Countries who responded to the Tariff Policies Survey in 2009 Country Algeria Argentina Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Benin Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Colombia Comoros Congo (Dem. Rep.) Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Djibouti Dominican Rep. Ecuador El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Gambia Germany Ghana Guatemala Iceland India Iraq Ireland Jamaica Japan Kenya Lebanon Lesotho Lithuania Mali Malta Mauritius Mexico Moldova Morocco Mozambique Nepal Nicaragua Niger Norway Oman Panama Paraguay Peru Portugal Qatar Senegal Serbia Spain St. Vincent and the Grenadines Swaziland Switzerland Tanzania Tonga Turkey Uganda United Arab Emirates Uruguay Viet Nam Zambia Zimbabwe Region Arab States The Americas CIS Europe CIS Africa Europe Africa The Americas Europe Africa Africa The Americas Arab States Africa The Americas Africa Europe The Americas Europe Arab States The Americas The Americas The Americas Africa Africa Europe Africa The Americas Europe Asia & Pacific Arab States Europe The Americas Asia & Pacific Africa Arab States Africa Europe Africa Europe Africa The Americas CIS Arab States Africa Asia & Pacific The Americas Africa Europe Arab States The Americas The Americas The Americas Europe Arab States Africa Europe Europe The Americas Africa Europe Africa Asia & Pacific Europe Africa Arab States The Americas Asia & Pacific Africa Africa Income Level Administrative Authorities 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Operators Middle Middle Middle High Middle Low Middle Middle Middle Middle Low Low Middle Low Low Middle Low Middle Middle High Middle Middle Middle Middle High Low High Low Middle High Middle Middle High Middle High Low Middle Middle Middle Low High Middle Middle Middle Middle Low Low Middle Low High High Middle Middle Middle High High Low Middle High Middle Middle High Low Middle Middle Low High Middle Low Low Low 0 71 71 Region Africa The Americas Arab States Asia & Pacific Europe CIS Total Income Level High Middle Low 1 0 3 1 10 0 15 4 17 5 2 6 3 37 16 0 1 2 0 0 19 Region Africa The Americas Arab States Asia & Pacific Europe CIS Total Total Answers 21 17 9 5 16 3 71 Total Only 1 Operator More than 1 Operator Autorities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 17 9 5 16 3 71 21 17 9 5 16 3 71 Tariff Policies Survey - Results for 2009 1. 1.1. Contact information Is this the first time you complete the ITU Questionnaire on Tariff Policies? The answers to this question are text based. 1 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 2.1. Retail telecommunication services 2.1.1. Fixed communications: Multiple answers possible: 1769 1770 With price control Without price control Administration Authorities - Access to network (monthly line rental/subscription fee) Administration Authorities - Local voice services ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 2 Administration Authorities - National long distance voice services Administration Authorities - International voice services 3 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - IP telephony Administration Authorities - Internet access (Internet connection) & data services ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 4 Administration Authorities - Provision of links (leased lines) Administration Authorities - Other Note: The answers to this question are text based. 2.1.2. Mobile communications Multiple answers possible: 1769 1770 With price control Without price control 5 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - Access to network (monthly subscription fee) Administration Authorities - Voice services ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 6 Administration Authorities - SMS Administration Authorities - National voice roaming 7 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - International voice roaming Administration Authorities - Internet access (Internet connection) & data services ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 8 Administration Authorities - Other 2.1.3. Broadcasting services Multiple answers possible: 1769 1770 With price control Without price control Administration Authorities - IPTV 9 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - Mobile TV Administration Authorities - Terrestrial TV ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 10 Administration Authorities - Cable TV Administration Authorities - Satellite TV 11 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - Other Note: The answers to this question are text based. ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 12 2.2. Wholesale telecommunication services 2.2.1. Please indicate which wholesale telecommunication services provided in your country are subject to price control and which are not. Multiple answers possible: 1769 1770 With price control Without price control Administration Authorities - Interconnection: fixed origination Administration Authorities - Interconnection: fixed termination 13 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - Interconnection: mobile origination Administration Authorities - Interconnection: mobile termination ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 14 Administration Authorities - National wholesale voice roaming Administration Authorities - International wholesale voice roaming 15 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - Unbundled local loop Administration Authorities - Wholesale boradband access/bistream access ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 16 Administration Authorities - Wholesale line rental Administration Authorities - Wholesale leased lines 17 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - Access to Internet exchange points (IXPs) Administration Authorities - Access to International gateways ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 18 Administration Authorities - Other Note: The answers to this question are text based. 19 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 2.3. Price determination 2.3.1. How are the prices of regulated services determined in your country? Multiple answers possible: 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 Price ceiling set by the State Cost orientation (using cost models) Benchamrking of tariffs Retail minus approach Rate of return regulation Price cap Other please specify Administration Authorities - Retail services Administration Authorities - Wholesale services ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 20 Note: The answers to this question are text based. 21 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 3. Cost and tariff models 3.1. Do you use a cost model to determine prices of regulated services? Only one answer possible: 1745 1746 Yes (if yes, please complete Section 3 below) No (if no, please go to Section 4) Administration Authorities ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 22 3.2. Please indicate the type of costs on which it is based. Multiple answers possible: 1749 1750 1751 Historical costs Current costs Other please specify Administration Authorities - Retail services Administration Authorities - Wholesale services 3.2.1. Note: The answers to this question are text based. 23 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 3.3. Which concept do you use as the basis for calculating telecommunication service tariffs? Multiple answers possible: 1752 1753 1754 Fully Distributed Costs (FDC) Long-Run Incremental Costs (LRIC) Other please specify Administration Authorities - Retail services Administration Authorities - Wholesale services 3.3.1. Note: The answers to this question are text based. ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 24 3.4. Which approach do you use to calculate telecommunication service tariffs? Multiple answers possible: 1755 1756 1757 1758 Top-down Bottom-up Hybrid Other please specify Administration Authorities - Retail services Administration Authorities - Wholesale services 3.4.1. Note: The answers to this question are text based. 25 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 3.5. Does this cost model depend on cost accounting data? Only one answer possible: 1759 1760 Yes No Administration Authorities Total answer Region No HI MI LI HI MI LI 16 Africa 1 4 7 12 75% 0 0 4 4 25% 6 Arab States 2 2 0 4 67% 0 2 0 2 33% 4 Asia & Pacific 1 2 1 4 100% 0 0 0 0 0% 0 CIS 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 13 Europe 9 3 0 12 92% 0 1 0 1 8% 12 The Americas 0 9 0 9 75% 0 3 0 3 25% 41 80% 10 20% 51 3.6. Yes Total Is accounting separation applied in your country? Only one answer possible: 1761 1762 1763 In place Planned No plans for the time being Administration Authorities ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 26 Total 4. Tariff rebalancing of fixed telephony services 4.1. Has your country implemented tariff rebalancing? Only one answer possible: 1710 1711 1712 Yes No Why? Planned Administration Authorities 27 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 4.2. What is the time-period given to fixed line operators for absorbing the access deficit (tariff rebalancing)? Only one answer possible: 1240 1241 1242 1239 Less than three years Between three and seven years Over seven years Not determined Administration Authorities ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 28 5. 5.1. Interconnection issues Which approach do you use to regulate interconnection prices? Multiple answers possible: 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 LRIC cost model FDC cost model Benchmarking Other please specify None Administration Authorities - Fixed termination Administration Authorities - Fixed origination 29 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - Mobile termination Administration Authorities - Mobile origination ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 30 Administration Authorities - National transit Administration Authorities - Other (specify below) 5.1.1. If "Other" interconnection price, please specify The answers to this question are text based. 5.1.2. Note: The answers to this question are text based. 31 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 5.2. How many time bands are used for charging purposes? Only one answer possible: 1789 1790 1791 1792 One Two Three More than three Administration Authorities 5.3. How many national tariff zones are there in your country? Only one answer possible: 1778 1779 1780 1781 One Two Three More than three Administration Authorities ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 32 5.4. What kind of interconnection charging principle has been adopted by your country? Only one answer possible: 1628 1629 Symmetric Asymmetric Administration Authorities 5.4.2. If asymmetric, on what basis is asymmetry decided? (E.g. number of subscribers, revenues, universal access policy, etc.) The answers to this question are text based. 33 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 5.5. How often are the interconnection charges reviewed? Only one answer possible: 1630 1631 1632 1633 Quarterly Semi-annually Annually Less frequent, please specify Administration Authorities 5.6. Which charging regime for interconnection services is applied in your country? Only one answer possible: 1713 1714 1715 1782 Calling Party's Network Pays (CPNP) Receiving Party's Network Pays (RPNP) Bill and Keep (Sender Keep All) Other, please specify Administration Authorities ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 34 5.7. Please indicate the website where interconnection prices are publicly available. The answers to this question are text based. 35 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 5.1. Terminating calls on incumbent's fixed network: 1. Local level The answers to this question are text based. Single transit (metropolitan) The answers to this question are text based. Double transit (national) The answers to this question are text based. ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 36 5.1. Terminating calls on other fixed networks: 2. Local level The answers to this question are text based. Single transit (metropolitan) The answers to this question are text based. Double transit (national) The answers to this question are text based. 37 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 5.1. Terminating calls on mobile networks: 3. Fixed to mobile The answers to this question are text based. Mobile to mobile The answers to this question are text based. ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 38 6. Concept of dominance 6.1. Is the concept of "dominance" or Significant Market Power (SMP) defined in your country? Only one answer possible: 1638 1639 Yes No Administration Authorities Total answer Region Yes HI MI LI HI MI LI Total 18 Africa 0 0 8 8 44% 1 3 6 10 56% 5 Arab States 2 2 0 4 80% 0 0 1 1 20% 5 Asia & Pacific 1 1 1 3 60% 0 1 1 2 40% 3 CIS 0 2 0 2 67% 0 1 0 1 33% 16 Europe 10 6 0 16 100% 0 0 0 0 0% 17 The Americas 0 13 0 13 76% 0 4 0 4 24% 46 72% 18 28% 64 6.2. No Total How do you define this concept in your country? The answers to this question are text based. 6.3. In what legal instruments (legislation in force) is the concept defined? Please indicate the relevant website, where it is made available. The answers to this question are text based. 39 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 6.4. What criteria are used in determining "dominance" or SMP? Multiple answers possible: 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 Geographical Market share in terms of number of subscribers (or revenues) for the type of market in question (specify in %) : Control of essential facilities allowing access to the end user Easy access to financial resources The strength of the countervailing power of consumers Economies of scale and scope Barriers to entry Potential competition Other , please specify Administration Authorities ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 40 6.5. What are the most common ex ante obligations imposed on operators or providers? Multiple answers possible: 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 Transparency (e.g. publishing RIO and RUO) Non discrimination Interconnection and access obligations Regulatory accounting Accounting separation Price control Other , please specify Administration Authorities 41 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 6.6. If the satus of "dominance" is periodically reviewed, how often does such review take place? Only one answer possible: 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 Every year Every two years Every three years More than three years Other, please specify Administration Authorities ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 42 7. 7.1. Next Generation Networks (NGNs) Is any operator in your country planning or currently introducing an NGN system? If YES, at what stage are they? Multiple answers possible: 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 Feasibility study Planning Introduction Implementation No plans to introduce an NGN system in a short run Other , please specify Administration Authorities 7.2. What regulations, if any, govern the use of IP networks? Multiple answers possible: 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 Regulatory arrangements subject to universal service obligations Regulatory interconnection arrangements with networks using switching circuits Banning of services based on IP No regulatory arrangements defined at present Other Other, please specify 43 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 Administration Authorities - Voice Service Administration Authorities - Data Service 7.2.1. Note: The answers to this question are text based. ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 44 7.3. What sources of finance could be used to deploy IP networks? Multiple answers possible: 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 Operator's funds State subsidization Joint venture (private sector and public sector) Financed by a financial institution or private bank Special telecommunication development fund Other , please specify Administration Authorities 45 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 7.4. What cost model is used (or planned) to calculate costs/ tariffs of new services supported by Next Generation Networks (NGNs)? Multiple answers possible: 1738 1739 1740 1741 Fully distributed historical costs model Long run incremental cost model Other, please specify None Administration Authorities ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 46 8. 8.1. Site sharing for terrestrial mobile services Is there a regulatory obligation to share sites, or is site sharing agreed directly between the operators of mobile networks? Multiple answers possible: 1742 1743 1744 Regulatory obligation (mandatory site sharing) Agreement between operators None Administration Authorities 47 ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey 2009 8.2. Does the site sharing result in lower prices for end-users? Multiple answers possible: 1658 1659 Yes No Administration Authorities 8.3. Please indicate the website, where regulatory obligation on site sharing are publicly available The answers to this question are text based. ITU/BDT Tariff Policies Survey2009 48