EXECUTIVE ORDER BYTIR GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF TEXAS THE STATE OF'fEXAs ExECUflVE DEPARTMENT OmCE OF THE GoVERNOR AUSTIN, TExAs ExEcurIVE ORDER GWB96-S Relating to Faith-Based Conummity Service Graups WHEREAS, the State of Texas seeks to create an environment which permits the growth ofcommunity-based organizations that effectively meet the needs ofits citizens; WHEREAS, the State of Texas has a long history of community outreach by churches, synagogues, and other filith-based organintions that offer assistance to persons in need; WHEREAS, faith-based organizations continue to provide focused and effective aid to persons in a wide variety ofcrisis situations; WHEREAS, state laws and regulations, while ensuring that basic health and safety standards are met, should not unreasonably restrict the chatitable activities of these faithbased organizJltions; WHEREAS, other states have formally recognized, through statute and administrative rule, the benefits that faith-based groups bring to communities in need; and WHEREAS, Texas has no existing statute that explicitly recognizes or specifically accommodates the work offaith-based community organizations. NOW, lHEREFORE, 1, George W. Bush, Governor ofTexas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby create and establish the Governor's Task Force on Faith-Based Programs to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governor. This Task Force shall: (i) examine the role of faith-based programs in Texas and determine how Texas can best create an environment in which these organizations can flourish and most effectively help those in need; (Ii) determine which state laws, regulations, or procedures impede the effectiveness of such organizations; and (Iii) provide specific recommendations as to how Texas law could best accommodate the programs and activities of the affected community organizations. The TaslC Force will have no final action authority. The Task Force shaI1 include members of religious organizations, persons afIlliated with faith-bued programs, and community volunteers. The Task Force shaI1 convene at the earliest practicable time after appointment and shaI1 accomplish its charge by September I, 1996. It shaI1 submit to the Governor a written summary of its findings and recommendations. The Task Force shall meet as frequently as necessary upon call of the Chair. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business of the Task Force. The members of the Task Force shall serve without salary. Reasonable and necessary travel and pee diem expenses may be reimbursed when such expenses are incurred in direct performance of official duties; but such reimbursement shall not exceed $80.00 pee day as permitted by Article IX, Section 33, of House Bill I, of the Texas General Appropriations Act. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me. day of J ANTONIO O. GARZA Secretary of State ALED IN THE OfACt Of THE SEtl\EfAAY Of STAlE MAY 02 1996