EXECUTIVE ORDER THE STATE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR AUSTIN, TEXAS EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB96-4 RELATING TO TIlE CREATION OF TIlE CmZEN'S COMMlTIllE ON PKOPERTY TAX RELIEF WHEREAS, propeny taxes comprise the largest tax levies of state and local governments in Texas; WHEREAS, propeny taxes levied by school districts have grown significantly faster bolb in dollars and in percentage terms than have olber propeny tax levies; WHEREAS, lbe Governor of Texas desires to lower lbe propeny tax burden for all taxpayers and seeks public input and comment regarding school property taxes; and WHEREAS, lbe Governor of Texas seeks to detennine lbe sentiment and will of Texans to take action to achieve propeny tax relief. NOW, THEREFORE, I, George W. Bush, Governor of Texas, by virtue of lbe power vested h, tne, do neieby create and establish lbe Citizens' Committee 00 Propeny Tax Relief, to serve in an advisory capacity to lbe Governor. This Committee shall: (I) assess lbe effects of propeny taxation upon various segments of lbe Slate's economy and lbe public sentiment relative to lbe need to provide propeny tax relief; and (2) receive and evaluate public comment on lbe propeny tax replacement options oUllined in lbe Report of lbe Staff Work Group on Propeny Tax Relief. The Citizens' Committee on Propeny Tax Relief shall report lbe Committee's findings on major revenue replacemem options in writing to lbe Governor. The report shall focus on lbe need for and means to achieve propeny tax relief, and sball convey lbe valid and relevant findings and conclusions brought forward by public testimony. The Citizens' Cornmiuee on Property Tax Relief shall consist of diverse Texans representing a wide range of Texas jobs and lbe industries and individuals who pay taxes in Texas. Additionally, lbe Committee may include legislators and state officials who would serve as ex-officio members. The Governor shall appoint lbe chair and members of lbe Citizens' Committee on Propeny Tax Relief. The chair may appoint a vice chair. I declare iliat the Citizens' Committee on Propeny Tax Relief serves a legitimate state purpose, iliatlbe Committee's expenses are a legitimate expenditure of state funds, and iliat the Committee members may be reimbursed for their reasonable and actual expenses for meals, lodging, and transportation connected wilb this service to Texas. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in effect until modified, amended, or rescinded. RLBlIN T1U!lfE (flHE SB:REIARY OF STAl£ APR 30 1996 Attest: • ANTONIO O. GARZA, JR. Secretary of Stale