Native Fish and ReLated Resources of Concern Satmonid Fish Distribution dams have adult fish passage facilities; Faraday and River Mill also have juvenile fish bypass facilities. The Table 5 Oak Grove Fork ofthe Clackamas River has two Clean Water Act, Section 303(d) Listed streams in the Clackamas River watershed 1994961 Spawning and rearing areas for coho salmon, spring and faU chinook samon, and summer and winter dams, at Lake Harriet (23 miles east of Estacada) and steelhead are shown on this map dispay Fish distri- Timothy Lake (near Mt. Hood). Because natural $ barriers occurjust downstream ofthese dams, fish * bution data are based on stream surveys conducted by bioogists from the US. Forest Service (USFS) and passage facilities were not necessary. A few smaller the Oregon Department of Fish and Wild Hfe St re am Reason for listing Supporting data Clackamas River Temperature - DEQ data: 76 percent (39 of 5 I ) of summer values exceeded temperature standard from mouth to River Mill Dam summer * (64°F) with exceedences each year and a maximum of 75.2 in water years I 986- I 995. Eagle Creek Temperature - U.S. Forest Service data: seven-day average of daily maximums of greater than 64°F with from mouth to wilderness boundary summer eight and I 5 days exceeding temperature standard (64°F) in I 99 I and I 992 respectively; dams are in place on tributaries to the Clackamas. ( ODFW) over severa years. The data include ony IIJL---w those streams where certain anadromous samonid Waterfalls are the typical natural impediment to fish species have been observed. Streams not highHghted passage. An example is the 30- to 35-foot waterlall greater than 64°F with 22 days exceeding standard at sites below and above South Fork may or may not have been surveyed, so anadromous on the Roaring River three miles from its confluence in 1990. or resident sh could be present on these streams. with the Clackamas Riven Fish Creek The map display shows two types offish habitat I from mouth to headwaters Temperature - U.S. Forest Service data: 7-day average of daily maximums of greater than 64°F with summer and 5 days exceeding temperature standard (64) in I 992 and I 993 respectively. Habitat modfication U.S. Forest Service data: Fish CreekWatershed Analysis I6 p areas: Water Quality and Water Supply Spawning and rearing: stream reaches where adult Information shown on this map is described in three fish lay eggs and juvenile fish feed and rest. sections: water quality, water-quality limited streams Rearing only: stream reaches where juvenile sh feed *Note: In general, rivers and streams were listed for their entire length, mouth to headwaters, unless information was available to divide the waterbodies into segments (such as dams, large changes in slope, or major tributaries entering the stream). As a result, the 303(d) list may classify an entire stream or large section of stream as water quality limited, even when some areas are not known to have problems.This approach encourages water quality management on a watershed basis. and water supply. and rest. Note: The initial fish distribution data provided by the Water Quality ODEW was amended by the USFS based on field survey Water quality information shown on the map ininformation. cludes locations of pollution source points regulated The map display also shows the two fish hatcheries by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the that operate in the watershed: the U.S. Fish and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, as Wildlife Service's Eagle Creek hatchery and ODFW's well as mining sites. Pollution source points include Clackamas hatchery at Mclver Park. The map display includes artificial and natural impedi- (just east of Estacada), River Mill (west of Estacada) and North Fork (upstream from Faraday). These the DEQ) such NPDES permit sites in the water- ofGeology and Mineral Industries. Only mines that shed. have permits filed with this department are shown on the map, and many sites could be inactive, Be- TRI sites in the watershed. TheTRI program governs cause some ofthe older locations were defined only by township and section, certain points may be positionally inaccurate up to one mile. chemical handling from the point ofgeneration to designated for clean up or mitigation. The EPA has tric dams on the Clackamas River mainstem: Faraday (MILOC) data base from the Oregon Department Inventory sites. water contamination that the federal government has Portland General Electric operates three hydroelec- (managed by the EPA) and 35 minor (managed by tion System permit locations andToxic Release the ODFW and USFS. trying to pass. Mineral Information Layer for Oregon Counties the DEQ hazardous wastes program. There are two Superlund sites are areas with severe soil or ground- facilities, the size ofthe waterfall and the fish species or streams must have a permit. There are I 3 major Superlund sites, National Pollutant Discharge Elimina- culverts and waterfalls. These data were provided by passage depends on whether the dam has fish passage is not indicated. Mine locations are based on the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) sites are regulated by ments to sh passage, such as dams, diversions, major Note: Whether a dam or waterfall actually impedes fish All operations that discharge wastewater into rivers identified two Superlund sites in the watershed. Not shown on the map, but worth noting, the DEQ has also identified more than I 00 clean up sites and more than 600 leaking underground storage tanks disposal. Conpanies that use chemicals must be The water-quality monitoring stations shown are registered and submit an annual report of what maintained by the DEQ, Clackamas RiverWater the chemicals they use, how much they purchased, and U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where and how much was disposed ofas waste. The difference between the amount purchased and the Portland General Electric and the Clackamas County Department of Utilities. Water-quality monitoring amount used or disposed of is assumed to be re- also occurs at all ofthe surface water intake loca- leased into the air or water tions for water utilities. Extensive water-quality data throughout Clackamas County. Water-Quality Limited Streams The I 972 federal Clean WaterAct requires each state to identify waterbodies (streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries) that do not meet water-quality standards. These waters are referred to as water-quality limited," and the state must include them on a list called the 303(d) list. This list identifies water-quality problems but not the cause, which is investigated later Three waterbodies in the Clackamas watershed are on Oregon's 303(d) list ofwater-quality limited streams, as developed by the DEQ: the Clackamas River from its mouth to the River Mill dam, Eagle Creek from its mouth to the wilderness boundary and Fish Creek (seeTable 5 for details). have been collected at each station, including tem- See the map display called Stream Status from DEQ perature and dissolved oxygen content. For more 303(d) Designation Process" for more information information about water-quality conditions at par- about water-quality conditions in streams throughout ticular stations, contact the appropriate agencies. the Clackamas River watershed. Also shown on the map are the locations of mining The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is a section ofthe Clean WaterAct that controls point source discharges into a waterbody. sites, including 2 I 8 stone mines and 37 sand and gravel mines. The level of mining activity at the sites Water SuppLy Water supply nformation shown an the map Stream Status from DEQ 303(d) waterbody (for example a river used for fish habitat pH and chlorophyll-a but is shown as of potential Late successional reserves: areas designed to serve Designation Process j may have different standards than a river used for concern" for sediment and 303(d) listed" for tem- as habitat for late-successional and old-growth drinking water). Standards fortemperature and perature. related species, including the northern spotted owl. ncludes the ocations of municpa surface water This map display shows the water-quality condition of ntakes, stream flow gauges, weHs and groundwater selected stream segments, based on sampling for a imted areas. The four muncpa surface water particular parameter such as temperature, pH or ntakes and ther ocations on the Cackamas dissolved oxygen. Each stream segment can be River are: described as: . '303 (d) listed," meaning that the waterbody exceeds the listing criteria for a particular Clackamas RiverWater District Lake Oswego Municipal Water river mile DEQ's 303(d) list I .0 S Oregon City - South ForkWater District river mile ofpotential concern (need additional data)," which means that the DEQ suspects that a I .0 stream or river segment may have waterEstacada can generally be described as: inside city limits quality concerns, based on the Oregon Statewide Assessment of Nonpoint Sources ofWater Pollution (August I 988), but needs Flow gauges are operated by the U.S. Fish and additional data to make a decision about Wildlife Service, Portland General Electric, Oregon including the waterbody on the 303(d) list Department ofWater Resources (OWRD) and U.S. S Geological Survey (USGS). Flow data, including generally meets water-quality standards for a annual peaks and monthly averages, are available for particular parameter most stations. shed. Wells that are exempt from OWRD permitting are not shown. Temperature standard: the seven-day moving aver- In these cases, not enough data have been collected Riparian reserves: areas along all streams, wetlands, age ofthe daily maximum shall not exceed 64 to classify the stream for any particular parameter ponds, lakes and unstable or potentially unstable may or may not have water-quality problems ( either no data have been collected or water-quality conditions). OWRD, and new uses of groundwater resources are restricted in these areas. Existing uses with an established water right are still permitted to withdraw. The only allowed uses are those that are exempt from permit requirements: domestic uses (less than I 5,000 gallons per day for non-irrigation use), livestock watering and industrial or commercial use of less than 5,000 gallons per day. areas. The main purpose of riparian reserves is to degrees F (most streams) or 55 degrees F (during salmon spawning, egg incubation and fry emergence). The criteria for 303(d) listing depend on several factors. For precise standards and listing criteria, Habitat modification standard: Cited information consult the DEQ's I 994/ I 996 303(d) List of Water from a resource management agency demonstrating Quality LimitedWaterbodies and Oregon's Criteria that a beneficial use (such as fish populations) has Used for Listing Waterbodies. achieve and maintain riparian and aquatic habitat conditions forthe sustained, long-term production offish, selected wildlife and plant species and high quality water The required width ofthe riparian reserve depends on the type ofwaterbody and been degraded because of habitat loss. Note: The digital data for these maps are in draft form Note: In general, rivers and streams were /isted for their and should not be used to pinpoint exact locations of entire length, mouth to headwaters, un/ess information water-quality problems. Where the GIS map and the was available to divide the waterbodies into segments 303(d) list diffe the 303(d) list takes precedence. whether it is fish-bearing. Managed late successional reserves: areas of core habitat for spotted owls, including nesting areas. These areas are not shown on the map. (such as locations ofdams, large changes in slope, or Congressionally reserved areas: lands that include major tributaries entering the stream). As a result the 303(d) list may classify an entire stream or large section Designated Special Areas designated Wilderness Areas, National Parks and Wildlife Refuges and other areas with special uses. ofstream as water-quality limited, even when some areas This map shows those lands and rivers that have are not known to have problems. This approach encour- In the Clackamas watershed, the Congressionally special management designations, including federal reserved lands are Wilderness Areas and Wild and ages water-quality management on a watershed basis. lands related to wildlife and spotted owl habitat and areas classified as special environmental resources. no highlighting, which means that the stream existing data are not sufficient to determine Groundwater limited areas are designated by the late-successional and old-growth forest ecosystem. Scenic rivers (see next page for more information). S The OWRD has 2 I 5 permitted wells in the water- OK," which means that the stream segment Streams that are not highlighted on any ofthe three maps may or may not have water-quality problems. river mie 3.0 parameter and has been placed on the These areas will maintain a functional, interactive, habitat modification depend on several factors, but 303(d) Streams Three waterbodies in the Clackamas River water- Wilderness Areas are managed as natural areas with "Of PotentiaL Concern" and "OK" Streams The I 994 Northwest Forest Plan defined manage- hiking trails and limited recreation. In these areas, In some areas, the DEQ suspects that a stream or ment strategies and goals for the more than 24 management activities are restricted to those allowed river segment may have water-quality concerns, but million acres of northern spotted owl range occur- under management plans for each respective wilder- not enough data are available to list the waterbody ring on federal land. Six types of land allocation ness area as well as overall wilderness guidelines. No on the 303(d) list. These areas are identified as of categories occur in the Clackamas River watershed: tree harvesting or road building is allowed. There are potential concern (need additional data). The DEQ adm i nistratively withdrawn areas, late successional two Wilderness Areas in the watershed. The Bull of will continue to gather water-quality data on these reserves, riparian reserves, managed late successional theWoodsWildernessArea preserves 34,900 acres streams. reserves, congressionally reserved areas and matrix of undisturbed forestland, while Eagle Creek flows lands (Northwest Forest Plan/Record of Decision). out ofthe western boundary ofthe Salmon-Huckle- The land allocation determines whether timber berry Wi Iderness, wh ich encompasses 44,600 acres harvest is restricted in those areas. Lands inside the (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife). shed are on the DEQ's 303(d) list of water-quality limited streams: the Clackamas River from its mouth to the River Mill dam, Eagle Creek from its mouth to the wilderness boundary and Fish Creek. Other stream segments have been classified as "OK" because they generally meet water-quality standards for a particular parameter It is important to note that a stream listed as OK" for one parameter may Mt. Hood National Forest are also governed by the Matrix lands: those federal lands in northern spotted Mt. Hood National Forest Plan. owl range, but not designated as protected. The goal The water-quality standards violated by Clackamas be classified as of potential concern" or even waterbodies are summer temperature and habitat "303(d) listed" for other parameters. For example, Administratively withdrawn areas: areas that include of matrix land is to provide Iumber wood fiber and modification. The DEQ applies different standards the lower Clackamas River (mouth to River Mill dam) recreational and visual areas, back country and other other products on a regulated basis, while retaining depending on the specified beneficial uses for that is described as OK" for bacteria, dissolved oxygen, areas not scheduled fortimber harvest. some forest land to allow wildlife to travel through the area. Because matHx ands are designated for Aquatic diversity areas (ADAs): areas designated by State statutes prohibit construction ofdams within timber harvest, they are not shown on this map (but the Oregon Chapter ofthe American Fisheries are shown on the Existing Land Use map). The purpose ofthe wild and scenic designation is to Essential Salmon Habitat: as defined in Oregon state designated reach of State Scenic Waterway. In manage designated segments by protecting their statute, these areas ofessential indigenous anadro- Society as critical for protecting Oregon's indigenous addition, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Depart- outstandingly remarkable values and maintaining and mous salmonid habitat" mean habitatthat is neces- ( native) aquatic fauna. Two major types of aquatic ment reviews permits for proposed uses and activi- enhancing the natural integrity of river-related values. sary to prevent the depletion of indigenous, or native, . ecosystems were designated. Type I ADAs are ties within a quarter mile on either side of a desig- New project proposals are evaluated for their anadromous salmonids during their life stages of a ecosystems in relatively healthy condition that are nated reach. Although timber harvesting, aggregate potential to directly or adversely affect the attributes spawning and rearing. The Oregon Division of State among the best remaining examples of a particular mining and development are rarely prohibited, the that made the river eligible for designation. The U.S. Lands, in consultation with the Oregon Department ecosystem type. Type 2 ADAs are ecosystems that department may place conditions on permits to Forest Service has prepared management plans to of Fish and Wildlife, identifies and maps essential Also shown on the Designated Special Areas map contain aquatic species or locally adapted stocks that decrease harmfu I environmental effects. protect and enhance the special values ofthe wild salmon habitat. Approximately 225 miles of essential arelier are in imminent danger of extinction. Three and scenic portions ofthe Clackamas and Roaring salmon habitat have been mapped in the Clackamas rivers. watershed. Fill and removal activities in waterways Afthough certain thinning and salvage activities are aHowed in the reserves, programmed timber harvest wiU ony occur on matrix lands and must comply with conservation guidelines. I andlier 2 key watersheds, national wet- FederalWild and Scenic River: In 1968,the U.S. land inventory sites, aquatic diversity areas, State Clackamas River subwatersheds, the Upper Scenic Waterways, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, Clackamas River the Collawash River and the Hot Springs Fork Collawash River are listed asType and essential salmon habitat. Congress enacted the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to establish a system for preserving I ADAs. outstanding free-flowing rivers. In I 988, Congress incorporated approximately 50 miles of the Tier I and Tier 2 watersheds: watersheds designated by the Northwest Forest Plan's Record of Several programs, such as the governor's Coastal Clackamas River into the federal wild and scenic Decision as containing (a) habitat for potentially Salmon Initiative ( I 997), have used ADA information riversystem. Thewild and scenic" portion of the threatened species or stocks of anadromous salmo- to identify sensitive watersheds, underscoring the fact river runs from Big Spring, in the Olallie Lake Scenic nids, or (b) greaterthan six square miles of high- that these areas are important to protect and re- Area, to Big Cliff, just upstream of North Fork quality water and fish habitat. Tier store. In addition, the Northwest Forest Plan's Reservoir The outstandingly remarkable values" contribute directly to the conservation of at-risk Aquatic Conservation Strategy has many ofthe same recognized by Congress for the Clackamas River anadromous salmonids, bull trout, and resident fish objectives as the ADA strategy and covers all federal were superb fishery, scenery and recreation. More species. They also have a high potential for being lands. However only federal agencies currently than 14 miles ofthe Roaring Riverare also desig- restored as part ofa watershed restoration program. provide special protection to these areas. nated as awild and scenic river." I watersheds a a .a a .a a Q a a designated as essential salmon habitat" are subject to a S stricter regulations pursuant to Oregon Administra- a a a 0 0 tive Rules (OAR) 141-102-000to 141-102-100. .a a a a 0 a a a a a a a a a In the Clackamas River basin,there are fiveTier I State ScenicWaterway: river or stream segments a .a watersheds: the Upper Clackamas River Collawash designated by the state of Oregon and administered River Hot Springs Fork/Collawash River Fish Creek by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. a a a a a and Roaring Riven Tier 2 watersheds do not contain Four sections ofthe Clackamas River are designated at-risk fish stocks, but they are important sources of as State ScenicWaterways: 2 miles ofthe North high-quality water Eagle Creek is aTier 2 watershed. Fork-Clackamas River four miles of South ForkOnce a federal agency has completed a watershed Clackamas Rivethe mainstem from OIlalie Lake analysis for the area, parts ofthese watersheds may Scenic Area to North Fork reservoir (54 miles) and be included in matrix lands (Record of Decision). C I the mainstem from River Mill Dam to Carver ( I 2 Tier I and Tier 2 key watersheds overlay federal land ( miles). use allocations. C c C National Wetlands Inventory: a wetlands inventory C C produced by aerial photo interpretation by the U.S. C Fish and Wildlife Service. Because aerial photos were used to interpret wetland sites, some smaller wetlands were not mapped. The Clackomas River provides many recreational opportunities, from fishing to boating. This kayaker is shooting through Bob's Hole, a set ofrapids known for its special hydraulics. \ p ; r \ - _ ) \\ 7_ : Spawning and Rearing _ N . \ : -. ,' VAGNER DAM) \ I . j j,.-' Coho (( 7 '-::. /L ... &\P ' . ' \ ' " \ ,: / ,: . I /1 I : , \__S : '1 H ; . FAX50379719O9 TEL5037971742 ;:;;4r.' h" ,.. T./ '( k\ ' ,j S ,--- - PORTLAND, OREGON 97232 2736 600 NORTHEAET GRAND AVENUE T!MOTHYLKDA ' :\S S \\ \ .. J , '- *' S Salmonid FishDistribution THE LYAPORHOUSE . S Watershed Project 'I ' : ClackamasRwer ; . " / ../... 'NFORK DAM / . ' PARKPOND - lu.-..- . . ; '' : ktorrt drc@trodtor. 5' ( .5 . Natural Impediments (Falls , Cascades) .-,c-_ -- 5 __j " N_ ' S- -Th \ S . ) _\ , ' . S :, . .. , \ , -' . R. S A / Rivers and Streams /V USB fLmdMmrng t)1996)ScaI I 4,800 USGS)1988)ScIe: 524,000 US .uT1GhR LineFIe(l990), updaod through 1996by McUo. Watershed CORRESPONDINGTEXTINCLUDEDINTHECLACKAMAS RIVER WATERSHED ATLAS B oundary ' Thmformson on 96smp w dned fmm&gffnl d96ongnaSng vmious oureegen1e C fl: \ \S\ N . S\>- \ 'S ' ' rTT ' n \ \\ Th \\ . Chinook Spring Chinook -I- S 5, ,...,. ,r___- / .. Spawning and Rearing S SERSANOUS D ' (WAGNER DAM) - *% RearingOnly ...,:.:: ,, "A c'1 \ '.' \ __y ' ' 0 MHLDAM PARKONDI \ 55/P J . '\ /5 )/ \\ \ S ,, \ \ '11 ' -::- ' : c ' \5 '5 ) , f__ T!MOTHYLKDA -./ . / SERSANOUS D ' (WAGNER DAM) . Winter Steelhead Spawning and Rearing / , /_ 5' ' PARKPOAV , ',------ NFORKDAMTIZT / / . I 5- , -;,--o (\ J / I THREELYNXPOWEPJJOUSE J TIMOTHYLKDA ) L , iI ' T '/ IT I JKDAM /- h . 'S \ ( IJHREE LYNXPOWERKOUSE 1) ::iii:i1 \ 1 S Spawning and Rearing , , Spawning and Rearing -TT::\ ' S Summer Steelhead I 5, ' Steelhead ' c) S I . , £ . . : , . 4'J 2\ (I -' , Fall Chinook -0T : )\ I IH.... r \\' wetkn rnthca6on of1hsnp. r-osibiIos forors, om,sos, orposmonal no wnn00000, nnprnss oronpbnd, nclndrng tbnwmnmoy of rnorohoofobiloy or8fnnnnforapanSooIpurpo00 5co,npmyrng lIon prodoof, Hownver, nonfinonon ninny crrornw,llbn npprnootnd. '5 p....... N , : N\ / : HARRLETDA] ,p. / 79'/ /T : ' 4; ' T1 9AIT \ , : (1997) HATCHER1ESUSGIogicSurvy)l996(,Sck-1:24,000 5,__ 5 2345 STREAMBARR1ERS:USFomtSrvi)l994)ScIes 1.24,000 Oregon Depamn ofFish ad Wddlife(1996( Sc1ond96rmined. oa 5 ' Fish Hatcheries ' _( -,-, 1 scaie 11oo,c. Andd by US For 55 .'. \ , 0 SALMONIDDJSTRIBIJFION. Oregon DpmntofFish and Wildlife (1996) Artificial Impediments (Dams, Diversions, Major Culverts) S ( S . ,_ c1n Miles M ETR 0 -S ,. a n \ -- S. , ' 5; : ! )-Ai- ' 1 : ' . *r[ '-44 adto, .! t:i \ ' :1 1 ,)iji,i/' ' I, .. -f.. .. , c..::: ;: £'' .- I' fIi7) HappyValley k t øT1: 'w S . __ 0 -S. \:._1(._jI . :' %1 . 0 C 7 Its % --,I' )k 5/J '1- River ' - - . S ? () ' /14? I *. st _.I 1\ ,, j / _\ I , II 1cie k' J \__ 1 , r' ' I ' S HWY2JJ MoIaIf ';i'), LE G E N D S EPA Source Points % Warquahy1tmitedstreams DEQ Source Points '' - (Oregon Health Department. 1 9%) " V Recource Dept.) Stone Sand and Gravel -'# , > S '-- ç .. Agy Ss, I /\i gssith55s, ssbr(sflg 9%) WAR QUUM1D SAMS fEssss $ /__ Roads _-- s( Al Rivers and Streams OtWDWARL1M1DAS OgssW,k Ci WELLS Ogs,ss WUrRSs,ss DpsrESsS 1996 Limits 1 sd,,ss,sd STREAMGAULOCAHONS USGSWSURS,sThSthsss 1996)Sn OgoW,R ssss S I 24OEO I County Line 2 j CLACKAMAS CO s MA R I 0 N CO . WAlER QUAUflMON1TORIMSTA77ONS Ps,sils,sd G,sEfr.Srn, p9%) C,sR,vrSbbsssss Ms,,ssk,nsg SSLS 5th ,hsdssspSo,$) M,r[Th4ss 19%)Sk sdEsd MJS OR I USCsssms ThGERLssF,k 1SS9O I 4800 . \' / J T( . . ) t / / 0 1 2 3 5 \ ' S . . i .- . . I S , I ( / ,-', ' 7 . ', '. . , . , a . , S ' Upper Clackamas River t S ' \ ii ioiawasi S ive ' 4y . . . 01 ( ' . . \._ j . ) 1 . r ,' 4 ' , : \ s . I 'OJt( , J '\ ¶ I -- ', ,2 I' 1. ', I' iF.. \ 'S/I pt E U Scale in Miles ' ' 2i' _ $, - V NO7E IHISMAP IS !N7ENDED TO RE USED TOc277iEE WITh! SHE (ORRESPOWDINO Th.XTINCLUDED IN ThIS CIJSCKAMASRIVER WAIERSHEDAIT.AS. . - ' . Urso 'I ui)' % ' . I ' __i ) i :_. r19%SsssI ) , i*6. .. ___L % '' / I \. t'- \ 4. S L ' '-'-' ; 4.1 ( t c __-,.- I? tA(tisi - c ' 14? ' ) '' 'S Subwatershedc 19%) 'e A \ ) ii I .5 ! Lake t\ 11T S A' . " " ) -4 );S./ JP ' / - ':. I EPAEO!NTSQrJRCEDATA USE . V' I -' . f4LW '. ' SP1 '- II % T%mot C/ackamRit'Tèr I .,# / s I \II .I /) . g I{ Mining Locations , :' . S / Ok 1 , ' N ' ) ç , \c. ,f 4( '\ \ u' .. ¶ / % C/ackQmas rRiver Si . i Wells ffrom Permits Filed at OR Water rIc /M/e:T' J%s ) ;:: ;. nJccr A----: :' ( WaterQuality Monitoring Stations . Surface Water Intake Locat,ons GroundwaterLimitedAreas \'\ Discontinued USGS Flow Gauges National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.) 4U\ %, /l#f\LS I ' Q1 v , ' Roaring River d0 /'\ Sti '2'- ,,. Roa 5f: (_ Fish Creek I ( : , V1 \ :;: 1 V) Active Flow Gauges MinorPoilutantDischargeLocations (Facilities regulatedunderihe . !t\ Flow and Water Quality Monitoring Stations SuperftindSites (4ctive) A * \S, SouthFork ,,C/ackamas7w METRO I, 4b i N . # kc' ' FAX5037971909 Ed @rt R "' I ThxicReleaselnvenioiySites \ :: :;k.: J It ' -4 . I' MorPollutantDichargeLocatios :2 -- 1 -- PORTLAND, OREGON 97232 273E TEL5037971742 S4.. _'\ khork I Et 600 NORTHEAST GRAND AVENUE \ 1 . : / NARDS kO : \ q .1 'I .. _ ;- ; - 2 ç1' \ 1::-.s.N.j; :;1 C/earCreek . *44' 4 ada \Water Quality and Water Supply . '. c J 'Q ---I J71) I .. - '4 t :. ø $ % i____ . . J % , - _1 S V '5 Watersnea Project i' jS\ --. S kp C )b.GOOSP% 'c_,.____ EL4,vo 'r iver (...lackai'nas y ",\ % , : fl - : - 1' \ . \ 511CR V *.\ .' ,\w SEEK A4 C/;ckainas West un,, 1 ar .' ' -.' CbMI) :::: dl J Rtver *...tCLowo 1. Deep Creek- ' )) , 4;?A. / ,ES? - V 4. r I ,J S (/ "-'- . Lak 's/ - ,,, \ V s I . 4. ' S. _S_ A%S*blI ' . k.. I r /. ' J \5 \ I I ' ' - I ----\ f d-- fN (J1 "ii '- - \'\\ LI ', / 303(d)-Listed For ? ' '' 1 \ I\ '\ ' ,v Temperature 'V Habitat Modification I UackamaslSiver Watershed Project / \ / ': - 7N'k T'K'-' c N : Ni ' _J___- \i_ l %4?) TEL5037971742 /: :': t 600NORTHEASTGRANDAVENUE {-:N S '\5: I \\; >;- ' Stream Status from DEQ 303(d) Designation Process t 4- - ;'5 - METRO N w I ,t -2 I / ç/I S 'j ,' _\ 5L_ Lartd &,o,,ro, I \__ )\ // '\ ,' I '?- 1ER k I \ S , \ ' '\ .- -. ' I\: \\ C "5S h 1 h yd °°°°° lyf I / by Porrnreter: MPEWMMER % f-2;'- \ ' NofhFrkEugI C,ok DISSOLVEDOXYGEN \ . ) - ii:: -- S Habitat Modfication \ S ' z ::zen \ _irS k St'rar,ro OfPr,tr'utoI Crrrroo,,r, For 1:T::\ ' Flow Modification FecalColfonn,orBacteria ,kJ . ' ( . 5 f- ; \ " //) çç / Nutrients For. ' N /\f \ N -S-- J:i:- Fecal Colfonn, or Bacteria Chlorophyll-a Hp , -r y :/ , I / // ' coop:k '\\ So00hFkCckasv F1I - Ii OaakGorovr'Fork C!athamrar R,o : \ \ \ SEDTh k / N < r \ "' \ \ 1 /) 1''> '/ r S % ,/_ C0okamrasRf Co//roash Rivo t, CopCk \ ' ,\ / , ' a 5 , ' S \- \ / .. S I FLOWMODIFICATION Ook Grovo Fork Clacka,rras Rivrr Ro,o1 C,'cek ukC ) f- / \ / ' ' : I \ ' S 1 K '''' ''°" ---' ''" / /_ 'I , , /I ; . '' r \ ' 0" ' c,, ' ( S' S / S ,/ r ' ) , MPEWMR - ) ClakamRer(Uppe) I I f /' ' % /_' C!!rooh Rivo / I/ , I okfoFkkCllohR:: k P at C ' k R /iar dson Creek Rraro Creek Shellrrrck Creek Slide Creek FECAL COLIFORM,BACJIrRL4 i;rr Creek NUTRIESVTS Foster Creek Richardson Creek abo "OK" S B1TATMODIF1CATION yh r ( < Co1IroashRive sh 1dbd (J )) ' Al s ediment 'S f , I forray parrarrerra, may srallbo 303(d)-Listod for R1wRsADsTREAMsoroforDrpmborarofFrshmrdWfld1ab(1996), T\ 't \f / (NeedAdditionalData) , , f\F\ bn th oaossof000-bghlighbo stroano. Sooaaoahighlighbo as OK or ROADS USForar ervico S (994)Sboe I 4800 USBurauofLandManagrrrrrrt(l998)Sca1r: :4,800 OfPotenttal Concern - ' a y pmnetN rt 303(d)bt th USConsus11GERLoeFilr(990), apdabodooagh f996byMrrro p(IS'\'\I:' 1- _%'c \ tb NOTE Stms thghhghtcd ' FiOhCk evssd notben mviwd by EPA0rODEQ wmrqooJsy sff. U Id B oundary 2345 1 WrAc (July, 1996). S: 1:1, 3O3(d)oftheCI I' I ' Watershed ?,f i1 es ca e in 0 I S Roads Rivers and Streams ' \Th ) S\SS\ \ ' ) Prarra,reter. EgfCk Fair C J - :- -- N I FAX5037971909 £ ; ) S PORTLAND,OREGON97232736 I I e -- - < _o\ 1' ', I I I / d F ' ' I ) 'SS S'r' \ - ' ' . '__%__ 'S\ I S ( , I So a ( I a8U Fork qfr Crlc Squ rrei Creek ' \ ._/' 1 \ DISSOLVED OXYGEN Claokra,r,00 Rr,er S ) FECCOLIFOI,BARL4 ClaokaamooRioer F I F -I.-' p11 Oackarnuo River '- d ' ' ) S \_ ' - I \I S i\ \ '\ I , ' 5, f ( '-,'- ) yLVb \ ,L \ Ii - \_ /J .-1 sO '1I.: KLSOR' .. \; < / ' i - 4S -. " WetLinn ) \ 4'ô _( t \\ ' v \\ \ " : . w000 '1 . Es r' ada 11- eL / (c\i '";i T _] 'I - ::: r . - National Wetlands Inventoiy /s/ \\ (,1j1 Stet: ,\ Designated W,lderne Areas g RJVERSAND SIREAMS s Wild and Scenic River Esential Salmon Habitat : t ,,\ \ : s' * ! ' ' -'1 ' S : ' \ ?\ 's ' '! 1P' I 'S .- '. % : ;sKj::;>: . /' hRi'r \%% CountyLine ;/ 4 5 S '\ \\\"\ "\'S 4fS# 4 * (' \0 4 ' '\ Ø: " Hot Springs Fork 3 ' '. 49\:%'*4\ / I: R,ver3andStreams d Wildl9 19%) d 1 i - I , P 2 oJ1bp ç' S / Subwatersheth, ScaXe in Miles f \ . / <, 4 ' '_'#' : tc? i t\ 79% S I I I 00 1 4 800 Q,gu,s Dpui,u,u fFuh 4. 7 iRiver : 'FlshCreek , d __J_z-j - : _._) /4/ Designated Federal I ) I A' Roads AquatcDtversity \\ I 94 i \\ t\Cre I+ to us m tr METRO ;11f' HWY2II FAX 503 7971909 . \ s EWW9Q Late Successional Reserves, Riparian Reserves and lj .:\M¼ (L ts tdr Irt PORTLAND OREGON 97232 2736 ' ...w LEGEND 4I \4 .- TEL 503 797 1 742 SaIrnonHuckIeberry ' 1 600 NORTHEAST GRAND AVENUE ?1e LE / .4 . \ / L\ 1C/earCreek \1 ? -- L ::j Park ' 1, H ' S:: tk/J: 2 NARDSRQ Designated Special Areas '' - - Watershed Project F GOOSe14 _J ' ClackamasRiver River -I 4: r ' ' f ) . L :\V \ \ (\ \ 1$.1Rive, ; I Deep Creek rton . ct.: Et'j% "\ . : 'I . / L-4- 1Jhi-' '.. I A ;rf :::; / ' tonI a , e u ) -:- 'k j: s ( ( %\ ' 1 / \\ ' p ' 4 , $ I ' \. . _,sF , __/---\ . ft ' )