Generalized Cantor Expansions, Joseph Galante Referee Report This paper contains some interesting mathematics, and is certainly at the appropriate level for the Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal. However, before publication, several issues must be addressed by the author. Some of the issues pertain to improving formatting. However there are some errors in reasoning caused by poor language and insufficient explanations. The organization would be greatly helped by the use of section numbers and, more importantly, theorem numbers, lemma numbers, and equation numbers for the important equations. Phrases such as “the theorem” or “the identity” should be replaced by “Theorem 1” or “Identity (1.1)”, for example. The remaining comments are by page. Page 1. Provide a reference for the proof of the uniqueness of the Cantor expansion of a natural number. Page 2. S is not just a set, it’s an ordered set, or sequence. This should be noted. Both p(n) and x_n refer to the same thing. Is this redundant? In the base case of the induction proof, the proof begins with what we want to show and concludes with what we know. This is backwards logic. The phrase “Assume that this works for …” is an example of where an equation number would be useful for cross-referencing. Page 3. In the middle of the page appears the word “lets” which should be a contraction or “let us.” The proof of Case 1 requires much more explanation. For starters, it is unclear what “this number” refers to in the second paragraph. In the equation beginning with a_i*P(i), an explanation is necessary. It seems that this is where the hypothesis of the case is being used, but how it is being used needs to be explained. It seems unclear why this works for any such i. Below that, it is unclear which terms are being denoted by the ellipsis. Page 4. The paragraph beginning with “Note that …” is strangely phrased. Page 5. Be consistent with where the primes are placed. The phrase “linearly independent of each other” seems inappropriate. Is this true linear independence? This does not explain what you’re concluding. In particular, a_i-a’_i could possibly be negative. There is a big logical jump here that must be explained. In one of the examples, a 137 should be changed to a 138. Page 6. In the first full paragraph, the phrase “… base used in the example…” would be helped by using numbering. Or say the “above example”. The statement that there are uncountably many GCEs is vague. Does that mean of one fixed number? “Expansion” usually refers to something with respect to a particular expression. I believe that you mean that there are uncountable many choices for S. Your argument only justifies that the cardinality of the set of all possible S’s is greater than or equal to the cardinality of the reals. There is more work to prove them equal. In addition, if you desire to denote the cardinality of the reals, you should use c and not aleph_1. Page 7. Carat symbols should be avoided for exponents. Because S is an ordered set, writing S={1} u {primes} is inappropriate without mentioning that the primes are taken in order. Page 8. “Primorials” seems like a term that deserves a reference. The base case of the proof by induction starts with what we want to show and concludes what we already know. This should be reversed. Page 9. In the fourth line of the initial list of equalities, involving both division and multiplication, parentheses should be used to clear up the ordering. This proof of the inductive step also begins with what is trying to be shown and going backwards. The theorem at the bottom of the page states that P is convergent. Since you are avoiding typical sequence language, you should remark that convergence is as n tends to infinity. Page 10. The proof of the theorem begins with “By the lemma” but what you are quoting is not given as a lemma. State it as a lemma and use a number. The very first line of equations shows an increasing sequence of positive numbers bounded above. This is sufficient to conclude convergence. The remaining argument seems unnecessary. The theorem stated at the bottom of the page is not well-stated. Perhaps you mean “with respect to a given S.” Page 11. At the bottom of page 12 is a lemma about subdividing [0,1) using terminating FGCEs. This seems to be the idea that justifies the first equation at the top of this page. It is unclear why the density of Q in R is relevant. In addition, the first equation depends upon an initial choice of n which does not appear. More instruction should be given in how the c_i’s are chosen. The statement “We want this true…” does not mean that it is. That still needs to be justified. In the epsilon-N statement, a 1 should be replaced with an x. I believe employing the Squeeze theorem would simplify this proof significantly. In the explanation of the lack of uniqueness of decimal expansions, it is said that “This can be true for any real number.” Is it? The answer is known. What does it mean for two things to differ by an arbitrarily small amount? Doesn’t that mean that they’re equal? The FGCE’s are infinite series that converge to the same value even if the coefficients differ. I don’t really understand what the point of the theorem is. Page 12. Proper FGCE is defined using language that implies that it always exists, given a particular x. That is not true. The lemma at the bottom of the page is imprecisely phrased. You seem to want all FGCEs that contain only terms up to and including P(n). This should be incorporated into the statement of the theorem to tighten it up. Page 13. In the first big paragraph, the phrase “By a previous theorem…” really needs theorem numbering for cross-referencing. The quantity l (ell) has two different meanings in the proof. This proof would be much better organized if we first choose n, then choose m between 0 and P(n)-1, and then show that there is an appropriate FGCE equal to m/P(n). The proof, as is, is flawed. In the second proof, the phrase “By a previous lemma…” requires numbering. In addition, the lemma quoted depends upon choosing i first. This should be pointed out. Page 14. When you conclude that b divides x_1…x_n, the explanation is invalid. Two fractions have been shown to be equal, but that does not imply that one denominator divides the other. Perhaps a and b should be relatively prime. Even then, a better explanation of this crucial point would be illuminating. In the sentence beginning with “For example consider…” the existence of i depends upon an initial choice of b. This should be rephrased or omitted. In the paragraph preceding the example at the bottom of the page, it is stated that S is uncountably infinite. This is false, S is a sequence, which is countable. I believe the desired point is that there are uncountable many choices for S. Page 15. The quote of Knuth should be cited.