' As required by Texas Civil Statutes. Article 6252-13a. $6,the *as Register publishes executive orders issued by the Governor of lkxas. Appointments and- proelamations are also published. Appointments ,are published in chronological order Additional information on documents submitted for publication by the Governor's Officecan be obtained by calling (512) 463-1828. h i Fmcutive Orders THE STWE OF TEXAS EXEC,^ DEPOF THE GOVERNOR-AUSTIN, . TEXAS. . BXECUTIVB ORDER GWB 9801 . RELAIING TO THE DESIGNKITON OF THE TEXAS SEW: TARY OF STAlT3 AS CHIEP ' W O N TO MEXICO AND THE BORDER REGION OF TEXAS . . Otherwise to promote good relations between Texas and Me%@ and to resolve problems or explore opportunities relative to Teps and Mexico. Any other activiti& incident to the foregoing or otherwise related thereto as appropriate or as requested. George W. Bush. Governor of Texas Filed: July 22, 1998 + WHWEAS. Texas and Mexico are linked by geography, sharing a 12Wmile bdrder, the longest border between any American state and Mexico; THE STATE OF TEXAS EXECUTlVE DEPARTMENT OF THE WHBREAS. Texas and Mexico are linked by history, with s i g m b n t portions of the land now comprising Texas having once been governed by Mexico; GOVERNOR-AUSTIN, TEXAS, EXBCUTIVE ORDER GWB 98-2 RELATING TO THE EMERGENCY SUSPENSION OF A RBGUALTORY STATUTE . . WHWZEiAS. Tcqs and M e d o are linked by family ties, with approximately one quarter of Texans being of Hispanic origin, most of whom are Mexican decent; WHEREAS,a state of disaster has been declared for the State of WHEREAS. Texas and Mexico are linked by culture, with many Texans speaking Spanish, enjoying Mexican food and art, and celebrating Maxican holidays like Dies y Seis and Cinco de Mayo; 3,1998, and expanded and extended July 23, 1998; and WHEREAS, Texas Government Code Section 418.016 provide that the Gwemor may suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business if strict compliance with the provisions would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with a disaster; and WHEREAS, drought conditions have resulting in depleted pasture forage and hay supplies; and WHEREAS, the suspension of certain statutory requirements will allow farmers to access hay beyond a 150-mile radius without obtaining a commercial driver's license. NOW, THEUFORE,. I, George W. Bush, Gwernor of the State of Texas, under the authority vested i n me and in accordance with Texas Gwemment Code Section 418.016, do hereby suspend Texas Transportation Code Section 522.004(a)(l)(B)with the limitation that this suspension apply only to a vehicle used m.transpott hay. This Executive Order shall terminate ninety (90) days forlthe date of signature. George W. Bush. Gwemor of Texas F i : August 5, 1998 WHEREAS. Texas and Meixico are linked economically, with Mexico being Texas' principal trading partner and with T w s accounting for nearly half of all American trade with Mexico; and WHEREAS, for the foregoing reasons. Texas greatly values its relationship with Mexico and regards a friendly and cooperative relationship with Mexico as being of immense importance to Texas. NOW. THEREFORE. I, George W. Bush. Gwenror of the State of Texas, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution anti laws of this State, do hereby designate the Texas Secretary of State as Chief Liaison to Mexico and the Border Region of Texas and charge the ,Secretary of duties that include, but are not limited to, the following: Represent the Governor and the State of Texas at meetings and other events,with Mexican and border leaders. and with the appropriate federal and other officials. Arrange and facilitate meetings and other engagements between the Gwernor and Mexican leaders and between the Governor and border leaders. Attend events related to Mexico and the border as appropriate or as requested. Travel to Mexico to promote goodwill, tourism, trade, investment and other kinds of economic development as appropriate or as requested. Texas caused by the severe droughr and WHEREAS,an Emergency Disaster Proclamation was issued on July ' THE STME OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF THE GOVERNOR-AUSm. TEXAS. EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB 98-3 RELATING TO THE CRZME STOPPERS ADVISORY COUNCIL GOVERNOR Januury 15,1999 24 ~ e x 279 ~ e ~ WHERElAS, by legislative enactment the Texas Legislature created the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council, the regulation .of which ,is codi6ed in Chapter 414 of the Texas Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Legislature enacted S.B. 383, 73rd. Legislature, Regular Session,.Section 3; provides that: "An advisory committee as defined in Article 6252-33, Revised Statutes. as added by this Act. that exists as of September 1. 1993. is automatically abolished September 1, 1997, unless: (1) the gwerning body of the agency estabdshes a different date un&r Section 8. Article 6252-33. Revised statutes; or (2) the advisory committee has a specific duration presckbed by statute. -AS, it is unclear whether this abolition was intended to effect the Crime Stopper Advisory Council; and WHEREAS,an Attorney General's Opinion has been requested on this issue, but not yet issued; and we expect the 76th Legislature to reconsider the abolition of the Crime Stopper Advisory Council. and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the State of Texas and all local' crime stopper programs to continue the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council; and NOW. TI-EREFORE. I, George W. Bush. Gwernor of the State of Texas under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas, do hereby create an interim Crime Stoppers Advisory Council to exist and continue under the same terms and conditions as those imposed by the Legislature until September 1. 1999. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me. George W. Bush, Governor of Texas RELATING TO THE EMERGENCY SUSPENSION OF A KEGULrnRY S T m WHEREAS, a state of disaster bas been declared for the State of Texas caused by the severe drought; and WHEREAS,an Emergency Disaster Prodlamation was issued on July 3, 1998,Gnd expanded and extended July 23, 1998; and WHERE&U. Texas Government Code Section 418.016 provides that the Goveplor may suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute or rules of a state agency prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business if strict compliance with the provisions wou1d.h any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with a disaster; and WHEREAS, drought conditions have resulted in depleted pastuie forage and hay supplies; and WHEREAS, the supsension of certain statutory requirements will allow farmers to access hav in sufficient auanties from ~ersons transporting the hay over a s&te maintained &way using Aersized vehicles. 64 TexReg 280 Jan- F i :August 14, 1998 THE S T m OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF TEE GOVERNOR-AUSTIN. TBXAS.EXEORDER GWB 98-6 RELATING TO THE EMERGENCY SUSPENSION OF REGULAr TORY STM'UTES AND RULES IS, 1999 Texas Register 2 Under the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Chapter q4the Emergency Disaster 418.016 of the Texas Govemment Code) a Proclamation. dated, August 26, 1998, issue in response to the f l d g caused by Tropical S t r h Charley, 'I. Gemp ,' W. Bush Governor of Texas do hereby suspend the application of Section 19(t) of the Manufactured Housing Standards Act. Article 52215 statute and Te~ras*e&p CodeL 10, Section 80.w(a)(l), relating to the impoPtion 0 f . f for ~ title transactions. This suspension is only for title transactions,,rehting to both the temporary and ultimate disposition of manufgctured homes acquired from the Federal Emergency Management Agency in response to'-the disaster. This otder is being issued to en'sure . that existing procedures do not in any way prevent hinder. or dklay- " necessary action in-coping wirh this disaster. This order will remain in effect until rescinded or m&ed by me. - THE STATE OF TEXAS EXEcUTIW DEPARTMENT OF THE. GOVERNOR-AUSm. TBXAS.E X E C m ORDER GWB 98-4 I This Executive Order s ~ t e r m i n a t ninety e (90) &ys from the date of signature George W. Bush Gwernor of Texas George W. Bush. h v e q o r of Texas pied: October 2%T i Fi: August 11. 1998 I NOW, W O R E . I, George W. Bush. Governor of the State of Texas, under the authority vested in me and in accordance with Texas Government Code Section 418.016, do hereby suspend Texas Transportation CadedS&&n 621.201(a) with the limitation that this suspension apply only to h vehicle used to transport bales of hay in addition to suspending aliy rules promulgated pursuant to Texas Transportation Code Sections 623.017 and 623.Ml(a). Proclamations, , i:, .+ PROCLAMATION 41-2729 TO' ALL WHOM .THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME: , .. . . . I, George W. Bush, Gpvernor of Texas, do hereby amend and mend my July 3, 1998 Proclamation certifying that all 254 counties in 5e State of Texas are threatened by extreme fire hazard. This thrdt was drought and still exists statewide. Additionally, caused by -me these conditions persist with impacts affecting agriculture, hbf systems, coupled with related health and human service,concem. Therefore, in a m d a n c e with the authority vested in nie by.Sec2tion. 418.014 of the l b a s Government Code. I do hereby pmdaim~the existence of such disaster and direct that all necessary,measures both bdk public and private as authorized under Section 418.015 .of the , be implemented to meet that disaster. In accordance with the Statutory requirements. copies of this proclamation shall be filed with the applicable authorities. George W. Bush. Governor of Texas Filed:July 24,1998 I