UCL GREEK AND LATIN Reading Suggestions for Classics and Ancient World Primary It is a good idea to read one or two books from Classical authors. Some of my personal favourites: Euripides’ Bacchae; Iliad 22; Plutarch’s or Suetonius’ biography of Julius Caesar; Cicero, On behalf of the poet Archias; Plato’s Ion; Tacitus, On the Germans; Herodotus, Histories 2 (on the marvels of Egypt). General James Davidson, Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens (Chicago) Edith Hall, Introducing the Ancient Greeks: From Bronze Age Seafarers to Navigators of the Western Mind (New York 2014) Classical Literature Susanna Braund, Roman Literature (New York 2001) Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold, Homer: The Resonance of Epic (London 2005) Tim Whitmarsh, Ancient Greek Literature (London 2004) Classical Art and Archaeology Susan Alcock and Robin Osborne, Classical Archaeology (Chichester 2012) Mary Beard and John Henderson, Classical Art: From Greece to Rome (Oxford 2001) Ancient History Robin Osborne, Greek History: The basics (Oxford 2014) Greg Woolf, Rome: An Empire’s Story (Oxford 2012) Ancient Philosophy: Julia Annas, Ancient Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford 2000) Melissa Lane, Greek and Roman Political Ideas (Princeton 2014) Fiachra Mac Góráin