on illegal gambling in Texas; (3) review all Texas laws that address gambling and suggest ways to enhance enforcement of those laws through legislative or administrative action; (4) devise proposed legislation that will amend chapter 47 of the Texas Penal Code and enhance enforcement-of existing laws against the use of gambling devices; (5) suggest any other enhancements to the State's gambling laws that will advance Texas' general public policy against gambling; and (6) submit a written report to the Governor summarizing its' M g s and recommendations on or before May 1.1998. The Task Force shall have no final action authority and shall s e m only.. in an -" advisory capacity. The Guvemor shall designate the Chair and vice Chair of the Task Force, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Members of the Task Force shall serve without salary or, if state empl~yee~. without additional salary. The members of the Task Force shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred pursuant to the limits allowed under the Texas General Appropriations Act of 1997, but shall not receive any monetary compensation or per diem for their work. The Task Force shall meet upon call of the Chair; and the first meeting shall occur as soon as practicable after the date upon which thia Executive Order becomes effective. All agencie8 of the state are hereby directed to cooperate and assist the Task Force in the pufonnance of its duties. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until m&ed amended or rescinded by me. IN THSTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused &Great Seal of the State of Texas to be aflixed Done at the Capitol in the City of Austin this 25th day of September, 1997. George W. Bush. Governor of Texas TRD-9809S78 Filed: June 15, 1998 + + + THE S T m OF TEXAS BXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR-AUSTIN TEXAS. EXECUlTVE ORDER GWB 97-20A RELMTNGTO AMENDING THE ORDER CRBATLNG THE GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE ON ILLEGAL GAMBLING + WHEREAS, the Governor has established a Gavemor's Task Force on Illegal Gambling; and . WHEREAS, the Texas Attorney General has o p i w that statutory exceptipns to the Texas Penal Code provisions on gambling are unconstitutional; and as a result of the Attorney General's Opinion and the *sition to gambling by Executive and Legislative officers. numerous suits have been brought, both to enforce and to restrain the enforcement of Taas law regarding gambling; and WHE&AS. WHEREAS*it is to in the TasL report to the Governor and the legislature the nature, extent and results of this litigation. NOW, THEREFORE. 5 George W. Bush. Governor of the State of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hueby extend the date for submittihg a written report to the G m o r summarizing its 6ndings and recommendations from on or before May 1.1998, to on or before September 30, 1998. All other provisions of Executive Order GWB 97-20 shall remain in force. The Gwemor shall designate the Chair and V i Chair of the Task Force, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Members of the Task Force shall serve without salary or. if state empIoyees. , without additional selary. The members of the Task Force shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred pursuant to the limits allowed- under+'the ?xas General Appropriations Act of 1997, but 'shall not receive any monetary compensation or per diem fbr their work. . . . - % of the Cw Ipl the first The ~ w f l sb.u prad,,b after thehte~bpon.which meeting su,occur.as~soon this Executive Order becomes effective. All agencies of the state are hereby directed to cooperate and assist the Task Force in the performance of its duties. This Amwdment to wutive Order GARB 97-20 beeesefTective immediately and remain in full force and umil mamaor TCSM by me: , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have herniate set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Texas to be a.Bxed, Done at the Capitol in the City of Austin this 30th day of March. 1998. G e o r ~W.Bush, Governor of Texas mD-980957(1 Filed: June + + + THE S T m OF TEXAS ~XECUTIVEDEPOFmCB OF THE GOVERNOR-AUSm. TEXAS, EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB 95-10A . A ' - RELATING TO CONTINUING THE GOVERNOR'S C O W SION FOR WOMEN 1 i WHEREAS, more than half the population of our nation and this state are women; WHEREAS, it is imperative that the potential of all citizens be utilized to the fullest extent without regards to sex. race, religion, national origin, marital or parental status: WHEREAS, has a sincue firm mtmen to the goals of achieving equal legal economic, political educational, and social opportunity and advancement of ,womea WHEREAS, the achkvement of these goals can best be accomplished by continuing and &ecting the Governor's CO-on for Women; NOW. THEREFORE, I, George W. Bush. Governor of the State of Texas. under the authority vested in me. db hereby ordu that the Governor's Commission for Wornmen,hereafter referpi. to as the Commission, h contihued without interruptkin. The Commission will consist of no more than twenty-four, (24) members appointed by the Governor,for a two-year t m . Members shall serve at the pleasure of the Gbvernm. The Governor shall designate a Chair and V i C h a i r from the membership who' shall hold sxh wignations & heplmure of Me The who shall assist thecommission as 3hall an it adopts rules and procedures and develops and implm@s activities consistent with the provisions of this exemlive or&. The Commirsion have as its phipat cbage the wm of the fomg (a) Aid the Governor in f k h g and recamending quaUed women for appointive da: .. js: *-. -.. 23 TexReg 6668 June 26,1998 Texas Register - - :-a cluding community , and coordination of . . . @)'T3#l 'workshops around the ;State to identify the needs and concerns of women and to -end asbistance and services in . i - . ' . , .. _ ..). relating to issues affecting '.. .-.:..:: .. .:.;'.. >.i (0etablish a St@ Agency Council to assist &e ~o&sion $ m g . . i h k. c ::andiii>:.;'i< . .. , . .. (8) Provide the authority and mechanism to respond to q energy e~ergency;and % 5 -. ,-;?Tii';. WHEREAS, under Section 418.013. Taas Disaster Act $ 1975. (g),8uppoht.&(: . bXmde .. ;@unteer efforts in T&, Texas Gwernment Code, the Governor is expressly authpized to ~h~ a birepm of its wgs, establish by executive order an EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT a&iw;,,&:- ~"e":"'"'n d a t i o l l to s the Governor. ..,. COUNCIL composed of the heads of slate agencies, boards, and . .. .; .i.*,ttlllf k&q>~!'.fi*$. i) commissions and represwtatives or organized volunteer groups to The,Commission&;me& shrterly or at the & of the Chair. A advise and assist the Governor in all matters relating to disaster maj~@@-~f&e k b e r s h i p &all constitute a quorum for the purpose , -p response, and m e r y ; and, mitigation, of c~nducting.,thebusineas of the Commission. *'** + WHEREAS. FURTHBR UNDBR Section 418.041,Texas Disaster Tht5hkan6exa ,.. of the Commission shall s a v e without salary. Act of 1975, Texas Government Code, a DIVISION OF EMER~ , a & c i & of state and local goyemmats are hereby directed to GENCY MANAGFMENT is established in the Office of the Gwernm and the Director of the DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANcooptrate and assist the Commission in the puformance of duties. AGEMENT is to be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the &,k t i v e Order shall be effective immediately and *main in Governor; and full force and effect d modified, amended, or rescinded by me. WHEREAS, with the aid and assistance of the EMERGENCY IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and MANAGEMEPIT COUNCIL and DMSION OF EMERGENCY caused the Great Seal of the State of Texas to be ailhd. Done at the MANAGEMFNI', the Governor may recommend that cities. m t i e s . Capitol in the City of Austin this 2lst day of August, 1997. and other political subdivisions of the state undertake appropriate George W. Bush, Governor of Texas emergency management programs and assist and cooperate with those developed at the state level; TRD-9809578 NOW. THEREFORE, I, 'George W.Bush. Governor of the State of . < :~ , i,& :.June : 15,1998 Texas, under the authority vested in me, do heseby create and establish . .: . 4 4 4 the EMERGENW'MANAGEMENTCOUNCIL, to he composed'of the Chief Executive Officers of the following state agencies, boards. THE STATE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARlMkNT OFFICE OF commission, and orgamed volunteer groups: THE GOVERNOR-AUSTIN, TEXAS. EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB 95-1i3 Adjutant General's Department. American Red Cross Department of Information Resources, General Land Office *. General Services R E L m G TO EMERGENCY MANAGDIEPIT Commission. Gowmor's Division of Emergency Management *. WHEREAS, the Legislam of the State of Teatas has heretofore Public Utility Commission of Taras,Railroad Commission of Texas enacted the ' k a s Disaster Act of 1975. Chapter 418 et seq. of *, State Aircraft Pooling Board State Auditor's Office. State Texas Government Code to: Comptroller of Public Accounts. Texas Attorney General's Office, Texas Commission on Fire Protection *. Texas Department of (1)Reduce vulnerability of people and communities of this state to Agriculture *, Texas Department of Econmic Development, Texas damage,.hjixy, and loss of life and property resulting from natural D e m e n t of Criminal Justice, Texas Depamnent of Health *. Texas or man-made catastrophes, riots, or hostile military or paramilitary Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Texas Department of actions; H uman Services, Texas Department of Insurance, Texas Depamnent (2) Prepare for prompt and eBcient rescue, care and treatment of of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Texas Department of Public persons v i c M or threatened by disaster. Safety *, Taas Department of Transpodtation *, Texas Education Agency, T a a s Workforce Commission. Tacas Engifieering Bxtension (3) Provide a setting conducive to the rapid and orderly restoration Service *. Texas Forest Service. Texas Natural Resource Conservation and rehabilitation of persons affected by disaster; Commission *, Texas Parks and Wildlife Depamnent *, Taas (4) Clarify and strengthen the roles of the Governor, state agencies. Rehabilitation Commission, The Salvation Amy. and local gwemments in the prrrmtion of, preparation for, response The specific duties and responaibiities of each membw of this group b and ncrrvery from disasters; shaU be as design8red ia the State Emergency Maaeg-f Plan 8ad (5) Authorize the provide for amperation and coordination of Annexes themto. Each member of the group may designate a staff activities relating to hazard mitigation, emezgency prepadms. member representative to the COUNCIL. incident response. and disaster m e r y by agencies and officers of this state, and similar statelocal, inmtate. federal-state and 78 ' ' , : er). QL"-. ~ i c I i foreign activities in which the state and its political subdivisions may particjpate; (6) Provide a comprehensive emergency management system for Texas that is a cqrdinated effort to make the best possible use of existing organizations and resources within government and industry, and which includes provisions for actions to be taken at all levels of government before, during, and after the onset of an w g e n c y situation; (7) Assist in- the prevention of disasters caused or aggravated by inadequate planning for and regulation of publicand private facilities and land use; and #/ , ::.>. ,,