ITU-T Membership Benefits Gary Fishman ITU-T TSAG Chairman

International Telecommunication Union
Membership Benefits
Gary Fishman
ITU-T TSAG Chairman
ITU Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
ITU-T membership
offers opportunities
o Influence the direction of global
standardization work
o Input to the evolution of global
telecommunication networks
o Actively participate in the
development and approval of global
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Membership Benefits
o Protect and promote your products
and services
• Ensure global standards are
compatible with your offerings and
• Influence related global standards in
support of your offerings
• Protect your IPR
o You cannot always rely on others to
protect your interests – they may be
your competitors tomorrow!
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Additional Benefits
o Network and develop contacts,
thereby promoting your business
• ITU-T provides a platform for meeting
experts from all over the world, learning
their plans and objectives, sharing
experience and information
• Work together with government and
industry representatives
• Participation in ITU-T study groups
provides access to a wealth of
information not likely to be found
elsewhere in this concentrated form
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Access to ITU-T Working
o Sector Members can have electronic
access (via TIES) to ITU-T documents of
general interest, databases, study group
documents (reports, contributions, delayed
contributions, temporary documents, etc.)
and study group information exchange
o Upon request, they can also receive ITU-T
information and study group documents in
paper form
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Free and discounted ITU-T
o Discounts of 15% on ITU publications
(except Electronic Bookshop) and one free
online subscription
o A discount of 80% of the catalogue price on
all ITU publications is granted to
Administrations of the Least Developed
Countries (LDCs), as well as to libraries of
educational institutions (for online
subscriptions and CD-ROM publications
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Participation in
standardization work
o ITU-T Sector Members can:
• Participate in all study group meetings
• Participate in electronic discussion groups
• Participate in the World Telecommunication
Standardization Assembly
• Present their views in written contributions
• Participate in special working groups of the
ITU Council
• Send observers to the ITU Plenipotentiary
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Holding positions within
study groups
o Sector Members may hold the
positions of chairman, vicechairman, rapporteur, liaisonrapporteur and editor within a study
group or working party
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Participation as
an Associate
o ITU-T Associates can, for a single
study group:
• Participate in all meetings of the study
group and subordinate groups
• Participate in electronic discussion
• Present their views by submitting
written contributions
• Serve as Rapporteur or editor of an ITUT Recommendation
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Sector Members and
Associates participate in
approval of Recommendations
o Alternative Approval Process (AAP)
• Sector Members and Associates
influence the approval of ITU-T
Recommendations under AAP
• Can submit comments during Last Call
and Additional Review processes
o Traditional Approval Process (TAP)
• Can submit contributions to the study
group approval meeting
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Increase awareness of your
o Your address details and the name of
your official ITU contact (e.g., Chief
Executive Officer) will be published
in the ITU Global Directory
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Access to ITU services
o Telecom Information Exchange
Services (TIES)
• An email account (
• A username/password allowing access to
ITU-T working documents and email
o TIES registration
• TIES helpdesk
Tel:+41 22 730 5027, Fax:+41 22 730 5337
Email :
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002
Should you be an ITU-T
Sector Member?
o Who else will defend your interests?
o Can you afford not to be?
12-13 December 2002
ITU-T Seminar – Madrid, December 2002