The priniple of Birh and Swinnerton-Dyer for ertain hyperboli urves Minhyong Kim Otober 23, 2007 1 Priniple of Birh and Swinnerton-Dyer for ellipti urves E=Q : L(E; 1) 6= 0 ) E (Z ) is nite. Does this extend (in some sense) to hyperboli urves? 2 Context: S : a nite set of primes inluding arhimedean one. X=Q hyperboli urve with good redution outside S . That is, X is the generi ber of a smooth projetive Z S -urve with an etale divisor (possibly empty) removed, and X (C ) is a onneted hyperboli Riemann surfae. Fix a point b 2 X (Z S ). 3 Need to study map X (Z S )!H 1 (; 1 (X; b)) x 7! [1 (X ; b; x)℄ in various ontexts. Grothendiek's letter to Faltings disusses ase of b): ^1 (X; Conjetured this map to be bijetive (in the ompat ase), and onneted to a proof of niteness. 4 Can also take 1 to be the motivi fundamental group, onsisting of ompatible systems of pro-unipotent ompletions. Arrive at a fundamental diagram: X (Z S ) - X (Z p ) un un;lo ? et - ? et d u r;n - - lop 1 D DR 0 1 Hf ( ; Un ) Hf ( p ; Un ) Un =F 5 The Hf1 (; Unet ) are loal and global Selmer Varieties. The subsript `f ' refers to loal onditions imposing that torsors be unramied outside T = S [ fpg and rystalline at p. Whenever dimHf1 ( ; Unet ) < dimHf1 ( p ; Unet ) get niteness for X (Z S ). (Inequality is implied by standard motivi onjetures.) 6 But should eventually use non-abelian fundamental groups to nd points, via a non-abelian method of Chabauty and non-abelian desent. Non-abelian BSD should fall into this irle of ideas. (Note that Grothendiek's onjeture is an extension of the niteness onjeture for Tate-Shafarevih groups.) 7 Consider X := E n f0g; where E=Q is an ellipti urve with omplex multipliation by an imaginary quadrati eld K . Coates and Wiles resolved (part of) BSD for E using the `method of p-adi L-funtions'. Can use parallel ideas to give somewhat expliit niteness for X (Z S ). 8 Notation: := Gal(Q =Q ) N := Gal(Q =K ) p = a prime of good redution for E , split in K p = Gal(Q p =Q p ) M = K (E [1 ℄); M = K (E [1 ℄) ) G = Gal(M=K ); G = Gal(M=K = Z p [[G℄℄; = Z p [[G ℄℄ : !Q p dened by ation of G on T (E ) : !Q p dened by ation of G on T (E ) Vp = Tp (E ) Q , V , et. 9 Have orresponding p-adi L-funtions: Lp 2 ; Lp 2 10 p-adi polylogrithms for E : For dierentials ; of seond kind for X , dene Pn(z) = Pn(z) = Zz b Zz b n n These are loally analyti Coleman funtions on X (Z p ). 11 Corollary 0.1 There is a non-trivial polynomial f = f (P ; P ) of the Pn ; Pn restriting to a non-zero onvergent power series on eah residue disk of X (Z p ), suh that f (z ) = 0 for eah point z 2 X (Z S ) X (Z p ). 12 r = dimHf1 ( ; Vp (E )) s = jS j Suppose k (Lp ) 6= 0 and k (Lp ) 6= 0 for all k > 0. Then there is a non-trivial polynomial Corollary 0.2 f = f (P ; P ) of the Pn ; Pn , for n r + s, restriting to a non-zero onvergent power series on eah residue disk of X (Z p ), suh that f (z ) = 0 for eah point z 2 X (Z S ) X (Z p ). 13 Remarks: -The non-vanishing hypothesis is a folklore onjeture. -The polynomial f seems in priniple omputable. 14 b). U : Q p -pro-unipotent etale fundamental group for (X; U 1 = U , U n = [U; U n 1℄. Un = U=U n+1 . Fundamental diagram: X (Z S ) # Hf1 ( ; Un ) ,! X (Z p ) # ! Hf1( p ; Un) x 7! [1Q p (X ; b; x)℄ 15 U is somewhat ompliated. Replae with a quotient -- W U with the property that U2 ' W2 and W n =W n+1 ' n 2 (1) n 2 (1) viewed as a representation of in the natural way. 16 Constrution: = N < >, where is omplex onjugation. Choose a Q p -basis e of T (E ) Q p so that f := (e) is a Q p -basis of T (E ) Q p . Reall that U := LieU an be realized as the primitive elements in T (U1 ) = T (Vp ) where T ( ) refers to the tensor algebra (but with a dierent Galois ation). 17 For example, if 2 N , then [e; [e; f ℄℄ = ( )2 ( )[e; [e; f ℄℄ + Lie monomials of higher degree and [e; [e; f ℄℄ = [f; [f; e℄℄ + Lie monomials of higher degree That is, U has a bi-grading U = i;j1Ui;j orresponding to e and f degrees, but whih is not preserved by the Galois ation. 18 However, easy to hek: Un;m := in;jmUi;j is preserved by N , while (Un;m ) = Um;n So Un;n is Galois invariant for eah n. Furthermore, it is a Lie ideal. 19 Hene, there is a well-dened quotient W of U orresponding to U =U2;2 We then see that W n =W n+1 '< ad(e)n 1(f ) > < ad(f )n 1(e) > (mod W n+1) ' n 2 (1) n 2(1) 20 Fundamental diagram an thus be extended to X (Z S ) # ,! X (Z p ) # ! Hf1( p; Un) # # Hf1 ( ; Wn ) ! Hf1 ( p ; Wn ) Hf1 ( ; Un ) 21 The map jn : X (Z p )!Hf1 ( p ; Wn ) is desribed by non-abelian p-adi Hodge theory: Hf1 ( p ; Wn ) ' F 0 nWnDR aording to whih jn (Coordinate ring of Hf1 ( p ; Wn )) is ontained in the ring generated by Pm ; Pm for m n. 22 Meanwhile: Theorem 0.3 dimHf1 ( ; Wn ) < dimHf1 ( p ; Wn ) for n >> 0. 23 Also: Theorem 0.4 (*) k( Then Assume Lp) 6= 0 and k (Lp) 6= 0 for all k > 0. dimHf1 ( ; Wn ) < dimHf1 ( p ; Wn ) for n = r + s. The earlier orollaries follow immediately from the theorems. 24 Proof of theorem uses main onjeture for K . We will onentrate on (0.4). We need the exat sequene 0!W n =W n+1 !Wn !Wn 1 !0 As for the Hodge ltration, dimW1DR =F 0 = 1 and for n 2, so that F 0 [(W DR )n =(W DR )n+1 ℄ = 0 dimHf1 ( p ; Wn ) = 2 + 2(n 2) = 2n 2 for n 2. 25 Meanwhile, dimHf1 ( ; W1 ) = r dimHf1 ( ; W 1 =W 2 ) = dimHf1 ( ; Q p (1)) = s 1 so that dimHf1 ( ; W2 ) r + s 1 As we go down the lower entral series, we have, in any ase, the Euler harateristi formula (reall T = S [ fpg) dimH 1 ( T ; W n =W n+1 ) dimH 2 ( T;W n =W n+1 ) = dim(W n =W n+1 )= 1 = 1 and Hf1 ( ; W n =W n+1 ) = H 1 ( T ; W n =W n+1 ) for n 2, so we need to ompute the H 2 term. 26 Claim (still assuming (*)): H 2 ( T ; W n =W n+1 ) = 0 for n 3. Clearly, it suÆes to prove this after restriting to NT obvious notation. Then we have W n =W n+1 ' We will show for n 3. H 2 (NT ; n 2 (1) n 2 (1) n 2 (1)) = 0 27 T with Consider the loalization sequene 0!Sha2T ( !H 2(NT ; n 2 (1)), ! vjT H 2(Nv ; n 2 (1)) that denes the vetor spae Sha2 ( H 2 (Nv ; n n 2 (1)). n 2 (1)) By loal duality, 2 (1)) ' H 0 (N ; 2 n ) = 0 v sine the representation 2 potentially rystalline. n is potentially unramied or 28 So we have H 2 (NT ; n 2 (1)) ' Sha2T ( n 2 (1)) ' Sha1T ( 2 n ) by Poitou-tate duality. But Sha1T ( 2 n ) ' Hom (A Q ; 2 n ) where A is the Galois group of the maximal abelian unramied pro-p extension of M (= K (E [1 ℄)) split above the primes dividing T. 29 In partiular, A Q is annihilated by Lp . Sine we are assuming 2 n (Lp ) 6= 0 for n 3, we get the desired vanishing: H 2 (NT ; n 2 (1)) = 0 Similarly, H 2 (NT ; n 2 (1)) = 0 Finally, we onlude that dimHf1 ( ; W n =W n+1 ) = 1 for n 3 so that dimHf1 ( ; Wn ) r + s + n 3 for n 2. 30 Thus, Hf1 ( p ; Wn ) = 2n 2 > r + s + n 3 = dimHf1 ( ; Wn ) as soon as n r + s. 31 Note that even without (*), we have 2 n (L ) 6= 0 2 n (L ) 6= 0 p p and hene, H 2 ( T ; W n =W n+1 ) = 0 for n suÆiently large. Therefore, dimHf1 ( ; Wn ) < dimHf1 ( p ; Wn ) for n suÆiently large, yielding niteness of X (Z S ) in any ase. 32 Key point is the non-abelian method of Coates and Wiles whereby non-vanishing of L-values leads to bounds for global Selmer varieties. 33