by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13a. §6, the Texas Register publishes executive orders
. ued by the Governor of Texas. Appointments and proclamations are also published. Appointments are
llblished in chronological order. Additional infonnation on documents submitted for publication by the
overnor's Office can be obtained by calling (512) 463-1828.
IS required
xecutive Orders
ling to the formation of the Governor's Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Code of Criminal Procedure.
AS. the Code of Criminal Procedure is the primary statutory guide to the conduct of fair criminal trials in the State of Texas;
AS. the Code of Criminal Procedure has not been significantly revised or recodified since 1965;
REAS. the present Code of Criminal Procedure is overly long, complex, outmoded, and contains provisions which are not conducive to
effective and efficient administration of the criminal justice system;
REAS, trial and appellate judges. prosecutors, and defense attorneys all recognize the need to modernize and simplify that Code;
AS, the achievement of this goal can best be accomplished by forming an Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Code of Criminal
edure to recommend specific statutory changes to the Texas Legislature;
'OW TIffiREFORE, I, George W. Bush, Governor of the State of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby order that the
ernor's Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Code of Criminal Procedure, be formed.
committee will consist of no more than 21 members appointed by the Governor for a two-year term. The membership shall be composed
active practitioners in the criminal justice system with roughly equal numbers of judges. prosecutors, and defense attorneys. Members shall
e at the pleasure of the Governor. The Governor shall designate a Chair from the membership who shall hold such designation at the
ure of the Governor. The Governor shall fill any vacancy on the committee caused by death. resignation, or inability to serve. Inability to
e sball include failure to attend two consecutive meetings. either in person or by designee.
Committee shall have as its principal charge the formulation of a revised Code of Criminal Procedure for consideration by the Texas
eCommittee shall meet at least quarterly or at the call of the Chair. A majority of the membership sball constitute a quorum for the purpose
conducting the business of the Committee.
members of the Committee shall serve without salary. Necessary travel and per diem expenses may be reimbursed when such expenses
incurred in direct performance of official duties, but not to exceed $80 per day as permitted in Article IX, Section 33 of House Bill I, the
txas General Appropriations Act.
. executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me.
ell in Austin, Texas, on October 20, 1995.
George W. Bush
Govemor of Texas
~ting to the formation of the Governor's Juvenile Justice Task Force.
lIEREAS, violent juvenile crime in Texas has risen more than 280% in the past decade;
liEREAS, the 74th Texas Legislature enacted major reforms of the state's Juvenile Justice Code to combat this rising tide of juvenile crime;
lIEREAS, this newly enacted code provides significant opportunities and challenges to state and local criminal justice officials and
19 TexReg 8953