The Implications of Convergence on Spectrum Management Mike Goddard

The Implications of
on Spectrum Management
Mike Goddard
Director, Spectrum and International Policy
Radiocommunications Agency, UK
• The merging of broadcasting,
telecommunications and computing
• The convergence of the underlying
technologies for delivering information,
communication and entertainment to a wide
range of users
Spectrum Managers need to plan
ahead but cannot predict the
• External study commissioned by the UK “Mapping the Future of Convergence of
Spectrum Management”
• Study based on ‘Future Mapping’, developing
four scenarios for 2010 (not predictions)
• Assessment of implications for spectrum
management for each scenario
Why Scenarios?
• Addressing uncertainty
– Accelerating change in technologies, markets
• Challenging conventional wisdom
– Asking “What if?”
• Stimulating strategic thinking
– Broader picture of technological, political, economic,
environmental, social trends
Forecasts vs Scenarios
 Conventional wisdom constrains
future thinking to linear
extrapolation of present
 Uncertainty dealt with by
changing forecast ±10%
 We don’t know the future
 We can make a forecast
 But it will probably be wrong!
The Future Can Be Quite Different
From What We Expect
• Complex interaction of
political, economic, social,
technological influences
• Totally different shape from
Scenarios are not …...
• Predictions: they are alternative visions of
• Choices: there is no need to choose between
• We imagine the future not to predict it but to
understand it and prepare for it
Mapping the Future: four very
different visions (1)
 A) Internet Convergence
– Internet central to everyday life shaking up value
chains - strong brands highly prized
– Multiple access platforms, user-friendly interfaces
 B) Digital Islands
– Confused consumers seek refuge in trusted walled
– DTV popular, cable thrives
Mapping the Future: four very
different visions (2)
 C) Total Mobility
– Mobile connectivity key, wide range of service
providers, some virtual
– WLANs, Bluetooth, frequency-agile technology
 D) Broadband Revolution
– Bandwidth is king, wireless can’t compete
– electronic-optical interface close to users, wireless
links short, high bandwidth
Scenarios - delivery
A - Internet Convergence
B - Digital Islands
C - Total Mobility
D - Broadband Revolution
Delivery mechanism
IP networks using open
Proprietary closed networks
Mobile terminal devices
Broadband optical networks
(Wireless a poor substitute)
Picture is Complex
• Not straightforward ‘either/or’ situation
• End-states can co-exist and interact
• Dominance of end-states likely to shift over
• But some common conclusions emerge
Specific conclusions
applicable to Spectrum
• Need dynamic, responsive, flexible spectrum
management to respond to rapid, unpredictable
• Increase use of market-based spectrum
management tools such as auctions and trading
• More spectrum needed for fixed and mobile
• Seek modifications to ITU service definitions so
that nature of transmissions rather than content
determine use made of frequency bands
Flexible allocations
• More general, less specific allocations
• Introduction of spectrum trading
• Unregulated/lightly regulated blocks of
More spectrum needed for:
• Wide area mobile
• Fixed, including fixed
wireless access
• Local area networks
• Being met by IMT2000 decisions
• Existing bands, higher
frequencies (>30 GHz)
and especially 40 GHz
• 2.5 and 5 GHz, plus
review of allocations,
2 - 6 GHz
Service definitions
• Why do we allocate specific bands to specific
services ?
• Are the international service definitions still
valid ?
• Do we obey them ?
• What would we do if we could start afresh ?
Basic Assumptions
• Convergence impacts mainly on
broadcasting, fixed and mobile
• Little impact on other services
• Need different allocations for incompatible
• Can share compatible services
• Fixed service sharing with fixed-satellite
• By definition, terminal stations in fixed service
are at “specified fixed points”
• Hence the two services can co-exist using
frequency coordination
Example (continued)
• Many new fixed services are not point-topoint but point-to-multipoint
• Similarly, in the fixed-satellite service, VSAT
networks or direct-to-home services may
have terminals anywhere within a specified
• Do these applications meet the strict
definition of the fixed service?
• Do the usual sharing assumptions apply?
One possible alternative approach
(intended to initiate debate, not a
formal proposal)
• Sub-divide the fixed definition into:
traditional fixed (terminal at
specified position)
Point-to-multipoint (fixed node but
terminals anywhere within a
specified area)
• Mobile service definition unchanged
• Broadcasting could be covered by fixed point-tomultipoint (thus facilitating interactive
Review of definitions objectives
• Take account of technical and operational
• Provide flexibility for future developments
while meeting spectrum management
• Evaluate the impact on individual allocations
• Provide general allocations at global level more detail regionally or nationally
• Convergence will have major impact on spectrum
Additional spectrum will be needed for some
Allocations and licensing must provide flexibility
Traditional service definitions will need to be
The debate must be widened internationally, and
especially in the ITU