Procedure for Modifications to the RJ81 Plan (Article 4) Y = Yes N = No DA = date of publication in Part A or in Part B, if 4.2.14 applies DB = date of publication in Part B DR = date of entry into the RJ81 Plan @AF = list of administrations with which agreement hasn't been reached 1 Administration A sends to BR a T04 notice under Article 4 of RJ81 Agreement; the notice contains the characteristics listed in Annex 3 (see also CR/125) and the names of administrations (C, D) with which A successfully completed the coordination; the notice should be sent earlier than 3 years prior to the proposed date of implementation (4.2.2) 2 BR receives a complete notice N 3 BR seeks clarification (4.2.4) indicating the deadline for the reply 4 BR receives complete data within deadline N 5 BR returns notice to A Y Y Y 6 BR finds proposed modification of adm. A complied with provisions of 4.2.14 Y 7 BR publishes proposed modification of adm. A on date DA in Part B of Special Section RJ81 of its BRIFIC and records it in the Plan with date DR = DA N 8 BR determines the affected administrations (B, C, E) using Annex 2 for calculations (4.2.5), @AF = (B, E) 9 BR forwards on date DA the results of its calculations to adm. A proposing modification and to affected adm.: B, E (4.2.5, 4.2.6) 10 BR publishes on date DA in Part A of Special Section RJ81 of its BRIFIC the data notified by adm. A, the names of adm. with which the coordination has been completed (C, D) and the names of adm. with which coordination has not been completed (B, E) (4.2.5) 11 BR determines the mutual effect of proposed modification on modifications pending until DA + 180 days and sends the results of its calculations to the administrations concerned (4.2.8, item 2.1 of Part A4 of Rules of Procedure) 12 Within DA + 60 days: administration F requests BR (and sends a copy with technical reasons to adm. A) to include its name to the list of affected adm. (4.2.7) Y 13 BR adds F to list @AF N 14 Within DA + 60 days: affected adm. E accepts the proposed modification of adm. A or adm. E has not forwarded its comments to adm. A or to BR (4.2.11, 4.2.16) Y 15 BR removes E from list @AF N Y 16 Within DA + 60 days: adm. A informs BR of changes made to its proposed modification and BR finds them resulting in an increase in the effective monopole radiated power in any direction (4.2.17) N 18 BR sends on date DA + 30 a reminder with deadline for comments to those adm. still on list @AF which have not yet commented (4.2.15) 19 After DA + 60 days and before DA + 180 days adm. A communicates to BR the final characteristics of its proposed modification and the names of adm. with which agreement has been reached (4.2.18) N 20 After DA + 180 days BR removes proposed modification of adm. A from the system Y 21 Adm. A has reached agreement with all adm. from list @AF Y 23 BR publishes on date DB in Part B of Special Section RJ81 of its BRIFIC final characteristics of the proposed modification of adm. A and subsequently records it in the Plan with date DR = DB (4.2.19) N 22 Adm. A requests BR for assistance (4.2.20) N stop Y 24 BR conducts requested studies, informs adm. A of the results and recommends of the solution (4.2.20) Wieslaw Broszczak, 18 SEP 2006, last updated 30 NOV 2006