h As required by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13a, 56, the Register publishes executive orders issued by the Governor of Texas. Appointments made and proclamations issued by the governor are also published. Appointments are published in chronological order. Additional information on documents submitted for publication by the Governor's Office can be obtained by calling (512) 475-3021. The Governor, Appointment Made October 16 Texas National Guard Armory Board For a term to expire April 30, 1989: V. C. Eissler 8003 Woodway, #41 Houston, Texas 77063 Mr. Eissler is replacing James Felt Crews of Lake Jackson, whose term expired. Issued in Austin, Texas, on October 1.6, 1984. TRD-8410578 Mark White Governor of Texas Executive Order MW-29 Interagency Council for Nutrition and Fitness in State-Supported Facilities. WHEREAS, there are 63,000people who are served meals and participate in programs in Texas' state hospitals, schools, and correctional facilities; and WHEREAS, the annual cost of food operations in these facilities is over $63 million; and WHEREAS, the report of the Governor's Study Committee on Nutrition and Wellness in State-Supported Institutions indicates a need for communicationand coordination concerning food delivery and fitness for these facilities; and. WHEREAS, the state has the responsibility to ensure the nutritional value of meals served in state facilities while being fiscally responsible; and WHEREAS, nutrition and fitness can serve to maximize the future productivity and personal development of the children and adults in our state facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mark White, governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby establish the Interagency Council on Nutrition an&Fitness, hereafter referred to as the council.' I further establish the Advisory Committee to the 1nter&ency Council on Nutrition and Fitness, hereafter referred to as the committee. (I) Purpose. The council shall develop, monitor, and evaluate a program to promote nutrition and fitness in state-supported institutions. (11) Organization. (1) The council shall be composed of representatives of six state agencies which purchase, prepare, and serve meals to clients. The six agencies are: (A) Texas w a r t m e n t of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; (B) Texas Department of Corrections; (C) Texas Youth Commission; (D) Texas Department of Health; (E) Texas School for the Deaf, and . ,Texas School for the Blind. October 26, 1984 9 TexReg .5501 (A) Texas Department of Agriculture; (B) Texas A M University; (C) University of Texas Medical Branch; (D) Baylor College of Medicine; (E) Texas Education Agency; (F') Governor's Commission on Physical Fitness; (G) Office of the Governor; (H) Texas' Dietetic Association; (I) Texas Department of Human Resources; and (J) Texas Department on Aging. (3) The governor shall designate one council member to serve as chair of the council and one committee member .to serve as chair of the committee at the time the council and committee members are appointed. (4) Each agency shall provide support staff to the council. (5) Appointed council and committee members shall serve without pay, but shall be entitled to actual and necessary expenses incurfed in the performance of the activities of the council. ' ' (111) Functions. The council shall: (1) make recommendations concerning the nutritional value of the food served in state-supported institutions; The committee shall serve in an advisory and resource function for the council. (IV) Meetings. The council and the committee shall meet simultaneously, not less than quarterly, at the call of the chair. : (V) Reports. The council shall submit semiannual reports to the governor, and other periodic repdrts as may be appropriate or requested by the governor or his staff. , 'TRD-8410579 l .ip : .' :: 9 TexReg --:I 5502 October 26, 1984