Helping the world communicate Telecom Sector on the Edge: Driving the Future of IPTV The Future of Voice 15-16 January 2007 ITU Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland Jaroslaw K. Ponder Policy Analyst ITU Strategy and Policy Unit International Telecommunication Union The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the ITU or its Membership. Helping the world communicate Starting points Migration to the IP-environment Convergence of three worlds Evolving regulatory Internet environment 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva Socio-economic development Investment Innovation Telecom Broadc. Catch-up Ongoing regulatory r. Competitivness international telecommunication union 2 Helping the world communicate Monopoly Competition Narrowband Broadband Traditional networks NGNs Telecoms Telecoms/IT Convergence Wireline Wireless Convergence Voice Data / Video Triple Play National Global Pasive Interactivity General Personalised 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva Ubiquitous, personalized and interactive service Video Services Telco Sector Telecom and Broadcasting international telecommunication union 3 Helping the world communicate Three Times VoIP Video over IP Voice over IP •IPTV (QoS) •VoD •Interactive MS •Web TV •Mobile TV •VoIP / PSTN •IP Telephony •VoB •VPN Mobile and Wireless Fixed Infrastructure •2G, 3G, 4G •WiFi •WiMAX (d,e) •Satelite 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva Velocity on IP •xDSL •FTTx •Cable TV international telecommunication union 4 Helping the world communicate Broadband Access, 2005 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 5 Source: ITU (2006), World Information Society Report 2006, Helping the world communicate Telecom Sector in Transition Broadband/Mobility Now Service A Service B Service C Net. A Net. B Net. C NGN VoIP Fixed: PSTN Mobile: 2G QoS USO Reg. Int. Simulation Emulation Multimedia Generalized mobility Convergence Integrity Multi-layer orientation Open character Next Generation Services QoS, Mobility, Interactivity, Personalization, N-play IP-environment Future Services A, B, C IP Platform (QoS) Access Networks Interconnection / Emerging markets / Universal services / Competition Numbering / Quality of Services / Emergency Access / Consumer Protection 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 6 Helping the world communicate Converging Markets Broadca sting/ Satelite Fixed Telec. CableTV Mobile Telec. Wire less Infr. less s. prov. Voice Internet Television/ Radio Services on Demand (VoD…) Note: historically, the main service provided over the access platform 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 7 Helping the world communicate NGN Considerations… NGN will lead to re-monopolization in the telecommunication sector? Less Bottlenecks / New bottlenecks Dynamic efficiencies Competition? NGN as an effect of competition NGN enhances level of competition New interconnection regime? 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 8 Helping the world communicate NGN Considerations… NGN will enable structural separation? Networks / Services / Applications Voice loses meaning? Tech: IP protocol Business: Voice plus Content Present regulatory framework remains relevant? Evolution is unavoidable Convergence (T+B+C) 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 9 Helping the world communicate New challenge for telecom sector Driving the Future of IPTV Chairman Report from Executive Round Table Market, Regulatory Trends and Policy Options in Europe Market, Regulatory Trends and Policy Options in Asia / Pacific IPTV Global Technical Workshop 12-13 October 2006 / 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 10 Helping the world communicate IPTV: Implications Infrastructure requirements Margin Revenues 6-16 MBit/s for HDTV / Narrow Band TV Bandwidth / Generalized mobility ADSL2+/VDSL/FTTx/3G/4G/WiFi/WiMAX Standardization process (Arch., STB) Compression Methods Business Model Users Value Creation Chain / True margin redistribution Triple-play Distribution platforms /Interaction Broadcasting /One way communication Regulatory reform 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 11 Helping the world communicate IPTV: Market Trends Beijing RIC Information Consulting (2005): Global 2006: the global revenue of IPTV service $8 billion with over 8 million subscribers. Users: 2004: 2.19 million 2008: 20.44 million 21st Century Communications World Forum : IPTV Users in Europe 2006: 2-3 Million U. Gartner (2006): Europe 2006: 3.3 million users 2010: more than 16 Million Users Source: Gartner (2006) Additional revenues generated will international telecommunication union 12 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva grow from 336 Million to 3 Billion Helping the world communicate Case Study on Hong Kong: PCCW Strong Demand for Residential Installed Pay channel customers 608 Commercial 26 549 Installed pay channel services 22 (’000) 441 444 17 Reached 654,000 Pay Channel Customers & ARPU 26 391 361 22 100% 10 at end of August 269 Pay channel customers Mini Packs as % of total launched installed 105 271 70 17 418 192 147 57 (HK$/ month) 110 61% 114 118 120 71% 73%90 60 39% 369 10 53% Steadily rising ARPU as new content introduced 20% 30 254 182 106 0% 29 H2 2003 H2 H1 H2 2004 H1 H2 2005 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva H1 2003 0 H1 H2 2004 H1 H2 2005 H1 2006 2006 international telecommunication union 13 Source: ITU-T IPTV Global Workshop, KT Case Study, Mr Berriman Helping the world communicate Case Study on Hong Kong: PCCW Growing penetration rate of among consumer NETVIGATOR Broadband Lines (’000) Wholesale Business Consumer 703 953 753 796 53% 59% 48% 857 94 28% 88 80 629 74 63 68% 998 H2’03 H1’04 H2’04 H1’05 68 58 798 840 Maintained low churn rate of consumer NETVIGATOR since launch 715 660 558 Dropped by half 517 460 H1 H2 2003 H1 H2 2004 H1 H2 2005 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva H1 2006 Before launch Jun-05 international telecommunication union 14 Source: ITU-T IPTV Global Workshop, KT Case Study, Mr Berriman Helping the world communicate IPTV: Drivers and Obstacles Drivers Telecom competition Inter-modal comp. Pricing and sell strategies Broadband deployment Content providers New ubiquitous distribution platform Convergence Bundling strategies User Switching behavior 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva Obstacles Regulatory environment Standardization process Margin redistribution New form of service Interactivity User Cost of the STB / Hardware providers / Operators Willingness to migrate Willingness to pay for: TV Services / Video on Demand / Next generation services 15 international telecommunication union Consumer protection Helping the world communicate IPTV: Regulatory considerations IPTV Policy/Regulatory Goals Socio-economic goals Application and service New markets Investment Fosters competition Innovation New architecture and bottlenecks Regulatory Focus New cost models Static and dynamic Market analysis efficiences Cross-subsidies Monopolistic bottlenecks Boundaries between Market failures infrastructure and the Ex-post r. v. ex-ante r. content Cross-ownerships 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 16 Helping the world communicate IPTV regulatory requirements Infrastructure From legacy infrastructure to investment Inter-modal competition Local loop unbundling Interconnection Universal service Net neutrality Symmetric regulation Quality of services Consumer protection Definition of IPTV in legal systems IP Hybrid-service / Information service / Broadcast service / Linear versus non-linear international telecommunication union 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva services 17 Helping the world communicate Meaningful concepts Neutrality Technological neutrality Net-neutrality Universality Universal service New platforms… Interoperability Standardization Asymmetric regulation Ex-ante versus Ex-post approaches Unbundling and access pricing 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 18 Helping the world communicate Conclusions All-IP environment accelerates convergence process of telecom and broadcasting industry Required strict distinction of transport and content regulation Imposing old regulatory schemes to the new technologies may weaken growth dynamics Regulatory forbearance will impact growth dynamics of the IPTV market Institutional issues New dimension of regulatory reform Competition issues All-IP environment fosters competition 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 19 Helping the world communicate Thank you for your attention! International Telecommunication Union Jaroslaw K. Ponder Policy Analyst <> ITU Strategy and Policy Unit 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 20 Helping the world communicate Useful Links Full version of presentation: ITU work on NGN and IPTV: Strategy and Policy Unit: Shaping Tomorrow’s Networks 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 21 Helping the world communicate NGN and the ITU Regulatory considerations New Initiatives Programme What rules for IP-enabled NGNs? The Regulatory Environment for Future Mobile Multimedia Services The Future of Voice ITU Study Groups Question 6-2/1: Regulatory impact of NGNs on interconnection Question 12-2/1: Tariff policies, tariff models and methods of determining the costs of services on national telecommunication networks including NGNs Question 19-1/2: Strategy for migration from existing networks to NGNs for developing countries WTDC 2007 in Doha Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2007 Global Symposium for Regulators 2007 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 22 Helping the world communicate NGN and the ITU: IPTV IPTV Focus Group Created in 2006 to deal with the standardization issues related to IPTV and link between IPTV and NGN Meetings and first outcomes July 2006, Geneva, Switzerland October 2006, Busan, Korea ITU Global IPTV Technical Workshop Regulation / Market / Technologies October 2006, Seoul, Korea 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 23 Helping the world communicate ITU New Initiatives Programme Focus ICT innovations New market developments Emerging regulatory challenges Three main outcomes : Research programmes International expert workshops Publications 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva international telecommunication union 24 Helping the world communicate The Future of Voice Research Programme Background Materials Page Three Background Papers Three Regional Studies Asia Africa South Eastern Europe Latin America Workshop: January 2007 15-16 January 2007 / The Future of Voice / Geneva New Initiatives Programme international telecommunication union 25