*I C of the Governor ReLATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL a* extended b u s h t dry and flammable. t of large, dangerous* ential of endangering eT ~ Stat se Fire Marshal W ~ thatS the US of s of severe drought Presenb the threat tute an imminent threat of disaster and use of ground fir~worksucurrent t present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEREAS,Archer County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable, thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous. and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; of Disaster has been decland for all 254 Texas counties, including Archer County. based on the imminent threat of wildfire; WHBREAS, the Texas State Firc Marshal believes that the use of a-1 fireW& in @ ~ ( M s of severe drought p-t~ the thrat of w W e and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supervised use of ground fireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster: use of a h 1 fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration. other and a d f a t i m * 0 t h ~ than municigdly sponsored fireworks displays, until such time as no until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. NOW. THEREFORE. I GEORGE W. BUSH, GOVERNOR OF y prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of W V E M Q R June 28,1996 21 TexReg 5895 aerial fireworks, as defined above, in Archer County, Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted fireworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Archer County has been terminated or this Order is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL FIREWORKS IN ARMSTRONG COUNTY. TEXAS WWBEXS. Armstrong County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous. and fast-moving wild&= which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHEREAS, the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought, the magnitude of the danger for potential damage, and the speed at which such fires could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; WEWWAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 Pith 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code, hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan")), and in accordance therewith a State of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties. including Armstrong County. based on the imminent threat of wildfire; WHEREAS, the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of aesial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supervised use of ground lireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEREAS, for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as &ed in the American Pyrotechnics Association, Inc. Standard 87-1. April. 1993 J3dition as amended, Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( Sections through adopted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS. the County Commissioners Court of Armstrong County. Texas, adopted an official Resolution requesting the Governor, pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale and use of aerial ireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and. celebration, other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays. until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. I GEORGE W. BUSH, GOVERNOR OF NOW. -ORE, TEXAS,in accordance with the Plan. and by authority of the Act, do hueby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks, as d e h e d above. in Armstrong County. Texas. except for municipallg sponsored or permitted fireworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Armstrong County has been terminated or this Order is Sooner yxcinded. the speed at which such fues could escalate to major propo constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster, WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the hereinafk~"Act") a State Emergency Managem adopted (hereinafter "F'lan"), and in aaxrdance of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties. indu Austin County, based on the imminent threat of wilme; WHEREAS, the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the that the properly supervised use of ground fireworks u WHEREAS, for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fire as dehed in the American Pyrotechnics Association, Inc. 87-1. April. 1993 Edition, as amended. Section 3.1.2 Sections through adopted by the U.S. of Transportation and as attaclied hereto and incarporat reference; and . WHEREAS, the County Commissioners Court of Texas. adopted an official Resolution requesting punwant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in disaster from drought is imminent. do hereby plbhibit the retail aerial fhworks, as W e d a for municipally sponsored or State of Disaster in Austin Co is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THB SALE AND USE OF FIREWORKS IN BEE COUNTY. TEXAS W H k A S , Bee County is suffering from an extended drou has caused local vegetation to become dry and ffammable creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous, moving wild5res which have the potential of endangering damaging property on a large scale; the speed at which such fues could escatate to major p constitute an imminent threat of great= disaster; RE LA TIN^ TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL FIREWORKS IN AUSTIN COUNTY. TEXAS WHEF2EAS. Austin County is suffering from an extended drought that has mused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous, and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHEREAS. the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought, the magnitude of the danger for potential damage. and 21 TexReg 5896 June 28,1996 Texas Register County, based on the imm WHEREAS the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the NOW, THEREFORE, I GEORGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF @@REAS as.definsd.l khe' herisan Pyrotechnics Association, Inc. Standard Edition as amended, Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( gl-1, A ~ r $3993 ll sections 3. @1 through 3.1.25). adopted by the US. Department fion end as attached hereto and incaporated herein by referen unty Commissioners Court of Bee County. Texas. fl Resolution requesting the Governor, pursuant to adopt8 to him in the Act and in accordance with the the aut on the sale and u b of aerial fireworh and Plan t' devices used for display and celebration, other other F sponsored fireworks displays, until such time as than m drought is imminent. oqm NOW, m , I GE!ORGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF fi munici! of D k rescind WHERl has cau creating movlng A BAN ON THE SALB FOARD COUNTY. TEXAS USE OF AERIAL County is suffering from an exteaded drought that damagu WHERl drt iL. do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks, as defined above. in F w d County. Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted fireworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Foerd County has been terminated or this Order is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL FYRJWORKS lN CROCKJTIT COUNTY. TEXlAS WHEREiAS, Crockett County is suffering from an extended'gr~ught that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. thereby crealing collditiom that pose the threat of large, 9gerous. and fast-moving wil& which have the potential of endbguing lives and damaging proputy on a large scale; WHEREAS. the cfim prospects of .rainfall that would abate the drought. the aagnicude of the danger for potential damage, and the speed at which such MUM escalate to major proportions d t i t u t e an imminent threat of greater disaster; do derf RELA? PIREW TEXAS,in accordance with the Plan, and by authority of the Acf the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the magnitude of the danger for potential damage, and which such hw could escalate to major proportions imminent threat of greater disaster; d OD the imminent threat of wildfire; Texas State Fire Marshal W v e s that the use of ly supervised use of ground tireworks under current 0x1s would not present a threat of imminent disaster; , 1993 Edition. as amended. Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( .12,1 through, adopted by the U.S. Department and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by , the County Commissioners Court of Foard County. an official Resolution requesting the Governor. ted to h i in the Act and in accordance sale and use of aerial fireworks r display and celebratian, other displays, until such time as no WHEREAS. in akdance'with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Title 4, Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. herehaftex "Act")a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan")). and in accordance therewith a State of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties,including Crock% County, based,on the imminent threat of wildfire; WHEREAS.the Texas State P i e Marshal bebves that the use of aerial h w o r k s in conditions of severe drought presents the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supenised u e of ground fireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disasteq WHEIU3AS. for purposes of this Execntive Order, aerial fireworks are as f f i e d in the American Pyrotechnics Association. Inc. Standard 87-1. April. 1993 Edition, as amended, Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( Sections 3.12.1 through 3,125). adopted by the U.S. Department of Transporealim and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS,the County Commissioners Court of Crockett County. Texas, atlopted an official Resolution requesting the Gownor. pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale and use of aerial fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices nsed.for display and celebration, other than muniupally sponsored tireworks displays, until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. NOW, THEREFfORE. I GEORGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF TEX&. in accordance with the Plan, and by authority of the Act, do hereby prohibit the =tail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks, as defined above, in C d t t County, Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted fireworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Crockett County has beem terminated or this Order,$ s o o m rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL FIREWORKS IN FOARD C O W , TBXAS WHEREAS,Foerd County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. thereby creating conditions .&at pose the threat of large, dangerous, and fastmoving wildfires which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; 'GOVERNOR June 28,1996 21 TexReg 5897 WHEREAS, the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought. the magnitude of the danger for potential damage, and the speed at which swh 5rea could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; WHEREAS,in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Session, incorporated herein by reference, plus Roman Ca Act of 1975 (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code, hereinafter "Act'? a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan'?, and in accordance therewith a State of D i t e r has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, including Foard County, based on the imminent threat of wildfire; WHEREAS. the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supervised use of ground fireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEREAS. for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as dehed in ttre American Pyrotechnics Association. Inc. Standard 87-1. April, 1993 Edition. as amended. Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( Sections through adopted by the US. w e n t of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the County Commissioners Court of Foard County. Resolution requesting the Governor. Texas. adopted an o=al pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale and use of aerial fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration, other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays, until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. NOW. THEBD0R.B. I GEORGE W. BUSH, GOVeRNOR OF TBXAS.in accordance with the Plan, and by authority of the Act, do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks, as de.6ned above, in F w d County. Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted 6reworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Foard County has been terminated or this Order is sooner rescinded. I THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL RELATING TO A B ~ ON mRBWORKS IN ELLIS COUNl'Y. TEXAS WHWEAS, Ellis County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large. dangerous, and fastmoving wildfires which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; WBKEhS. the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought1 the magnitude of the danger for potential damage. and the spe+ at which such fires could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. hueinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan''), and in accordance therewith a State of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, including Ellis County, based on the imminent threat of wildllm WHEREAS. the Texas State F i e Marshal believes that the use of aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and 21 TexReg 5898 June 28,1996 Tenas Register until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THB SALE AND USE OF mREWORKS IN EL PAS0 COUNTY. TEXAS lives and damaging property on a large scale; the speed at which such fires could escalate to major p constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; Act of 1975 (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Governm Paso County, based on the imminent threat of wildfire; of wildfire and would consti WHEREAS, the County Texas. adopted an offi pursuant to the authority NOW, -ORE. I GEORGE W. BUSH. . until the State of Disaster in El Paso County has been ted or this Order is sooner rescinded. TG TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OP AERIAL tKS IN WALDE COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS,in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan"), and in accordance therewith a State of Disaster has been decked for all 254 Texas counties, including Fort Bend County, based on the imminent threat of wildfire; AS. Uvalde County is suffering from an extended drought . caused local vegetalion to become dry and flammable, WHEREAS,the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous, aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat wing wildfires which have the potential of endangering of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and damaging property on a large scale, that the properly supervised use of ground fireworks undq current , the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the climatic wnditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; the magnitude o f the danger f o ~potential damage, and WHEREAS,for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial firevorks are at which such fires could escalate to major proportions defined in the American Pyrotechnics Association, Inc. 'Standard as an imminent threat of greater disaster; 87-1,April. 1993 Edition, as amended, Section 3.12 et seq. ( Sections through adopted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the County Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County. Texas, adopted an official Resolution requesting the Governor, pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale, possession and use , the Texas State Fire U s h a 1 believes that the use of in conditions of severe drought presents the threat of h w o r k s and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration, other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays, and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. supervised use of ground fireworks under current s would not present a threat of imminent disaster; NOW. THEREFORE. I GEORGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF TEXAS,in accordance with the Plan, and by authority of the Act, do ,for purposes of this.Executive Order, aerial fireworks are hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks, as defined above, in Fort Bend County. Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted fireworks displays, until the state of Disaster in Fort Bend County has been terminated or this Order is sooner rescinded. RBLATWG TO A BAN ON THE SALE! AND USE O F AERZAL FIREWORKS IN BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS WI-EUWAS. Brazoria County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. thereby creating conditions that pose .the threat of large, dangerous, and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering 'lives and damagingproperty on a large scale; . ORGE W. .BUSH, GOVERNOR OF WHEREAS, the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the the Plan, and by authority of the Act, drought, the magnitude of the danger for potential e g e . and the speed at which such fires could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; WHEREAS,in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Title 4, Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. herehiafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Elan has been TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL adopted (hereinafter "Plan"), slid in accordance therewith a State S IN FORT BEND COUNTY. TEXAS of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, including Brazoria County, based on the imminent threat of wildfire; AS. Fort Bend County is suffering from an extended drought caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. WHEREAS, the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of y creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous, aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat st-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering of wildfire and would constitute an imminent thr&t of disaster and and damaging propere on a large scale; that the properly supervised use of ground fireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster, WHEREAS, for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as dehd in the American Pyrotechnics Association, Inc. Standard 87-1. April. 1993 Edition. as amended. Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( GOVERNOR June 28,1996 21 TexReg 5899 Sections through adopted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS,the County Commissioners Court of Bnwwia County. Texas. adopted an official Resolution requesting the Governor. pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act dnd in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale, possession and use of fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration, other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays. until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. NOW, THERWORE. I GEORGE W. BUSH. GOWRNOR OF TEXAS,in a m d a n c e with the Plan, and by authority of the Act, do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks, as defined above. in Brazoria County. Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted fieworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Brazoria County has been terminated or this Or@ is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AE!RIAL mREWORKS IN GRAY COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS. Gray County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable, thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous, and fast-moving wildfires w&h have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHBRBAS. the County Commissioner's Court of Gray County has previously requested the Governor to ban all &works; aerial fieworks, as &ed above, in Gray County. Texa State of Disaster in Gray County has been terminated or is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF .FIREWORKS IN HARRIS COUNTY. TEXAS creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous. moving wild6res which have the potential of endangering damaging property on a large scale; WHEREAS, the dim prospects of rainfall that wo drought, the magnitude of the danger for potential WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 1975 (Title 4, Chapter 418 of the Texas Gov hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management adopted (hereinafter ''Plan"), and in accordance therew of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties. Harris County, based on the imminent threat of wilme; WHEREAS, the Texas State Fire Marshal believes tha aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presen of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of WHEREAS.GFay County has m t l y had some rain, however. there still exists a serious threat of wildfire; WHFXFlAS. in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 CTitle 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan")),and in accordance therewith a State of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, including Gray County. based on the imminent threat of wildfire; of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporat reference; and WHERBAS, the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supervised use of ground fireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; with the Plan. to imp0 of fireworks and other celebration, other than WHEREAS, for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as defined in the American Pyrotechnics Association. Inc. Standard 87-1. April. 1993 Edition. as amended. Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( Sections through 3.125). adopted by the U.S. Department of Transporthion and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by ref" " ; "td . WHEREAS. the County Commissioners Court of Gray County. Texas. adopted an official Resolution requesting the Governor, pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to amend his previous Order and to now impose a ban only on the sale and use of aerial fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration. other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays. until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. NOW. THJBEFORE. I GEORGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF TEXAS,in accordance with the Plan. and by authority of the Act. do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of 21 TexReg 5900 June 28,1996 Texas Register TEXAS. in accordance with do hereby prohibit the retail aerial fireworks, as defined a for municipally sponsored or State of Disaster in Hams Co is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF FJIIUWORKSIN HEMPHIU COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS, Hemphill County is suffering from an exten that has caused local vegetation to become dry and thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of e Lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHEREAS. the dim prospects of rainfall that wo drought, the magnitude of the danger for potential at which such fires could escalate to major proportions an imminent threat of greater disaster; in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. 'Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has been ereinafter "Plan"), and in accordance therewith a State ter has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, including County. based on the imminent threat of wildfire; , the Texas State Fxe Marshal believes that the use of works in conditions of severe drought presents the threat and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and supervised use of ground fireworks under curtent s would not present a threat of imminent disaster; r purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are the American Pyrotechnics Association. Inc. Standard ril. 1993 Edition. as amended. Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( 1.2.1 through 3.1.25). adopted by the U.S. Department on and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by se a ban on the sale, possession and use pyrotechnic devices used for display and GEORGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF ith the Plan. and by authority of the Act, do sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial in Hemphill County has been terminated or this Order i s G TO A BAN ON THE SAW AND USE OF AERIAL RKS IN HENDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS ,Henderson County is suffering from an extended drought used local vegetation to become dry and flammable. creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous. t-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering and damaging propetty on a large scale; , the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the t, the magnitude of the danger for potential damage, and the t which such fires could escalate to major proportions constiinent threat of greater disaster; , the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat dfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and ons would not present a threat of imminent disaster; ed in the American Pyrotechnics Association, Inc. Standard ril 1993 Edition, as amended. Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( 1 through 3.1.25). adopted by the U.S. Department on and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by WHBREAS, the County Commissioners Court of Henderson County, Texas. adopted an official Resolution reguesting the Governor, pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale. possession and use of aerial iiteworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration. other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays. until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. NOW. THEREF'ORE, I GEORGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF TEXAS, in accordance with the Plan. and by authority of the Act, do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use-of aerial fireworks, as defined above. in Henderson County. Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted fireworks displays, until he State of Disaster in Henderson County has been terminated or tt)is Order is sooner rescinded. I RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AEFUAL mREWORKS IN HOUSTON COUNTY. TBXAS WHEREAS.Houston County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry' and flammable. thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, daqgexous. and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large s c a k WHEREAS, the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought, the magnitude of the danger for potential diunage, and the speed at which such fires could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; WHEREAS,in a m d a n c e with the prdvisions of the T d s Disaster Act of 1975 (Title 4, Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code, hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency M a n a ~ e n Plan t has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan"'), and in accordance therewith a State of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas m t i e s , including Houston County, based on the imminent t h a t of wildfire; WHEREAS, the Twas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought p m t s the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent t h t of disaster aod that the properly supervised use of gtound fireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEREAS, for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as defined in the American Pyrotechnics Association,Inc. Standard 87-1,April, 1993 Edition, as amended, Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( Sections through adopted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS,the County Commissioners Court of Houston County. Texas. adopted an official Resolution requesting the Governor. pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale and use of aerial fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration, other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays, until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. NOW, -ORE, I GEORGE W. BUSH, GOVERNOR OF TEXAS,in accordance with the Plan. and by authority of the Act, do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks, as d&ed above, in Houston County, Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted fireworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Houston County has been terminated or this Order is sooner reshkd. GOVERNOR June 28,1996 21 TexReg 5901 RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL F'JREWORKS IN HOWARD COUNTY. TEXAS hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has adopted (hereinafter "Plan"), and in accordance therewith WHEREQS. Howard County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous, and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scaie; WHEREAS, the Texas State F i e Marshal believes WHEFU3AS. the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought. the magnitude of the danger for potential damage, and the speed at which such fires could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; WHEREAS, for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial f i e as defined in the American Pyrotechnics Association. Iac. WHEREAS, in accordance with the prwisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code, hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has b e d adopted (hereinafter "Plan"), and in accordance therewith a State of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, including Howard County. based on the imminent threat of wildfire; WHERBAS, the Texas State P i Marshal believes that the use of aerial fieworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supervised use of ground fireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEREAS. for purposes of thisExecutive Order, aerial fireworks are as defined in the American Pyrotechnics Association. Inc. Standard 87-1. April. 1993 Edition. as amended, Section 3.12 et seq. ( Sections 3.k2.1 through adopted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHBREAS, the'county Commissioners Court of Howard County. Texas. adopted an oWcial Resolution requesting the Governor. pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale and use of aerial fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration, other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays, until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. I GEORGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF NOW, -ORE. TEXAS, in accordance with the Plan, and by authority of the Act. do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks. as delined above. in Howard County. Texas, except for municipally sponsored or permitted fireworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Howard County has been terminated or this Order is sooner rescinded. RELAVG TO A BAN ON THE SALB AND USE OF AERIAL -0RKS IN HUTCHINSON COUNTY. TEXAS =&S, Hutchinson County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to *become dry and flammable, thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of ge dangerous. and fast-moving wildsres which have the p o t e n 2 oi endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHEREAS, the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought. the magnitude of the danger for potential damage, and the speed at which such fires could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; W H E W , in accordance with the provisions of the Texas D i t e r Act of 1975 Uitle 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. 21 TexReg5902 June 28,1996 Texas Register with the Plan. to impose a ban on the sale and use of and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration. than municipally sponsored fireworks displays, until such time disaster from drought is imminent. NOW. THEREF'ORE, I GEORGE W. BUSH. GOVERN TEXAS, in accordance with the Plan, and by authority of the of Disaster in Hutchinson County has been terminated or is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF FIREWORKS IN JEFF DAVIS COUNTY. TEXAS thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dan and fast-moving wildfires which have the 'potential of endang lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHEREAS. in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties. includi Davis County. based on the imminent threat of wildfire; WHEREAS,the Texas State F i e Marshal believes that the climatic conditions would not present a threat of imm Sections through adopted by the U.S. State of Disaster in Martin County has been terminated or this Order is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SAIX AND USE OF FIREWORKS IN MATAGORDA COUNTY. TEXAS WHEREAS,Matagorda County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large. dangerous, and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHBREAS. the dim prospects of rainfall that would a$te the drought, the magnitude of the danger for potential dama* and the speed at which such h s could escalate to major proportions constitute an imininent threat of greater disaster; r k Davis County has been terminated or this Order is WHEREAS,in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975'flitle 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government C&. LS tateEmergctncvManaeementPlanhas been adopted (hereinafter "Plan"), and in accordance therewith a State of Disaster has been declared for a l l 254 Texas counties, including Matagorda County, based on the imminent threat of wildfire; 4w&&s , Martin County is suffering from an extended drought caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable. reating conditions that pose the h e a t of large, dangerous. st-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering WHEREAS, the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of aerial fireworks in conditions of sevwe drought presents the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supervised use of ground fireworks under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEREAS,for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as defined in the American Pyrotedmics Association, Inc. Standard 87-1, April, 1993 Edition, as amended, Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( Sections through adopted by the U.S.Department of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS,the County Commissioners Court of Matagorda County, Texas, adopted an official Resolution requesting the Governor. pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale and use of aerial fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration, other than munkipally sponsored fireworks displays, until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are Wotechnics Asmiation, Inc.' Standard County Commissioners Court of Martin County. an official Resolution requesting the Governor, uch time as nb disaster from drought is imminent. NOW. THRRWORE, I GEORGE W. BUSH, GOVERNOR OF TEXAS,in accordance with the Plan, and by authority of the Act. do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fireworks, as deibed above, in Matagorda County, Texas. except for mynicipally sponsored orpermitted fireworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Matagorda County has been tenSiEii WEiE miis sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL -0RKS IN MIDLAND COUNTY. TEXAS WHBREAS. Midland County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry and flammable, thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangerous. and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHEREAS, the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought. the magnitude of the danger for potential damage, and the speed at which such fin% could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; GOVERNOR June 28,1996 2 1 lexReg 5 9 j WI-EREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code, hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan")). and in accordance therewith a State 254 Texas counties. including of Disaster hah been declared for Midland County, based on the imminent threat of wildfk WHEREAS, the Texas State F i e Marshal believes that the use of aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents the threat of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supewisad use of ground fireworks under c m n t climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEFtEAS, for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as d e h e d in the American Pyrotechnics Association, Inc. Standard 87-1. April. 1993 Edition. as amended. Section 3:l.Z et seq. ( Sections through 3.1.25). adopted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the County Commissioners Court of Midland County. Texas, adopted an 0fkk.l Resolution requesting the Governor. pursuant to the authority granted to him in the Act and in accordance with the Plan, to impose a ban on the sale, pasession and use of fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices ustd'for display and celebration. other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays. until such time as no disaster from drought L imminent. NOW. THEWFORE. I &RGE W. BUSH. GOVERNOR OF TEXAS, in accordance with the Plan, and by authority sf the Act, do hereby prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of aerial fieworks, as &ed above, in Midland Comty. Texas, except for municipally sponsored or perrmtted fireworks displays, until the State of Disaster in Midland County has been terminated or this Order is sooner rescinded. RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERlAL FIREWORKS IN OLDHAM COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS. Oldham County is suffering from an extended drought that has caused local vegetation to become dry &nd flammable. thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large, dangexous. and' fast-moving wildfires which have the poteatial of endangering lives and damaging pmperty on a large scale; WHERJUS, the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the drought, the magnitude of the danger for potential damage, and the speed at which such fires could escalate to major proportions canstitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; WHF~REL$S, in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1875 (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. hereinaftgr "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted @ereinafter "Plan"), and in accordance therewith a State of Diaste7r has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, including Oldham County, based on the imminent threat of w d d k WHEREAS, the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that the use of aerial &works in conditions of severe drought presents the t h t of wildfire and would constitute an imminent threat of disaster and that the properly supervised use of ground h w o r k s under current climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEREAS. for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as d a e d in the American Pyrotechnics Association. Inc. S.tandard 87-t.April, 1993 W o n , as amended, Section 3.1.2 et seq. ( 21 TexReg 5904 June 28,1996 Texas Register and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebmiom, than municipally sponsored &works displays, until such time disaster from drought is imminent. State of Disaster in Oldham County has been termhated or this is sooner rescinded. RBLATING TO A BAN ON THE SALB AND USE OF FIREWORKS IN RANDALL COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS. Randall County is suffering from an exten that has caused local vegetation to become dry and thereby creating conditions that pose the threat of large and fast-moving wildfires which have the potential of lives and damaging property on a large scale; WHEREAS, the dim prospects of rainfall that wo drought. the magnitude of the danger for potential WHEREAS. in acmdan& with the provisions d the Act of 1975 Wltle 4, Chapter 418 of the Texas Gov herehaftex "Act") a State Emergency Management adopted (hereinafter "Plan"), and in accordance therewl of Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, m Randall County. based on the imminent threat of w WHEREAS, the Texas State Fire Marshal believes that aerial fireworks in conditions of severe drought presents of wild& and would constitute an imminent threat of reference; and NOW, THEREFORE, I GEORGE W. BUSH. aerial fireworks, as defined above, in Randall County, TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AERIAL S IN REEVES COUNTY, TEXAS p*v of raidall abate the the damage' and of the danger for at which such fires could escalate to major prdportions an imminent threat of greater disaster; AS' the that WHBREAS. in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Title 4. Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code, hereinafter "Act") a State Emergency Management Plan has been adopted (hereinafter "Plan"), and in accordance therewith a State of aerial fireworks in coaditims of severe drought presents & threat of w i l d h and would constitute an imminent threat of didter and that the properly s-ised use of ground *works undep c m n t climatic conditions would not present a threat of imminent disaster; WHEREAS, for purposes of this Executive Order, aerial fireworks are as defined in H.B. 828, Chapter 5500, 74th Legislature, Regular Session,incorporated herein by reference, plus Roman Candles; and WHEREAS,the County Commissicmers Court of San Jacinto County, Texas, adopted an official Resolution requesting the Governor. pursuant to the authority granted to hun in the Act and in accordance with the Plan. to impose a ban on the sale and discharge of , aerial fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices used for display and celebration. other than municipally sponsored fireworks displays. until such time as no disaster from drought is imminent. ched hexto and incorporated herein by RELATING TO A BAN ON THE SALE AND USE OF AeRiAL FlREWORKS IN BEE COUNTY. prohibit the retail sales (sales to the public) and use of constitute an imminent threat of greater disaster; TO A BAN ON THE SALJ3 AND USE OF AERZAL S IN SAN JACINTO COUNTY, TEXAS Disaster has been declared for all 254 Texas counties, including Bee County, based on the imminent threat of wildfire; the dim prospects of rainfall that would abate the WHBRBAS, for purposes of thu Executive Order,aerial fireworks are