Document 13865835

required by Texas Civil Statutes, Artide 6252-13a, §6, the Texas Register publishes executive orders issued by
Governor of Texas. Appointments and prodamations are also published. Appointments are published in
logical order. Additional information on documents submiied for publication by the Governor's Office can be
ned by calling (512) 463-1828.
the Legislature of the State of Texas has heretofore enacted the Texak Disaster Act of 1975, Chapter 418 et seq. of Vernon's
uce vulwability of people and communities of this state to damage, injury, &d loss of life and property resulting from natural or man-.
catastrophes, riots, or hostile military or paramilitary actions;
EPrcpare. for prompt and effiiient rescue, care and treatment of persons v i c h b d or threatened by disaster;
Rovide a setting conducive to the rapid and orderly restoration and rehabilitation of sons lfhElOd by disLILCIi
1Clarify and shngthen the roles of the Governor, state agencies,and local governments in the prevention of, preparation for, response to.
recover from disasters;
orize and provide for cooperation and coordination of activities relating to hazard migration, emergency preparedness, incident
, aad disaster recovery by agencies and offof this state, and similar state-local, interstate, federal-state. and foreign activities in
e state and its political subdivisions may participate;
Provide a comprehensive emergency management system for Texas that is a coo-ted
effort to make the best possible use of edsting
and resources within government and industry,and which includes provisions for actions to be t a b at all levels of government
re, during, and after the onset of an emergency situation;
Assist in'the prevention of disasters caused or aggravated by inadequate planning for
and regulation of public and private facilities and
w; and
Provide the authority and mechanism to respond to an energy emergency; and,
under 9418.013, Texas Disaster Act of 1975, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, the Governor is expressly authorized to establish
COUNCIL composed of the heads of state agencies, boards, and commissions and
aod assist the Governor in all matters relating to disaster preparadness, emergemcy
S, FURTHER UNDER W18.Wl. Texas Disaster Act of 1975. Vernon's Codes Annotated. a DMSION OF EMRRGBNCY
is established in the Office of the Governor and the Director of the DMSION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT is to
and serve at the pleasure of the Governor; and
,with the aid and assistance of the EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL and DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEGove~ormay recommend that cities, counties, and other political subdivisions of the state undertake appropriate emergency
ement programs and assist and cooperate with the those developed at the state level;
THEREFORE. I. George W. Bush. Governor of Texas, under the authority vestad in me, do hereby create and establish the
CY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL, to be composed of the Chief Executive O f f i s of the following state agencies. boards.
om, and organized volunteer groups:
General's Department
t of Information Resources
al Services Commission
r's Division of Emergency Management
Utilitf Commission of Texas
THE GOVERNOR Februcup 28, 1995 20 TexReg 1373
Railroad Commission of Texas
State Aircraft Pooling Board
State Auditor's Office
State Comptroller of Public Accounts
Texas Attorney General's Office
Texas Commission on Fue Protection
Texas Department of Agriculture
Texas Department of Commerce
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Texas Deparhnent of Health
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Texas Department of Human S e r v i i
Texas Department of Insurance
Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
Texas Department of Public Safety
Texas Department of Public Transportation
Texas Education Agency
Texas Bmployment Commission
Texas BngiIlef!xing Bxteasion Service
Texas Porest Scrvice
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
Texas Parks and Widlife Department
The specific d u t b and responsibilities of each member of this group shall be as designated in the State Emqency
h e x e s thereto. Each member of the group may designate a staff member representative to the COUNCIL.
I further hereby designate the Dkector of the Texas Department of Public Safaty to serve as chairperson
the DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMElNT granted to me undet the Texas Dkaster Act
supemision of the Act, including, but not limited to, the power to accept from the federal government,
tbe boundaries of the Texas Highway Patrol Districts and Sub-Districts and shall establish in each a Disaster District Co
rcgresentatives of the state agencies, boards, and commissions h a v i i membership on the COUNCIL. The
O f h of each Highway Patrol District or Sub-District shall serve as Chairpenon of the
on mattem relating to disasters and emergencies. The Chairperson shall be assisbed
DISTRICT,who shall provide guidance, counsel, and administrative support as may
The COUNCIL is hereby authorized to issue such directives as may be necessary to effectuate the purpose of the Texur
as amended, and is further authorized and empowered to exercise the specific powers enumerated in the Act
Ruther. in accmdance with 9418.102.9418.105 Texas Disaster Act of 1975. Vunaa's Texas Codes Annotated. and
DMSION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT.I hereby designate the Mayor of each municipal corporation and the
county in tbe state as the Emergency Management Director for each such political subdivision. The County Judge and
Governor's designated agents in administration and supervision of the Texas Disaster Ad d 1975,and may
appropriate local scale, granted the Govunor therain. Ths Maya and County Judge may each designate
Coordinator who shall serve as assistant to the presiding officu of the political subdivision f a emergency m
providing or securing an emergency management program and the peraon designated to head that program.
This executive order supersedes Executive Order AWR-94-14.and shall remain in effect until modified. amended
Issued in Austin, Texas, on Fekuary 17, 1995.
Qeorlp W. Bwh
Qwemor ot Teua