Document 13868928

Proclamation 41-2078
Pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Constitution, Article IV, I, Mark White, Gbvernor of Texas, do hereby c$
a special session of the 69th Legislature to be convened in the City of Austin, commencing at 10 a.m., Wednesday, th
6th day of August A.D., 1986, for the following purposes:
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To amend House Bill 20, 69th Legislature. Regular' ~ess!on, for the purpose of making spending cuts; and
To consider and pass such other items as submitted from time to time by. the governor after the session convenes.
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The secretary of state will take notice of this action and'will notify the members of the legislature.
Done at Austin, Texas this the 25th day of July, 1986, under the seal of the state properly attested by the secretary of state
Issued in Austin,
ex as, on July 25, 1986.
Mark Whir,
Governor of Texa
Executive Order
WHEREAS, today the State Comptroller of Public Accounts has issued a revision of the 1986-1987 biennial revenue
estimate projecting that general revenue funds will be $2.9 billion below the 1985 budget certification estimate; and
WHEREAS, I have announced my intention to call a special session of the legislature to convene August 6, 1986, tc
address these budgetary concerns;
NOW,THEREFORE, I, Mark White, governor of Texas, puisuant to my constitutional and statutory authority as the
chief executive officer of the state, do hereby, establish a freeze on all employee hiring in state government except hiring
required by federal court order and hiring in emergency situations as determined in advance by myaoffice.
This executive order shall be effictive immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended,
or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on July 25, 1986.
Mark White
Governor of Texe
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August 5, 1986
Texas Register