' The Governor rd effective programs; and state council will consist of not more than 40 meAljers appointed by the governor to be comprised in ac- (a) developing and recommending statewide goals and program objectives; (b) identifying needs for training and employinent-servicesand assessing the extent to which federal, state, d local programs represent a consistent and integrated approach to meefing such needs; (c) recommending sub-state a r k s for delivery of training and employment services; ssor has been appointed; providing, however, each initial member shall serve an interim term from the time pbintment until July 1, '1984, at which time one half of the members shall serve an initial term of one year, its duties. . . TexReg 731 Texas, Register , The state council shall provide an annual report to the governor, which shall be a public documkt, not more than 120,days after the end of a program year. The state council shall also provide the governor with any other studies, reports, or documents as appropriate to carry out the duties and functions as prescribed by the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982.. The members of the state council shall not receive compensation, but shall be reimbursed for reasonable and This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me. Issued in Austin, Texas, on May 12, 1983. TRD-841474 MW-6 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Texas Constitution, Article 1, $3a, and Texas Civil Statutes, Articles 6252-14 and separation of state employees; and planner for the State of Texas and by virtue of his obligation to assure the faithful execution of state law and policy, including equal employment opportunities; and to obtain gainful employment, without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, or gender; and WHEREAS, heretofore, there has been established the Governor's Equal Employment Opportunity Office, charged ment, and equal opportunity in state affairs generally; (b) develop and maintain affirmative action guidelines to assist state agencies in compliance objectives; procedures t o insure compliance with state and federal statutes, regulations, and policies; (e) in addition to the existing job bank, establish a minority and female skills bank to consist of a compilation of minority andlor female applicants qualified to be considered for.state employment as opportunities arise. and which shall include positions at all levels (The minority and female skills bank shall be made available t a salaries; . . race, color, religion, nationalorigin, or gender; (h) the Governor's Equal Employment Opportunity Office (hereinafter sometimes referred t0.a.s GEEOO) shall set up a reporting system for all state,agencies and other state entities on a quarferly basis, beginning on :. July 1, 1983, which permit evaluation of complaints and lawsuits pertaining to discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or age filed with the agency grievance. mechanism and the collection of statistical data pertaining thereto. (i) secure copies of proposed changes to the regulations, guidelines, and testing materialspromulgated by the Texas Merit System Council prior to their enactment (The GEEOO shall be consulted with regard to all such changes); (j) assist state agencies in the design and implementation minority business utilization plans; TexReg 73 :