Investment Management and Financial Markets Group November 12, 2008 Reporting Obligations for Traders of Foreign Securities Background For many years, the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the Department of Commerce have imposed several reporting obligations on investment managers and broker-dealers that trade in foreign securities or carry out certain transactions with foreign persons. There are three separate reports that investment managers and broker-dealers must be aware of: Treasury International Capital Reports (TIC Reports), Foreign Currency Reports (FC Reports) and Bureau of Economic Analysis Reports (BEA Reports). This memorandum summarizes the reporting obligations currently in place for investment managers and broker-dealers, and serves as a reminder of those obligations. TIC Reporting System The TIC reporting system was established in 1934 to track changes in foreign investments and capital positions held by U.S. investment managers and broker-dealers. The U.S. Department of Treasury uses this information to: (i) prepare the U.S. Balance of Payments Accounts and the U.S. International Investment Position; (ii) formulate U.S. international financial and monetary policies; and (iii) enable the U.S. to comply with standards for providing data on cross-border financial positions, including adherence to the International Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standard. FC Reports The FC reporting system was established in 1973 to provide information regarding U.S. dollar exchange rates. The Federal Reserve System, acting as fiscal agent for the Department of Treasury, receives and processes the FC reports to assess and monitor foreign exchange developments in the spot, forward, futures and options markets on an individual and aggregate basis. BEA Reports The BEA Reports were established in the 1970s to monitor transactions in services and intangible assets between U.S. residents and foreign persons. The Bureau of Economic Analysis uses these reports to obtain information on financial services transactions between U.S. financial services providers and foreign persons for the purpose of (i) formulating U.S. international economic policy and (ii) analyzing the impact of that policy and the policies of foreign countries, on such international transactions. CHICAGO ● SAN DIEGO● WASHINGTON Summary of Reporting Obligations Entity Investment managers, broker-dealers Investment managers Investment managers, broker-dealers Investment managers, broker-dealers Investment managers, broker-dealers Investment managers, broker-dealers Covered Transactions Short-term securities and currency claims on, or liabilities to, foreign persons Financial or commercial liabilities to, or claims on, foreign persons Foreign derivative contracts Long-term U.S. or foreign securities purchased/sold by U.S. residents from/to foreign persons Foreign exchange contracts and foreign currency assets and liabilities Services and intangible assets provided to foreign persons by U.S. financial services providers Report TIC Reports TIC Reports TIC Reports TIC Reports FC Reports BEA Reports Penalties Investment managers and broker-dealers that do not file required TIC, FC or BEA reports may be subject to civil and criminal liability. A person who fails to meet the requirements may incur a civil penalty between $2,500 and $25,000. A person who willfully fails to meet the requirements may incur up to a $10,000 fine and faces the possibility of imprisonment up to one year. For further information, please contact Cheryl Allaire 858-509-7424, Cameron Avery 312-807-4302, Kevin Bettsteller 312-807-4442, Paul Dykstra 312-781-6029, David Glatz 312-807-4295, Alan Goldberg 312-807-4227, Mark Greer 312-807-4393, Elizabeth Hudson 312-807-4376, Stevens Kelly 312-807-4240, Molly Moynihan 202-955-7027, Anna Paglia 312-781-7163, Joanne Phillips 202-955-6824, Paulita Pike 312-781-6027, Eric Purple 202-955-7081, Bruce Rosenblum 202-955-7087, Donald Weiss 312-807-4303, Gwendolyn Williamson 202-955-7059, or Stacy Winick 202-955-7040 of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd’s Investment Management and Financial Markets Group or visit our Web site at This publication has been prepared by the Investment Management and Financial Markets Group of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd LLP for clients and friends of the firm and is for information only. It is not a substitute for legal advice or individual analysis of a particular legal matter. Readers should not act without seeking professional legal counsel. Transmission and receipt of this publication does not create an attorney-client relationship. © 2008 Bell, Boyd & Lloyd LLP All Rights Reserved