Defense the installations Texas

the Texas Defense Economic Adjustment Advisory Council
major Texas military installations have been identjfied for closure/realignment by the 1995 Base Realignment and Closure
. potentially resulting in additional job losses in Texas; and
sist defense-related companies diversify into other commercial-based endeavors and expand domestic and international market
es to persuade defense-related companies to remain or consolidate in Twras;
to assist defense-dependent communities plan and reorganize to meet the challenge of reduced defense contracts and base
Council shall provide a triennial report on its progress. The report should suggest specific regulatory reform, pilot initiatives,
e change, or executive branch action.
2: Structure and Rules of the Council
Council shall consist of the following representatives:
state government:
e Director. Texas Department of Commerce as Chair
of Public h u n t s
e Director, Texas Work Force Commission
sioner of Higher Education
tive Director. Texas Department of Housing and Community Affaits
tive Director, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
tive Director. Public Utility Commission of Texas
Director, Texas Department of Transportation
tive Director, Texas Water Development Board
of the Texas Senate. appointed by the Resident of the Senate. A member of the Texas House of Representatives, appohted by
members of the Texas Delegation to the United States Congress, one from the House of Representatives and one from the Senate.
e Chairpersons. or their designees, of offiially recognized Texas Community Base Redevelopment Authorities.
to ten private sector members, representing businesses in the defense industry.
e representative from a defense-dependent community which is not represented by an officially ncognized Texas Community Base
Redevelopment Authority.
10. Four members with economic development and defcase-related experience.
(c) The Council shall be organized into the foUowing committees: Human Resources. Community Development. Environmental Iss
Defense Industry. The committee chairs will be de&mW by the Chair.
(d) All members are appointed by the Governor to serve at his pleasure. The Govunor may add representatives from other state agencies
deemed necessary.
(e) The Offike of Defense Transition Suvices. Texas Department of Commerce shall provide staff support to the Council.
(0 Each state agency appointee shall designate a defense coordinator to nprtstnt the agency and provide support on defense transition issu
to the Council and the Office of Defense Transition Services. Texas Department of Commerce.
(g) The Council shall meet at the call of the Chair and shall be disbanded at the discretion of the Governor.
(h) All Council members m e without compensation.
This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended or rescinded by m
Issued in Auslin. Texas. July 19, 1995.
Qaorga W. Burh
Qw.mor d Taxem