IP networking & MEDIACOM-2004 ITU Workshop « IP networks towards NGN » Geneva, 24-27 April 2001 (Edition 2 du 18 04 01) Gaël Fromentoux Renaud Moignard Christine Pageot-Millet André Tarridec FT R&D/DAC Le présent document contient des informations qui sont la propriété de France Télécom. L'acceptation de ce document par son destinataire implique, de la part de ce dernier, la reconnaissance du caractère confidentiel de son contenu et l'engagement de n'en faire aucune reproduction, aucune transmission à des tiers, aucune divulgation et aucune utilisation commerciale sans l'accord préalable écrit de France Télécom R&D France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D1 - 01/03/2000 Outline Introduction Proposed definitions IP services & network current state VoIP Control plane architecture & QoS Mobility & nomadism IPv6 migration. Conclusion References & Glossary France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D2 - 01/03/2000 Introduction In this paper, it is first proposed a set of definitions to characterise NGN solutions & in particular a so-called " target NGN ". It is then applied to the services and network evolution of an IP domestic network whose final state would be compliant with the proposed " target NGN ". Important matters related to this evolution are briefly evoked : IP services & network current state, control plane architecture & QoS, VoIP, Mobility & nomadism , IPv6 migration. As a conclusion, possible synergies between IP, mobile and telephony networks evolution towards NGN are pointed out. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D3 - 01/03/2000 Proposed definitions : NGN A set of definitions based upon functional architecture principles Proposals aim at helping to provide a common understanding and vocabulary related to NGN matters. NGN solutions are characterised by the following main attributes: A services control layer independent from the bearer resources, A network service layer in packet mode (ATM, IP...), Open and better standardised interfaces, between the services control & the resources control, The externalisation of part of the control functions with regards to the transfer layer. The expected advantages from architectures compliant with those principles are : The set up of a business model on line with the fast moving telecommunications environment The ability to support any kind of services & to make them evolve at their own pace, Architecture flexibility gained from the independence between services and bearer resources, Resources mutualisation stemming from the two preceding points, The use of any kind of transmission support (ADSL, SONET, SDH, WDM, radio...). Note that some solutions are already labelled NGN ones although they do not respect the whole set of rules proposed here. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D4 - 01/03/2000 Proposed definitions : Target, Telephony & Data NGNs Definition : a NGN is a “ Target NGN " in case it supports all kinds of telecommunications services and meets the proposed NGN features. Definition : a NGN will be labelled T elephony N G N T eleléphonique D ata N G N T arget N G N T elephony services téléphoniques N on T elephony services “ Telephony NGN " when it is at least able to support the whole set of existing telephony services (plain, enhanced and IN services) with matching Quality of Services, QoS. Definition : a NGN will be labelled “ Data NGN ” when it is not able to support the whole set of existing telephony services (plain, enhanced and IN services) with matching Quality of Services. France Télécom R&D A “ Target NGN ” includes services supported by Telephony NGNs & those by Data NGNs. Target NGNs can be considered as the final evolution of these two ones. La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D5 - 01/03/2000 Proposed definitions : Core & Transit NGNs « transit NGN » Control Platform : Call Server, Gatekeeper, Bandwidth broker,… PSTN, ISDN PSTN, ISDN RSU LEX GW GW « core NGN » LEX RSU A « transit NGN » interconnects local networks to packet network cores. > great interest for inhomogeneous networks, for migration, when traffics sources are scattered etc … NA Concentrating Multiplexing Local switching Access Edge Long haul switching Core A « core NGN » covers core network part. It interconnects edges & offers access to international networks Local France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D6 - 01/03/2000 Proposed definitions : Local NGN Services Control Platform or Local control Platform (Call Server d’Appel, Gatekeeper, Policy server, Softswitch, MGC, …) Services Control Platform « Local NGN » Local control Platform A network solution will be labelled a “ Local NGN ” when it covers the access and edge network parts. To support a large range of NA Concentrating Multiplexing Local switching Access Edge Long haul switching Core services To collect various accesses of different kind Local To emulate LEX functions is just not enough. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D7 - 01/03/2000 IP services and network current state : IP network IP networks provide best effort data services > to residential customers, professional customers & companies. > Internet, Intranet and Extranet connectivity is possible. End users Two main services > aggregation services to collect the traffic of Not always on customers to deliver it to IAPs/ISPs, > transport services to convey the traffic of always connected users between sites directly attached to the IP network and towards Internet. Only best effort services based on the IPv4 protocols are available. > No service differentiation through differentiated Service classes, no QoS guarantee. Over provisioning is the remedy. Not Always On Always On To Collect & To Deliver To Transport IP network Services IAP/ISP Voice services such as VoIP, Internet Call Waiting, Centrex IP may be supplied France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D8 - 01/03/2000 IP network current state 3 parts : access, edge and core. The access part collects and concentrates customers traffic through 2 Access Server types : • NAS for narrowband switched connections • BAS for broadband permanent connections. 2 kinds of NAS : data-oriented and voice-oriented NAS. The edge part concentrates the traffic and performs specific edge functions ( flow classification & IP Network conditioning, external routing protocols processing & network-based VPN handling). Edge and border routers support interfaces with the access network, internal servers, ISPs/IAPs & Internet. The core part routes and forwards aggregated flows over core routers. MPLS improves the traffic engineering and supports network-based IP VPNs. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D9 - 01/03/2000 IP network : NGN like features IP networks limitations : > no QoS guarantees and no differentiated services as required by some users and applications, > no service control servers on top of the call servers for value-added services, > no service portability over different access networks, IP networks features consistent with NGN features : > no service portal. > separation of transport resources from AAA servers and call control, > service portability over a given access network, > use of a packet transport to support every service (data, voice). France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D10 - 01/03/2000 VoIP (H.323 & SIP) general architecture Management VoIP : H323 (ITU) & SIP (IETF). The GK is the control platform. Service plane SCP SCP/IP INAP Application server API INAP/IP It controls end points (GW & terminal) of a H.323 domain & performs call request (call admission). GWs perform IP/PSTN inter-working CCF Gatekeeper or Proxy SIP SS7 SG PSTN LEX H323 or SIP H323 or SIP IP GW for media stream SGs for working. SS7/IP signaling inter- Supplementary services services could be performed within a SCP via an INAP/IP interface or within an application server via API or proprietary interfaces. IP VoIP can be considered as a “ Data NGN ”: MM services i.o telephony services. No absolute QoS is available. VoIP architectures may reach Target NGN by introducing QoS & telephony services. Mobility is still missing. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D11 - 01/03/2000 Control plane architecture & QoS SLA ACCESS QUALITY 1 CUSTOMER USER C U S T O M E R S U P P L I E R Control Plane: Services & Resources SLA SERVICES SUPPLIER SERVICES CONTROL USER Transfer need RESOURCES SUPPLIER Services control: to analyze services requests independently from the resources RESOURCES CONTROL Resources control: to select & monitor resources after the request (routing & path algorithms) Resources mediator to be found QoS - NP QoS 2 TRANSFER QUALITY T RESOURCES QoS is an end-to-end issue, concerns every layer of the transfer plane, requires coordinated mechanisms & procedures in the transfer, control & management planes A full QoS support is very complex to implement Its introduction will be progressive France Télécom R&D It is a major requirement for the next generation IP networks. Voice, videoconf & streaming cannot cope with best effort. Customers have differentiated needs requiring differentiated QoS levels IP networks to support several QoS levels absolute QoS, relative QoS and best effort. Unlimited bandwidth is not ready yet The Integrated & Differentiated Services models as first steps whereas MPLS is under deployment La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D12 - 01/03/2000 NGN introduction in CS and PS domains – post R5 architecture. 2 domains : PS & CS in UMTS R5 SCP Application An Internet Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is introduced. The PS domain associated with the IMS allows UMTS R5 to offer VoIP services Application servers API CAP Network Service & Control CSCF HSS MSCS & SGSNS GMSCS & GSGSNS CSCF controls admission, incoming calls and communicates with HSS, (Home Subscriber Server), which is a customer database dealing with mobility and service profile MGCF controls gateways that perform PSTN/IP network inter-working between MGCF T-SGW Transport MM IP MGW, GSN UTRAN PSTN 3GPP2 is considering IP for the mobility management. Mobile IP is a key component of "full IP" scenarios. France Télécom R&D SIP protocol has been chosen by 3GPP for UMTS R5. From a strict functional viewpoint, except for the mobility aspect, a CSCF is a SIP server Post R5 release proposes an evolution of PS domain towards NGN: externalization of some control functions in SGSNserver & GGSNserver La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D13 - 01/03/2000 Mobile IP : architecture & principles Home Agent NC IP network Home subnetwork Sub network 3 main elements compose the mobile IP architecture : Mobile IP to manage macro-mobility Foreign at the IP level. Mobile IP mainly allows: Agent communication hold-on when a mobile moves from an IP sub-network to another, the use of the same IP address attached to a mobile and valid in all IP networks. Register Mobility function within the terminal to perform moving detection function & registration functions to a HA or a FA. Visited sub network HA function in the router that connects the H sub-network of the mobile is in charge of updating the information NM DB for mobile location & reemitting to data to its current location FA function in the router that connects As a conclusion IP network could both handle macro-mobility the V sub-network of the mobile. It (e.g. in target NGN and partly in UMTS networks) and telephony services, thanks to respectively mobile IP and to SIP or H323 architectures. registers visiting mobiles & offers services such as datagrams routing to visiting mobiles. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D14 - 01/03/2000 VHE : a distributed user profile To trace a user to know its profile and how to recognize it : the Virtual Home Environment (VHE) concept “ a system concept for personalized service portability across network boundaries and between terminals ". ( ETSI 3GPP ) These concept have been designed in the UMTS networks context : to allow users to always have a common look and feel of their service. No difference for users while they roaming in other networks. VHE will be created by a combination of capabilities handled by service providers, network operators and located within terminal equipments. The initial definitions still hold in a non UMTS context (a global service provider for a consistent view of its customers being potentially mobile, fixed and Internet customers. With regards to this perspective global operators would gain to share a common understanding of : The models that describe their customer (i.e. data attached to their customer), The functions that allow services to be delivered to their customer (i.e. applications dealing with customers), The equipment running these applications and the associated databases. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D15 - 01/03/2000 IPv6 : to fix IPv4 limitations IPv6 to meet the requirements for a large-scale worldwide deployment. IPv6 supports a number of enhanced features, such as : larger unicast and multicast address space, anycast address, aggregatable addressing for hierarchical routing, host address auto configuration, easy site renumbering, flow identification for QoS support, streamlined packet formats for improved forwarding performance, multicast support (explicit scope), extension headers used for supplementary capabilities, security providing packet authentication and encryption, mobility improvement through auto configuration, security, anycast address and destination options. Given the large amount of IPv4 equipment currently deployed in public & private networks both protocols will coexist for a long time. Several transition mechanisms have been incorporated in the IPv6 design to help with the migration phase. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D16 - 01/03/2000 IP network towards a possible Target NGN … lots of work ahead ! France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D17 - 01/03/2000 Conclusion A variety of networks have been deployed more or less dedicated to a particular service. Most of the past technical constraints are no longer valid given the fast evolution in architectures and broadband technologies (control/transfer plane evolution, xDSL, UMTS, DWDM, packet transfer) Many legacy networks are evolving towards Next Generation Networks whose architectures are based on the same principles. These new architectures will provide more flexibility for the support of services. To enable generalized multimedia mobile services customers should be provided with personalized services across networks and between terminals, over mobile or fixed accesses whatever their location is. This is the target. In this paper, technical issues to overcome have been more specifically addressed in the case of IP transport. Special attention should be paid to fixed and mobile service convergence. Many of these issues are currently under study in several standardization bodies and fora, to make this attractive future happens they should be consistently dealt with. France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D18 - 01/03/2000 References "A Next generation architecture for the public network " ISS2000 TINA-C Network Resource Architecture, version 3.0 – Feb. 1997 TIPHON Network Architecture & reference configurations, DTS 02003 v0.0.1 – ETSI – March 1999 Multiservice Switching Forum Architecture, MSF99.074 – March 1999 Megaco Protocol Proposal Working draft, draft-IETF- megaco-protocol-01.txt – April 1999 Draft ITU-T Recommendation Q.BICC, Bearer Independent Call Control protocol definition RFC 2543 SIP : Session Initiation Protocol RFC 3015 Megaco Protocol v1.0 RFC 2002 IP mobility Support (for Ipv4) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Virtual Home Environment (VHE) in the Integrated Services Digital Network, Evolved UMTS core network, ETSI EG 201 717. Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Service aspects; Virtual Home Environment (VHE), ETSI TR122 970, 3G TR 22.970. Eurescom Project P920, UMTS Network Aspects (http://www.eurescom.de/public/projects/P900series/p920/P920.htm RFC 1633 Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture: an Overview RFC 2475: An Architecture for Differentiated Services RFC 3031: Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture draft-ietf-mpls-diff-te-reqts-00: Requirements for support of Diff-Serv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering RFC 1883: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) France Télécom R&D La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D19 - 01/03/2000 Glossary ARF: Access to the Resources Function ASF: Access to the Services Function AP: Application Part BAS: Broadband Access Server CAP: Camel Application Part CS: Call Server CSCF: Call State Control Function DWDM: Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing FA: Foreign Agent GGSN: Gateway GPRS Support Node GK: GateKeeper HA: Home Agent HSS: Home Subscriber Server IAP: Internet Access Provider IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol INAP: Intelligent Network Application Part ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network ISP: Internet Service Provider LEX: Local EXchange LSP: Label Switched Path MG: Media Gateway France Télécom R&D MGC: Media Gateway Control MGCF: Media Gateway Control Function MPLS: MultiProtocol Label Switching MSC: Mobile service Switching Center NAS: Network Access Server NGN: Next Generation Network OTN : Optical Transport Network PHB: Per-Hop Behaviour POTS: Plain Old Telephone Service PDSN : Packet Data Serving Node PS: Proxy SIP PSTN Public Switched Telephony Network QoS : Quality of Service RC: Resources Control SC : Services Control SGSN: Serving GPRS Support Node SGW: Signalling Gateway UMTS: Universal Mobile Telecommunications System VHE: Virtual Home Environment VPN: Virtual Private Network La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D20 - 01/03/2000