, . -T Y / : H . . N -4 ir - - - 4 i\ /Y . .' - : : 2: T T . f'r1 /// I1 , ' j:T: ? / / 4 , / / 1i / NN: / - \ \\ I ? Vt ;;J ' \ i'&1k k: I , t / ' ii t J \\\ ' p \ ' \ 1 I Pr: 1 \\i - .-) I ; "k \ ,, ... , .. 4' f\ J ,fr \\ / U .- I - -' $ Aj :' !f/\\ ( ' 41 \ /J I ii 'I I t : I! fr ' I -__i,'-' \ t_:,_________L__i:i/) '- I ( gif : 'i 2: / It committee. ias faiie ainst the Proupb Journalist Frank Parchrfln iIQ1JCY i_s kicked off the Birorneter Editorial Scbbers for Reesoi' Board by editor Torn Brown. The. Board . c' tI ri- - . was meetg to decide which po1ita1 candidates to support for student The 5ca Sheet?s original edit policy ws one of not supporting an: body offices. ASOSU ccndidte because the Editorial Brown asked Parchman to step outsids Board felt that student governmenc the room during the meetings where.the was (and still is) merely a futile editor stated his decision exercise designed to labotomizethe "Brown accused me of lack of journ- concerned students. In other wordsalistic integrity,? said Parchuan-. concerned students are anesthe"Since he failed to offer any proof of the sized into believing progress is being ,just what the hell he was talking made. about, I can only assume it was done The Board has reversed its position because my political views do not agree- in the case of' David Reesor, a aandiwith his. 1111 match my journalis-io date for ASOSU President. His state integrity with his any day" ment of polid es is outstanding oough Parchmcn asked that th&-matter be to merit its publication, and tba Eard brought before the board, but Brown further feels that his candidacy :n:t refused. "It was his. decision to make- not go unnoticed. The Scab Sheet Eci.but I thought he could have at least tonal Board unanimously support-. Da:r d. gotten some dissenting views frdm his Reesor for ASOSU President, and a-c-own But apparently Tom doatt belie-veproduces his platform: in dissent.T Parchman. has worked on four commerDavid Reeor cial newspapers in California and in Candidate for President Oregon as a journalist. In l96 he was picked as one of the top ten Statement of PolicieE: college journalists in tI nation by The following is a list of' praStory yearbook, Recently hecn a sals, the implementations of' wba.: sImilar award in photo-jourualisr from will support and attempt to pu Story-i He is currently the holder of . .. - .. . . - effect if' I ai elected. Oregon States Kate L. Bartholomew Journalism Scholarship. That no member of the UniversjtT Staff or any University department discriminate against any member of the University community on the grounds . - University Racist The Scab Sheet has learned that an of' appearance., politics, race or reFBI investigating cbmmittee on student liion. That in the event.that a activism was on. campus over Spring member of' the University cor±miunitvacation, due tolast quarter's actI feels that the above human rights vities. The final report of' the corn- have been violated nd so informs the-. mitte concluded that there was no committee on Human iights-, conspiracy iivoIved in the Black Studentthe President1s Committee will mireUnion's protest and that the University diately issue-a restraining order tc was RACIST. in its policies and attithe defendant, and restore-cnditona tudes. The r.eport warned that unless--- to those in effect before the mci-there were sjme basic changes in the dent occurred. The Pesidents Con-Administration's handling of students m.ssion will then make every effort that OSU cou-ld expect more. dtudent pro- to resolve the.conf'lict. Refusdi by tests with.the f'utiixe holding a high. the defendent to honor the restraiing possibility of violence order and submit to arbitration w.. result.in his immediate suspensica without. pay If' the complainant Angel Flight Digs Hairthat an attorney is necessary to him, the attorney (t-o ho Angel Flight, a women's auxiliary t represent chosen by the complainant) is to FROTC f'-t t d tpgid from the general fund of the comig'function by harrassina student The University versity. because of' bis long hair.. Angel Flight. def'ied as: students Communi-: s-"boys and girls17.followed the student anc. wives and husbands faculty, thereof' and his girlfriend for four blocks blaring derogatory remarks about. his That the University provide sca---nL-hair over university rented sound ships-i equal inbenef'its and. witnm, equipment on top of' the car. A Scab c.uties required, to all students Sheet reporter followed the exhibItIon held scholarships last quarter but r r ce o ve ue o The student finally turned towaids of humanizing behavior of' the dmin;:a--the car when over the speakers came tion and some of' its employees,. the matter? Tou gettIng mad? Don't you know hippies aren't supposed That each year a number of' "acaccto et mcd. micafly unqualified" students be ad--- .. - . . - - . - - - . - - - Though hundreds of persons witnessed the Student Activities Committee, .the nutted, compning not less than iO of' the number of' qualified freshmen adnutted; and that the Athletic ta-roar---. me-nt. will be excivaed from panticLa: ing in the selç thee sbi u e - -- Oreon Stte t]eii ±1t e FQu1ty Senate p<ssed 2r No. And beuiiiniStrtive Propöa1. The docu- cause it is not their fauJt it is not 1ent soid in part that Tstudents partic- solely their problem to rectify. Negro patina in un1versitr activites are not students at Oregon State su±fer from tobe rërir!1andd br thi-etened;because the discriminatory policiesof the.athof their belièf,inod öf1dièss, hair leti department and the racist 1,nage style or any other hunan right.ti of thiS institution. Student.s werereasThe Adiin±â.tPativePropoal passed by sti±ed at the endof the inter term.that Fcult Sndte is wbrhless ho.dttemptthe administration had created a Commishabeen made to ei'iforce it Qfl this ion to protect minoiity right on this caipus Ii fact, the opo:site ha:s occampu The Commission has failed to curred do that so ho is i.t going to protect The Himan Right1s Commission .dtells identity in Seattle. te fddulty and stüdents:bf thi cmmpus their During th first part of this terra, tht5e tftus qüb1T ritstbeiinrained.the Huiiiai Rights and Responsibilities That L1eais tli5t the Athleti Deprtment Commission has failed to win aryones policy, will be uaintaired in cirect resppctby fulfilling its responsidcfianof uniVersity pol.icy bility. :Tt has done nothing but Thi is unjustible. It.góes :agdinst legit1uize the discriminatorypolicies every démoOitiO principle upon which of Dee Andros. For example, t' the this institution is supposedly based bginniiig of the te1n, S egro athlete, ]hat right does a handful of commis- Bicé Duddlton was told, to shave sion members have in. telling represent- o' turn in his jock stra.. He appealed tives of the entire.fOialt7 that they to the 1-itunan R±çhts and Iein I h I i have iq voice in university po]icyT CQmmission The flifu: ifl r5cQtItlLcnLfThe Cominissin alsd. now defins for ed to Dee ndrdC that the Negro t1 the un1versIt 'whdt is iiis ubordination. letë be xciised from spring pr1uti Ce., Dee na±ad told i3ryOe Huddléston' that a rèimncndtion which foil od.Dee t.heie Woii be .wno pIaceIT for hith 3__ t1: . 1 . , : -. . footbil tesfn eie afterthe inIFO5 stteuent on t1i dffthteam. Cinisicii that Huddles-ton was : : saidthat all AthletiC D3aiWweiit disit is easyto see that the Human cip'linri-'yaotion oildwoald.be:held; in Right Cornmission is losing sleepless abeyanb'. 'As Khtl 'Ie]aiS, I'.iirmrity Af- -nights 'trying.. to. pi'otoet human 'rights. fairT:irecon S5rs, 'T"AndrosT action It is in fact, only wOrking,t.o get was a direct sIap:in the face against the rornaning Negroes off campus. not: onl* PresidentJe'nserI. but :ever.y meii,'df that is' not its intention its Or ber 'the. unier'sity. à.ouuniity.T policies unconciously are achieving Dho àtha '-blame Huddleot'dn for shaving that end, else can result when his iiustacie. The Human Rights Conms- Negroes on what campus are not protected &ioh"continuaO' 'to 'plo' inDee.Andros.T s from the manipulation of their self pumpkin -Atc'h'ti reé:kC. '.aftei they ,ere imAge' 'and when nothi'ng i.s:done to ''ae This is chaAge the rabist image Of school hadl'jd'ue' p±Adss. ''Jith)ai'r'and, swift i'm' the Black cOr: nities:. How long .' NèithC the: blacks of this will 'i\Je'groes" stay hera whe ;they must institution nor their whit'e' suporters suffer d.isc'pimiiatiou during: 'their are gdiñ'towaitforPie'si:de'nt Jensen stay?. And how lsng',will Negroes'keep to skip town in June while the Coiamishere when they know thet to do si"gëd or dëIi'berati' i ad ndiaiitiI"- coning so they will be, cal'IedH Nnacle Torn1? y I\Jeithe± 'are the'going tAwAtchhüman on other campuses? righ5 ,jaanteed Tbr the ,:Adiainistratiive Black:stdents Thè frustrating dii that Oonfi:ons Proposal fà'Ail stdnts gdown'.in the Negro students on this cnpus c,annot ñiidst -of the ë.oitniC5ioi's ierbalJgarbage;b britten off'. as:aA ':internal squabble 'a " between BlAdk Studemt,'Unions. t is " a r1ous and nnnecessary prblera that Dee 'AndosFots Coalition" a: involved tketlives-of-a: group of tu" : 5- 'S. ': . - , ,'' .:.'Thein_ci.Allan.ce'of Black": dents'At Oregon StAt, therefore it in- ailthe. students ':at Oregon State. StudOht 'Uniolas 'in Sdattle hv,d'issued a volves And" its ,exist'ehce' indicates the instateraent 'that nO Ngro 'Athlete frOm a te'ntjon's .ahd resolve: of' Oregon Stat'ets Oregon St'atewill caaet.e 'qn athletic administration, and insists' that :th,ey event in' :WasPitom..'jThat,'ètatenent was: endh't:hei.r 'rhetoric' Oid get off their sent to: bther BSUsin the :PAC. con'ferencas'eand 'get sometMng done. 'Their is ThO:ScOb: redivdd A Odpyof the 'letter n justifiable excusefor the present for That letter may be pedicathent of Negro 'students on this publihda't'alater dat campus...: .''." At this inst'Anoe,'we.ard coAcerm-Od Andi't'i's offer:ing no- solutior. to with the implicationso'f't.he' let'terfor suggest 'that the rOmaiiigNegro stuOregon State?s Negro athletes. They, dents on campus leave as the rnaoraty aftral'l are the 'ones-who iil :siaffer 'did: ada.the Black Student Union from this policy. As they are already walked outs. There is reason to believe suffering because Black students: on that ;theNegfa, stude.ntsw1-no remained other campuses no longeçonsider the at 'Orego'n"St.ata did so .b.ecause 'of Negroesat Oregon State Black. They 'neoessty an'dexpedi'ency, not becaue question their Blackness because they of choice. They stayed because their remain at apubliciy'id'en't'ifi'ed"racist parents ould.not support th,n at j,fl : ' :' institution. indtitutioñ 'becse: theywould Is the plight of the Negro students at AnothAr }Oseaa year:ofeligibu±it'y for athletics, ception had to be made in his case so. rii Un -pp .'thi Un re not allowed tb parYv3a Wost peeple ticipate in student activities when graduation and would have to xieat thair senior year at another schobl in they are student 'teaching. Bu ii ordbr to gradrete you 1aàve friends in the Administra-. have tion and rou are a. nothing hora They stayed also because they people think is a 1Tnice guy.,1' you, can some loyalty and concern for Oregon their presence et the. rules bent for you.. State, and hoped that by mnd The result is, the sta dent body the.y could change the image But:it is obvious suffers but ihat the hell the student: ci this institution. that their hopes have been fthtistrated body is not important anyway so it Andros Coalition (cont'd0) ' tL) They must be. lea'ning b now that, they can oily expect hit froth Oregon Stçte and they must be learning too', that by their continued presence here they are going to catch it from thei' people. What a viciothb'and unjust', situation to have thrust on one0 Whdt an indictraent of Oregon State that it is doing, the thrn sting Any. student or faculty melaber with doesn.'t matter whAt kind of goven rfnt it has, as long aswith its the a adgovernment that agrees ministration. Dave Zier has no right to hold such an important post in student government when he does not have .time to fulfill the reponsibilities of the jdb. And that he. doesn't is obvious froth the present election1s m'ess, continue. We cannot allow Oregon State. tn fnrn Nee'rn studets tn rit,' im to choose batwaen -their educAtion and Viva Grape Boycott I a liheraltenet in his. philosophy cannot allow this degrading situation to . . Students iaet yeserda in' IU' 216 to form an official 5tuclent Friends their idetity, between their fami]ies of the United Farm dorkers Organi-' and heir eclucation, between their zation. The goup now plans to asogis and their education. Pressure Li-ation, and must be put on the admin coordinate a boycott against grapns at local Safeway Stores to promot.e tam Unman Pights' Commission ñiut be the Cause of striking farm, workers, annm up',for the farce that it s. Plans were laid to gAin official If it t.kes demonstrations' to b that, recognition fron the university.. iiae. if it takes closure of the: institation to do that, fine. whatBoycott leaders explained that evor it takes it must be done0 Safeway's irectors are involved in the growing of grapes--they market over ,3 million worth of grapCs Student Leaders: uak -'annually. :Toge'ther Safeway Directors' own over one million acres of land ,in the vA11ay'of Cali'onia and. AnThe organization 'and adrinistatin of student elections this year was. SO zona.' Thus, 'it 'is Ovident why Saf way Corporation' has taken a strong badly 'managed that 'it is truly questionable whether the outcor!le can be stand against' the workers and in favor -of the grbwe'r. consideredygli'd.' Notonly may the elections be, invalidated, but '5OO Lupe 1aurgu.ia Bay Area Boycott Cdordinhtor, summed up the reason .... of student body 'funds i bein needfor the Safeay' Boycoti as 'follows: lessly spent to relirint- 'the voter's 1TWe aretired of being ignored guide. Incompetent persons nogleot5d to print-a, .oandidate''s name on the looked at athd studied," he said. Farm workers have problemO origInal ope, Thera are a number. of people who can most people see these problems. But be held' responsible for this mis-'' when it comes to farm workers acting managemont and, lack 'of preparation. 1, together to solve--thëse problems One of the.se,is Dave Rubin, who i's through organizing a union,.many catching most of .the'-bThame. ,But tAe people stop and"reserv'their syppathr: the wAter-eyed kids with bloated one who is most- to blame because Ae .stomachs' When 'it 'comeC to 'Safeway'has the most repcnsibility is Dave Zacc tUe present student body president they snun the obvious which is thet b defaulu Safeway could bring growers to the Zion iias not electedto ti-ia 'bfce"of ngotiati.ng table it is in'our student bod's pre.sident;"but fell hei power as:wo.rkbrs to organize; ,stnih to ll hroub ±is own and the adsaniand boycott. It is in the Grower's stretionhs' efforts to frustrate John power and Safeway's' to bring the They succeeded0 Ad Zier 'matter to 'the 'lee.I of ne.otiations Fraser, ' . .,'- , ., , ,: . ' . . ' ' ' . - ' ' ' - - - ' - - . ' and the administration "C ambitions I,-'- -v ,' oov+' 51. c v.1. ..L',.L.2 and Zier moved T,-.1'o-,- ) 'JIU.J. ..L. U ...L upstairs0 But al ..L.LJ. ' - -o-,,-4'.1.L D5LA.D 1. - he took with him was his ambition-and no, time nor ability to'do'the job0 Zier is responsible foi the present - - where it- Olbuld have beh. almost .-.:, :1 our yeL'r,S -agO.: FLASHHawaii s State Legislature 'recently endorCed the United Farm Workers' Grape Boycott. Viva la oausa election mess. -He spends only 'one hour a daV piying "student- bdd presi'BId BROTEER: dent, The. other -hours of the day he is student teaching--- a fact that should 'TC}NG YOU have made him ineligibde for"-the. job" in the first' place0 - 1h fa'Ot- an' ex- THE SCAB SHEET-iS ±o±icies (contdj :kia a mcr tutori1 program be instituted to assist these 1'acdeiiically unqiiali±1ed students, the fundfor prior notice to the University Ad- _______________ oI iiainistratjon, providing such meetinr are not held in a cla&sroohi: jj'j h cicss is in session. In such a case, the. instructor's perriussion nius be ojtained That coniputer registration be made which prograi:i will be obtained 'oy the . University Aaianistrstion That there be crested a Department of Ethi.c Studieâ which will enjoy the status of all other Departments of the University with iega±d to funding, staff., and the granting of degrees". The Department will be headed by. g full Professor..; All cou'rsC in the ]epartment rill be open. to all students and gll majórC,",.wit.h.all courses to be available to non-Ethnic'.Studies majors ona pass- ... . : . :. .'- entirely voluntary. That all graduste students be dllowed at least tIreé anits. of pass'. fail per quarter.'' '. ""That there be n6'é1tssified research conducted b the University o± under its sponsorship. fail basi. That there be.no requirement -for a faculty advisor for a group to become an officiaJly' recognized Unive±-.sity organizátion Two' dr niox'e'.members çf the Uiversity Community r1iay form an officially recognized organization by submitting a statement consisting of: a) the name of the 'Organization., and b). the name.of any spoke'smai of teorganization. That there be ab'doltitely no' cooperation by the University wit-h the Selective Service iithout the specific request of the student That military recriiting and distribution of recruiting material' be inrolved4 . limited to the Placement Cen-ter. '.' ' " That no membe;r of the University. Community be punished. by the niver- . . sity for violation of any University Regulation that 'is al a olaon of statute law That 'the physical' limits of the University be inviolate from the presence of armed police, National Gugrd, or any other State or Fede'al That handbills, leaflets, tc.be giren complete freedom of diCtribution and that under no circumstances may the University have:any rights of approval over' the 'contents of the.'mat,.erial. ' Thot posters, .lacard, et,c, in,the agents,;. Jdemjrial Union or elsewhere 'be immune from any requieinents for appOval by any University agency, in.cluding the Memorial Union Board. - ' " - .. That decions on tenure be made, in least /.3 of which will be, students, in': that Department. These' students will be selcted by vote of the students in that Department, and neither the Uni- ' That drug usage be consdered a. medical matter and that all contadt between any neiber'of the University Community and the Student Health Center be cdnfidential. The total allowable activity of the Uni'versit y' ad- ' each de.partraent., by. a committee at - . - . ministration upoli d±d covering drug usage by a Community 'member, will ' consist of reomnendirig the t the person avail himself of 'the' treatment versi,ty.,Adr,inistrat'ion: nor the Depart- ,"- possible at the Student Health Serment A'duiistrati'on will 'be permitted vice. to suggest oandid,tes'" for these' posi-: tions. That all udmbers of t'he University Community be eligible' for treatment That five 'or' more' students desar- ''at the Student Health -Service (not ing that a course not listed ,ii the only students but alimember's).,' Catalogue be taught may, upon finding a qualified insttuctor ('as, determined by That under no c±rcurnstances any the students involved)., require that the the University inforii ny person or course ibe taught under the sponsorship agency other' than the "Student Health of the appropriate' department, which Service and the person involved of will grant credit for the cqur.se,. Pl cases of drug use which may come such course; will be 'open to ail' stud- " any to its attention. ents on 'both a graded and' a pass-fail basis, H That the 'University shell have no regulations pertaining to the use and That all academic credit should be possession of alcoholic beverages reuoved'from the various. ROTC than those'incorpo'dted by' which will be considered an extra'State law -' curricular activity. io academic rank is to be held by a'ny RcC insructor That at le'ast. one room in the, library or staff members be kept open for studying 24, hours a day, seven days a week. That any member or group of the Uni-. versity Community, will hCvO 'the right That a 1Güide to 'Instructors" based to invite any speaker to appear on cam upon results of student quetiori' pus and address all, who care to listen, naires' t1e be published by the ASOSU. regardless of the- time and without. ' ' ' ' ' ': . : - ' . ' - . '; '. . ' ' :. ' . " ' ' ' ' - . ,' ' ." . '' Reesor Stteraent of Policies (contd.) s.c Graduate student :nd Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering.° 1-love studied TrirrspdnsibleT? cctioi in ikinp sraeiients for the Jeffrsoirplane Goncert. ..... . . .e: Thecommttee. censored: SDS's.handling of the concert before consulting ss for its side. ofthe story. Then last Tuesday when SDS Igazine and is one of Eldride Cleaver1s lswyers. He ren for Congress as a peace candidate) was finally represented at a meetin ing Conmittee-Spring l96 Tactical Committee.. kbmbr of Self-DdfeiseCornrnittee. Vidlation f schoO&.cddes or of. ..the oidelines set by George Stevens or Irwin Harii could be :.c.rbecL. It seems that theyefèirec to say.; after the fact, TTyou shouldn't have .. Member of Stop the Draft ee.k Steer- . ctities Coiittee has com.e throuhogain--refusing this time to strihten up its risaken censorsap o SDS for it purprted t the University of was former publisher of Ramparts .. TheStudent : Cal±fornie ot Berkeley, the University of Snta Clsra end Stenford Universiy :Thre yeas usiess experience .. Responsible for. a yea.rly bud,ët exceeding ,2O,OOO. 1ember of theSte.ringComnittee, Stanford Friends of Keating. ceating Sucks .:.Planning .. . ertilizë Your 1'TiinI ew University conspirecy is brewing tô '1get Alan Young,1TEnglish in: tructor I±onday, Dean Gleeson of EnCineerinC deiisnded of alter Forein, chairraen the English Deprtnent, (going through chainels, of course) that Youig be. remov.e, from his position for '1uoral turpitude0 The Dean had 7exhumed a student paper, handed back ten iieeks ao by Young, on which a reader hd aitten ?bullshit .: lthough Young had not.:seen the pper, a non-credit theme from the beginning of winter terra, he assumed eponsibility for the comment, since it was written by his reader. young is doubtful as to whether or not the ..te'1 Tbu]lshit1 constitüte.s rnra1 turpitude. He concedes that it nay hcve been harsh, even rude, but immorl9 t a cow college9 o : It seems odd, Young says, that Dean Nicoderius should have waited this long (Dean G1eesons wife began coinpla'ining ten weeks ago) to implement Dean GleesonTs demand. In fact, the Scab thinks it partidularly peculiar that they can1t simply wait intil summer when Young w.l1 1. .gonp.anyway. It seems lJkQ someone is trying to rse issues for the sake of 1avingissues. . Rock Rocks Scb Sheet has discovered a class et0SU that is in the tr tradition of an experimental cpllege Student coñCeived, tudent 9rggnized, and student instructed. San Francisco Rock husic, meeting every ilonday evening at 6 00 in Hone Ec .iud., is sponsored by the Honors Prograri, and tutored by English Instructor Larry lao Cormack (why is it thct the English Dept. has so many progressive instructors.that..ar.e so. syCtematiqly persecuted°). he understand there are some uprises-. in storfor upcoming sessionsL Cone and see for yoLirself next Nonday evening. ohe cOnaittee,.nQ one specific done it tht way.1 . . ,. : . It has been deterraine. that daneges to the Colise re only plOO, not the Oas ar1ier reporie.d.. The floor ws not damaged and the tarp s alresdy shredded and due for replace. mont- in June. also told That it had not contract with the irplane. ctually, tne contract arrangement vas differeat then usual in that the school hd no financial responsibility case: bf loss but ou1dr.eeive 10% of the 3±Oits. There aas a contract . SDS made. proper arrangements for the between the promoter and the Iirplane and one between the school aa ::the p±othoter. This second con4 :tabt.wae Cent in the,form.of. telegram to the sohool and the mmittee at that time adcepted it. s to funds somehow nissing--l900 earlier that that amount was nec ny 6,00&. But that turned out to be a mistake in the Business 0ffice1s record keeping. The l900 may have been stolen, kept by the promoter, --Dan Bowley, SDS arranger, was told or lost by the Business Office, but -that. determinatiOn dll be left u to the university1s bonding company. It can decide whether or iot the:iiversity is at fault. If not, then it is up to the prooter to take action, hiaybe in the forn of suing. T1i conduct of the crowd at the conOert was not the responsibility of SDS, according to dames Welty, chairman of the committee. ctually it is the duty of Encore to provide protection -t these events SDS iigested tha eight policeman be hired but Encore decided to use four students and whatever Campus police were on duty that night. It- has .lso cone out that a certain employee of the physical plant y havec.haiged more than iorthal Dent. for the use of facilibies and also told SDS that it could not use Ath1tic Dept. P.A. equipmOn. ThisI meant renting from a Poitland firm -for 2,0O0 or one in Salem for plOOO. L'7 j'1 i' ourselves. Te have the maturity o1 It just, so happens that th m&ri rentLng. for udement o discern froLi wro-ig P A equipment is a bu mess pertner of and then we should be ight in. It is a 1iin-jan same physical plant empoyee right, not a m.ile right, to be allbwed The Sc.a feejs that perhaps a1 lnveSt-t0 perform according to personal moral gation of the Student ActjvitiesCondecisions. Leislated iiorality does uttee is in order to deteri:ine 3Ust not necessitate good social standard$. wheter or not TTproper ppocedur:es' Personal, cbnscenious üdgement were- takei before pub]icly censoring needed to build strong tioral standds. SDS. 1iobe the Tirrs.oIsibiJ4tyt1. if you the reviidn,.of closing attribited: to 5115 :can. iikewi.se -be laid hour rulessupport support at the feetof the cmittee, the busi- sleep-out, April .25th.the alicampus. neSs 'bffice, Eñcoreand other persons.. :j.5 We would suggest too that me written guidelines be-provided in-the-future for -the andlin- of: c.pncerts.so that 11ec post faOto". condipnations and/or misunderstandings wil h.e avoided, .. TOTALEDUCATIOW -,- -- -. Twentieth century education is total : environment/involvement Qf the student. in a situation iii which all: of his senses are involved in an experience different from -his- immediate surroundirig Reesor Raps All five aense can be involved in each 1lesson11 to give a sense of being in the David Resor, ASOSU. presidSntiml environment. -Sheet believes all candiate, last night threatened inunc- senses should Scab be involved in educational tion aganst to.dayts election in-a experiences.meeting with the Student Activite' S Total environment education waS the' Committee. He mSintained that his naiie premise.under which- the American was-left off the-cover Cf the offci1 Renaissance Symposium ras orgañi.zed voter7s guide. I will strongly cons1derün1r by involving the students of OSU contesting -the pesult of the election in a total environment could the dueto theunfair and discriminatoryhope to achieve it-s aim of actioAs- taken- against.me, PLeesor told Synposiwa. informing students Cf a new cultural t-he ScabSheet-. ihi]e Other, candiates -movement in-a meaiingf-ul way - notin --have been out campai.:ning,. PLpesor, has terms :of a barren dialogue or debate, been: forced to hassle 'vYith SA on four thidh has only resulted in polarizadifferent:occassibns tb determine tion of opinionin the past. whether he-could ruh for office or not. Total involvement means living-n the Originally. Reesor was approved -but after new:situation through-the us-e of dll hi-s:l-braI pltorm he-was forced t2 the senses for a short piod of- time re-Sppear:- before the committee several to acquire the fullest poCsible essenCe tines.: of that s-t-uation. To -learn everything DOODLING-AREApossible about Paris, one:doesnt read all the -books about Paris: YOÜgo to sponsored by xz Parisl But if you àaZat go to Paris,you try to bring Paris to you. ThiCis what the American Renissdnce Symposium was trying to do foi you, the students of Oregon. State .Univesity. It is ob-yous from the actions of the: Student Senate-, numerous faculty Onumittees- ap -the uproar of the community that the-majority of people in the VN PLEA FOP EQUAL RiGHTS -Corvallis area are nOt really interestedin education at-all: only insofar The mouern woun ns oeen ace. wi the battle of provin her equality with as the OSU Vqcational Trade Scnooj can men. then Jefferson said that i-i men continue in operation unfettered -by the are created equal, he forgot. about the numanistic requirements-of the enli-ghtposition of women. hoinen have finally- ened, responsible minority -of students-i been allowed the right to vote, and they -: - - - :- - - - - -: - -. . - . - - : - - - - - - - -- . I have proven average competency in making political decisions. Now, we are faced - 1 - - TI-ENK .' -- : with a matter of greater concern; Out of the libraries UOthI S CLOSIiG. the slaughterers. Len do not have closing flours. Their The mothers stand judgement in maintaining acceptable Clutching their, children, andsocial standards is ti-uted. Women-are Stare sarching the skies- Lumbly capable of making social decisions, also.por the inventions of- scholars Ue do not need a glorified baby-sitting - - HAVE A HEART. DEE ROTC SUCKS ocay,pri± ith, in the year of the That OSU is. an arm- of the militacy- Beaver, is just like any other day... We live as we always have, in a world characterized by both burning crosses and burning babies. In times such as these,, a million dollars worth of industrial complex, and thereby "serves society11 is pretty much taken for granted. Nowhere is thAt more noticeable than in the university'. ROTC programs. Through the ROTC the Athletic Deparment administration takes university helps train' students to kilL priority over the human rights of an We live in an age of speciali ,zation. The description of the reserve Offic.:Professor'Ahdros (and he is a professor ers Training' Corps in the cur±ent OSU as a izable number" of you he.ard him Catalog is revealing : 1TThe military try tO say so nimself) told us all in an at Oregon State University has progreOregonian statement last February that seed with the growth of the University.t tne Presiaent's commission on human rightsThis growth explains why it sometimes would have no ef-fec.t on the running of appears that the campus is under martia] his department. law and why uniformed stu.ents bring We see by his April 10th Barometer weapons into classrooms. They're. statement concerning Bryce Huddleston defending freedom. that again Professor Andros has had the When the catalog says the. military last word'. The statementa made; by Pres.- has progress.ed at OSU, perhaps it's ident Jehsen and his "Human Rights Cbmm- referring to ROTC courses. A student can take a course whicn explores "US ission" indicate their positi.ons in Armed Forces1 doctrinies, missions and essence acting merely as puppets in 'dome employment concepts; the military force academic Punch and Judy show'. The of joint commands..."He can, in commission is merely an example of PresAerospace Studies III, learn about ident Jensen's inability to'act. it j "Nature of war, development of airpower a stall, a stall which enables President mission and organization of Defense Jensen to leave Oregon State witW his ' Department'; Air, Force concpts doctrine, "transcript unscathed. and employment.. .," Or, for on-the-spot Some. say that 'there' have been obWious training in methods of killing people, improvements since the Human Rihts the student gan take' Wi-litary Science I controversy. ThiC sentirieht we must which, is a "leadership laboratory" and agree ith., He )elieve, however, that it must be qualified by the' und:erstanding teaches "inividuàl, weapons and marksthat there is less racial discrimination nanship.? Then, too, there are the "summer' camp" programs-, offered for becAuse the Black j2opulation as been credit, through which the university halved, due to t'e BSU 'controversy',; by encourages st'udents to learn the the Black walk'otit.' intri cacis of flame-throwing, 'fiveNo. impo"'ement has 'come Instead of 'inch gun loading, and, probably, the art progression, we see' only rdgresson. 'of npalro cropping. na the student The stand 'taken by the dommissiot as gets paid for attending these caaps. repowted in the pril 10th Barometer, that those persons (particularly athletes) And there's this beauty: "Each of whose cases are not before the commission the units on this caripus strives to develop in- he studen't a capacity for must comply with those 'discriminatory leadership, to develop him morally, practices eth'ployed by the departments mentally-and physically..." In the involved (the Athletic Department) only military, a "capacity for leadership" further defines this body's ario.netteultimately means that the man knows like position. And t1l us why' the meetiñge held by this commission are not how to follow orders. When the mili, ry develops a man "mentally" he is.. open to the public? If the proceedings in facL, conditioned. How the military are truly honest, there should be no aevelops a man "morally" we'll leave to reason to meet behind closed doors, your imaginaton. One w6nders if especially when one is. dealing with wars could continue without the coopHuman Rights. eration of universities. T,11 LSfl VtL C 'i.LL -LLA.t J Remember, how much fun, a puppet show was?, The reasonable man realizes that You laughed and '..laughed 'What a fantas- mil.tary solutions- to world problems tic' game. are no obsolete-the university i'Iost people grow out of the "game playing" phase. But games are should realize it,. very ineffective when carried into adult life and used by fools which ' ,, . toot attempt to mold the minds of othe, So please, Professor I-\ndros, do grow Up, Get big. No, not in the head; in the mind, and in the heart. '. SP. SAC.