DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES Abstrat. This paper analyzes Bayesian normal form games in whih players write ontrats that ondition their ations on the ontrats of the other players. These ontrats are required to be representable in a formal language. This is aomplished by onstruting ontrats whih are denable funtions of the Godel ode of every other player's ontrat. We provide a omplete haraterization of the set of alloations supportable as pure strategy Bayesian equilibrium of this ontrating game. When information is omplete, this haraterization provides a folk theorem. In general, the set of supportable alloations is smaller than the set supportable by a entralized mehanism designer. 1. Self Referential Strategies and Reiproity in Stati Games In this paper we haraterize the alloation rules attainable by players in a Bayesian game when they have the ability to ommit themselves by writing ontrats that ondition their ommitments on other players' ontrats. The idea that ontrats might ondition on other ontrats is not new in eonomis. The best known expression of this idea is well known in the industrial organization literature (e.g. [11℄) as the 'meet the ompetition' lause in whih one rm ommits itself to lower its prie when any of its ompetitors does. A similar idea appears in trade theory as the priniple of reiproity ([2℄). This takes the form of trade agreements like GATT that require ountries to math tari uts by other ountries. Finally, tax treaties sometimes have this avor - for example, out of state residents who work in Pennsylvania are exempt from Pennsylvania tax as long as they live in a state that has a 'reiproal' agreement that exempts out of state residents (presumably from Pennsylvania) from 1 state taxes. All of these approahes are used to support ooperative outomes in stati games. We extend this approah to games with inomplete information. We provide a full haraterization of alloations supportable as ontrat equilibrium. In partiular, we show the limits of the 'ontrats on ontrats' approah by providing alloations supportable by a mehanism designer whih annot be supported as equilibrium with ontratible ontrats. We also use our Theorem to provide something that looks like a folk theorem for a restrited environment. The diulty with extending the older literature is that the oneptual and tehnial tools developed there an only be used in any but the simplest problems. The meet the ompetition Version - January 22, 2009. 1 1 2 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES argument, for example, is extremely stylized. The Stakleberg leader, all it rm A, oers to sell at a very high prie provided its ompetitor, rm B, also oers that high prie in the seond round. If B in the seond round oers any prie below the highest prie, ost. If B A ommits itself to sell at marginal believes this ommitment, then one best reply is to set the highest prie. If the rms move simultaneously, then the logi of the argument beomes louded. ertainly write a ontrat that ommits it to a high prie if suppose that to A's B A ould sets the same high prie. However B 's strategy is simply to set this high prie and that for some reason this is a best reply ontrat. Then outome, rm B A should deviate and simply underut rm would have to oer a ontrat similar to naive argument would suggest that B A's B. To support the high prie in order to prevent should simply oer the same ontrat as A, A's deviation. A a high prie if A sets a high prie, and marginal ost otherwise. Casually, two outomes seem onsistent with these ontrats - both rms prie at marginal ost or both rms set the high prie. This seems to violate a fairly fundamental property of game theory whih is that for eah pair of ations (ontrats in this ase), there is a unique payo to every player. atually say what A would do if B 2 More to the point, A's ontrat doesn't oers a ontrat that promises to set a high prie unless A sets a lower prie, et. The speiation of the problem itself seems to be ambiguous about payos. Generally ontrats that reat to ations of other players simply don't make sense. They may not lead to unambiguous outomes as in the example above. More generally, it is possible that suh ontrats are simply ontraditory. For example, two rms might write ontrat that ommit both of them to set a prie that is stritly lower than the other rms prie (or two eonomists demand ontrats that guarantee that they will both earn more money than anyone else in the department). To resolve ambiguities and ontraditions in suh ontrat, an outside mediator is needed to hoose an outome. This defeats the purpose of using ontrats to deentralize the underlying alloation problem. The reiproal tax agreement problem is better behaved, and provides the basis for the argument we extend below. State residents of state A A wants to exempt residents of state B from state taxes provided B exempts from taxes. To write the law 'reiproal' agreement with state A. A exempts residents from any state that has a The question is what exatly is a 'reiproal' agreement. It is lear enough what the intention is - reate a situation in whih both states take the mutually beneial ation of exempting one another in a way that eliminates any inentive for either of them to deviate. As mentioned above, it isn't enough to assume that state residents of state State 2 B A from tax beause A B unonditionally exempts would not longer have any inentive to exempt state has to have a law like the law in state A, B. in other words, a reiproal agreement. One paper that allows multiple payos to be assoiated with eah array of ations is [12℄ who use this approah to support equilibrium when it might not otherwise exist. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS 3 It seems that to resolve this kind of problem one needs to dene the term 'reiproal ontrat' as follows: reiproal ontrat ≡ exempt don't if the other state oers a reiproal ontrat, otherwise This kind of denition is familiar from the Bellman equation in dynami programming where the value funtion is dened in a self referential way. It is tempting to model this in the following naive way: start by dening a olletion of ontrats that seem eonomially sensible. For example, it is reasonable that a state ould write a ontrat that simply xes any tax rate independent of what the other states do. Let C be the set of ontrats that simply x some unonditional tax rate. Append to this set of feasible ontrats the reiproal ontrat, all it the set of feasible ontrats as C ∪ {r}. r, dened above. Now model The reiproal ontrat above is just r, while 'otherwise' means any ontrat with a xed tax rate. Dene a normal form game in whih the strategies are C ∪ {r} and delare the outome if both states oer r to be (exempt, exempt). Then there is an equilibrium in whih the states mutually exempt (assuming they jointly want to). We would argue that this is unsatisfatory for a number of reasons. First, it is undesirable to restrit the set of feasible ontrats in order to support the outome you are looking for. approah desribed above amounts to little more than saying that then laiming it is an equilibrium for both states to oer r. r The is the only feasible ontrat, A more satisfatory approah is to dene a set of ations that seem eonomially meaningful, then to allow the broadest set of ontrats possible. In the same manner that the value funtion emerges endogenously from the eonomi environment, the reiproal ontrat should be derived from eonomi fundamentals. Seond, the approah desribed above misses the essene of reiproity whih is the innite regress involved in self referential objets. A ontrat that makes formal sense is the following: C = exempt don't if other State exempts any State who exempts any State who exempts. . . otherwise where the statement in the top line is repeated ad innitum. Arguably, the ontrat C is a reiproal ontrat sine it would exempt any State oering a reiproal ontrat. Yet it simply isn't feasible under the naive desription given above. Finally, the ad ho approah desribed above simply isn't exible enough to handle omplex environments and inomplete information. For example, making the game asymmetri requires ad ho extension of the approah above. If State A is supposed to exempt, while state B is supposed to take some other ation, say 'partly exempt', then to support the right outome, the ontrats should look something like the following: reiproal ontratA ≡ exempt don't if other State oers reiproal ontratB exempt otherwise 4 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES and reiproal ontratB ≡ partially don't exempt if other State oers reiproal ontratA exempt otherwise Now the ontrats are not diretly self referential, as is the Bellman equation, instead they are ross referential. A single self referential or reiproal ontrat simply doesn't go far enough. Furthermore, the ontrats above dene only a single ooperative ation, and use a blanket punishment for deviations. Desirable or interesting equilibrium alloations may not look like this. For example, in a general Bayesian game, the most desirable ooperative ation for both players might depend on information that only one of them has. So the ation that State A wants to take might depend on the ontrat that B oers. Alternatively, the most eetive punishment for A to impose on B might depend on ations that other states are taking. As the number of possibilities inreases, so does the number of speial words we need to add to our ontrating language to support the outomes we want. Our approah avoids these problems. We x a language and require ontrats to be written in this language. We then show this language already ontains all the speial terms like 'reiproal ontrat' that we need, even in very rih eonomi environments where simple notions like 'ooperation' do not adequately desribe the alloations we are interested in. The ontrating language that we desribe is universal in this sense. It is universal in a seond way. Allowing ontrats to speify ations that depend on other ontrats means that ations might depend on whether other players' ontrats depend on the way you make your ation depend on their ontrats, the way you make your ation depend on how their ontrats depend on the way you make your ontrat depend on their ontrats, and so on. In simple prisoner's dilemma problems like the tax problem disussed above, this problem is relatively straightforward sine 'dependene' simply means whether or not the other player ooperates. However, in riher environments, 'dependene' is more subtle sine there are many dierent ways that players an ondition their ations at eah round in the hierarhy of dependenies desribed above. The method we desribe below provides a ompat way of dealing with this. Finally, the Bellman equation style representation of a reiproal ontrat illustrates that the notion of reiproity depends on the ontrating environment beause the word 'ooperate' appears in the denition of a reiproal ontrat. It isn't obvious how to extend the argument to problems where a single 'ooperative' ation doesn't exist. The set of ontrats that we use, on the other hand, is independent of the underlying game that is being played. Contrats need to map into feasible ations, but the way that these ations depend on other ontrats doesn't depend on what these ations are. Nor does it depend on whether or not players have private information. In this sense, our ontrats are universal in the sense that they an be applied to any strategi situation. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS 1.0.1. How Denability Works. 5 Return again to the main purpose of denability. Instead of re- ating speial terms like reiproal ontrat in an ad ho way to support ooperative outomes in speial situations, we want to provide a ontrating environment in whih we an show that the speial terms we need to write the ontrats that players need to enfore their ollusive agreement will always exist within the language. We do it here to illustrate the method for the very simple ase, then generalize the approah in the setions below. Suppose there are number of ations. m players in a normal form game in whih eah player has a ountable Endow players with a formal language ontaining a ountable number of words or haraters that they an use to write ontrats. Feasible ontrats are nite sequenes of haraters in this formal language. As we mentioned above, the set nite subsets of a ountable set is ountable, so there are bijetions mapping eah nite text into alled the Godel Coding N. . Provided the language inludes all the natural numbers and the usual arithmeti operations, it is possible for players to write ontrats that are NN −1 One suh a mapping is denable funtions from into that player's ation spae. Sine denable funtions an be written as nite sequenes of haraters in the language, they have Godel odes assoiated with them. Hene we ould interpret the denable funtions as ontrats that make the players ation depend on the Godel ode of the other player's ontrat. To make the argument easier to relate to onventional ontrat theory, we assume below that the ontrat spae for eah player is the set of denable funtions from of the player's ation spaes . and onversely if the integer NN −1 into the subsets Every denable funtion an be assoiated with a unique integer, n is assoiated with a denable funtion, then it is assoiated with a unique text. Now for eah array of funtions hosen by the players, ompute the Godel Code of eah suh funtion. Fit the odes of the other players' strategies into eah player's strategy to determine a unique subset of ations for every player. Then, players simultaneously take ations from these subsets. Our objetive is to try to haraterize the set of equilibria of this game. To see how it works, we might as well restrit attention to a two player prisoner's dilemma. As we illustrated above, we don't really need our formalism to understand this game. However, it provides a simple illustration of the methods we use in the general ase. Call the players the usual payo struture in whih o if they both play funtion from N to C D strategy that hooses ation [c] D. D 1 is as the 'enoding' of c1 ([c2 ]) and the ations C and D with A strategy c for a player is a denable no matter what the Godel ode of the other player's strategy. c. [c] denote the Godel ode of the strategy c and Sine the Godel oding is an injetion from the set of denable strategies to the set of integers. For any pair of strategies player 2, One obvious equilibrium of this game ours when both players use a Every denable funtion has a Godel ode. Let refer to and is a dominant strategy and both players are stritly better than they are if they both play {C, D}. 1 c1 and c2 , the ation (C or D) taken by and similarly for player 2. Sine every pair of ations determines a payo, this proedure assoiates a unique payo with every pair of strategies. 6 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES There are many things that aren't denable strategies that also have Godel odes. We want to make use of some of these other things. In partiular, we want to use denable strategies with variables. free For example, there is a sublass of denable strategies for player 1 dened parametrially by γ x (n) = C n = x, D otherwise. free variable x This is simply a denable strategy with a , where x is the target ode of the other player's strategy that will trigger the ooperative ation. Denable strategies with free variables are also denable, and so they too have Godel odes. The strategy with free variable that we want is a slight modiation of the one above, in partiular cx (n) = (1.1) The mapping < x >(x) is a text with one free variable, then n. Hene, if n i h n = hxi(x) , D otherwise. the omposition of two funtions. First, the funtion operation to the Godel oding. That is, to be C φ (n) <n> is the text whose Godel ode is hxi n. is the inverse Seond, if φ is is the same text where the value of the free variable is set is a Godel ode of a denable strategy with one free variable, then is itself a denable strategy (without a free variable). h i (n) hni this denable strategy happens to be. Notie that in this ase, < n >(n) is just the Godel ode of whatever [hxi (x)] won't be equal to x sine a denable strategy must have a dierent Godel ode from a denable strategy with one free variable beause of the fat that the Godel oding is injetive. We want to dene a strategy by xing a value for are interested in is [cx ]. Sine [cx ] x in (1.1). In partiular, the value of x we is the Godel ode of a strategy with a free variable, the right hand side of (1.1) requires that we deode [cx ] Putting all this together gives c[cx ] (n) = So c[cx ] ([c2 ]) = to get C cx , then x x at [cx ] to get the ontrat c[cx ] . n = c[cx ] D otherwise C [c2 ] = c[cx ] D otherwise is a the 'reiproal' or self-referential ontrat mentioned above. Now we simply need to verify what happens when both players use strategy If player 2 uses strategy by player 1. c[cx ] , then c[cx ] . [c2 ] = c[cx ] , whih evidently triggers the ooperative ation The same argument applies for player 2. denable strategy c′ Player 2 an deviate to any alternative that she likes. Sine every denable strategy has a Godel ode, the reation of player 1, and onsequently both players payos are well dened. As the Godel oding is injetive, DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS c′ 6= c[cx ] implies the Godel ode of respond by swithing from C to c′ is not equal to D. c[cx ] 7 , and the deviation by 2 indues 1 to Notie that this argument makes use of an enoding of the strategy with free variable isn't a denable strategy. cx , whih One might have expeted the target ode number to be assoiated with a strategy instead of a strategy with a free variable. For example, it seems that to enfore ooperation there needs to be a denable strategy c∗ = Of ourse, for arbitrary n∗ C c∗ with enoding [c∗ ] = n∗ suh that [c2 ] = n∗ D otherwise [cn∗ ] = n∗ . it will be false that This leads to a xed point problem that, in fat, does not have a solution in general. More generally, one ould try to onstrut a self-referential ontrat by nding a xed point of the the following problem. For eah cn ([c2 ]) = g where C D if [c2 ] = g (n) , n∗ suh that [cn∗ ] = g (n∗ ), a self-referential ontrat. Indeed, what we did above is that we hose showed that n = [cx ] reiproal ontrat ≡ and its reursive ounterpart C = don't c[cx ] to be cn∗ is obviously [< n >(n) ] and exempt don't cx works, reall the reiproal tax agreement other State oers reiproal ontrat exempt otherwise if other State exempts any State who exempts any State who exempts. . . otherwise The 'reiproal ontrat' is g (n) then is a orresponding xed point. To see how the strategy with free variable exempt onsider otherwise, is a denable funtion. If there exists an ∗ n, c[cx ] and the statement other state oers reiproal ontrat is [c2 ] = . State A wants to exempt any state whose law fullls a ondition. For example, if the ondition it is looking for is that the other state simply exempts State S, then it would ompute the Godel ode n0 = [C∀n] then use the strategy cn0 = C D [c2 ] = n0 otherwise If it does that, then it an't be an equilibrium as explained above. So what it needs to do is to exempt any State whose law fullls a ondition that exempts any state whose law fullls a ondition. For example, if it wanted to exempt State A if and only if State and so on. A B unonditionally exempts state if and only if State B, B 's law exempts state then it would adopt the strategy c[cn ] , 0 8 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES cx omes i h (x) , n = hxi This is where the partiular struture of the ontrat cx (n) = C D into play. Reall that otherwise. It speies exemption if and only if a ondition is fullled, but it doesn't seem to speify what the ondition is. However, it does require that whatever the ondition x is, if x in turn depends on a ondition, then the ondition that it depends on must be the same as the ondition itself. To see if x depends on a ondition, we rst deode it and nd the statement hxi that the integer orresponds to. Then if it depends on some ondition, we require that that ondition be whih is the meaning of exempts state B 's B law must be (x) hxi . So now we an do the innite regress. State if and only if the Godel ode of State c[cx ] , or that i.e., the same ondition that B A exempt A B 's law is c[cx ] . A itself, adopts a law that This means that state if and only if the Godel ode of State requires. x x A's law is c[cx ] , Every olletion of denable ontrats uniquely determines a set of ommitments for eah of the players. Any sensible desription of the set of feasible ontrats should unambiguously determine players' ommitments in this way. We aomplish this by making the ontrats arithmeti. The set of denable funtions is the largest set of arithmeti funtions that an be desribed using a nite text in a rst order language. In this sense, the lass of ontrats that we desribe is universal in that any 'sensible' model of ontrats on ontrats should involve a ontrat spae that is embedded in the one we desribe. 2. Literature As we mentioned in the introdution, our paper is not the rst to show how ontratual devies an be used to support ooperative play. Muh of the literature in this area follows an idea developed in [5℄ in whih ations are delegated to an agent who is given the appropriate inentives to arry out ations that might not otherwise be part of a non-ooperative equilibrium. This idea was developed by [8℄ who used it to prove a 'folk theorem' for a very speialized environment. The idea that the agent might be used to report deviations, thereby allowing prinipals to ommit themselves to punish a deviator, is developed in [4℄. This idea provides the basis for the menu theorems in ommon ageny, like [9℄, [10℄ and [6℄ whih illustrate how ooperative outomes an be supported by having the agent trigger punishments. Reently [14℄ provides a very general folk theorem for multiple ageny games in whih prinipals an ommit to follow the reommendations of (potentially interested) agents. Though this literature shows how ontratual devies an be used to support ooperative behavior, it relies on the delegation of deision making power to an agent. In this paper, there is no agent, beause ontrats depend diretly on one another. This approah is losely related to ideas in the omputer siene literature. One paper that uses this approah is [13℄. He has players writing programs that determine their ations. Using an idea due to von Neumann, he allows these DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS 9 programs to use other programs as data, whih has the eet of making the output of eah player's program depend on the other players' programs. The result extends the reiproal ontrat idea presented above to a more general n player game. We have illustrated the basi priniple with our 'ross-referential' example above. To support any array of ations, Tennenholz eetively writes out expliitly a sequene of programming statements resembling the verbal statements we made above. These dene the keywords that are needed to support any array of ations in whih eah player's payo is at least his or her minmax value. The paper by [7℄ shows how to extend the set of supportable alloations in two player games. They onstrut a set of ommitment devies whih an be used to support orrelated strategies in whih all players payos exeed their minmax payos. Speially, in some games their devies support outomes in whih all players reeive payos that exeed their best payos with Tennenholz's programs. This is aomplished by onstruting ommitment devies that allow players to orrelated their ations while using independent randomizing devies. On the most basi level, our paper diers sine we are interested in problems with inomplete information. However, the more important dierene is that our approah is dedutive rather than onstrutive. We x a set of ommitment devies, then use this same set of devies to support individually rational outomes in all nite games. The advantage of this is that we are able to give a omplete haraterization of the set of all supportable alloations. Tennenholz theorem does not rule out, for example, the possibility that there might be program equilibrium in whih some players reeive less than their minmax payo. With omplete information, this possibility is not ritial. For example, [7℄ rule it out by allowing players to reserve the right to pik their ations in an unonstrained way ex post. They interpret this as giving players the right not to partiipate in the ontrating proess. With inomplete information, there is no simple analog to the minmax payo, so there is no simple trik like non-partiipation that an be used to show whih alloations annot be supported as equilibria. By providing a more omplete desription of the set of feasible ontrats we are able to overome this diulty. It is preisely the ability to pin down alloations that annot be supported as equilibrium that is ritial to our objetive of showing the limits to whih ontrats an be used to deentralize the mehanism designer's problem. We use our haraterization to onstrut examples of alloation rules that an be supported by a mehanism designer, but annot be supported as ontrat equilibrium. We emphasize that the ontribution here is not intended to be a ontribution to the omputer siene literature. In fat, we view the paper as a very traditional ontrating model in whih players have aess to a legal system whih an be used to provide redress when ontrats are not arried out. Yet redress is all we want. Our purpose is to dene a ontrating language suh that players an write any ontrat that they like in this language. One all the players have written their ontrats, they should be able to dedue on their own what ations they need to take in order to fulll their ontrats. With omplete information, it isn't ompletely surprising 10 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES that many alloations an be supported in suh an environment. It is in inomplete information environments where the set of supportable alloations has not been haraterized, and this is how we view our ontribution here. Finally, the use the Godel oding is simply for onveniene. One one sees that the olletion of all nite texts onstitutes a ountable set, any denable bijetion from nite texts to integers an be used to do the analysis we do. Any denable bijetion an be expliitly written into the ontrats we allow, so that a judge (or player for that matter) who doesn't know what it is an expliitly alulate it. 3. The Language and the Gödel Coding We onsider a formal language, whih is suiently rih to allow its user to state propositions in arithmeti. Furthermore, the set of statements in this language is losed under the nite appliations of the Boolean operations: q, ∨, and ∧. This implies that one an express, for example, the following statement: ∀n, x, y, z {[(n ≥ 3) ∨ (x 6= 0) ∨ (y 6= 0) ∨ (z 6= 0)] → (xn + y n 6= z n )]} . In addition, one an also express statements in the language that involve any nite number of free variables. For example, x is a prime number is a statement in the language. The symbol a free variable in the statement. x < 4. Let L is Another example for a prediate that has one free variable is One an substitute any integer into x = 0, 1, 2, 3 partiular one is true if x x and then the prediate is either true or false. This and false otherwise. be the set of all formulas of the formal language. Eah of its element is a nite string of symbols. It is well known that one an onstrut a one-to-one funtion value of this funtion at ϕ ∈ L, and all it the Gödel Code of the text L → N. Let [ϕ] be the ϕ. In what follows, we dene a lass of funtions whih an be represented represented by nitely many haraters in our formal language. Denition 1. φ in k+1 The funtion f : Nk → 2 N free variables suh that In the denition, the mapping singleton for all we refer to [φ] Example. n∈N k , then f is said to be b ∈ f (a1 , ..., ak ) f denable if and only if is a orrespondene from is a funtion. If the funtion as the Godel enoding of f. ( f φ (a1 , ..., ak , b) Nk to N. is true. Of ourse, if f (n) is denable by the prediate φ is a then We illustrate the previous denition with an example. Consider the following funtion dened on f (a) = if there exists a rst-order prediate N: 0 if a is an even number, 1 if a is an odd number. We show that this funtion is denable by onstruting the orresponding prediate φ (x, y) ≡ {{y = 1} ∧ {y = 0}} ∨ {∃z : 2z = y + x} . φ. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS φ indeed has two free variables. Notie that φ front of it.) The rst part of that φ (a, b) f (a) = 0 or one.) If beause b=0 a+b φ (a, 0) then Suppose there are payo of Player is not free beause there is a quantier is either one or zero. The seond part says that φ (a, 0) if and only if is true. To see this, rst notie φ (This is beause the rst part of is indeed true. If b = 1, x+y b requires then the seond part of φ to be zero beomes false Complete information Contrating Game m players. Player i is ui (a1 , . . . , am ). i if he takes ation ai ontrat, submits a z is an odd number. 4. to player b∈ / {0, 1}. is false whenever y states that is divisible by two. Notie that (The variable 11 i Ai . has a nite ation spae Let We use the onventional notation that while the other players take ation N whih is a denable orrespondene from m a−i . to A denote ×m i=1 Ai . The ui (ai , a−i ) is the payo Eah player simultaneously N 2 , where `denable' is to be understood in the sense of Denition 1. At stage two, players take ations simultaneously from subsets of their ations spaes. These subsets are determined by the rst-stage ontrats. If at stage one player two if j submitted ontrat cj (j [ai ] ∈ ci ([c1 ] , ..., [cm ]). = 1, ..., m), then player i an only take ation ai at stage We restrit attention to pure-strategy subgame perfet equilibria of this game. The pure strategy minmax value for player ui = Let aj be any one of the ations that for player i, suh that, i min is max ui (ai , a−i ) , a−i ∈A−i ai ∈Ai j uses to attain his minmax payo. Let us x an ation aj1 , ..., ajm ∈ arg min uj aj , a−j . aji i a−i j That is, ai is the ation that player all i uses to punish player j. For onveniene, dene ajj = aj for j ∈ {1, ..., m}. Theorem 1. The ation prole a∗ = (a∗1 , ..., a∗m ) ∈ A outome in the ontrating game if and only if is supportable as a pure-strategy SPNE ∗ ui (a ) ≥ ui for eah i. Before we proeed with the proof of the theorem, we reall two piees notations from the introdution. [< n >] = n. First, if n ∈ N Seond, for any text stands for a free variable in is x1 < x2 , n1 = 1, variable: < xi > and ϕ then n2 = 2 (x1 ,...,xk ) < n > then ϕ, xi then , where let ϕ denotes the text whose Gödel ode is (n1 ,...,nk ) ϕ i ≤ k. is 1 < 2. ni in ϕ(n1 ,...,nk ) is dened for all Mathematial Logi, that if ϕ ϕ for i = 1, ..., n. For example, if Consider now the following text in One an evaluate this statement at any vetor of integers. Sine the Godel oding was a bijetion addition, and That is, denote the statement where if the letter is evaluated at (n1 ,n2 ) n. (n1 , ..., nk ). < ni > k xi ϕ free k -dimensional is a text for eah n i ∈ N. In In addition, it is a well-known result in f (n1 , ..., nk ) = < ni >(n1 ,...,nk ) , then f is a denable funtion. 12 Proof. MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES First, we prove the only if part. Fix an equilibrium in the ontrating game. Let j (j = 1, ..., m) the equilibrium ontrat of player i Notie, that player he an oer c:N m oering is, ej A 3 c instead of ci . suh that c (n1 , ..., nm ) = N ui < ui , We show that if Let e cj = cj if is the ation spae of player Also notie that ui denote player i's denote equilibrium payo. an always oer a ontrat that does not restrit his ation spae. That is, → 2N , obviously denable. and let cj fi = Ai . A j player j 6= i and e ci = c. for all i (n1 , ..., nm ) ∈ Nm . The ontrat i ej = {aj : [aj ] ∈ e A cj ([e c1 ] , ..., [e cm ])}. min The inequality follows from max ui (ai , a−i ) ≥ ej ⊆ Aj A for all minmax value by oering the ontrat j. That (e c1 , ..., e cm ). in any pure strategy equilibrium of this subgame is weakly larger than e−i ai ∈Ai a−i ∈A is an protably deviate at the rst stage by Let in the subgame generated by the ontrat prole The payo of player c min max ui (ai , a−i ) . a−i ∈A−i ai ∈Ai Therefore, player i an always ahieve his pure c. For the if part, onsider the following ontrat of Player i, m cixi ,x−i , in m free variables: cix1 ,...,xm ([cj ])j=1 = [a∗ ] h ii aji (4.1) | k : < xk >(x1 ,...,xm ) 6= [ck ] | = 6 1, (x1 ,...,xn ) if k : < xk > 6= [ck ] = {j} if The expression (4.1) is not a ontrat, but rather a ontrat with free variables. Eah suh o n i cγ ,...,γm The funtions have no free expression has a Godel ode, so let i om n 1 i variables, so they onstitute a set of ontrats. We will now show that cγ ,...,γ onstitutes 1 m i=1 1 m . First observe what an equilibrium prole of ontrats whih support the outome ak , . . . , ak 1 m γ i = cix1 ,...,xm . happens when all players use ontrat Player player i ciγ 1 ,...,γm . [a∗ ] m h ii ciγ 1 ,...,γm ([cj ])j=1 = aji if if Notie that | k : < γ k >(γ 1 ,...,γm ) 6= [ck ] | = 6 1, (γ 1 ,...,γ m ) 6= [ck ] = {j} . k : < γk > needs to hek whether the Godel ode of k 's ontrat, ck . γk is equal to the Godel ode of is the Godel ode of the ontrat with free variable ckx1 ,...,xm . γ 1 , ..., γ m k (whih gives the ontrat cγ ,...,γ ), then evaluate its Godel ode. This is what is to be ompared 1 m Player i's The integer < γ k >(γ 1 ,...,γm ) ontrat says to take this ontrat with free variable, x the free variables at with the Godel ode of the ontrat oered by k. Of ourse, these are the same in equilibrium k beause ck = cγ ,...,γ . Sine this is the ase for all m − 1 of the other players, player i ends up 1 m ∗ taking ation ai . So these ontrats support the outome we want if everyone uses them. 3 For example, the prediate {x1 = x1 } ∧ ... ∧ {xm = xm } ∧ {y = y} denes c. That is, for all y ∈ N the prediate is true no matter how the free variables are evaluated. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS Nm 13 2N . o However, any suh ontrat n j will have a dierent Godel ode, and so will indue the punishment ai from the other players. i6=j n o j Reall that ai is the ation prole that players other than player j use to minmax player j . Player Sine j an deviate to any denable ontrat mapping uj (a) ≥ uj into i6=j any deviation will be unprotable. One might argue that restriting the spae of ontrats to be denable funtions of Godel odes is both arbitrary and unnatural. Indeed, there is no reason for a judge to interpret a ontrat as a desription of a mapping from the Godel odes of the ontrats oered by the other players to the ations spae of the player. For that matter, the judge might not even know about the Godel oding. It is important to note that the salient feature of denable ontrats is that they an be written as texts that use a nite number of words in a formal language. The set of nite texts seems a very natural desription of the set of feasible ontrats. In fat, from this perspetive it seems that any reasonable desription of the set of feasible ontrats should allow any suh text. The ompliation with suh a broad desription of the set of ontrats is that to properly dene a game, one must fully desribe the mappings from proles of texts into payos. Many texts will be omplete nonsense and some modelling deision has to be taken about how these would translate into ations and payos. The ontrats that we speify above are denable texts that have two advantages in this regard. First, sine every nite text has a Godel ode, they tie down the ation of the player who oers suh a ontrat even if the other players in the game oer ontrats involving texts that make no eonomi sense. Furthermore, if all players oer ontrats from the set we speify, an outome for every player is uniquely determined. Finally, sine the Godel oding itself is denable, the oding an be embedded diretly into the ontrat. So players don't need to agree to use the Godel ode of other ontrats. They an use the Godel ode unilaterally, and the impliations of the ontrat will be understood by the others provide they agree on the underlying language in whih ontrats are written. Generalizations. Everything about this theorem involves pure strategies. This imposes limits on its appliation. Next, we disuss how to extend our result to the ase when players an mix over their restrited ation spae at the seond stage of the game but annot randomize over the ontrats they oer at the rst stage. Allowing suh mixing expands the set of payo proles that an be supported by equilibria for two reasons. First, sine players an randomize ertain onvex ombinations of payo proles an now be supported. Seond, players an use mixing when punishing a deviator, and hene the minmax value of the players will be smaller. Formally, for all S = ×i Si , Si ⊂ Ai , and the payo funtion of player i dene a game, is the restrition of GS , ui where the ation spae of player on S. Let E (S) ∗ equilibria in GS . Dene the minmax value of player i, ui , as u∗i = min max min S−i ⊂A−i Si ⊂Ai σ∈E(S−i ×A) S−i =×j6=i Sj Z ui (a) dσ (a) . i is Si , denote the set of mixed 14 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES The idea is that in the ontrating game, players an restrit their ation spaes arbitrarily, hene, when they punish player i they an hoose S−i arbitrarily. On the other hand, their seond-stage ations must be best responses, and that is why we have to onsider equilibrium payos in the restrited game. An argument idential to the proof of Theorem 1 shows that the random alloation σ ∈ ∆ (A) an be supported as an equilibrium if ∃Si ⊂ Ai for all i, suh that σ ∈ E (×i Si ), R ui (a) dσ (a) ≥ u∗i for all i. (ii) (i) and What happens if players are allowed to randomize over the ontrats they oer? It is possible to show that part (i) an be ompletely relaxed. That is, the distribution over the outomes does not have to be an equilibrium in GS , and it does not even have to be generated by independent randomizations of the players. The onstrution of mixed equilibria in our ontrating game that supports orrelated outomes is entirely based on Kalai (2008). The authors onsider twoperson games where players submit ommitment devies instead of taking ations. A devie then determines the ation of the player as funtion of the other devie. The authors onstrut a set of devies suh that any individually rational orrelated outome an be implemented as a mixed equilibrium in the game. That is, although the players mix independently over their devies, the distribution over the ations proles will be orrelated. It is easy to show that these results extend to n-person omplete information games, and in addition, the the equilibrium ommitment devies onstruted by Kalai (2008) are denable funtions as long as the probabilities involved in eah mixing are all rational numbers. Theorem 2. Suppose that σ ∈ ∆ (A), and σ (a) ∈ Q for all a ∈ A. The distribution σ an be supported as a mixed-strategy equilibrium outome in the ontrating game if and only if R ui (a) dσ (a) ≥ u∗i for all i ∈ {1, ..., m}. Another question is why we use denable funtions as opposed to programs or Turing mahines. One might want to require that the ontrats must be omputable and assume that the set of available ontrats is the set (or a subset) of Turing mahines. (i = 1, 2) hooses mahine τ i , then τ i runs on the desription of In suh a model, if player i τ j , and the output will be a subset of the ation spae of player i. It is well-known, that one an onstrut self- and ross-referential 4 ontrats (mahines) in this spae too. In fat, this onstrution is essentially idential to our onstrution of ross-referential denable funtions. Most importantly, the equilibrium ontrats we onstrut to support individually rational alloations are, in fat, reursive funtions, and hene they are omputable by Turing mahines. Therefore, if the reader insists on omputability, he an restrit attention to the spae of Turing mahines. There are, however, several advantages of our approah over modelling ontrats with Turing mahines. First, Turing mahines do not always halt, and therefore, it is not lear how one an 4 Suh mahines were onstruted even in the ontext of Game Theory, see Anderlini 1990 and Canning 1992. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS 15 dene the restrition on the ation spae of a player, if his mahine does not halt. A way to handle the halting problem is to restrit the spae of Turing mahines to be the set of mahines that always halts. We nd suh restritions arbitrary. Instead of restriting the spae of reursive funtions, we expanded it to be the set of denable funtions and avoided the halting problem that way. Seond, another problem with Turing mahines is that they an only ondition on the atual desription of the mahines submitted by the other players but annot ondition on the funtions what the mahines ompute. Take the example of the prisoner dilemma. It is possible to onstrut a Turing mahine, τ, suh that τ ([τ 2 ]) = ( C D if [τ 2 ] = [τ ] otherwise. The problem is that if player 2 submits a mahine, say with τ, τ ′, whih is omputationally equivalent but has a dierent desription, then player 1 would defet. In fat, it is not possible to onstrut a mahine whih does not suer from this problem. We avoid suh problems with denable funtions. Indeed, it is possible to express ontrats that do not ondition on the atual way the other ontrat is written, but on the funtion itself that the other ontrat desribes. Consider c1 ([c2 ]) = The ontrat cγ ( c∗2 ⇔ c2 , C if D otherwise. is obviously denable, but does not ondition on the atual form of c2 . As long ∗ as c2 represents the same funtion as c2 , ooperation is presribed. 5. Contrating in a Bayesian Environment In the previous setion, we showed how ontratible ontrats an be used to support any alloation for whih every player's payo is at least his minmax value. Assuming non-partiipation is always an option, this is the set of alloations that is supportable by a entralized mehanism designer. In this sense, ontratible ontrats ompletely deentralize the alloation problem. In this setion, we show that the same result is not true in the Bayesian ase. We do this by proving a theorem that ompletely haraterizes the set of alloation rules that an be supported as Bayesian equilibrium in the ontrating game. We then onstrut alloations that an be supported by a entralized mehanism designer, but whih annot be supported as equilibria. We also show, however, ontratible ontrats make it possible for one player's ation in a ontrat equilibrium to depend on another player's type. The reason is that ontrats expliitly ondition ations on other player's ontrats, whih, along the equilibrium path, an depend on their types. We exploit the reiproal ontrating idea desribed above to enfore type ontingent agreements. The idea is that a ontrat will speify a number of 'target' Godel odes, one for eah of the ontrats the other player's dierent types are supposed to oer along the equilibrium path. 16 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES As long as other players oer a ontrat whose ode is equal to one of these targets, the ontrat responds with a 'ooperative' ation. If any of the others deviate, the ontrat will respond with some kind of punishment. When information is omplete, a punishment is simply an array of ommitments that nondeviators make. These ommitments are suh that they make all deviations unprotable. We want to extend this idea to the Bayesian ase. There are a number of diulties assoiated with this. First, ontrat oers depend on player types, so they reveal information. Potential 'deviators' an ondition their play on non-deviators' ontrats, so they an ondition their ommitments on the non-deviators' type. Players may not want to reveal their type information at the ontrating stage for this reason. Nonetheless, they will want at on this type information ex post. So ontrats will typially bind players to subsets of their ations, leaving some disretion for them to vary their ations with their types ex post. So it is important to think of ontrat oers as ommitment orrespondenes, rather than simple ommitments to ations as would sue with omplete information. Seondly, non-deviators have the ability to respond to deviations ontratually. They an make their punishments more severe by exploiting residual unertainty that the deviator has about their type ex post. They would do this, again, by ommitting to a subset of ations instead of a single ation. The punishment for a deviation onsists of two parts for this reason: a punishment orrespondene, that restrits the non-deviator's ex post hoie to a subset of his ations, and a seond stage strategy that depends on the non-deviator's type (onstrained by the information the non-deviator reveals about his type with his on path ontrat). Perhaps the most omplex part of ontrating equilibrium is that non-deviators' responses depend on the deviator's ontrat. sophistiated way. As suh they ould, in priniple, depend on the deviation in The simple logi that we developed for the reiproal ontrating argument above relied on the idea that non-deviators ould punish deviators by minmaxing them. The minmax ation doesn't depend on exatly how the non-ooperative player hooses to be nonooperative. With inomplete information, there is no natural analog for the minmax punishment. The ability to ontrat on other ontrats suggests the possibility that non-deviators ould reat to deviations in a way that depends on exatly what the deviation is thereby holding on path payos to something below the orresponding min max payo. A remarkable property of our theorem is to show the sense in whih punishments an be understood to be invariant to the manner in whih a player hooses be non-ooperative. We show that any ontrat equilibrium an be supported by having non-deviators respond to a deviation with a ontratual ommitment that is independent of what the deviator hooses to do. Ex post hoies that non-deviators make from their ontratual ommitment orrespondenes will typially depend on the deviation. trats. However, these ex post hoies aren't part of the non-deviator's on- This result allows us to extend the reiproal ontrating idea to Bayesian games. If a player oers a ontrat that is onsistent with equilibrium play by one of his types, then the other DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS 17 players respond ooperatively. Otherwise, there is a single punishment orrespondene that the non-deviators impose, just as in the omplete information ase. This property of ontrat equilibrium is a onsequene of restriting players to denable ontrats. It is the part of our theorem that allows us to show the limits of ontratible ontrats, sine we an show the kinds of alloations that an't be supported as equilibrium. This is the part of our theorem that we use to provide examples of alloations supportable by a mehanism designer but not by ontratable ontrats. This is the advantage we derive from speifying the ontrat spae very preisely. An abstrat ommitment spae suh as the one provided in [7℄, or a spae of ontrats that is onstruted to have desirable properties, suh as programs in [13℄, an be used to show that a large set of alloations an be supported as equilibrium alloations. However, in the Bayesian ase, a omplete haraterization requires a demonstration that ertain alloations annot be supported. To provide this, a omplete desription of the set of feasible ontrats is required. Our Lemma illustrates that denability provides just suh a omplete desription. The model is the same as in the previous setion, with the addition of player types. There are m players. Player i's ations spae is a nite set denoted by from a nite set T i Ai . Eah player i has a type ti drawn . The joint distribution types is ommon knowledge. The payo of player ui (ai , a−i , t) where t ∈ T1 × · · · × Tm . Notie that a strategy rule for player i in the i is Bayesian game |Ti | . the players might otherwise be involved in is an element of Ai Our haraterization of the set of alloations that an be supported as ontrat equilibrium hinges on the information that equilibrium play reveals about players' types. Our argument refers repeatedly to the information that is revealed through equilibrium play. Most things that happen o the equilibrium path depend on this information. use the information partition orrespondene type ti . τ i : Ti → 2 Ti A natural way to inorporate this is to indued by these ontrats. Fix an equilibrium, and dene the to mean the set of types of player One other players see the ontrat oered by player believe that i's type lies in the set τ i (ti ). i i who oer the same ontrat as of type The orrespondene τi ti , is an they should ommonly information partition. Similarly, the orrespondene τ −i (t−i ) = Y τ j (tj ) j6=i desribes the information available to player i about the types of the other players. Eah ontrat speies a set of ations from whih players subsequently hoose. In this sense, equilibrium ontrats support a ommitment orrespondene for eah player. As ontrats depend on other ontrats, whih in turn depend on other players' types, this ommitment orrespondene an be written as a mapping ri : T → 2Ai . Sine the set from whih i hooses his ation an only depend on some other player's type to the extent that the other player's ontrat varies with his type, ri should be measurable with respet to the information partition τ −i . Contrats speify sets of feasible ations. Ultimately, payos are determined by players' hoies from these sets in the nal stage of the game. Let si : T → Ai denote the outome funtion 18 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES assoiated with the seond stage strategies. that si (t) lies in the set depend on t instead of ri (t) ti . 5 These outome funtions must have the property for eah t. It might seem strange that this outome funtion should The reason that player other players is twofold. First, player i's equilibrium ations depend on the types of i gets to see the ontrats oered by eah of the other players. His beliefs vary as the other players' ontrats vary, so his ations in the seond stage will vary with the other players types. Seondly, his own ommitments depend on the ontrats, and thus the types of the other players. Evidently, player i only observes types imperfetly by observing the ontrats that are oered. This is aptured simply by observing that this indued outome funtion must be measurable with respet to the information partition τ −i . Eah o equilibrium ontrat oered by a deviator speies a ommitment for eah array of ontrats oered by the other players. Sine the ontrats the other players oer depend on their types, a deviation implies a ommitment orrespondene fi : T−i → 2Ai . Sine these types are revealed only through the ontrats that the others oer, this orrespondene should be measurable with respet to the information partition τ −i that aptures this information. Let all ommitment orrespondenes available to the deviator, i.e., mappings from T−i into 2 Ai Fi is the set of all Fi be the set of τ −i measurable . In a ontrat equilibrium, a deviation leads to two sorts of 'punishments'. First, sine the other players' ontrats speially ondition on the ontrat oered by the deviator, the non-deviators will hange their ommitments. As mentioned above, we are going to show that the punishment orrespondene assoiated with this hange in ommitments an be taken to be independent of the deviation fi . However it is possible that the way that the non-deviators hoose from sets to whih they have ommitted themselves will depend on i p = j Q fi . i deviates as pij : T−i → 2Ai and i j6=i pj . In a ontrat equilibrium, this punishment is the onsequene of the ontrat that Write the 'punishment' that player j imposes when player has written, so the punishment an only vary with j 's type to the extent that j 's ontrat does. As a onsequene, this punishment will be measurable with respet to the information partition τ −i . Finally, we need to desribe the non-deviators' behavior in the ex post stage, let T−i → Aj . equilibrium The non-deviator j sij : Fi × an no longer ondition his behavior on information revealed by i's behavior. However, he does observe i's ommitment orrespondene in the sense that he observes the deviator's ontrat. He also observes the on equilibrium ontrats of the others. This is aptured, as always, by requiring that his behavior be measurable with respet to 5 τ −ij . The To simplify the argument slightly, we fous on pure strategy outomes here. It is ompletely trivial to extend this argument to outomes that involve randomization at the seond stage by having the outome funtions be mappings from T into △ (Ai ), restriting the supports of these mappings to lie in ri (t), then letting ui (s (t) , t) be the expeted utility assoiated with the randomization. With this notation, the inequalities that haraterize the equilibrium remain unhanged. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS ation sij (fi , t−i ) should be ontained in pij (t−i ) for every t−i ∈ T−i be the outome funtion assoiated with a deviation. for eah and 19 fi ∈ Fi .6 Let si = i = 1, . . . m, Q j6=i sij The theorem is based on a pair of inequalities that are based on the objets dened above. The rst aptures the idea that no player wishes to mimi the equilibrium behavior of another of his own types. For eah i = 1, . . . m, and eah ti and t′i Et−i (ui (s (t) , t) : ti ) (5.1) ≥ Et−i max ai ∈ri (t′i ,t−i ) Et′−i The ommitment orrespondene ri ui ai , s−i t′i , t′−i , ti , t′−i : t′−i ∈ τ −i (t−i ) : ti ! results in a olletion of ations from whih player . i is ommit- ted to hoose in the seond stage. This hoie set an depend on the types of the others beause max their ontrats do. The operator on the right hand side requires the player to hoose a best reply from this set given posterior beliefs. Taken together, these onstraints for all the players requires that play in the seond stage onstitutes a Bayesian equilibrium of the game in whih eah player hooses an ation from the set of ations to whih he is ommitted, given posterior beliefs about players' types. To deal with deviations at the ontrating stage of the game, we require that for eah ti ∈T Et−i (ui (s (t) , t) : ti ) ≥ (5.2) max Et−i fi ∈Fi max Et′−i ui a, si fi , t′−i , ti , t′−i , t : t′−i ∈ τ −i (t−i ) : ti . a∈fi (t−i ) A deviation implies a ommitment orrespondene fi . The inequality says that even if the deviator hooses a best reply from the set of ations to whih he is ommitted, he annot gain by deviating. So far we have imposed no restritions on seond stage punishment behavior. In appliations it is natural to want behavior in the seond stage to be onsistent with some renement like perfet Bayesian equilibrium. Our theorem works with most standard renements but does not depend on them. To illustrate, let T̃−i be a subset of T−i . Ã1 , . . . , Ãm be a olletion of subsets of the players ation sets and let while it is ommon belief that the non-deviators' types lie in the subset of ations in Ã−i ned) Bayesian equilibrium, have i h Ri Ã1 , . . . , Ãm , T̃−i 6 Ri has deviated from the seond stage, T̃−i . Let Ri Ã1 , . . . , Ãm , T̃−i i be that are onsistent with some renement. For example in a (unrei h Ri Ã1 , . . . , Ãm , T̃−i = Ã−i . A slightly stronger renement might ruling out ations that are stritly dominated given that players are onstrained to hoose ations in equilibrium, i Ãihin The interpretation of these objets is that some player an equilibrium. Contrats onstrain the players to hoose from the sets Ã1 , . . . , Ãm . Finally, onsistent with the idea of perfet Bayesian might ontain only ations that are onsistent with Bayesian equilibrium in the If mixing is allowed in the last stage, then the support of sij (fi , t−j ) should be ontained in pij (t−i ). 20 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES game dened by subsets some Ã1 , . . . , Ãm , ommon belief that the non-deviators' types lie in belief about the deviator i. We will all a Bayesian equilibrium in ontrats an T̃−i and R-equilibrium if following eah array of ontrat oers for whih player i's ontrat is inonsistent with his equilibrium strategy and all other players ontrat oers are onsistent with the equilibrium strategies of players whose types lie in T̃−i , ontinuation play lies in i h Ri Ã1 , . . . , Ãm , T̃−i where the Ãj are the ontratual ommitments of eah of the players. We an now state our main theorem. Theorem 3. An alloation rule s : T → A an be supported as an R-equilibrium in ontrats if and r, only if there is a ommitment orrespondene i punishments p i=1,...,m , and Q τ i , eah pi is respet to τ = in r (t) for eah a olletion of information partitions outome funtions i s i=1,...,m suh that r {τ i }i=1,...,m , is measurable with τ −i , the support of s (t) is ontained t, s (fi , t−i ) ∈ Ri fi (t−i ) , p (t−i ) , τ −i (t−i ) for eah fi and t−i , and (5.1) and i (5.2) are satised. measurable with respet to i One of the key properties of this theorem is to show that when ontrats are denable, equilibrium must support a single punishment orrespondene of exatly the kind we have desribed. Speially, it is a punishment orrespondene that is independent of f. This is entral to the reiproity idea that we developed at the beginning of the paper. Unooperative behavior by one player provokes a punishing ontratual response from the others that doesn't depend on exatly how the deviator goes about being unooperative. We want to show that it is the seond stage ommitments that apture this property of reiproity. 7 This property of ontrat equilibrium is also very surprising. It might seem that ontrat equilibrium ould be supported with very ompliated ontrats that punish deviators in a way that is sensitive to exatly how they deviate. We show that this is not the ase. Finally, the theorem is written assuming that players use pure strategies at every stage. The primary reason we assume away mixed strategies is so that we an use an information partition to represent players knowledge at the seond stage instead of a more omplex measure of information. We assume pure strategies in the seond stage simply for onsisteny. It is ompletely trivial to extend the theorem to allow randomization at the seond stage. This involves nothing more than assuming that ui (s, t) sii (fi , t−i ) are mixtures on Aj whose support is ontained in to be expeted utility assoiated with the mixture s when pjj (t−i ), then redening s ∈ △ (A). The theorem and proof then proeed verbatim. 6. We write the proof in three parts. Proof of Theorem 3 The rst part shows the 'if ' part of the theorem. generalization of the reiproal ontrating idea presented above. It is a Before going on to the more diult 'only if ' part, we prove the Lemma that is interesting for its own sake, and whih forms the basis of the seond part of our proof. Finally, we give the proof of the only if part. 7 Care here is needed to observe that seond stage behavior does depend on the deviation in the rst stage. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS 6.1. 21 If Part: Proof. Suppose that s, τ , r, pi , si satisfy (5.1) and (5.2). We onstrut a Bayesian equilib- t x denote xjj rium in the ontrating game whih implements the alloation s. Let where t xjj j∈{1,...,m}, tj ∈Tj denotes a free variable. Consider the following ontrat in = |T | , free variables: ctxi ([c1 ] , ..., [cm ]) tk tk < xtkk >(x) = [ck ] , if ∀k∃xk ∈ xk : tk ∈ Tk s.t. ri (t) pji (t−j ) if k : ∄xtkk ∈ xtkk : tk ∈ Tk s.t. < xtkk >(x) = [ck ] = j, Ai otherwise and if k + 1 > k if k ∈ {j : τ (tj ) = τ (ti )} , The last statement is in the third line is always true. Suh a statement, however, makes it possible that a player with two dierent types oers two dierent but omputationally equivalent ontrats. Let γ tii denote the Godel Code of this ontrat and let oered by player i t with type ti will be: cγi . Then = Notie that γ = γ tii i,ti . The equilibrium ontrat ctγi ([c1 ] , ..., [cm ]) if ∀k∃tk ∈ Tk s.t. < γ tkk >(γ) = [ck ] , ri (t) pji (t−j ) if k : ∄tk ∈ Tk s.t. < γ tkk >(γ) = [ck ] = j, otherwise and if k + 1 > k if k ∈ H (ti ) , Ai t t < γ qq >(γ) = cγq . Therefore, the previous ontrat an be rewritten as ctγi ([c1 ] , ..., [cm ]) t if ∀k∃tk ∈ Tk s.t. cγk = [ck ] , ri (t) t j = pi (t−j ) if k : ∄tk ∈ Tk s.t. cγk = [ck ] = j, otherwise and if k + 1 > k if k ∈ H (t ) , A (6.1) i i Next, we speify the strategies of the players at the seond stage. If for all suh that player j tj oers a ontrat cγ , then Player player deviated, say Player Dene fk : T−k → 2 Ak k, takes ation and he oered a ontrat ck , si (t). and player j there is a tj ∈ T j Suppose now that one oered t cγj for all j 6= k . as follows: fk (t−k ) = ck (6.2) i j h i t cγj ck , ctγj j6=k , denotes the vetor of the Godel odes of players other than k . Dene player i's j6=k k strategy as si (fk , t−k ). Notie that by (6.1) these seond-stage strategies are onsistent with the k restritions imposed by the ontrats and the renement Rk , that is, si (t) ∈ ri (t) and s (fk , t−k ) ∈ Rk fk (t−k ) , pk (t−k ) , τ −k (t−k ) . (We do not have to speify the strategies if more than one where players deviate at the ontrating stage.) We shall argue that the strategies desribed above onstitute an R−equilibrium in the ontrat- m ing game. First, we show that the strategies {si }i=1 are optimal in the seond stage. Consider 22 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES onstraint (5.1) with t′i . This onstraint requires ti = of the other players. to be a best response to the strategies It remained to show that players do not have inentive to deviate at the k ontrating stage. Suppose that player ctγk . si (t) We shall onsider two ases. tk oers a ontrat ck whih is dierent from t′k cγ but τ k (tk ) 6= τ k (t′k ). Then, by (5.1), this with type Case 1: ck = deviation is not protable no matter what the strategy of player t′ ck 6= cγk for all t′k ∈ Tk . Suh a deviation indues player i k is at the seond stage. Case 2: with type ti to take ation ski (fk , t−k ). Hene, by (5.2) suh a deviation annot be protable. 6.2. Invariant punishment orrespondene. of the punishment orrespondene denes fi . p i The point of this setion is to show the existene . A deviator ontemplates dierent ommitment orrespon- What this Lemma shows is that there has to existene some xed punishment orre- spondene pi (t−i ) suh that no matter whih ommitment orrespondene the deviator want to implement, there must be a way for him to write his ontrat in suh a way that the response of the non-deviators is exatly the same, and is given by this orrespondene pi . This is a onsequene of the fat that ontrats are required to be denable funtions. Let ctii denote the ontrat of Player Lemma 4. For any array i funtions, pk (t−i ) for all ctii k 6= i, i with type i=1,...,m, ti ∈T i ti . Dene o n t′ τ (t) = t′ ∈ T : ∀i ctii = cii . of ontrats and every suh that for any τ −i i, there are measurable funtion τ −i measurable fi : T−i → 2Ai , there ∗ is a ontrat ci suh that h i t c∗i [c∗i ] , cjj (6.3) and for all k 6= i ctkk (6.4) h i t [c∗i ] , cjj = f (t−i ) = pik (t−i ) . j6=i j6=i t cjj . Eah alternative ontrat that he oers against this array indues a ommitment orrespondene f (t−j ) In a ontrat equilibrium, a player expets his opponents to oer the ontrats and eliits some kind of response. The Lemma shows that provided the ontrats the others oer are all denable funtions, there must exist some olletion of punishment orrespondenes suh that for any ommitment orrespondene that player i wants, he an write his own ontrat in suh a way that the others respond with exatly the same punishment First, we reformulate the statement of the lemma. Let sional vetor of subsets of |T | (Ai )τ −i For all n τ = τ (t ) Ai −i −i A−i−i t−i t−i ∈T−i τ ⊂ (Ai ) : A−i−i (t−i ) |T−i | (Ai )τ : t Ai−i dene ⊂ A−i , ∃ci S ∈ t Ai and Ai−i τ (t ) Ai −i −i s. t. = t−i t′ Ai−i if pik . denote the set of whih are measurable with respet to |T−i | t−i (t−i ) t Ai−i Ai i pk τ −i , |T−i | dimen- that is, τ −i (t−i ) = τ −i t′−i . as follows: o i h i h τ (t ) t−i t−i τ (t ) t−i = A−i−i −i . [ci ] , c−i = Ai −i −i , c−i ci [ci ] , c−i DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS τ −i (tt−i ) A−i Ai −i n o τ (t ) S Ai −i −i ∈S τ (t−i ) 23 . By the denition of S , t−i t−i there exists a ontrat, ci , available for player i suh that if the type prole of the other players τ −i (t−i ) is t−i , then if player i oers ci then his restrited ation spae will be Ai and players −i's τ −i (t−i ) . We laim that the statement of the lemma is equivalent restrited ations spae will be A−i Let us explain what it means that to ∩ τ −i (t−i ) ff Ai (6.5) t−i t−i 6= {∅} . To see this, suppose rst that the previous displayed statement is true, and an element of the intersetion. Dene pki (t−i ) τ −i (t−i ) to be A−i for all k 6= i τ (t ) A−i−i −i and pki t−i is t−i ∈ T−i . (t−i ) t−i ∈ τ −i measurable funtion fi : T−i → Ãi , onsider S (fi (t−i ))t−i . Sine S (fi (t−i ))t−i , and by the denition of S , there exists a c∗i suh that (6.3) and (6.4) are satised. k τ measurable funtions Conversely, suppose that (6.5) is not true. Then, for all pi (t−i ) k6=i −i o n τ −i (t−i ) |T | ∈ (Ai ) −i , suh that there exists Ai For a t−i pii (t−i ) = pki (t−i ) n o τ −i (t−i ) p−i (t ) ∈ / S A −i t−i i i t−i . Then if fi (t−i ) is dened to be k6=i ∗ does not exist a ontrat ci suh that (6.4) is satised. where Proof. Suppose by ontradition that ∩ τ (t ) ff Ai −i −i o |T−i | τ (t ) ⊂ A−i A−i−i −i t−i n o τ −i (t−i ) S Ai . Let us n t−i o n τ (t ) ∀ A−i−i −i Let cx fτ −i (t−i ) there exists an x a funtion t−i denote the projetion of f τ Ai −i (t−i ) t−i ⊂ Ai o n τ (t ) : A−i−i −i t−i orresponding to t−i |T−i | i |T−i | −i |T−i | → 2(A ) f : 2(A ) −i |T−i | ⊂ A , n o τ (t ) S Ai −i −i o n τ (t ) Ai −i −i t−i suh that t−i Sine f and cτ −i (t−i ) are denable funtions, cx o n τ (t ) A−i−i −i t−i . Dene c = cτ −i (t′ ) , −i otherwise. is a denable funtion in one free variable. Let denote its Godel ode. Then f cτ −i (t−i ) ([cγ ]) t τ −i (t′−i ) −i cγ (c) = Ai ∈ / . −i st. there Then, for all f = fτ −i (t−i ) t That is, ∃t′−i ∈ T −i t−i ∈ T−i , = {∅}. n o t−i ∈ /S f A−i t−i . if suh that as follows: f ′ c t−i τ −i (t−i ) ([< x > (x)]) t−i cx (c) = Ai for all if ∃t′−i ∈ T −i st. c = cτ −i (t′ ) , −i . otherwise. γ 24 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES Notie that cτ −i (t−i ) ([cγ ]) t (6.6) −i S . On the other hand, = cγ cτ −i (t−i ) t by the denition of = cτ −i (t−i ) ([cγ ]) t −i f. cγ cτ −i (t−i ) t−i −i and therefore, by the denition of n o cτ −i (t′ ) ([cγ ]) ′ ft−i −i t−i t−i , f cτ −i (t−i ) ([cγ ]) t −i (6.7) ∈S ∈ /S cγ cτ −i (t−i ) t−i Notie that (6.6) and (6.7) ontradit to eah others, and hene the (6.5) holds. 6.3. Only if part of the proof of Theorem 3. Proof. m i m , Fix an equilibrium in the ontrating game. We shall onstrut the objets τ , s, {ri }i=1 , s i=1 i m and p suh that the onstraints (5.1) and (5.2) are satised. Denote the equilibrium ontrat i=1 ti of Player i with type ti by ci . Dene the partition, τ , as follows: o n t′ τ (t) = t′ ∈ T : ∀i ctii = cii . m Next, we onstrut the funtions {ri }i=1 . (6.8) ri (t) = ctii for all i ∈ {1, ..., m}. the denition of τ. Notie that Let ri (t) ∈ 2Ai . h t i ctii , cjj j6=i In addition, ri , is measurable with respet to stage strategy of Player i qiti h i t cjj j6=i ti . Observe that h i ti h tj i tj ti ti ∈ ci ci , cj cj qi with type (6.9) j6=i j6=i and (6.9). Let s (t) is obviously measurable with respet to denote τ −i . denote the seond must be satised aording to the rules of the ontrating game. Dene si (t) by The seond-stage strategies depend on the ontrats oered at the rst stage. First, we deal with strategies on the equilibrium path. Let The funtion τ −i si (t) to be qiti In addition, h i t cjj j6=i si (t) ∈ ri (t) . by (6.8) (s1 (t) , ..., sm (t)). (τ , {r } , s) satisfy (5.1). First, onsider this onstraint with ih i t t cjj requires qi i to be a best-response of player i to the We are ready to show that the triple t′i = ti . Then, this onstraint strategies of the other players. Sine and hene, (5.1) is indeed satised. requires player i j6=i qiti was an equilibrium strategy, it has to be a best response Seond, onsider (5.1) with t′i 6= ti . ti with type ti to prefer to oer ontrat ci instead of t′ ci i . Then, this onstraint Indeed, the left-hand-side is just his equilibrium payo and the right-hand-side is the maximum payo of player i with type DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS ti t′i ci if he oered . Sine, ctii was an equilibrium ontrat, suh a deviation annot be protable and hene, (5.1) is satised. It remains to onstrut for all k 6= i and for all m {pi }i=1 and i ∈ {1, ..., m} denote the ontrat of Player i k 6= i ctkk i Let qk h i t fi , cjj j6=i ally deviates to ontrat i m s i=1 and show that (5.2) is also satised. Dene aording to the statement of Lemma 4. In addition, let h i h i t cfi i , cjj j6=i h i h i t cfi i , cjj j6=i measurable with respet to cfi i = fi (t−i ) = pki (t−i ) . denote the o-equilibrium strategy of player cfi i . pik (t−i ) suh that cfi i and for all 25 Dene sik (fi , t−i ) τ −ik (t−ik ). to be h i t i qk fi , cjj k when j6=i . player i unilater- The funtion Given these notations, (5.2) requires that player i sik is an- fi not protably deviate by oering an o-equilibrium ontrat in the form of ci , and hene, this i onstraint is satised. Finally, sine qk is an o equilibrium strategy in an R-equilibrium, so h i t qki fi , cjj j6=i Ri cfi i h i h i t cfi i , cjj j6=i t−i , c−i ∈ k6=i h i h i t cfi i , cjj j6=i , τ −i (t−i ) = Ri [fi (t−i ) , pi (t−i ) , τ (t−i )] and the renement ondition is satised. 6.4. Example 1 - making ations depend on types. The following examples illustrate the properties of the ontrating equilibrium in the Bayesian ase. The rst example, illustrates how ontrating equilibrium an be used to make one player's ation depend on another player's type. This is something that annot be aomplished in the Bayesian equilibrium of the original game. In this example, the row player is privately informed and has one of two equally likely types, and t2 . player, Eah player has two possible ations in the default Bayesian game, {b1 , b2 } {a1 , a2 } t1 for the row for the olumn player. The payos for eah of the row player's types are given in the following tables: b1 b2 b1 a1 3, 3 −1, 4 a1 a2 0,0 0, 0 a2 0,0 b2 0,0 . −1, 4 3, 3 This is a relatively simple oordination problem, save two things - the way the players want to oordinate depends on the row player's type, and if the olumn player learns the row player's type, his weakly dominate ation is inonsistent with the oordinated outome. The unique Bayesian equilibrium has player 1 using ation a1 if his type is t1 and ation a2 if his type is t2 . The olumn 26 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES player randomizes with equal probability between his two ations. The expeted payos to the 3 olumn player are 2 , the expeted payo to the row player is 1 for eah of his types. s (t1 ) = (a1 , b1 ) A mehanism designer an implement the oordinated outome (a2 , b2 ) and s (t2 ) = by simply asking the informed agent his type, then instruting the uniformed agent whih of his ations to take. If either player refuses to partiipate, then they simply play the Bayesian equilibrium desribed above. The alloation is inentive ompatible and individually rational from the mehanism designer's perspetive. To show that the alloation rule mitment orrespondene s is implementable as a ontrat equilibrium, dene the om- r1 (t1 ) = {a1 }, r1 (t2 ) = {a2 }, r2 (t1 ) = {b1 }, r2 (t2 ) = {b2 }. This ommitment orrespondene is measurable with respet to full information and implements the alloation s sine players never have any hoies to make ex post. It is inentive ompatible so it will be implementable if there is a type ontingent punishment that the row player an impose 8 that makes it unprotable for the olumn player to try to exploit this type information. evidently the punishment p1 (t1 ) = {a2 } and p1 (t2 ) = {a1 }, This is sine this holds the olumn player's payo to zero no matter what he does. It might help at this point to desribe the way the ontrat equilibrium works in this example. The informed player writes a dierent 'reiproal' ontrat for eah of his possible types. These ontrats both speify the same target Godel ode, say the Godel ode of the uninformed player's ontrat is ation a1 . n ∗ n∗ . The ontrat for type t1 says that if , then the informed player will ommit to If the Godel ode of the uninformed player's ontrat is anything else, then the informed player of type t1 will ommit to ation a2 . The ontrat for t2 is similar with the ations reversed. Enoding these ontrats gives a pair of Godel odes, say m1 and m2 , orresponding to eah of the informed player's possible ontrats. The uninformed player writes a ontrat that says that if the Godel ode of the informed player's ontrat is ode of the informed player's ontrat is to {b1 , b2 } integers 6.5. m2 , m1 , then he will ommit to then he will ommit to b2 , b1 , if the Godel otherwise he will ommit and hoose among them ex post. The theorem above shows that there is a triple of ∗ (n , r1 , r2 ) suh that the Godel ode of the uninformed player's ontrat is n∗ . Example 2: ontrat equilibrium doesn't do as well as a mehanism designer. In the example just desribed, the ontrat equilibrium supports everything that a mehanism designer might want to implement. However, as we mentioned in the introdution to this setion, ontrat equilibrium imposes a restrition on feasible alloations. When a player deides to deviate, he knows that he will learn something about the types of the other players when he sees their ontrats. In addition, sine he an ondition his behavior on ontrats, he an make his deviation depend on this type information. To illustrate the limitations that this imposes, onsider the following variant of the example given above. 8 There are again two players eah with two possible ations. The row player has Of ourse, the uninformed player must also speify a punishment. For simpliity, we speify it below. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS two possible types, either t1 or t2 , whih are equally likely. 27 The olumn player has no private information. The payos for eah of the informed player's possible types are given in the following tables: b1 b2 b1 a1 3, 3 −1, 4 a2 0, 4 2, −1 and b2 a1 2, −1 0, 4 a2 −1, 4 3, 3 . The Bayesian equilibrium of this default game has eah player randomizing with equal probability over eah of his ations no matter what his information. The informed (row) player has payo 5 1 in this equilibrium no matter what his type, while the uninformed olumn player has payo 2 . The Myerson mehanism designer has no problem implementing the alloation s (t2 ) = (a2 , b2 ). s (t1 ) = (a1 , b1 ) and He does this by inviting the players to partiipate in a mehanism in whih he asks the row player to report his type. If he reports t1 then he instruts the players to use ations a1 and b1 , and similarly when type t2 is reported. By agreeing to partiipate, the players ommit themselves to follow the mehanism designer's instrution. This is inentive ompatible beause the row player's payo falls from 3 to 2 if he misreports his type. The alloation is individually rational in the usual mehanism design sense as long as a refusal to partiipate by either player results in both players playing the (unique) Bayesian equilibrium of the original game. This alloation rule annot be implemented as a ontrat equilibrium. Aording to Theorem 3, to implement it, there must be a type ontingent ommitment that the row player an make, and some speiation of the row player's ations ex post that hold the olumn players payo below 3 when he simply ommits to hoose his from his possible ations there is no suh punishment, observe that if ation a1 π b1 and b2 ex post. To see that is the probability with whih the row player uses in the ex post game, then the olumn player's payo when the row player has type 1 is max [π3 + (1 − π) 4, π4 − (1 − π)] = max [4 − π, 5π − 1] ≥ 19 . 6 The argument is idential when the row player has type 2. No suh punishment exists. Thus by Theorem 3, there is no ontrat equilibrium that supports this outome. As before, if there were a ontrat equilibrium that ould support this outome, then the olumn player has to take an ation that depends on the row player's type. In priniple, he an do this beause he an ommit himself to an ation that depends on the row player's ontrat, whih in turn depends on the row player's type. However if the olumn player knows that the ontrat will reveal the row player's type, then a deviation to a ontrat that simply allows the olumn player to take his ation ex post has to be protable. 6.6. Payos lie between the Bayesian equilibrium and those implementable by a mehanism designer. This nal example is intended to illustrate a number of things. First, it shows that the ontrat equilibrium implements stritly more than the Bayesian equilibrium of the default 28 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES game, but less than what is implementable by a mehanism designer. Seond, it has non-degenerate ommitment and punishment orrespondenes, both of whih are type dependent. The example also illustrates how randomization an be inorporated into the nal stage of the ontrating proess when players hoose ations from their ommitment orrespondenes. We have ignored randomization in the statement of our main theorem to simplify. This example illustrates how the extension works. The row player has three equally likely types supporting payos given in the following tables: t1 b1 b2 t2 b1 b2 t3 a1 3, 3 −1, 4 a1 2, −1 0, 4 a1 a2 0, 4 2, −1 a2 −1, 4 3, 3 a2 b1 b2 −2, −2 4, −1 0, 4 2, 11 4 The payos in the rst two boxes are the same as they were in the seond example disussed above. The unique Bayesian equilibrium for this game has the uninformed player randomizing equally between b1 and b2 . The informed player randomizes equally when his types are t2 , but hooses a1 with probability 59 when his type is t3 . and The payo to the informed player is no matter what his type, while the payo to the uninformed player is designer an implement the alloation rule t1 2. 1 A Myerson mehanism s (t1 ) = (a1 , b1 ), s (t2 ) = s (t3 ) = (a2 , b2 ) exatly as he does in the rst example, by asking the informed player his type, then telling both players what ations to take. This alloation an't be supported as a ontrat equilibrium. The argument is exatly as in the seond example above, sine the ontrat equilibrium has to enfore dierent ations when the row players types are t1 and t2 . However, the alloation in whih both players randomize equally between their ations when the row player has type 1 or type 2, while the ations a2 b2 and are taken when the row player has type 3 an be supported as a ontrat equilibrium. This alloation is measurable with respet to the information partition {{t1 , t2 } , {t3 }} so the ommitment and punishment orrespondenes an depend on the row player's type. In partiular, the ommitment orrespondene we want is r1 (t1 ) = r1 (t2 ) = {a1 , b1 }, r1 (t3 ) = {a2 }, while r2 (t1 ) = r2 (t2 ) = {b1 , b2 } and r2 (t3 ) = {b2 }. punishment orrespondene for the row player is again multi-valued while p1 (t3 ) = {a1 }. The olumn player punishes with {b1 , b2 } The p1 (t1 ) = p1 (t2 ) = {a1 , a2 }, for all deviations. The behavior to be supported involves randomization among the hoies in the ommitment orrespondene. This an be inorporated in a straightforward way by requiring that the mappings s (t) si (t−i ) and have their range in the set of mixtures over ations whose support lies within the appropriate ommitment orrespondene. si (t3 ) = {0, 1} for i = c, r. So in the example, eah f, and s (f, t3 ) = {1, 0} {{t1 , t2 } , {t3 }}. 1 2, 2 = si (t2 ) Let sc (f, t1 ) = sc (f, t2 ) = as is required by the punishment orrespondene. is a type ontingent ommitment partition 1 while The behavior during the punishment phase is dened similarly. Consider the ase where the olumn player deviates. c si (t1 ) = f 1 1 2, 2 for A deviation that has to be measurable with respet to the information As an example, take f (t1 ) = {b1 , b2 } = f (t3 ) while f (t3 ) = {b1 }. The DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS 29 punishment has to make this and all other measurable type ontingent ommitments unprotable given the olumn player's interim beliefs. It is straightforward to hek that it aomplishes this. One way to implement this in a ontrat equilibrium is to have the row players types both oer the same ontrat whih ommits them to oers. When the row player has type t3 {a1 , a2 } whatever ontrat the he oers a ontrat that ommits him to n∗c , a2 t1 and t2 olumn player if the olumn a1 against ∗ any other Godel ode. The Godel ode of this ontrat is, say n3 . The olumn player oers a ∗ ontrat that ommits to b2 if the Godel ode of the row player's ontrat is n3 , but ommits to player oers a ontrat whose Godel ode is equal to some target {b1 , b2 } but ommits to against any other ontrat. 7. Independent Private Values An environment that is of some interest in appliations is the independent private value environment. The lassi rst or seond prie aution models are typial examples. However, the tratability of suh models makes them popular. For the independent private value environment we an use our theorem to provide something that looks like a folk theorem for Bayesian equilibrium. For our purposes, this 'folk theorem' is interesting beause it suggests an environment where ontrats an be used to fully deentralize the mehanism designer's problem. Players have private values if ui (a, (ti , t−i )) = ui a, ti , t′−i (players' payos don't depend on other players' types). E (f (t−i ) : ti ) = E (f (t−i ) : for all a ∈ A, t−i , t′−i ∈ T−i Types are independently distributed if t′i ) for every i, ti , t′i and every integrable funtion f. Theorem 2. Let s : T → A be an alloation rule that is implementable by a entralized mehanism designer in an independent private value environment. Then the alloation s an be supported as a Bayesian equilibrium in ontratable ontrats. Proof. An alloation rule is implementable by a mehanism designer if there is a olletion of punishments si : T−i → A−i , where sij is the punishment partiipants will impose on player i if he ′ hooses not to partiipate suh that for eah ti and ti Et−i and Et−i (ui (s (t) , t) : ti ) ≥ ui ai , s−i t′i , t′−i , ti , t′−i : ti ; Et−i (ui (s (t) , t) : ti ) ≥ max Et−i ui ai , si (t−i ) , (ti , t−i ) : ti . ai ∈Ai We prove the theorem by onstruting the various omponents required by Theorem 3. Begin with the punishment si (·). We have from the private value and independene assumption max Et−i ui ai ∈Ai ai , si (t−i ) , (ti , t−i ) : ti = max Et−i ui ai ∈Ai ai , si (t−i ) , ti . 30 MICHAEL PETERS AND BALÁZS SZENTES Let g̃ i be the distribution on A−i indued by the funtion si and the distribution of t−i and dene the punishment s̃i (f, t−i ) = g̃ i for eah t−i and every orrespondene f : T−i → Ãi that is measurable with respet to full information (a set whih ontains all orrespondenes whih are measurable with respet to any information struture). Then we have Et−i (ui (s (t) , t) : ti ) ≥ max Et−i ui ai , s̃i (fai , t−i ) , ti = ai ∈Ai max E ui ai ∈Ai where fai (t−i ) = {ai } ∀t−i ∈ T−i . depend on t−i . ai , g̃ i , ti The important aspet of this punishment is that it does not f Let τ i be the full information partition of Ti with τf = Q i τ fi . Dene the i ommitment orrespondene ri (t) = {si (t)} and the punishment orrespondene pj (t) = Aj . f These orrespondenes are both trivially measurable with respet to τ . Furthermore, (5.1) holds trivially sine the alloation must be inentive ompatible, and any ommitment orrespondene Et−i f ri is always a singleton. Now for measurable with respet to the full information partition max Et′−i ui a, s̃ a∈fi (t−i ) i fi , t′−i max E ui a∈Ai , ti : t′−i a, g̃ i , ti ∈ τ −i (t−i ) : ti τ f−i , ≤ ≤ Et−i (ui (s (t) , t) : ti ) . So (5.2) is satised. Then by Theorem 3, the alloation s is supportable as a ontrat equilibrium. From the proof above, it should be apparent that what makes the theorem work is the fat that the punishment that the mehanism designer uses to enfore partiipation has the same impat on the non-partiipant no matter what he learns about the partiipants' types. This is a onsequene of the private value assumption. Some interdependent value problems will also have this property. For example, in a trading problem, not being able to trade may be worse for a player than trading no matter what he learns about the types of the others. Similar folk theorems are possible in suh environments. 8. Conlusion This paper shows how the ontrats on ontrats approah an be extended to environments with inomplete information by restriting players to use denable ontrats. Denable ontrats onstitute the largest lass of arithmeti ontrats whih an be written as a nite text in a rst order language. In this sense denable ontrats embed most other interesting lasses of feasible ontrats as subsets. DEFINABLE AND CONTRACTIBLE CONTRACTS 31 In ontrast to the omplete information ase, we show that the 'folk theorem' doesn't generally hold. A entralized mehanism designer an implement alloations that an't be supported as equilibrium with ontratible ontrats. This limitation is not a onsequene of the set of feasible ontrats, but rather of the fat that publi ontrats reveal information about non-deviators' type. The restrition to denable ontrats allows us to provide a omplete haraterization of equilibrium and to prove this result. 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