Title: Zero-Divisor Graphs of $\ZZ_n$ and Polynomial Quotient Rings over... Authors: Daniel Endean, Kristin Henry, and Erin Manlove

Title: Zero-Divisor Graphs of $\ZZ_n$ and Polynomial Quotient Rings over $\ZZ_n$
Authors: Daniel Endean, Kristin Henry, and Erin Manlove
Abstract: Critical to the understanding of a graph are its chromatic number and whether
or not it is perfect. Here we prove when $\Gamma(\ZZ_n)$, the zero-divisor graph of
$\ZZ_n$, is perfect and show an alternative method to \cite{D} for determining the
chromatic number in those cases. We go on to determine the chromatic number for
$\Gamma(\ZZ_p[x]/ \langle x^n \rangle)$ where $p$ is prime and show that an
isomorphism exists between this graph and $\Gamma(\ZZ_{p^n})$.