be sustaining Per2 rhythms under constant conditions in sole. When larvae were reverted to LD cycles at 15 dpf, all phases were recovered at 18 dpf and robust Clock expression rhythm was restored. Nevertheless, 3 d after the reestablishment of the LD conditions, amplitudes for some clock genes such as Per1 and Clock were not as robust as those observed for the LD group, and even after 9 d under LD cycles (24 dpf) Per1 amplitude was still lower than in the LD group. Moreover, significant differences were found at 24 dpf between different photoperiods in both Per1 and Per3. These data suggest that constant photoperiod regimes, especially continuous illumination, even applied for a short period of time have a prolonged effect on the molecular clock of sole. This evidence could have a practical interest because transient constant light conditions are commonly used in sole aquaculture to accelerate growth and development. Consequently, outputs directly regulated by the clock might be altered and this fact should be taken into account to improve aquaculture practices and welfare in this species. Our present results, together with recent studies performed in this species (BlancoVives et al., 2010, 2012), emphasize the high sensitivity of the sole circadian system to light cues and also underline the important role of maintaining LD cycles to the proper development of sole larvae. In summary, our results confirm that clock gene rhythms are maintained throughout Senegalese sole metamorphosis with similar phase, providing evidence that molecular rhythms are established very early during development and preserved during the diurnal-nocturnal switching period. However, a general decline of amplitudes and expression levels was observed during this hallmark process that could be related to changes in tissue-specific clock gene expression patterns. In addition, our results reveal the differential sensitivity of sole clock components to transitory light cues and reinforce the role of Per2 in light entrainment. The prolonged effect that transient light changes applied during this process has in the molecular clock machinery should be considered when rearing Senegalese sole larvae in aquaculture facilities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Esther Isorna and Rosa Ma Martı́nez-Álvarez for their help during sampling, and all staff from the ‘‘Planta de Cultivos Marinos’’ (University of Cádiz) for the maintaining of animals used in these studies. This is the CEIMAR Journal Publication no. 26. DECLARATION OF INTEREST This work was supported by grants from the Spanish MICINN (AGL2007-66507-C02-01 and AGL201022139-C03-03) and Junta de Andalucı́a (P06-AGR01939) to José A. Muñoz-Cueto, and a predoctoral fellow of the Spanish MICINN (BES-2005-8629) to Águeda J. Martı́n-Robles. The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper. REFERENCES Amaoka K. (1971). Studies in the larvae and juveniles of the sinistral flounders II. Chascanopsetta lugubris Jpn J Ichthyol, 18, 25–32. Anguis V, Cañavate JP. (2005). Spawning of captive Senegal sole (Solea senegalensis) under a naturally fluctuating temperature regime. 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