Highlights and Trends: ASHA Counts for Year End 2009 Constituents -- How many are there? How have the numbers changed? v ASHA currently represents 140,039 speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists. Compared to year end 2008 counts (134,982), this number has increased by 5,057 or 3.7%. Of this number, 135,972 are members. v There are 363 members without certification, 13 more than at year end 2008 (350). v In addition, 248 individuals in 38 countries are affiliated with ASHA, eleven fewer than at year end 2008 (259). v Audiologists. The number of certified members increased from 11,824 to 11,886 between year end 2008 and year end 2009, while certified nonmembers decreased from 1,002 to 978. Nonmember certificate holders constitute 7.6% of all certified audiologists at year end 2009 compared to 7.8% at year end 2008, 8.0% in 2007, and 8.3% in 2006. v Speech-Language Pathologists. The number of certified members increased from 115,415 to 120,744 between year end 2008 and year end 2009, while certified nonmembers decreased from 2,855 to 2,798. Nonmember certificate holders constitute 2.3% of all certified speech-language pathologists at year end 2009 compared to 2.4% at year end 2008, 2.7% in 2007, and 3.0% in 2006. v Dual Certification. Individuals holding dual certification decreased from 1,232 at year end 2008 to 1,214 at the end of 2009. v In Process. At year end 2009, in-process constituents numbered 1,808 compared to 2,045 at year end 2008, and 2,014 at the end of 2007. Demographics -- Who are we? v Gender. Males currently comprise 18.2% of audiologists, 4.2% of speech-language pathologists, and 26.6% of those with dual certification. Overall, the proportion of male ASHA constituents is 5.9% at the end of 2009, about the same as in 2008, though it has declined steadily in previous years, e.g., from 7.7% in 1999 to 7.2% in 2001, 6.7% in 2003, 6.3% in 2005, 6.1% in 2007, and 5.9% in 2008. v Race and Ethnicity. Approximately 6.9% of ASHA members, nonmember certificate holders, and international affiliates are members of a racial minority (compared to 24.9% of the U.S. population according to the 2000 Census), including 1.3% who have self identified as multiracial (compared to 2.4% of the U.S. population). Additionally, 3.7% identified their ethnicity as Hispanic or Latino, compared to 12.5% of the U.S. population. v Age. Approximately 22.6% of ASHA members, nonmember certificate holders, and international affiliates (specifically, 24.1% of audiologists, 22.0% of speech-language pathologists, and 62.0% of those with dual certification) are 55 years old or older. TABLE 1 ASHA SUMMARY MEMBERSHIP AND AFFILIATION COUNTS BY CERTIFICATION STATUS JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 Certified in Speech Certified in Audiology Dual Certification CERTIFIED SUBTOTAL 0 0 0 Member and Certificate Holder 120,744 11,886 ASHA MEMBERSHIP SUBTOTAL 120,744 Status Member Only Non-Member Certificate Holder International Affiliate GRAND TOTAL In Process Not Certified TOTAL 0 0 363 363 1,188 133,818 1,791 0 135,609 11,886 1,188 133,818 1,791 363 135,972 2,798 978 26 3,802 17 0 3,819 0 0 0 0 0 248 248 123,542 12,864 1,214 137,620 1,808 611 140,039 TABLE 2 ASHA SUMMARY MEMBERSHIP AND AFFILIATION COUNTS BY ETHNICITY, RACE, AND CERTIFICATION STATUS JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 Certified in Speech Certified in Audiology Dual Certification CERTIFIED SUBTOTAL In Process Not Certified TOTAL 3,664 237 15 3,916 70 19 4,005 Not Hispanic or Latino 93,584 9,670 781 104,035 638 439 105,112 Ethnicity not specified 26,294 2,957 418 29,669 1,100 153 30,922 123,542 12,864 1,214 137,620 1,808 611 140,039 Certified in Speech Certified in Audiology Dual Certification CERTIFIED SUBTOTAL In Process Not Certified TOTAL 279 26 3 308 4 1 313 1,618 261 26 1,905 32 45 1,982 2,806 180 15 3,001 26 8 3,035 127 11 0 138 6 1 145 81,385 8,147 642 90,174 366 353 90,893 1,129 130 15 1,274 2 7 1,283 36,198 4,109 513 40,820 1,372 196 42,388 123,542 12,864 1,214 137,620 1,808 611 140,039 Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino TOTAL Race American Indian/Alaska Native (only) Asian (only) Black or African American (only) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (only) White (only) Multiracial Race not specified TOTAL TABLE 3 ASHA AFFILIATION BY STATE AND CERTIFICATION STATUS JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dst of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming U.S. Subtotal Outside U.S. TOTAL Certified in Speech 1,373 257 1,926 1,781 9,127 2,217 1,880 291 238 6,695 3,281 426 578 6,241 2,144 914 1,356 1,879 1,982 665 2,800 3,751 3,488 2,261 1,147 2,893 303 902 574 696 4,197 1,139 12,007 4,094 400 4,358 1,590 1,348 5,197 557 1,679 304 2,120 8,388 868 384 3,002 2,224 782 2,855 262 121,821 1,721 123,542 Certified in Audiology 226 31 259 128 919 380 196 31 34 642 287 46 63 546 271 177 143 132 207 48 315 365 452 306 132 271 23 110 50 52 347 89 889 369 32 626 131 158 535 56 124 43 334 761 153 29 336 350 110 286 26 12,626 238 12,864 Dual CCC 17 6 20 10 76 29 22 3 3 81 19 7 7 43 22 14 9 9 32 5 39 33 21 14 10 24 13 7 5 4 40 10 126 46 0 43 12 24 71 4 10 5 19 83 15 4 26 19 12 22 4 1,199 15 1,214 CERTIFIED SUBTOTAL 1,616 294 2,205 1,919 10,122 2,626 2,098 325 275 7,418 3,587 479 648 6,830 2,437 1,105 1,508 2,020 2,221 718 3,154 4,149 3,961 2,581 1,289 3,188 339 1,019 629 752 4,584 1,238 13,022 4,509 432 5,027 1,733 1,530 5,803 617 1,813 352 2,473 9,232 1,036 417 3,364 2,593 904 3,163 292 135,646 1,974 137,620 In Process 17 6 19 44 199 24 19 2 2 86 41 5 9 117 13 8 12 31 38 1 23 41 28 25 13 45 6 12 2 6 72 18 258 49 1 44 16 21 54 2 46 2 22 98 20 8 35 25 8 28 2 1,723 85 1,808 Not Certified 3 1 5 1 34 6 2 0 1 14 5 0 0 20 14 7 6 3 6 1 7 12 10 4 1 5 1 5 1 0 8 2 33 8 1 19 3 2 15 1 0 0 12 16 2 1 8 6 1 7 1 321 290 611 TOTAL 1,636 301 2,229 1,964 10,355 2,656 2,119 327 278 7,518 3,633 484 657 6,967 2,464 1,120 1,526 2,054 2,265 720 3,184 4,202 3,999 2,610 1,303 3,238 346 1,036 632 758 4,664 1,258 13,313 4,566 434 5,090 1,752 1,553 5,872 620 1,859 354 2,507 9,346 1,058 426 3,407 2,624 913 3,198 295 137,690 2,349 140,039 TABLE 4 ASHA AFFILIATION BY STATE AND CATEGORY OF AFFILIATION JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dst of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming U.S. Subtotal Outside U.S. TOTAL Member Only 3 1 5 1 34 6 2 0 1 14 5 0 0 20 14 7 6 3 6 1 7 12 10 4 1 5 1 5 1 0 8 2 33 8 1 19 3 2 15 1 0 0 12 16 2 1 8 6 1 7 1 321 42 363 Member / Cert Holder 1,568 295 2,171 1,908 9,981 2,544 2,076 322 272 7,337 3,513 475 646 6,783 2,375 1,079 1,468 1,990 2,191 715 3,096 4,122 3,890 2,506 1,264 3,123 332 998 624 753 4,536 1,210 13,031 4,458 424 4,847 1,703 1,505 5,704 605 1,814 348 2,416 9,078 1,017 421 3,311 2,539 873 3,053 292 133,602 2,007 135,609 MEMBER SUBTOTAL 1,571 296 2,176 1,909 10,015 2,550 2,078 322 273 7,351 3,518 475 646 6,803 2,389 1,086 1,474 1,993 2,197 716 3,103 4,134 3,900 2,510 1,265 3,128 333 1,003 625 753 4,544 1,212 13,064 4,466 425 4,866 1,706 1,507 5,719 606 1,814 348 2,428 9,094 1,019 422 3,319 2,545 874 3,060 293 133,923 2,049 135,972 Non-Member Cert Holder 65 5 53 55 340 106 41 5 5 167 115 9 11 164 75 34 52 61 68 4 81 68 99 100 38 110 13 33 7 5 120 46 249 100 9 224 46 46 153 14 45 6 79 252 39 4 88 79 39 138 2 3,767 52 3,819 International Affiliate 248 248 TOTAL 1,636 301 2,229 1,964 10,355 2,656 2,119 327 278 7,518 3,633 484 657 6,967 2,464 1,120 1,526 2,054 2,265 720 3,184 4,202 3,999 2,610 1,303 3,238 346 1,036 632 758 4,664 1,258 13,313 4,566 434 5,090 1,752 1,553 5,872 620 1,859 354 2,507 9,346 1,058 426 3,407 2,624 913 3,198 295 137,690 2,349 140,039 TABLE 5: DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF ASHA CONSTITUENTS JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 TOTAL n = 140,039 EMPLOYMENT STATUS n = 125,390 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Employed Full-Time 72.3% Employed Part-Time 19.8% On Leave of Absence 1.3% Unemployed/Seeking Work 1.1% Unemployed/Not Seeking Work 3.4% Retired 2.1% PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT FACILITY n = 119,482 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Educational Facility 54.1% School 50.1% Special School 2.1% Preschool 8.0% Elementary School 22.7% Secondary School 3.1% Several Schools 12.5% Schools, Unspecified 1.7% College/University 3.9% Health Care Facility (HCF) 40.2% Hospital Facility 14.0% Residential HCF 8.4% Skilled Nursing Facility 7.4% Other Residential Facility 1.0% Nonresidential HCF 17.7% Home Health 4.6% Private Physician’s Office 2.1% SLP’s or AUD’s Office 4.4% Speech & Hearing Center 2.3% Other Nonresidential Facility 4.3% All Other Facilities 5.8% AGE Source: Dues Notice 2009 34 and younger 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 and older n = 120,033 23.7% 29.9% 23.8% 18.4% 4.2% RACE Source: Dues Notice 2009 American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African-American n = 97,651 0.3% 2.0% 3.1% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1% White 93.1% Multi-racial 1.3% ETHNICITY Source: Dues Notice 2009 Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino n = 109,117 3.7% 96.3% PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT FUNCTION n = 120,194 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Clinical Service Provider 78.6% 8.8% Teacher Special Education Teacher 6.3% College/University Professor 2.5% Researcher 0.5% Consultant 1.9% Doctoral Candidate 0.2% 7.2% Administrator Administrator/Exec. Officer 1.7% Chair/Dept. Head/Manager 2.4% Supervisor of Clinical Activity 1.6% Other Director/Supervisor 1.6% Other Position 2.7% PRIVATE PRACTICE n = 124,206 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Not Employed in Private Practice 84.2% Employed Full-Time 6.3% Employed Part-Time 9.5% GENDER Source: Dues Notice 2009 Female Male n = 125,346 94.1% 5.9% These counts include individuals who were ASHA members, nonmember certificate holders, or international affiliates during the period and whose dues/fees were paid. The percentages are for the number of respondents (n = respondents) to that question only; percentages may not total 100.0% due to rounding. For additional information about these figures, contact the ASHA’s Surveys and Information unit at (800) 498-2071, extensions 8738, 8739 or 8749. TABLE 6: DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF ASHA MEMBER AND NONMEMBER CERTIFICATE HOLDERS CERTIFIED IN AUDIOLOGY ONLY JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 TOTAL n = 12,864 EMPLOYMENT STATUS RACE n = 11,602 n = 8,755 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Source: Dues Notice 2009 Employed Full-Time 74.5% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.3% Employed Part-Time 18.2% Asian 3.0% On Leave of Absence 0.9% Black or African-American 2.1% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Unemployed/Seeking Work 1.6% 0.1% Unemployed/Not Seeking Work 3.1% White 93.1% Retired 1.7% Multi-racial 1.5% PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT FACILITY n = 11,007 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Educational Facility 16.7% School 9.0% Special School 1.0% Preschool 0.4% Elementary School 0.7% Secondary School 0.2% Several Schools 5.8% Schools, Unspecified 1.0% College/University 7.7% Health Care Facility (HCF) 72.0% Hospital Facility 24.3% Residential HCF 1.1% Skilled Nursing Facility 0.4% Other Residential Facility 0.7% Nonresidential HCF 46.6% Home Health 0.1% Private Physician’s Office 20.2% SLP’s or AUD’s Office 12.9% Speech & Hearing Center 4.4% Other Nonresidential Facility 8.9% All Other Facilities 11.3% AGE Source: Dues Notice 2009 34 and younger 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 and older n = 11,332 18.6% 29.3% 28.0% 20.2% 3.9% ETHNICITY Source: Dues Notice 2009 Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino n = 9,907 2.4% 97.6% PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT FUNCTION n = 11,195 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Clinical Service Provider 78.2% 5.3% Teacher Special Education Teacher 0.7% College/University Professor 4.5% Researcher 1.8% Consultant 2.4% Doctoral Candidate 0.6% 8.6% Administrator Administrator/Exec. Officer 2.0% Chair/Dept. Head/Manager 3.4% Supervisor of Clinical Activity 1.1% Other Director/Supervisor 2.0% Other Position 3.2% PRIVATE PRACTICE Source: Dues Notice 2010 Not Employed in Private Practice Employed Full-Time Employed Part-Time n = 11,532 77.6% 15.2% 7.1% GENDER Source: Dues Notice 2009 Female Male n = 11,898 81.8% 18.2% These counts include individuals who were ASHA members or nonmember certificate holders during the period and whose dues/fees were paid. The percentages are for the number of respondents (n = respondents) to that question only; percentages may not total 100.0% due to rounding. For additional information about these figures, contact the ASHA’s Surveys and Information unit at (800) 4982071, extensions 8738, 8739 or 8749. TABLE 7: DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF ASHA MEMBER AND NONMEMBER CERTIFICATE HOLDERS CERTIFIED IN SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY ONLY JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 TOTAL n = 123,542 EMPLOYMENT STATUS RACE n = 111,549 n = 87,344 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Source: Dues Notice 2009 Employed Full-Time 72.1% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.3% Employed Part-Time 20.1% Asian 1.9% On Leave of Absence 1.3% Black or African-American 3.2% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Unemployed/Seeking Work 1.0% 0.1% Unemployed/Not Seeking Work 3.5% White 93.2% Retired 2.0% Multi-racial 1.3% PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT FACILITY n = 106,559 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Educational Facility 57.9% School 54.7% Special School 2.2% Preschool 8.8% Elementary School 25.2% Secondary School 3.4% Several Schools 13.2% Schools, Unspecified 1.8% College/University 3.2% Health Care Facility (HCF) 37.0% Hospital Facility 13.0% Residential HCF 9.2% Skilled Nursing Facility 8.2% Other Residential Facility 1.0% Nonresidential HCF 14.7% Home Health 5.1% Private Physician’s Office 0.2% SLP’s or AUD’s Office 3.5% Speech & Hearing Center 2.1% Other Nonresidential Facility 3.8% All Other Facilities 5.1% AGE Source: Dues Notice 2009 34 and younger 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 and older n = 106,579 24.4% 30.2% 23.5% 18.1% 3.9% ETHNICITY Source: Dues Notice 2009 Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino n = 97,248 3.8% 96.2% PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT FUNCTION n = 107,031 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Clinical Service Provider 79.0% 9.0% Teacher Special Education Teacher 6.9% College/University Professor 2.1% Researcher 0.3% Consultant 1.8% Doctoral Candidate 0.2% 7.0% Administrator Administrator/Exec. Officer 1.6% Chair/Dept. Head/Manager 2.3% Supervisor of Clinical Activity 1.6% Other Director/Supervisor 1.5% Other Position 2.7% PRIVATE PRACTICE n = 110,302 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Not Employed in Private Practice 84.9% Employed Full-Time 5.4% Employed Part-Time 9.7% GENDER Source: Dues Notice 2009 Female Male n = 111,350 95.8% 4.2% These counts include individuals who were ASHA members or nonmember certificate holders during the period and whose dues/fees were paid. The percentages are for the number of respondents (n = respondents) to that question only; percentages may not total 100.0% due to rounding. For additional information about these figures, contact the ASHA’s Surveys and Information unit at (800) 4982071, extensions 8738, 8739 or 8749. TABLE 8: DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF ASHA MEMBER AND NONMEMBER CERTIFICATE HOLDERS CERTIFIED IN BOTH SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 TOTAL n = 1,214 EMPLOYMENT STATUS RACE n = 1,170 n = 701 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Source: Dues Notice 2009 Employed Full-Time 64.8% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.4% Employed Part-Time 17.6% Asian 3.7% On Leave of Absence 0.6% Black or African-American 2.1% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Unemployed/Seeking Work 1.3% 0.0% Unemployed/Not Seeking Work 1.5% White 91.6% Retired 14.2% Multi-racial 2.1% PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT FACILITY n = 984 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Educational Facility 44.2% School 30.5% Special School 3.0% Preschool 3.6% Elementary School 9.6% Secondary School 2.5% Several Schools 10.1% Schools, Unspecified 1.7% College/University 13.7% Health Care Facility (HCF) 45.0% Hospital Facility 12.8% Residential HCF 4.8% Skilled Nursing Facility 4.3% Other Residential Facility 0.5% Nonresidential HCF 27.4% Home Health 3.5% Private Physician’s Office 4.1% SLP’s or AUD’s Office 11.5% Speech & Hearing Center 5.1% Other Nonresidential Facility 3.4% All Other Facilities 10.8% AGE Source: Dues Notice 2009 34 and younger 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 and older n = 1,131 2.6% 11.5% 23.9% 29.6% 32.4% ETHNICITY Source: Dues Notice 2009 Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino n = 796 1.9% 98.1% PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT FUNCTION n = 1,015 Source: Dues Notice 2010 Clinical Service Provider 65.4% 13.0% Teacher Special Education Teacher 3.4% College/University Professor 9.6% Researcher 1.2% Consultant 5.2% Doctoral Candidate 0.4% 12.5% Administrator Administrator/Exec. Officer 3.4% Chair/Dept. Head/Manager 6.4% Supervisor of Clinical Activity 1.3% Other Director/Supervisor 1.4% Other Position 2.3% PRIVATE PRACTICE Source: Dues Notice 2010 Not Employed in Private Practice Employed Full-Time Employed Part-Time n = 1,052 70.8% 14.0% 15.2% GENDER Source: Dues Notice 2009 Female Male n = 1,204 73.4% 26.6% These counts include individuals who were ASHA members or nonmember certificate holders during the period and whose dues/fees were paid. The percentages are for the number of respondents (n = respondents) to that question only; percentages may not total 100.0% due to rounding. For additional information about these figures, contact the ASHA’s Surveys and Information unit at (800) 4982071, extensions 8738, 8739 or 8749.