Govern I ,,,.$ed. Api -jpblica ~~h C b d t t for ~ Gover Dis; FOI 27 tern &.$A. Nosek, P ~ . D . 8450 ( ' , :Housf DI. , , Nos Gary 8319 I : ' Austi~ is replacing Justin W. Dart. Jr., 'a , Texana Faulk Conn 2007 Paramount Austin, Texas 78704 Ms. Conn is repladqg Kelyin Spencer of Austin whose term expired. Governor of Texas Appointments Made March 28 ~ober-tFrost P,O. Box 321 iCder, Texas 76248 ~ r Frost . is replacing Darlene E..Topp of Harlingen, whose term expired. For terms to expire July 8, 1987: William J. Martin . 8802 Silverarrow Court Austin, Texas 78759 Mr. Martin is being reappointed. Philip D. Miller 202 Enchanted Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 Mr. Miller is being reappointed. Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons Sharon Ardnt Pomar 8713 Puerto Allegre ,Laredo, Texas 78044 m. Nielsen is req]acing Betty H.Meyer of Austin, whose term expired. ' MS.Polllar i.5 repladlg Oli~ia Chavez Blun- dell of El Paso, whose term expired. Issued in Austin, T v , on March 28, 1986. Joe W. Russell iL * * Merry Nielsen 2703 Hopeton Drive San Antonio, Texas 78230 tonio, whose term expired. Mark Whlte TRD.BBo3097 7010 Delrose Dallas, Texas 75214 Mr. Russell is being reappointed. TRPBB03097 Mark White Governor of Texas * * .k Executive Order vernor's Victims of Crime Advisory Council. been or may be the innocent victims of crime; and ; ; assist these innocent victims of crime; and WHEREAS it ik necesmy thit the governor be fully apprised on all as& victims of crime; of problems and proposals affecting Act of 1984, P,L. 98473, and to formulate spggested standards, procedures, and guidelines for implementation of the above Act relating to the distribution of grant funds in this State as authorized by the above Act. the membership of thcCOUNCIL who shall hold such positions at the pleasure of the Governor. AU agencies o f state and local government are hereby directed to cooperate with and assist the COUNCIL in the perfonnance.of its duties. This executive order shall be effectiveimmediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, pr rescinded by me. Issued in Austin, Texas, on March 18, 1986. . e Mark White Govsrnor of Texas C The Governor April 8, 1986 11 TexReg 1679