THE -GOVERNOR I As required by Texas Civil Statutes. Article 6252-13a. $6, the Register publishes ex&utive orders issued by the Governor of Texas. Appointments and proclamations are also published. &pointments are published in chronological order. Additional information on documents submitted for publication by the Governor's Office can be obtained by calling (512) 463-1828. I u f shall be reimbursed for their actual expaws in smhgton the delegation. r THBST~OFTBXASBXBCUTIVBDBP~O~OF THE GOVERNOR-AUSTIN:TBXAS, EXXWIW ORDER GWB All 8gemka of the state an themby d i d to moperate and assist -97-w-LLtbe delegation in the pu-fomanccof its duties. This Order shall be effective i m m e d i a t c i i a n d ~ ~ d ~ r o b p ~ l a s ~ ~ m s ~ s l ~, . - l ~ 'S r r ~ qBx#xlsive l infullforaaad~ectdmodiW,ammded,ortescindadbyme. FUTURB --------- - ---_--- IN TESTIMONY QHELREOP, I haw hereunto sct my hand and WHEREAS. on Friday, January 24. 1997. Clintm and cauaedtheWtStaloftheS~ateofrrxaStobe~Doneattbe fomer Reaidsnt Bush jointly anaounced p h for a nritionwidt -b- a ~ ~ g h t h e y e ~ 2 0 0 0 a n d ~ b e y o n d - fCapitol o r in the City of Austin this 11th day of March. 1997. level of fxxnmmtent to me&ag the chahges facing our OegZeW.Bush.GavemorofTaas Mtidschildnnandyouth; and TRD-8808S78 WHBRBAS, thisdortwill bef~rmallylaun~kadatb~residsnts' Filed: June 15. 1998 Summit for Amulca's Future to be held in'PhWclphiaApril 27th W g h April 29t4 1997; and 4 WHERBAS,GeaenlColinL.Pcrwslthas~~tedto,~as THE !STMI3 OF TEXAS EiXECUTNE DEPQPmGE OF theChairmanoftheSummitandhassrxtendedaniwitationtothe THE GOVERNOR-AUSTPT, TEXAS, BXECUTLVE ORDER GWB Cicnrsmoa of Texas to lead a h - p m m ddc$ation to U 3 b m i t ; 97-20 and RELkITNG TO THE CRENION OF THE GOVERNOR'S TASK WHBRBAS, this administration has a siacuc and 5rm commitment FORCE ON LLBGAL.GAMBLING tothegaalreofpmvidingchildrenwithaccesgtothefhrefundanwatal WHEREAS. Tcarrs has a general public policy ageinst gambling nsaurcts that can help than lead healthy, fuMlhg and prOdUCtiYG * lives. WHEREAS, the citizens of Tuns have approved of bingo, charitable l e a , pari-mutucl wagering, and the state lottay as the only an @g fiwith a caring adult- a c' fexceptions to the State's general public policy against gambling; safe places and wucauedaaivitiss during nonschool hours to learn WHEREAS, the Gwmor has been advised by law enfummnt andmw ofacials that cumnt statelaw docs not make thep d n of illegal a ' h d t h y start; gambling rrctivities a priority; a wkaable s-k--U h g h effective edumhx WHERBAS, the Governor bclinncs that a systema!ic statewide "s-----T aras*an~~togivebsdr:dvoughormmunitysavict WHktUMS, that it is appropriate to mahaate i r o d b . ~ ~ & ~ ~ w . ~ ~ ~ o f t h e s ~the .Gavemor a o btliaves f whethu l a w enforcemat ofWals have the necessary tools to enforce Tsaaa undutheauthOrit~lvWinme,dohatby&thathState o f T e J I M s u p p a t ~ q n B ~ 0 i n t h e B e w l e v e S o f c o m m i h a e n t the State's public palicg againat gambling. t o ~ g t h t - ~ ~ f a c i n g a u r n a t i o n ' s ~ a n d y a uNOW, t h THEREFORE. -I, George W. B u 4 Governor of the State b @ h b g with the'&&b~' summit for h 6 h ' s &We. of 'Ibras, under the authority vested in me, ilo'haeby usate and ~ " e ~ f e s s i n g ~ : ~ ~ 7 5 p ~ ~ t u n s e e s i a n d aestrblhb n a a dthe Governor's Task Force on Illegal Gambling, which shallsavtinanadvisorycapacirytotheGavemor. ThisTask myp~inAu@ii,t~&afitCptraond&gationto Parct shall be c o m m of repmxmtatives f r o m the LcgUturc, repressntmeandtbeSta~of~atthe~ts'Summitfot the prosccutM and law enfomment canmunitics,b m Smte America's Puturc. The d&p* 6 h I I be led by F irst Lady Laura from agacia charged with the dorcema! of gambling laws, and from Bush and ahdl attend tbe S u e and qart to ma on the details thepublic. ThcTeslr.Forceshall~lishthef~gob~: ofthegoalsoftheSIPnmitandrscammendacourstofactionto (1) accumulate all available data on gambling in rr;rraS, and analyze implemem tfioge goab. ittof~anaccura#p~ofthecurrentstatusandfime Tbe members of the dedqation shall .srrvc.wftbout salary'or if state growthofiUegalgamblinginthisState;(2)salicit~utfrompasons €mplcym,without aAditinnal salary. The members oftbs delsgation kbdfied by theTaslcFoFce, whocanprovidedevant hfomwkm 1 4, . 7 + + . -- ----- ------ " D W V B ~ O R June 26,2998 23 TIERg 6667