Err '!),~~ ,.,. . .., ... .. . i q . .. ,.. qJ!) } . 1 'I. :~ -- --"'. .'" q ....H.-. ...... '. ..:- ':.' . . ~ . .. .. . . . ~ . - ' . '" IN'EUROPE .. ... - ':-..," -_. -." : '.'"-...... ." -., . ---, ..~ '. -.-' -.-: . -. . - .' -.: ' -"' - -.-".. ... . ON. ..', ,.01'; ... ... --.'." SUBCOMMISSION SHORELINES ..:::.:i::;:~~2~~~~~~;':::,:::.. '::.:N9I{I}UVESTE:~~C~PRQ1?E . INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR QUA TERNARY RESEARCH , ...... .. .. ."" ...... : .J-';;: --'. ;':". . 11q3: : ...:: ',..~, -, ,~ - . ;---':---:-:--:-.-'. ,-.. '~ : .- - h .'";:::;.'. ,.:..', :: .::..~':'... . . .. \ .~ '. .:..,_..~:..:.: . .. . .~:--::..:...~ '. '-'-"-.C " " "'-;".- -'-. ., ~ .- . . - , -. ..:-. ';--' :71~ I>~~~TIN9:J,~2Jt';'Y ..IfJ~~ " ','" ~:;;j~cic;;f~"/~j~~~~;;'" . -'.-:: . . -'. . -' "". .'., '. :)':::::'.rSEPTEMBER " "" " 18 - 25 4_.. ~...' ::~: ~":.': " ~:,",,' ~."~ ~'" - ~-J' .' ".-.""':' ~';:~~ ~..:;:~~: . :.~-: ---" .. ':.::.:~' ~-- -.:-. '.-- -:':~:~~~}+:r,-: ':,"~"::"",,,:'~\:,; '. ".."'" ','--~,;:"~~i~=~~:'":~~E~r~:2"~S~,:~;~~':::~ ~ :=i':;-::~~~:::~;~,-~r?5~fi~ ..-'" . .-'. ..'"- '". ~.~ :';-. ,-' J:=-?:F'"-:;'~-'~_:":-,"'~;:--~ _. ~. ~.. . . ,,- . :". ':.~,-;~."::::" -- ',. .' -""-~':" - h .,. -:~~u""."" -. .";-' ,'_'-..'-'--"_",."f.-':;: -".3:; .-: ' ~--'7. . :~.~-:'~ . . '-;:: .. '- . ', - ~ """--;';--,,,,''':. --,,'-:-' ,.. ....--. - ...-~:':"'... '. ;;..~: ''';'''' - ~. C. BAETEMAN W. DE GANS ~ II/I( T~- BELGIAN GEOLOGICAL GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SURVEY OF THE NETHERLANDS EARTH TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE THE Cecile WESTERN COASTAL OF BELGIUM Baeteman General Introduction The lowlying Holocene. ,coastal plain was formed and shaped However, the present day surface very last step of its development events that built to be acquired Lowland are PLAIN is the record the of the and evolution. The sequence the plain, are found in the subsurface of and are by means of boreholes. excursions therefore very single borehole complex mosaic. the coastal during seldom often shows unappreciated the record That mosaic, evolution can offer splendid outcrops or misjudged. of just one single bearing the sequence and Indeed spot in a of events of the, area, is to be unravelled a and by means of establishing the geometry of the various facies in the depositional body of the coastal plain, so that every single borehole approach is put into a larger context. Such a 3 -dimensional forms a firm basis for the interpretation of the individual core which then can be rate at its true value. The 3-dimensional approach also yield the framework in which all relevant factors and processes of coastal development can be integrated. The western southward (fig.l) extension This Embayment, little crossed landward although relevance excursion parts part of the coastal by extension stops. the Moreover sole used the present-day to it, as will plain is characterized river to be position be discussed the river in. the called the by a plain IJzer of the river has at the different is canalized over the major of its course as the entire 'plain has been reclaimed since about the 11th century AD, resulting in a polder with a completely The controlled elevation drainage. of the plain is ranging between +2m to +5m. ..' Ordnance Dutch NAP i 1 I I~ datum (T.A.W.) refers (Normaal Amsterdams to LLWS what explains peil) is 2.33m higher. that the - .'.~.~! f?": I 2 ij j i I t f I I . ,..4 N ",.~. ,,' '; '':1 !', ! {" c;. .. ? , ,"" '. 0. ':\, North Sea ''''''\ Fig. 1 Belgian Coastal t i I i ! i-' !j Plain i 01\ .. ? c:> . 10 km 0 Setting Geological The western part of the coastal plain differs significantly from the eastern part and this in several aspects. The main difference, sequence of the subsoil. Quaternary deposits Ieper consisting Clay between sequence lies top of stiff upon compact it, an erosional a significant relief valley outside the plain in that landward characterized in the central (fig. 2) with part part, the Eocene shows a more gentle shape is not pronounced and regular any longer. slope. area. The area. deep Just deposits are direction and a level of +30m. In the very west of the plain, surface the ranges a rather of the landward by a very steep slope in the eastern Eocene clay, surface, +lm in the south and -30m in the very seaward incised valley unconformably of a ca 100m thick (Yc). The exhibits reach Holocene deposits The top is the well developed in the western part which is to be explained by the topography Eocene however, the Eocene Seawards, the II I I [ I i 3 C\J C7'I . Ii I ! i i I I I i I I i I j I ! j j I I ..... 0 ~ .c. c.. ns Len 0 c.. 0 ..... en 4) .-0 ~Q. 0 c: 0 z ~ 1 ~ -+- '" I'd C 0 ...J 4 deposits Pleistocene The clay is Eocene maximum thickness covered by pleistocene :.deposi ts a v;ith of 12m. Marine Pleistocene deposits were found restricted in the seaward area (fig.3). They consist mainly of a shellcrag with a thickness up to nearly 10m, occurring between -lSm to -30m. However, slightly more landward, less energetic deposits are found (between belong to a later phase of t~e Eemian -11m to -16m) such as fine sand and clay with occasionally" peat, reflecting a coastal plain/tidal flat environment. According to a pollenanalysis, these deposi ts The typical the facies of the shellcrag boreholes of the Seaward borehole Leeuwenhof (L, In a limited deposits were sediments. reworked to the N-S area, found Mos~ well (fig.4), of the the tidal flat in facies weichselian fine grained in the channellag, marine Crag" developed mainiy time, of Cerastoderma "Izenberge Area; will be demonstrated in fig.9). Holsteinian presence (E6). deposits, edule shells, (Herzeele fluvial channel they characteri zed most Formation, probably Middle fill contain by the belonging Pleistocene, Somrne et al.,1978). In the very southern part of Holsteinian peatlayer was encountered south peat of the is also 1962) river IJzer occurring overlying been found a sequence starting covered by floodplain deposits covered by finally weichselian From the available influenced but the by a marine data are still palaeogeographical 1978). data, reconstruction. That interglacial of Lo (Vanhoorne, with coastal and underlying coastal fluvial it is evident scarce fe\-Jlocalities (at -8.70m) sediments, transgresssion too (fig.S), a (at -3m to -4m) in a core at deposits +lm). plain in only in the neighbourhood and has recently Woumen, (Baeteman, the sediments to be (until that the plain was in the Middle conclusive I ,I , Pleistocene, about any I~ rt i 1 ---~ --- ---- ~'_'-_'''_O ,, 6 . c- -".WO -....---..--.......-.. -"-"-",-,,,,,,'''6 --.-------.... .1 ... N G A ~ Nor th Sea , \\ , \ , i, V\ I I, .on .., I I .. ,, :I ~ \ , , I (' 0 0 0 L Ilu" 0---1 I ~""', Occurrence of Pleistocene Occurrence Marine Pleistocene I:::.:::':~~ sheller a 9 1:'::':.1 fi g. 3 tldaillal of Deposits (clay/sand/peat) fig.4 Fluvial Deposits 6 In the very western part of the plain, the Pleistocene deposits' consist of a thin cover Eocene On the other deposits. very well developed (ca O.Sm) hand, of mainly weichselian :' I reworked Coversands are if in the east. The topography of the Pleistocene subsoil rather , good similarity to that of the Eocene. (fig.6) shows a It is dominated by I I a deep narrow depression going far south where it is bifurcating into small valleys outside the coastal pla~n. The present-day location of the river IJzer is south and east of this depression. t Ii N I A c::J:I North . t Sea I Ii I \ \ \ \ \ ! \ ~. ;: - ': I , -n """\ ~ ::I 0 (0 I I I I \ ' I II 0 ~ Fig.5 2km Occurrence of UiddJe Pleistocene Uarine Deposits I I ~. !\ ! . T. 7 N A NORTH SEA , . \ \ 11 ; ::I "" ~ ~\ \) ~ ~. . \ \ Fi g. 6 Depth of lhe Pleistocene Subsoil \ 0 " 2km ,II 8 Stratigraphy of the . Holocene coastal I i deposits The Holocene coastal'deposits are mainly formed under tidal and semi-terrestrial conditions. The Holocene infill is:'also known as Flandrian deposits or as being accumulated by the Flandrian Transgression. The deposits reach their greatest thickness of ca 30m in the seaward region and wegde out toward the pleistocene These hinterland. unconsolidated coastal deposits are characterized by lateral zonation. In the seaward region, only marine and brackish some clastic places. sediments In the are present central part o~erlyi~g a basal peat in of the plain, the deposits consist in general of an alternation of brackish-marine sediments and peatlayers. Toward the Pleistocene hinterland, the deposits are formed by only a basal peat overlain by a cover of clastic brackish-marine sediments, while at -:he border, of the outcropping pleistocene area, the cover of brackish-marine sediments SeauJard forms the entire Transi region Holocene tion t 1 , , Ii t r i i f i r I ~ ii It t ! sequence. landu~rd region zor.e Clas::.ic ::~lcx .. ,.:".::..:" .', ,,-;:'';'" ." ",' :.:,',' .",..;.:.:/.:.;.,;::::"'''~ ",#.,'.".,'.,.,'.,", .. '.,".,,' . I' ;;..:;;..;;..t7:~.~:.;::t;~~:::;;:{~(~t~~£~'~~~i~:i:~;}t/;0~:~~'i~:I:~i~t~di;?::'?::::;:~~"" [J KO : ~hKO : u~per clzstic seQuer.:e A: qhA: s~litting up se~uence KU :,QhKU : l~er []: ;:le:sto::ene se(ji::\er.ts K: Cl,:st~: ~;ed l~e~ +5 ~ IIIll PEat ~h~: clastic sequance 08 : ~"':;= : Q:~ar.ic basal sE'quence clastic sequerce Fig. 7 Lithological Classification iI. f .......... 9 Such plains lateral of the southern lithological vertical North succession and Baeteman, 1981, Strijdonck, and peat and is Sea, of coastal et deposits the coastal based to the geological Streif,1978, & Van of the Holocene (transgressions?) history, the clastic Baeteman subdivision deposits of a on of al., 1977, Baeteman,1987, The traditional definitely for interfingering (Barckhausen Dunkerque typical led to the development lateral Mostaert,1985, 1989). Calais belongs which classification sediments into zonation, indeed at least for this part of the excursion. The lithological classification consists of complexes i i i sequences I ! deposits i! Ii J I j ! I I belong to the clastic viz. the clastic represented the I (fig.7). In the seaward and very landward as organic plain, grouped The by into organic as clastic the basal possibly basal labelled characterized are sequence, complex bearing underlain sequence. sequence the sequence, by the basal peat, zone, and interfingering one In the central transition sediments regions, and the part of deposits, intercalated peat layers, complex. on the one hand and the splitting up sequence, pearing one or more peatlayers, on the other hand offer the possibility for the development of a geochronology, link~ng the lithological classification. 14-C dates from the peatlayers . given are - in the description Central Area. lithological classification also forms the basis for The relevant of main mapping profile units. types; the Holocene The complexes X-type for the interfingering where of the complex :are represented for the clastic and z-type using the main profile complex, for the peat sequence mainly consists types, a general by means Y-type complex, of peat. profile type map can I ! I i. be established j Holocene i (fig. peat) (fig.8) geological 8) the setting. occurrence subsoil On a very the the landward are uncomplete is beyond handauger reach. clear general of the organic was only indicated'in (X2) as many boreholes i .......... revealing overview profile basal regions sequence of the type map (basal for the X-type as soon as the Pleistocene 10 N A North I f f 1 i Sea Ii 1 I i ! , Fig. 8 General Profile Type Map D 0 ~ X 1 typ e X2 typ e Y typ e ~!:::~: Z typ e border of the 0 coastal plain 2km 11 During the excursion several boreholes of 3 selected areas labelled as seaward, central and landward area (fig.9) will be demonstrated. The particular facies of the Holocene" and Pleistocene sediments will be discussed, as well as the coastal evolution, which is the result of the geological mapping of the plain based on sedimentological investigation, however, without palynological nor micropalaeontological analyses (except for diatomanalysis for few selected boreholes) N "1\ -"\ I» :) 0 ~ t</~ ~ dunes 1. seaward 2. central area area 3. landward area 0 excursi°':1 stop . location of demonstrated boreholes 0 Fig. I .1 9 2km T i 12 I ;. SEAWARD AREA point: Excursion The seaward coastal area dune barrier, sediments Wulpen (fig.10) is characterized (fig.l1, profile are occurring the profile located landward from the broad , types in restricted by a dominance #1,2,& areas. 3). Peat intercalations It should type map is only representative as handaugering was hampered In the clastic be mentioned different that until a depth of -2m by the water-saturated sequence, of clastic sand. facies can be recognized. cross-section parallel to the coast with boreholes A SW-NE until the Eocene deposits, reveals different events. and a different evolution Boreholes Fig.10 NORTH in the inf ill of the plain M.V. and Groenendijk will be demonstrated. LOCATION IN THE OOSTDUINKERKE OF BOREHOLES (fig .12) . A~EA SEA 907 906 0 9080 O::JSTDUINKERKE a OUINENI..9:)IJ 0 KOKSIJO[ a 948 0 947 0 330 0 946 0 901 0 902 0 903 0 976 0 91J . 943 0 94~ 145 0 939 0 LANGELEED 1 d 9,57 . 9H 975 0 0 963 0 958 9620 956 0 NOORO GASTHU!S 0 969 w 9~p 957 0 0 MIL/II..IR 0 KWINTEO ~ 934 933 0 827 0 826 0 0 332 951 0 953 949 '952 0 955 936 0 830 0 828 0629926 0 905 0 924 928 0 0 0 960 VLIEGVELD Q' 5 ."0 954 0 0 0 965 0 967 0 927 0 923 0 0 972 0 916 0 . DOORN~EED 0 9b3 917 0 988 0 820 825 0989 999 0 0 922 °91 0.0 818 960 0 99814~ 82>9 0 0 0 918 SCHOUDERVLIET 997 915 0 9b9 9~7 0 996 0 981 0 0 151 0 980 0=500 i I I f ~ °983! 0 984 0 921 0 0831 91900 0920 I! ! 9 0 334 0 971 9g~ 932 0 333 0 968 I 913 °82~2~ 0910 0 I 91~ 0 ! 0 985, 909 0 986 931 995 994 0 930 8~3 0 0824 0 0 0992 8'2°82 993 57 0 6 i: . 9;9i 92 9 0 0331 0 9~S 0 0 0905 911 942 0 iI 970 912/0 0 9610 977 0 90~ 0 I. . ! 0 . 938 9400 i I m 13 AREA BELGIAN COASTAL PLAIN-OOSTDUINKERKE Profi Ie type map of the Holocene deposits N , r I'll NORTH Ii i :\ rlill rll SEA I 'I I I meTric b scale 500m 1000m I I I - -:. . . :.: ..' .'. .'.. : .. . . . °0 : °0 ::' .,°,: .,°,: .,°: " : ( ::: ':. ,°. '0: ." ". . ::. '.. . . ::: :'0: :.: ". ... ... > '"'.':. . ; :: :',: ',. .. . . '," . ... . \ Fig.11 ~'f[:" r-""-.' . "'---- --.....-----.--. ''- ... ---, ~~-'-'''' ~ ~ ~-"-_.""-~._-"'-'~..' .~-- ~--_._.- G,oen.nd'lk NE sw H,Q, M.Y. Kwlnte Clay ISIIFSIMSI langeleed ), m5 Clayls,!FsjMs( m5 claylsllFS~sI w , J.j. Clay m5 I SIIF slMsl dune "" mudfla t JL channel , "'" W 0 channel ",,-, 0 0 channel , -.. A. fJ mudllat alll/cla, In'erbeddlng 0 Interbeddin9 mixed lIat clayfnnd JI #I' .., , ..,- "' "'" .ez> clayfnnd t - -5 nndllat .. ." clayfsand Interbeddtng sillfclay interbeddln9 -5 Inter mudflat ndlla t storm deposit bedding -5 Slndfla t nndllat - " III mudllat lag , -5 "" II .. .~ G> mudllat cha nnel 0 -;-.. .5 mS StlFS~~ ; .4- V<tI vv Clayl ~ 1 .." vv channel. clayfsand sand!!at mudlla t 48110! 70 Inter bedding .""..., J 'If channel Slndflat II 0 ~. '" .:!'J . If, -10 clay/nnd nndllat lower -=> mixed lIat 21 ~ clayfnnd .", 11 e iI i ! .~. ",/ sheller I clayfu.nd ~./ ~, inte~7~' ..-.. shellcrag --to-::: , .."'::... Yo -20 clayfsand Intf" shellcrag ddlng ~ -IS PI ~, ~~/~ .." / naser bedding ",/ #/ x-bedding plant roots v burrow reworkedpeallragmenl /I (i) bioturbation pebbles shell in lite position 0 x.lamination shell (-deblis) '" "" <=> channellag shellcr a g parallellamin:ttion lag deposit 500m - ctay pebble y."" peat peaty erosional boundary ""'" channel lag ..." .. 'OJ ~ Q.-. j, /' Yo -15 Yo ~0./\:1 I sandllat channellag subtidal .I' -20 °1 !5~ . .JL SI ndllat ' " i ", mixed lIa t ._----- , '" , -IS V"oI " ""'" -10 Slndllat ...,...". C!> subtidal . I , -IS ::!> ., Interbeddin9 ""', o . Interbeddln9 channel -10 -10 Fig. 12 --,4 15 Only in the west (borehole N.G.), the Holocene begins with a basal peat (7620f90 BP at -13.75m) which is covered by mudflat clay. However, a sandflat eroded the mudflat and dominated the environment most probably during the rest of the Holocene. In borehole M.V. a subtidal evolving to a well borehole, however, base environment developed clear mixed assumed that several meters A subtidal environment developed, and mud flat. In the Kwinte evidence in the form of channellag initially of erosion and erosional of pleistocene accumulated sand are found boundary. deposits and clay at the It can be were eroded. for about Sm and was replaced by a sandflat which, in view of its thick accumulation, a mixed persists and both M.V. mud for a long time. It finally flat, and Kwinte representing boreholes a regressive evolved into sequence. the top of the mudflat In is eroded by a tidal channel. Borehole consists of completely shows from by an erosional the channel revealing sandflat different sediments were Groenendijk to mixed dated peatlayer picture sequences tidal channel. that the uppermost Borehole a quite two minor , regressive developed: truncated from Langeleed as (although flat), Reworked each it not time peat fragments at 4880f70 BP (fig.12), has been eroded. is characterized in its lower part by a neariy complete regressive sequence, but the mixed flat is truncated that by a tidal channel this channel situated channel at about -9m. It is quite probable is to be correlated with the slightly higher in Langeleed. It is very remarkable that a thin mudflat deposit is occurring between the channel and the sandflat, but it is not inconceivable that this half a meter of bioturbated clay is just an erosive part of a mudflat redeposited in its entirety. The lower and upper boundar ies are indeed very sharp. Such a phenomenon will be .demonstrated in borehole Doornleed where about 2 meter of clay and peat were redeposited as a whole in the channel The second borehole sorted which ~ fill. Groenendijk sand has regressive. and been clay sequence is interrupted with interpreted numerous ?s storm (as from by half shells -9m, onward) a meter and peat deposit. Also in of badly fragments at this and t ! 16 J E f II N z~ E (:) i: 0 (1) >(1) (1) II,) 0 a:J C"') ,... I t i ! :i - ~ .-en u. I I I ~ex: i ~Z w z 0 ...... ::;0 (:) i Iu 0 w w I i D lV) 0 'II,) --+0)Cll,) V) co 00. .c(1) 0"0 V) V) 0 0::: U ->, 0,,.-:) 1-01 W 1111'r'I" :1:':1:':1 I- ...... V) 0 0... ::2 0 u w (:) ""') ~o ~ 0 ~ +I/J o-+'f-II,) 0 "0. :)(1) ~"O [J -+-11,) ~-+'f- .-II,) ,,0 co. 0(1) V>"0 a "f0Q) Q.. D -+0 -II,) 'f--+-II,) 00 "00.0) .1-"0 1 i t I i t ., ------- 17 location the top of the regressive tidal channel sequence which here is less developed. is truncated Moreover by a it consists mainly of clay and reworked peat and shows a clear silting up . . sequence evolving The borehole demonstrate sequence that which erosional area with is dated of overlap the Landward second Area) M. V., there Only Most in which laterally could phase in this particular only that it probably a tidal in a sandflat beyond erosional which area BP and 3490t60 erosional the reach the phase is to be is occurring in (fig.13) and which BP. 14-C dates of this are shown on fig. 14. The remains questionable area as shown faint peat was continuous a major channel initiations tidal under inlet (see or several tidal in borehole full ones were with mixed and mudflats of the direct on fig. 12, tidal is to be situated migrating at its borders. influence, peatbogs lfp 2 Wo m 2.0 1:1 - - 2970:t60 - - - 1.5 -.j 1.0 m 2710:!:60 355c:!:60 0.5 0.0 - - - i -0.5 - - - 1.0 0.5 3490:t60 i i erosion, develop. \1'1 , ! of distinct mudflat. overlap from 3 locations developed, indicates influence. first two in the . The fact that no peatbogs and -clearly particularly peatgrowth, in this seaward 3580f60 region the phases mixed the more last the transgressive between seaward In between that peatlayer transgressive the as sand, probable the Holocene, after happened. developed the uppermost from developed It is quite correlated data in the upper phases quietly age to mudflat. - - - 4970:t70 0.0 - - - - - - 355o:t60 - - - h220:!:65 f t ~ --- !! f I ! ~ t i t i 1 1---1 clay [[[[III] pea t Fig. 14 14-C dates of transgressive overlap in y BP ~ . .'; ~ 18 The tidal of the inlet most probably Holocene deposits, The infill like in borehole typical facies as existed basa,l N.G. and as from the beginning peat covered Schoudervliet, of the basal peat evolving by are lacking. to freshwater ,marsh and finally mudflat, will be shown in 'Schoudervliet (fig.15), ,located slightly landwards SW-NE cross-section borehole mudflat borehole from the i.. - (fig.12). The mudflat in the lower part of Schoudervliet is truncated by a channel lag. The channel fill deposits evolve to a sandflat which in turn is replaced by a tidal channel as from -8.30m with fragments of reworked peat at its base. Tpe channel deposit evolves to a sandflat until -1.4m and displays a very sharp upper boundary. The overlying silty clay, sandy at the base and with numerous rounded peatfragments, is characterized by a.o. cross-laminations and unconformaties. The boundary with the overlying peat is formed by a thin truncating erosional the peat is occurring is found at the level here, (which generally the uppermost is situated +0.5 and +2m, fig. 13), and the 14-C date of 4540t65 base is in accordance with The tidal channel occurring as the one displayed 12) and from which the incision That from between BP for the of it is problematic. as from -8.30m is most in the SW-NE that the clay and p8at covering as channel probably cross-section is to be dated around -1.40m is to be interpreted channel whole means peat the age of the base of the uppermost peat layer 'in that area, the presence the same sharp upper and lower boundaries. Although layer sand layer. Also the peat layer shows (fig. 3500 BP. the sandflat fill from the tidal formed during the second erosional phase. Also here, peat layer was eroded and redeposited as in its entirety. the J: . -- -- - - f:Schoudervliet m 3.20 :7l:.'.~~C,:_~ I I U :~~}li~ u -- i- 0 I channel 4540!65 BP '~Y--l~ ~~f!4 ;: !:'=:.J ,.~-:f;j ... 51. 1"'( ':s. ~I" :~~~ ~ ~d:j: $- !.~;~ .- ~'. ,.;. -r rt.". ~~.I"-L'" 1- . '~~-r~ ~ sandflat .'.'C.."I;'",; ~ '1": ",'{ -5 .- ~ "V':.;: :';. ~ -1... F.,". "'.'" ,- 't t- "t :,'7.~ , "" ; .~~ , "- channel : ~~~~ ! i I! . i ;"',I:: ;;-1' I r II ':;'\ ~II ' 1 sandflat -10 . t (..- I .~~~ S~ i is- t fi~~:';.1 :"~:1~ ' ..,- ':/~ ; - :: . :.I 1 ~ ., _:, ,_ ~ . "f ,: t ,' ..,. ' '_. , . -, . . " . channel :. ~}J i,- ~A::j ~~~ "'-':j,-";-; oJ- -15 ~ mudflat .1- ; ,, t 'f.r~' wp:~~~~~1 .t~;~:'~ "~~~ ;.L~~;f. ~- -;=8440:t1 30 ~';_-.;.:9940:t110 .! BP basal peat BP 'J:""" ':0' t 'j I JI I i I J f ~ I I l t --.. Fig. 15 . , ',,> '~-. ",'. :"':~;~'::>.~>~:j.>l~\Rf~:'{}&":f' "., " ',.::.'~': "::",,,"'B.:~;\.~'.i?~6'..'~~-" ~., -;\:.::J_-' "::;>3 \-'. " . !~ ! 20 CENTRAL Excursion The Holocene point: central area infilling AREA Zoutenaaie (fig. 16) pre-eminently of the plain is dominated 4 cross-sections (fig. 17, 18, area, demonstrate that the topography is very similar 19 & 20) exhibits that the by its subsoil. The covering this of the Pleistocene entire subsoil to that of the Eocene Ieper clay. N A North Sea 2 4 .. }, I, ~ -; ~ ('I It I, , , I I, I I Central Location Area of cross-sections 0 Fig. 16 2km . ~ ; 21 The which Pleistocene consists reach a maximum of this area, evidently and with clay organic ( fig. numerous 3) extent of were at the bivalves These encountered top, of deposits an fluvial deposits of 11m. Only in the very ~rw part deposits eroded deposits. landward thickness coastal of -11m, of Weichselian consisting Corbicula most Eemian as from a depth of fine sand fluminales and represent the probably coastal/estuarine embayment . The central area also forms one of the particular regions wh~re the typical cyclic formation of coastal deposits where peat is alternating The oldest known the pre-existing developed flat at 8170t90 channel clastic valley however in this area was (fig. 19) where (at -15.60m). quickly filled (Y-type on fig.8). replaced the valley found a basal peat In the valley by in a sand for about a mud flat 8m with and only sediments. from reached that the altitude period (basal peat) the entire area. Between basal transgressed peat sediments periods of regularly in on the more about 7000 the lower elevated continue peatgrowth. however, The not altitude are or with The best developed peat BP. parts, and dominated 5300 BP, the subsoil, --while mud to accumulate, peats 7000 parts, BP and about over the pleistocene at the same thickness. , of -7.5m at about on, _mud flats peatgrowth fla~ infill BP years which Sea level As Holocene pleistocene developed,- tidal with tidal flat deposits with always the same is situated several occurring extension between and -2m and - -3m and dated in the period between As from 5300 marine influence developed J I 5000 - 5800 forms BP. BP on, the plain was silted up and the was very much reduced. which BP and 6400 the uppermost A very extensive peatlayer peatbog of the series of I i intercalated i I . I Pleistocene peats. subsoil It merges with is at higher the basal peat where the elevations. I The uppermost i is generally intercalated situated peat is mostly 1m to 2m thick and between the altitudes literature it is usually of ca -0. 5m and I +lm. In surface the peat. Belgian Such a classical alternation referred, ,to as of peat and mudflat j j , j I l 1 i ....... clay is well displayed will be demonstrated. at borehole Cayenne (C, fig. 19) which . ---~ Z N I Sm NAP NAP 0 0 -5 -5 13 G [S] D -'0 tlda I lIa t fa cles mud lIat mixed facies channel I ',J" 1 channel entia ted) facies flat tidal I undlffer IIIIIllI ~ facies p e it t Pleistocene L?~jx(1 Eocene lag -10 deposits deposits SOOm 0 L-L-.J -15 -15 Cross-section 1 17 Fig- s E m5 N I I - N N Sm -- 0 0 -5 -'0 -10 2. -1800t80 3. 6275i55 SOOm 0 4. 7155t270 L-L-J -15 Cross-section -15 2 Fig. ~_..~.. -~,...,- . - -, - ,-"""-''''.-., ' .- ._- ,.--"-'- . ,~ ,,, ,..~~.- .,.~._~.,.."", ''''''-~,"::.~ ,, , , ,... }-,.~.., ,..,., ~ v. ~ 18 ".'i'tJ'o"'II\o1..If""~""""""""""~I-jjIp~,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,~'I~~.~:-1 ~'"4toII" ""'~'~", I";,"'''''''. ""I\~'!"" "~''1IO:''''''''':~''''''''~''''''''.~''~'''''''''''.'''.''''r'\I~' ~JfIII""'~'1'f.:f~;"J".,~, :-U-; '!t.-{ojo':w.~~:~'4r.~\."~'" I!, \ 23 radiocarbon The intercalated range :> peat )) from of 5360t70 1989). However, dates from the the entire BP to 4220t65 the greatest base coastal of this plain uppermos t show an age BP (Baeteman & Van Strijdonck, number of dates reveals an age in a much smaller range, i.e. 4700 BP 5220 BP in which moreover a - concentration of dates is observed between resp. 4700 BP 4970 - BP and 5130 BP - 5160 BP. The two youngest dates happen to corne from locations in the seaward area. On the other hand, the oldest dates were obtained from the peat occurring in the very landward part of the plain, rather close to the outcropping Pleistocene deposits. The radiocarbon 1610t55 (fig. dates from the top show an age range of BP to 3290t80 19) forms BP. The very young age of 1185t40 a striking BP exception. Mudflats and peatbogs were not the only environment, however. The area was crossed by tidal channels, some of them were located where the pre-existing Pleistocene valleys are situated. Most of these channels have been active during the entire Holocene infill, intensity. Although it is not of renewed activity or incision boreholes, the evidence seen in the sequence where the typical and channel Zoutenaaie also period phase is channellags BP and " I tidal I I' I1 J I obvious with to recognize ~n the sequence of their .adjacent areas mud flat deposits the of same phases channels in active, is (fig. 17 & fig. 19) are replaced by- 'mixed flat is well displayed in borehole significant after not the same location, the last known. of of -5.70m deep During reworked respectively the very of the Holocene peatgrowth.. Indeed, at a depth BP, ero$ion these tidal channels peat which scouring 17 and in incision fragments and -3.40m were (fig. sequence dated fig. from 3890t70 18). of the channels The remains .9uestionable too. I I always (Z, fig. 17) which will be demonstrated. 2680t60 explanation always deposit_s. The evidence produced the not that they were continuously However, 'at excactly j I I however On the other hand, it is quite probable that many other channels carne into existence only in the period after the end of the peatgrowth and are the result of but one erosional phase. Most remarkable examples of peat eroslon and tidal channel fill will be demonstrated in boreholes Eendekot and Devisch (E & D, fig. 18 & fig. 20). s C N I m5 NAP .. Sm . . . . , . . ., , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . ""'" . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ".. . . . . . . . . I. . . .,. . .. .."""""""'. ..., , . .. . . ... .. . ... .. . ... ... ..,. . ... . .. ,.. ... ... ... . ...,. " 0 I . . . . . . . ". . . . . "' . . . . ."...,... . . . . . "'...... . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . NAP . . . . . ,.. . . . . , .. . . . . . "" -5 -10 -10 2. 6680!80 1. 2 4750;170 3. 5050!80 4. 6750!80 5. 7000i80 6.81701'90 3. 6870t80 -15 SOOm 0 L-L-.J Cross-section . 2690t45 2.5130t70 3.5810t75 4.6190t65 5.7110t90 6. 7230,!85 3 -15 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 1 ~';':~!.~\it% 4920~55 6375t60 6665t60 N +-- Fig. 19 -. s 0 N I m5 I I Sm NAP NAP 0 -10 0 SOOm L-L-.J Cross-section 4 Fig. _.. "' '"'''-''-''' "'~'- .- - -.'_.'---"'-~-"" - ... ~... ".~. ..., ... ,/ , , ,~ , ,j 20 "..._.. ",,,,,,"...,-,,. r' ,,~.,~ ~t ".1I' 'I"",." ,.., ,..".."."", ,""I~'I ~..~"., I" . I"J. "':" --- T~ I ------ I I I I I, I i 55 II ! References BAETEMAN, C., Belgique. 1978. L'extension de la Formation d'Herzeele en In: J. SOMME et al., 1978. La Formation d'Herzeele: un nouveau stratotype du Pleistocene moyen marin de la Mer du Nord. Bull. de l'AFEQ, 54, 55, 56, 141-144. BAETEMAN, C., 1981. An alternative classification and profile type map applied to the Holocene deposits of the Belgian coastal plain. Bull. Belg. Ver. Geol., 90, 4, 257-280. BAETEMAN, C., concerning 1987. mapping Mapping units. a coastal Geobound, plain Problems 1, 1, 3-9. BAETEMAN, C. and VAN STRIJDONCK, M., 1989. peat from the Holocene coastal deposits C. BAETEMAN (ed.). Quaternary Sea-Level Belgium, Prof. paper~ 6, 241, 59-91. Radiocarbon dates on in West Belgium. In: Investigations from BARKHAUSEN, J., PREUSS, H. & STREIF, H., 1977. Ein lithologische Ordningsprinzip fur das Kustenholozan und seine Darstellung . in Form von Profiltypen. Geol. Jb., A44, 45-77. MOSTAERT, F. , 1985. Bij drage tot de kennis van de Kwartairgeologie van de oostelijke kustvlakte op basis van sedimentologisch Proefschrift, 558p. en lithostratigrafisch Universiteit onderzoek. Gent. SOMME, J., PAEPE, R., BAETEMAN, C., BEYENS, L., CUNAT, N., GEERAERTS, R., HARDY, A.F., HUS, J., JUVIGNE, E., MATHIEU, L., THOREZ, J . & VANHOORNE, R., 1978 . La Format ion d'Herzeele: un nouveau stratotype du Pleistocene Moyen marin . de la Mer STREIF, du H., Nord. Bull. de l'AFEQ, 1978. A new method sedimentary Engineering sequences in coastal Conference, Hamburg, VANHOORNE, R., 1962. Het interglaciale Wet. Tijdschr., 44, 58-64. 54, 55, 56, 81-149. for the representation regions. Proc. .1245-1256. veen te Lo 16th of Coastal (Belgie). Nat. Acknowledgements . The assistance with field-work in the Landward Area provided by Mr. Li Hao and Mr. Abdul Karim Fofana (IFAQ) is greatly appreciated. Mr. Vunddaraju Singaraju (IFAQ) drafted the figures 10, 11 & 13; Mr. Li Hao the figures 21 and 24 till 32 on the INTERGR~fH computer system at the Earth Technology Institute (Vrij e . Universiteit Brussel). ~" 83 motorway point: Excursion at Sint-Pieters-Kapelle (Middelkerke) In coastal infrastructural railroads, always unconsolidated to the the lowlands elements, fact problems condition that rising brings sea construction of buildings and such as roads, canals, bridges, of the the sediments level and along. Holocene were never The main sediments. deposited had under the occasion reason is the This is due influence of to be dewatered in a natural way. The result is that the sediments are characterized by a high moisture content, a low bearing capacity, and last but not least a high compressibility. But the deposits of a coastal plain are also characterised by frequent and singificant changes in lithology. Complex alternations highly of peat, irregular these different clay, patterns lithologic silt and sand are moreover of sand-filled fossil cut by channels. units bear their proper All geotechnical characteristics. 'Consequently of the in a coastal sediments plain are different the from place geotechnical to place. properties The decisive property wi th respect to these changes undeniably is the compressibility, leading to differential compaction when dewatering and/or loading the deposits. Civil engineers characteritics; sediments are technologies however allow high so variability. well known. of these and geotechnical complexity Nowadays of the the. engineering to solve most of the problems. use of adequate to our society concerning will Oudenburg geological be demonstrated The question information by means can of an road building. the end of the seventies the western To not the proper contribute At the aware is, at what price. How example are very well a rnotorway was constructed coastal plain of Belgium, more particularly in between and Nieuwpoort. constru'ct the road,. about 1 to 2 m of the superficial layers are removed and replaced by sand, forming a cunet in this 84 way. Then the several cunet months unconsolidated in The systematically only to more sand achieve for a 1 to 2 m for pre-load Such a method, which of the is indispensable of the superficial layers is done very until 'a certain depth without taking into account of the sediments. the upper occurred order by sediments, requires a huge amount of infilled removal the nature raised sediments. for unconsolidated sand. is part slightly It already has been observed of a 2 m thick peat deeper, was removed. layer, which that locally In such a situation the cunet is not very functional since half of the peat layer, being I the most sensitive I to compaction, is still present. Since some years now the road shows the well "washboard" phenomenon due to differential compaction known (Hageman, I 1984). This can be observed especially in the central part of I the surveyed route (at the exit Middelkerke) which ~ow will become one of the money swallowing roads because of the J.1- recurrent j maintenance This section costs. of the motorway the use of geolog~cal techn;cal and problems after location Moreover the of information can contribute as well as the financial construction the forms a clear road just to the of how to decrease implication by selecting in relation example the during the appropriate geological setting. a huge amount of the already scarce raw materials, like sand, could have been saved as well. A simple consultation of the geological profile type map would have highlighted how unfortunate the location of this motorway wsw . section t.. I I I I . . I I It' has I been , I . planned. I , I . I I I I I . I I , I I . I EIIE I I I I I I I L. AP UP -10 I 500 I . D lac4, .i1~, [IT]: tidal cb~Dnel ela1 tacie. -2 -L -6 -8 -10 UIIIIIp~.t. D Pleilt.ocene lediatDtl Fig 1 ~ -'{ -,.. ~ i tj tl 1 i 1 f" 85 '2 N Fig. 3 r ' Simplified pr ofile-type map --- --/ ;''' " .1 , '2' . 0 Explana tion of profile types Holocene . . 1 . : : ITJ .)~< [E Lid ~ deposits >.> '--'>---> . 2 ' J~~~' ' D ElR ~ :::.::.: ::...:'..-. '.~'':~~:: eo'". -:. ..: :'.:.:::' :::::::." :.: ..:.eo" :. .."°0".. ..:..:..~ .. .." : .°.". " :.:. ._.a..;,". "..." : "" The cross-section clay IIIIIII peat E2J tidal 7777 Pleistocene along channel relief. because these are known much the motorway ~ is an important sediments, to be relatively more bearing capacity ---- motorway -.-.-.- alternative location subsoil Pleistocene greater sediments. This Pleistocene facies in the first place that the Pleistocene varia,ble Outcropping (fig. 1) demonstrates subsurface has a highly factor for road building, consisting consolidated, than the of coversands,- hence coastal having a Holocene 86 In the Holocene obs~rved channel. complex tidal sediments. characterised Besides, crosses of the central the can be twice a" is much part of peat and clastic tidal flat sediments are properties. geometry, all To the west having different of the studied section, the sequence of mainly sandy sediments overlain by one peat layer in is section obvious will compaction. replaced dewatering unavoidably lead Even if the upper layer to are regarded loading compaction are removed will take homogeneous, i and within underlying a place. the upper bearing uniform characteristics. The unfortunate location of the motorway is clearlyillustrated For by a fragment the sake of the geological of clearness a very simplified profile (fig. 3) was drawn. It consists of only four profile however type give sufficient #1 represents directly a thin the pleistocene thickness ranging Pleistocene information between surface. cover deposits. type map. profile type map sediments In #2 a basal Profile overlying peat, with few cm and about 1 m, is covering In the areas where the Pleistocene a the surface is occurring at a greater depth, profile type #3 is found consisting of an alternation of clay, silt and sand on the one hand, and one or more peat layers on the other hand. Basal peat may be absent or present. Finally #4 represents the tidal channel facies. The simplified profile type map demonstrates that the concerned section of the motorway crosses for a great part profile The type #3, geological suitable In the areas east, Pleistocene the area which is most sensitive to compaction. setting of the region, however, and about surface, an alternative 2.5 km more hence location the relatively offers is proposed to the south more (fig 3). of the motorway, consolidated I ~ 1 ! i j J I1 j ~ types which for this purpose. of clay I ~ J road- differential occurring unit, the sediments as being this signifi'cant for each lithologic far too often geotechnical an/or 2 m of sediments differential timespan It is true, peat that by sand, different i iI geotechnical turn covered by clay. It t by frequent changes of sand, silt and clay layers irregular consists The sequence and consists of an alternation flat with quite a' lot of variations too. The eastern part of the motorway sand-filled more deposits the i II , I ~I 87 sediments, is at a high elevation. that alternative to a cover reaching location of road-building, are, in the eastern tidal a maximum The Holocene flat clay thickness underlain of 1 m part, by (fig.2). this part offers suitable deposits along restricted a basal peat With respect to conditions, because it has a good bearing capaci ty and very low compaction rate. Besides, a cunet would remove all the compressible Holocene layers. More to the west the fossil tidal channel could be used as the central simple i I I J f i ! of foundation compaction - part would it is sand engineering occur which filled and provisions. moreover would requires very happen only limited very quickly (which is not the case for clay and peat). On the other hand these sediments will not yield differential compaction. This alternative location certainly would not result in a washboard-road, very important for the maintenance costs after few years. II 2 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .'.,"" . . .. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "..'.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . , ,. , -, , . , , ' , , , ' ' ' ' ,",',',',',',',',',',',',',',','.~ ,",',',',',',',',',',',',',','/. -8 ' , ' , . , ' . <. ~.~.~~~.~;-:.-:,' ",""""" , , ' -2 borehole . r-- :1 clay " ' " ./ .' , ' ',;/. . [ll]]]]] . . p e&t . -4 c=J 0 tid&l ch&nnel Pleistocene !&cies sediments 0 L 500 J .. 10 -10 fiE. t I j i .. NAP .. ...>..>:-,:..</ -6 4 . .' .,""""'" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . "'.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4 I ---------- -------- NAP -2 I I I 4 .. 2 References BAETEMAN, C. & PAEPE, R., 1991. Planning and Geology i,n a 1 i , '1 ,il i 1 I "4 -' ~ .~ \. Coastal HAGEMAN, Plain. Bull. Belg. Ver. Geol., 100/1-2, 195-201. B.P., 1984. Geological environmental planning Geol. Jb., A75, 93-123. with information, emphasis a vital element on coastal in plains.