EXECUTIVE ORDER THE STATE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF 11IE GOVERNOR AUSTIN, TEXAS EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB96-6 RELATING TO 11m CUAnON or TIlE 1'Il.XAS SCIENCE AND 1'EcIINOLOGY COlJNcn. WHEREAS, creation of new industries ftom emerging teebnologJes and improvement of traditional technologics will increase employment opportnnitics in Texas; WHEREAS, Texas has strong resean:b capabilities in higher education institutions mI should take a leadership position in fo,tel'in& researcb aDd development in advanced technology fields: WHEREAS, tbere is an identified ~ for !he StalC to focus aDd become proactive on reseuch, develOpment, and teebnology transfer, and to develop State policies to foster these Il:livi!ic,; . WHEREAS, TelW' high I<lchnology Industry has a good relationship and trade balance with Mexico, and other trade partnors, and is an llllCgral part of tbc Texas economy; and WHEREAS, Texas wlll achieve its position of preeminence in the field, of science and technology tbrough an active and coordinated partnership between govertlIllClll, academla, and the private sector. NOW, TB.EREFORE, I, George W. Bush, GoVertlOC of Tesas, by virtue of !he power vested in me, do hereby create and embllab !be Texas Science and TecImology Council, hereinafter referred to as the ClIIIIlCii. The CouDcil shall consist of up 10 21 members appoinled by the Governor who ,ball serve two year terms, and serve at tbc ple~ of the Governor. The Governor sbaIl designate the Chair of the Council who shall serve In that position at the pleasure of \be Governor. The CO\lllCil shall meet at the call of the Chair. The Chair 'hall name the VIce-<:halr of the CouDcil. The Council abaII researcb, develop, and report to the Governor the mea.ns available to the State of Texas 10 become the national 1eader In science and technology cooperallon, developmeDl, lUld research. The COllIWil sbaIl a(\vise the Governor regarding implcmcnt&tion of a science and technology strategy after interacting with the technolollY community, slate and federal ageDCies, the Slate Legislature, and the COll8re&s. The Council shall also: 1. Review and reCOIlllllOM policies tbat wllllDCrease \be amount of basic researcb and applied researcb coDduclCll by III8!C coUeges, .tate universities. and the private sector; 2. Propose slate pollcie, an:! actions !bat promote technology devclopmen1: and transfer in Texas, includiaa the creation of partoerehlps that support and benefit the establi'hment of DeW technology industries In Texas; 3. Amlyze and propose state policies thst cncouralle ready aVailability and accessibility of venture capital and commcrciallcnding; 4. Stlldy and IlIIlce recotnmendatiODI on 1lIIY issues that directly relate to improvlna the State', competitive position ill the areas of science, resesrch and development, and advanced technology development; 5. Explore ways to increase trade and CIICOIIrage cooperattve initiatives with Mexico and other tradinll partllel1 thst will hellCfit technology and telecommunications industrie' based in Texas; and 6. ldelllify an:! coordinate with \be Texas Department of Commerce to IIlUaCl new industries to Texas. The memben of the Cooncil shall receive llCither compensation nor per diem, but sbail receive reimbursement in IIIl amount IIOt to exceed the amount authorized by the Texas General ApproprlatlODS Act for reasonable and ""cosssty travel expenses incumod in the direct performatll:e of official duties. The Office of the Governor may provide staff support .. necessary for the Council. This Executive Order shall he effective jrnm..Jiately and sban remain in effect until modified, amended or rescinded. Attest: ANTONIO O. GARZA. JR. Secretary of Stlre IIlBllH1l\E ~ Of mE _~(JSTm SEP 18 1996