EXECUTIVE ORDER THE STATE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT O~CEOFTHEGOVERNOR AUSTIN, TEXAS EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB96-3 RELATING TO THE CREATION OF THE GOVIlRNOR'S TASK FORCE AGAINST DRIVING WHlIEINTOXICATED WHEREAS, alcohol and drug use are significant contributing factors to traffic fatalities and accidents in Texas; WHEREAS, the State of Teus bas a long histoIy of strong law enforcement efforts focused to combat unlawful opetation of motor vehicles; WHEREAS, further discussion and coordination by citizens and appropriate state agencies will assist with the fight against the recurring problem of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs; and WHEREAS. the State of Texas desires to pursue all alternatives to discourage drunk driving. and the Governor of Texas seeks to supplement to the State's other efforts to combat bebavior leading to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. NOW, THEREFORE, I, George W. Bush, Gonrnor of Teus. by virtue of the power vested in me, do hereby create and establish the Governor's Task Force Against Driving While Intoxicated. to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governor, the Department of Public Safety, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. This Task Force shall: (1) serve as a clearinghouse for information from each of the three member state agencies regarding their respective efforts to combat drunk driving in Texas; (2) assist in an advisory capacity in the coordination of OWl programs or activities by the three member state agencies and other local and stale offices; (3) make information regarding efforts by the State to combat drunk driving available to the public; and (4) solicit input and recommendations from victims and citizen groups regarding intoxicated driving issues. The Task Force shall consist of up to five members, three of whom shall be agency employees designated by the Chair of each of the respective governing boards of the Department of Public Safety, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Additionally, at least one member, appointed by the Governor, shall be a representative from a victims or citizens group. Each member of the Task Force shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Governor sball appoint the chairperson of the Task Force, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. 'the Task Force members, who meet at the call of the Chair, receive no compensation, no per diem, and no reimbursement for expenses connected with Task Foree service. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shalJ remain in effect until modified, amended, or rescinded. .. ~'~~ ~ E W. BUSH - - -_ _\. Flied 'I Ibl omClI! 8eCI1!IIY 01 SI111 Attest: 'APR 251996 statutory Flllr'lII DlYlslon statutory Dacumenls