INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION FOCUS GROUP ON FUTURE NETWORKS TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR FG-FN OD-75 Original: English STUDY PERIOD 2009-2012 8th FG-FN meeting: Ljubljana, Slovenia 29 November – 3 December 2010 OUTPUT DOCUMENT 75 Source: Editors Title: Draft text of “Terminology of Future Networks” This is an draft text of “Terminology of Future Networks”, an output of 8th FG-FN meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia. At this moment this is copy and paste of other FG-FN documents, e.g., FNvision, FNvirt, etc. Contact: Takashi Egawa NEC Corporation Japan Tel: +81 44 431 7770 Email: t-egawa[at] Contact: Chaesub Lee ETRI Korea (Rep. of) Tel: +41764114871 Email: chae-sub.lee [at] All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written permission of the source/author of this document. -2FG-FN OD-75 Terminology of Future Networks Summary This document describes the Future Network specific terms by copying the definitions defined in other FG-FN documents. EdNote: One possibility of future shape of this document is, terms are defined in this document and other documents refer this document, i.e., do not define by themselves. 1. Scope This document describes the future network specific terms. 2. Definition 3.1 Component network: Consists of a single homogeneous network, which, by itself, may not provide a single end-to-end global telecommunication infrastructure. 3.2 Energy-saving of networks: A network capability that use less energy than conventional networks. 3.3 Federation: A technology that enables a heterogeneous collection of component networks to be operated as a single network, while the networks are geographically dispersed and managed by different providers. 3.4 Future Network (FN): A network able to provide revolutionary services, capabilities, and facilities difficult to provide using existing network technologies. A Future Network is either: a) A new component network or an enhanced version of an existing one, or b) A federation of new component networks or a federation of new and existing component networks Notes: 1 A network of type b may also include networks of type a. 2 The label assigned to the final federation may or may not include the word “future,” depending on its nature relative to any preceding network and similarities thereto. 3 In the context of this document, the word “new” applied to a component network means that the component network is able to provide revolutionary services, capabilities, and facilities that are difficult or impossible to provide using existing network technologies. 3.5 Future Networks (FNs): The plural form of Future Network, this is usually used to show that there may be more than one network that fits in the definition of Future Network. 3.6 logically isolated network partition (LINP): A network of physical or logical partitions of network resources and is separated from other LINPs. LINP can expand its capabilities by aggregating multiple physical or virtual resources. -3FG-FN OD-75 3.7 Network virtualization: A technology that enables the creation of logically isolated network partitions over shared physical network infrastructures so that multiple heterogeneous virtual networks can simultaneously coexist over the shared infrastructures. Also, network virtualization allows the aggregation of multiple resources and makes the aggregated resources appear as a single resource. 3.8 Service Universalization: A process to provide telecommunication services to every individual or group of people irrespective of location or economic circumstances. 3.9 Virtual resource: A logical resource that has the same mechanism as physical resource associated with networks and can inherit all existing mechanisms and tools for physical resource. Bibliography [b-ITU-T FG-FN FNvision] D. Matsubara and M.Shin, “Future Networks: Objectives and Design Goals,” ITU-T Focus Group on Future Networks , FGFN-OD72, December 2010. [b-ITU-T FG-FN NWvirt] S. Jeong and H. Otsuki, “Framework of Network Virtualization,” ITU-T Focus Group on Future Networks , FGFN-OD73, December 2010. [b-ITU-T FG-FN Energy] T. Kurita, “Overview of Energy Saving of Networks”, ITU-T Focus Group on Future Networks , FGFN-OD74, December 2010.