Student Environmental Educators Discussion November 9, 2013 American University Washington, DC Schedule & Program Share your SEED experience on Twitter: #SEED13AU Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Table of Contents Welcome …………………………... 3 Schedule …………………………... 4 Campus Sustainability Tour …………………………... 5 Workshop Descrip ons …………………………... 6 Student Panel …………………………... 11 Cra Room …………………………... 12 SEED Gi …………………………... 12 Speaker Bios …………………………... 13 Organiza on Fair …………………………... 14 Campus & Building Maps …………………………... 15 Thank You …………………………... 20 Stay Connected …………………………... 20 The School of Interna onal Service Building is LEED‐Gold cer fied and home to the na on’s largest school of inter‐ na onal rela ons. American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 2 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Welcome It is my pleasure to welcome you all on behalf of the AU Green Eagles to the first Student Environmental Educators Discussion. The SEED planning commi ee, comprised of AU students and supported by the Office of Sustainability, has been hard at work since the summer to envision and create the event in which you are par cipa ng today. Our expecta ons for SEED were exceeded even before today, as evidenced by you being here today, joined by students from twelve colleges and uni‐ versi es and the District of Columbia. The true beauty of this event is that its strength comes from the par cipants. We have brought you all to the same place, and provided you with a venue, but ul mately you are the teachers. Whether you are hos ng a presenta on or simply conversing with your peers, you all have something important to contribute that will make today worthwhile and meaningful. We are all united by our passion for educa ng our peers about sus‐ tainability, and we believe the most effec ve way to do that is to learn from each other. I invite you to con‐ nue today’s conversa ons with new friends on the SEED Facebook group and e‐mail listserv we have creat‐ ed, and that they help us connect our programs on our respec ve campuses with the greater movement for sustainable behavior change. Thank you so much for bringing your enthusiasm, passion, and knowledge to share with us today. We are plan ng the SEED of something great. The American Dream is Green, Starr Brainard SEED Planning Commi ee Chair SEED Planning Commi ee & AU Green Eagles Starr Brainard Anwen Baumeister Brooke Loving‐Bagwell Bryan Paz Kayla Ma Sofia Baneth Samantha Kenny Michelle Sindyukov Billie Case Miguel Codinera Brooke Loving‐Bagwell Ansley Roberts Alison Shapiro Meaghan Cuddy Karie Evans Leo Brody Mikaella Kieffer Greta Zukauskaite 3 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Schedule American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 4 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Campus Tour Pre-Conference Sustainability Tour | 9:00—10:00 Meet by check‐in/registra on table in School of Interna onal Service Atrium Led by Emily Curley, American University Sustainability Coordinator Take a guided tour of American University's award‐winning sustainability features and campus arboretum, and learn how students are engaged with their physical landscape, energy genera on and efficiency zero waste ini a ve, and more. See part of DC’s largest solar array, green roofs, and innova ve stormwater man‐ agement features that protect the Chesapeake Bay. Hear about events such as Campus Beau fica on Day, which draws hundreds of students, faculty, and staff each spring to take an ac ve role in maintaining, grow‐ ing, and greening (quite literally) the campus. Students and staff join together to grow community and the campus arboretum during the 20th annual Campus Beau fica on Day. Tradi onal Korean dol hareubung ancestor statues keep watch as DC’s iconic cherry trees bloom in the background. 5 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Workshop Descriptions 10:35—11:05 | Communication Strategies How to Communicate Passionately | SIS Room 102 Anthony Bucci III, George Washington University Everyone says that elevator pitches are the key to success; however, most of the me they just end up sounding like word vomit resumes. Is this the best way to communicate who you are and what you are pas‐ sionate about? No! This workshop session will help a endees master passionate communica on: it will help turn their amorphous environmental zeal into a story they can tell to transfix their audiences. A endees will learn: How to communicate passionately; How to woo (win over others); How to make friends and influence people. What to Do When People Say “No” | SIS Room 113 Leo Brody, American University Bryan Paz, American University This workshop will explore the types of cri cisms people may encounter when trying to promote sustainable behavior and the best strategies for countering them. A endees will split into groups and formulate scenes from their campuses on how to react to nega ve cri cism. The group that creates the best scene will win a prize. Each group will present their scene and receive helpful cri ques. A endees will learn: How to properly educate people ignorant or apathe c to your arguments without coming off as conde‐ scending; How to keep level‐headed when people insult your passion of environmentalism while simultaneously undermining your efforts; How to inspire people to adopt new outlooks rather than just convince them that what you are doing is important. American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 6 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Workshop Descriptions 11:10—11:40 | Food and Water Take Back the Tap | SIS Room 102 Rebecca Wolf, American University Edgar Ortega, American University This workshop will feature four sta ons highligh ng different components of Take Back the Tap, a na on‐ wide campaign to end the use of bo led water. At these sta ons a endees will learn about the environmen‐ tal, public health, cost efficiency, and human rights issues surrounding bo led water, and how these can be translated into effec ve peer educa on strategies that appeal to a wide audience with varying concerns. A endees will receive a DC Water water bo le and will come up with a plan of how to apply what they learned on their own campus. A endees will learn: How to have a bo le‐free and Take Back the Tap event; How to use the peer educa on strategies of the campaign on your campus; About the issues surrounding bo led water in a fun way. How Your Diet Can Save the Planet | SIS Room 113 Alison Shapiro, American University Lauren Reiser American University Emily Antrobus, American University This presenta on will focus on the environmental impacts of meat and animal product consump on, and the posi ve environmental impacts of a vegan diet. Enjoy delicious vegan cupcakes, highligh ng how educa on can be made a fun and tasty experience. From hard facts to illumina ng video clips, a endees will explore how going vegan benefits a student body that is largely omnivorous. A endees will learn: Knowledge of environmental impacts of vegan diet/non‐vegan diet; Knowledge of the basics of a vegan diet. 7 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Workshop Descriptions 1:30—2:15 | Campus Location Visits Beekeeping and Campus Sustainability | Begins in SIS Room 102 Samantha Kenny, American University Lauren Neville, American University Visit the American University Apiary and learn from the AU Beekeeping Society the basics of beekeeping, how the club was started, overcoming obstacles to beekeeping, harves ng honey, and more. Note: This site visit will be conducted in close proximity to the beehives. There is a very low risk of being stung, but if you are allergic or do not want to be near the bees you can observe the session from behind a glass wall. The Garden and How it Grows | Begins in SIS Room 113 Emily Gallagher, American University Maxwell Brekke, American University Visit the American University Community Garden, and learn about the road the students who created and maintain the garden have traveled. Strategies for leadership and keeping students involved in gardening will be discussed, and a endees will learn ps for star ng their own garden, what kind of projects can be done in a community garden, and how to best u lize small and medium‐sized spaces for maximum impact. What Makes A Green Dorm Room | Begins in SIS Atrium Ansley Roberts, American University Visit American University’s Model Green Residence Hall Room, inhabited by one of the Green Eagles, and learn strategies for crea ng and maintaining a model green room on your campus. Find out what went into crea ng the room, what elements truly make it “green”, and how students can u lize such a room to create a learning experience for their peers that they can act upon to green their own living spaces. American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 8 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Workshop Descriptions 2:20—2:50 | Sustainability Campaigns Greeks Going Green | SIS Room 102 Kendel Ahnell, University of Richmond Nabi Khouri, University of Richmond Celia Landesberg, University of Richmond Learn about a new sustainability ini a ve started this year on the University of Richmond campus called Greeks Going Green. Greeks Going Green is a student group focused on unifying the campus community through improving sustainable awareness and promo ng prac ces in Greek organiza ons. We currently have 6 sorori es involved and will discuss how we created this program, what the difficul es have been, and what our goals are for the future. A endees will learn: Knowledge on how to start a sustainable club; strategies for campus involvement; influencing sustainable behaviors. Engagement Strategies to Keep Fossil Fuels from Making Us Ex nct| SIS Room 113 Thomas Meyer, American University Deirdre Shelley, American University Fossil Free AU will share the strategies and tac cs it has used to engage and organize our campus community on the issues of climate change and fossil fuel investments. These strategies are broadly applicable, and valu‐ able for a variety of campus campaigns. A endees will learn: Knowledge of the fossil fuel divestment movement; Strategies for engaging students on issues surrounding use of fossil fuels; begin or expand a campus divestment campaign. 9 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Workshop Descriptions 2:55—3:25 | A Vision for the Future Planning a Campus Sustainability Conference | SIS Room 102 Sharon Hartzell, The College of William and Mary Are you interested in bringing together people on your campus who are passionate about sustainability to learn from one another and share ideas? This workshop will discuss strategies for planning and execu ng a sustainability conference on your campus. The session will include a presenta on on William & Mary's recent Sustainability Summit, and break‐out sessions where students can discuss poten al strategies for hos ng similar events in their communi es. A endees will learn: Understanding of mo va ons and benefits of sustainability conferences on college campuses; Strategies for iden fying campus needs and planning a conference; Tools for pu ng your plan into ac on. Climate Change: The Facts and Solu ons | SIS Room 113 Spencer Schecht, American University Tim Ryder, Stetson University You've heard about it in the news. You've overheard whispers of sea level rise and extreme weather. But what's the real deal on climate change? Join us in an explora on of the most up to date science of global warming, currents trends na onally and worldwide, and ways you can make a difference. Discover for your‐ self the facts and solu ons! A endees will learn: Knowledge of the current science of climate change; Awareness of contribu ng factors to climate change; Ways to engage in climate change solu ons personally and as part of a group. American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 10 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Workshop Descriptions 2:55—3:25 | A Vision for the Future Continued Visioning Sustainability on Campus | SIS Room 300 Emily Curley, American University Too o en the sustainability movement focuses on the nega ve aspects of consuming less, personal sacrifice, and ge ng to "zero" without communica ng the fact that a more sustainable lifestyle can also be more ful‐ filling and create more well‐being for us all. The workshop will involve imagining how one's own idea of a more sustainable future might look, sound, feel, taste, and smell and work on messaging to flip the script from sacrifice to sa sfac on. A endees will learn: How to create a tangible, personal vision of the more sustainable place that we're working toward; Knowledge of how embracing a posi ve, aspira onal visualiza on of what we mean by sustainability will help us communicate our goals in a be er way; How to convince others to buy in to the crea on of a be er, more just world. Student Panel Creating A Sustainability Culture on Campus 3:30—4:00 | SIS Room 102 Daniela Beall, Towson University Andrea Doukakis, University of Maryland Jillian Zankowski, Penn State Katherin Sibel, American University Moderator: Brooke Loving‐Bagwell, American University Hear the perspec ves of a variety of students from across the region on sustainability educa on campaigns and programs they have par cipated in, and what their major challenges and “a ha” moments were for cre‐ a ng las ng change and impact on their campuses. 11 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Getting Crafty 10:35 —11:40 | Make your own seed-embedded paper Plant a seed and personalize the pot SIS Room 260 (second floor) Need a short break? Head up to the cra room, plant your own SEEDs, grab a snack, and meet new people. SEED Gift: AU Lip Balm What is all the “buzz” about? Every SEED a endee receives a small tub of lip balm. This lip balm was made by American University students in the AU Beekeeping Society with beeswax collected from the campus apiary (beehives). Students maintain the hives year‐round, and harvest renowned “WONK Honey” a few mes each year. So as not to waste anything, the excess wax is boiled and mixed with essen al oils to create lip balm. Don’t tell him, but we think it gives a certain fellow whose name begins with “B” and rhymes with “shirt” a run for his money! The AU Beekeeping Society removes a frame of bees for a summer honey harvest from “Lord of the S ngs” American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 12 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Speakers Kelly Blynn Next Genera on of Transit Campaign Manager Coali on for Smarter Growth The maestra of the Next Genera on of Transit campaign, Kelly spends her me across DC and Montgomery County, MD si ng in on community mee ngs, organizing forums, and ge ng the word out about our need to invest in the region’s transit infrastructure. Before joining the Coali on for Smarter Growth, Kelly helped start the climate change advocacy campaign at where she worked for five years. She took advantage of working at an interna onal organiza on and chose to live abroad, spending me in both Quito and Mexico City, where she relished zipping through the growing ci es’ traffic on their Bus Rapid Transit systems. She’s now eager to empower communi es in the DC region to shape a sustainable and equitable transporta on future. If you know anything about, you won’t be surprised that Kelly holds a BA from Middlebury College. Connect with Kelly: | @kellyblynn Katy Kiefer Ac vist Network Coordinator Food & Water Watch Katy Kiefer is the Ac vist Network Coordinator at Food & Wa‐ ter Watch. She engages ac vists through online outreach and provides opportuni es for ci zens to take local ac on in their community to protect their food and water.. Katy also coordi‐ nates the Take Back the Tap campaign, working with college students across the country to eliminate bo led water on their campuses. Prior to joining the Food & Water Watch team, Katy completed the Green Corps program for environmental organizing and advocacy, and then worked with Green Corps as a lead organizer. She graduated from Saint Joseph’s University with a B.S. in Environmental Science and a minor in Faith‐ Jus ce Studies. Connect with Katy: 13 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Organization Fair Representatives from the following organizations will be present during lunch to talk about their work, resources you can bring to your campus, and opportunities for volunteering, internships, and further education. American University College of Arts and Sciences, MS in Environmental Science American University Kogod School of Business, MS in Sustainability Management American University School of International Service, MA in Global Environmental Policy American University Washington College of Law, International and Comparative Environmental Law Program Coalition for Smarter Growth Earth Day Network Fair Trade America Food and Water Watch Oceana American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 14 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Campus Maps American University Campus Mary Graydon Center SIS Parking Building Parking 15 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Campus Maps School of International Service (SIS) Building Floor 1 Room 113 Elevator Stairs Check‐in & Informa on Room 102 Stairs Quad American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 16 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Campus Maps School of International Service (SIS) Building Floor 2 Elevator Room 260 Stairs Stairs 17 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Campus Maps School of International Service (SIS) Building Floor 3 Elevator Stairs Stairs Room 300 American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 18 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Campus Maps Mary Graydon Center Floor 1 Quad Main Entrance The Tavern 19 Share your SEED experience on Twi er: #SEED13AU Thank You Thank you to the following groups, organizations, and individuals who helped us plant the SEEDs for this event. American University Dining American University Event Scheduling American University Facilities Management American University Green Eagles American University Office of Sustainability American University School of International Service Johnson’s Florist and Garden Center Michael Mastrota, Landscape Architect, for finding us the perfect tree Stephanie DeStefano, Grounds Operations Coordinator Sullivan’s Toy Store and Art Supplies The SEED planning committee, for months of hard work The UPS Store—American University Stay Connected with SEED Continue today’s conversations, stay in touch with new friends, and plant the seed for a regional network for sustainability peer education at universities across the Mid-Atlantic region. Facebook Group: E-mail Listserv: E-mail Follow SEED on Twitter: @SEED_Conference American University Office of Sustainability | | 202.885.6262 | 20