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Computer Registration SUc;kS
Oregon State Universitr is currently planning to institute a plan for
computer registration beginning nex
fall term. While we are not questicning the theory of instituting comput&'
programming on this campus, the program presented aaof this date does
not accomplish its purpose of simplifying registration nö±' doeit allow
the individual student a greater
opportunity to receive the schedule;
he desires,
One of the benefits of this computer registration was originally
stated as giving a complete course
demand program of all courses at OSU
Thi.s requires that cards be available
at the class tables for everyone and
anyone desiring any courbe listed in
hhcTachedule0 If anyone conceiveably can register for any course,
the computer registration program will.
complicate, rather than simplify, the
administratorT s job in that he will
be required to hand out two to ten
times as many class cards as there is
room ;.e the course,
The administra-tien is bound to classify these
pc:ular courses (almost invariably.
popular because of the profeescr and
not. the subject matter) as exceptions
and adopt pre-registration methods for
solving course limitation requirements, However; this completely
negates the premise that
will be included..in. the course demand
program and therdfàre the schedule
of classes will be invalid.
One- aspect of the proposed eomputer regi strati on program that should
doncern every member. of the student
body is the fact that thre
is rio
or programmer limitation, then the
computer must not be used at all0
In order that you, the student,
may see the program planned for
next fall term, we are printing an
itemized statement of the computer
registration procedure.
A schedule of classes will
be made available to all students
in similar form to the present
This is to allow the
student to seledt a success1u1 mdi-.
vidual schedule,. such. that two single
section courses meeting a t the same
hour on the same day will not be
accidentally selected, This program
will be entered on a "Course Request
Card" (CRCY
The CRC will be submite-d
to the students advisor and the
school dean for approval, as is
presently done with the trial study
The CRC will indicate the
studentts 'name, the course letter,.
and number code only (such as Ec.
201, hr, 303, etc.), There is no
provision for: course time or professor preference on the CRC.
Students will go .t.o "sectioning tables" -(a meaningless term
since the student has no choice of.
section in multiple sec.tion c.ours's)
to get their class cards. The
packet of card will be handed over
to a collection desk when leaving
Gill Coliseum, All of the student.
body will registerthe first day
and all cards will be available to
the computer cen.er for' processing.
on the first evening,
availability for. the student to ape cif
which, professor he desires in any but
single section classes, In other
words, freshmen enrolling in English
compo±tioia will be'programme.d into
a tiniC slot by the cornputer--t.ht
sbmdent. wil have no 'way' to influence
which professor he receives. This
aritrary procedure will apply to
avery multi-sectioned class.
The computer center
process all the course cards to
gi.ve a printout to each school a
to how many students desire each
class offered in the schedule of.
classes. The department heads and.
deans will then decide which. courses
need more sections and what ceilings
to put on single section 'courCes
Under the present system, admittedly
slow and painful., there is some choice
of instuctcr, whereas under the cornotor registration there is no choice
available, Students should be guaranteed tne right to 'prelirninary selection
of their professors., whether in practice
thaj receive that choic.e or not.:
Obviously, all the students cannot be-'
TLV saticfied in their desire of
professor preference, bit efforts
should be undertaken NOW. bythe administration to work out., a htiman program
for the computers The adrninistration?s
computer programmers must cperaoe
from the premises of humanistic reciuiremeats and the compu'c.er must
serve man1 a needs0 If this is ::..ot
possible because of machine limitation
The dean's decision are
sent. back to the computer center for
implimentation in determining, individual student class programs. The
order of processing, and thus who
gets first choice of classes, will
be determined on the basis of Seniors
first', with the remainder of the
students considered according to the
alphabetic " permit to regi star"
schedule on the back of the schedule
of classes, If a course does not
fit a students time program, the
computer will. alter that student s
program by moving a multiple sectioned course to another time slot and
then trying to fit the course that
previously conflicted into your prâgram. The computer will
of last term. Ihsad arragej
Computer Reg. Sucks: (ont'd.)
rnents for funding, speakers, nd
try. this
randomly ..OQO tirn
.pparerti how.r
nd j± no solution is possible in that fadi1iies.
that an organization
many tries, it all re3ect t1e student's does not reel the
Activities Ooimittee
enti, program aid proeédtb the next shbuld dictate:tothem
is ground
student. Afte the student receives
hia roraimt.he next dayhewil hav
to iorkout his schedule byt:1manua1TT ability to organize,. ancli-esponsi
rnethod. .p. fami1ir to thecnipus now,
the sàmemethod thich we havebeen
&ssure'd this computer prograxmne.d rgiSecondl3T, the Oregon State. Board
stratjon was going to eliminate. In
Education has adopted a
the 5OQQtri:es of.the computer to work
out a scheduia,:the multi-sectiord
are institutions establcoursesvi1lbe shuIfled randoruily.to.
Of intllectual
achieve a non-conflicting schedule.
fear of reThe final schedule presented to the
student could conceiveably be drestiuniversity
cally different from the program demust be maintained. This pursuit o
sired by that student:.
learning is the only. l.egit:imate..
o tile uniireP sity and until:
hen a] b7X11xj p!ig cms are
iocod, indivdiil student schedules nositon, the understandsofitshpher
will be pinLed out wit itemized b1]s.
These schedule/bills will be distributed the second day of registration
at various distr1:hutori. points, where
fees are colle,te.d..
enin in the state of Oregon wi]l
continue to be shackled by fears and
ignorance. The stete legislature
has .no;right to deterilne .whjt'; can
aild'cannot' bediscused.on ainiThe rograra preented,bo.vs. obviously varsity carnüs.::We muat' educAta
tIat legislature :c,its r.dle.;'.test.:
caters. o"thë desires of the, people
a sed cannot :be a-voi'ded'.':
involved in running registration, with
little or no attention to the needs of
As to the fear of undesirable
the students. Pe must oppose the
actions as a reult of the symposium,
present, system arid. .dend tat eibher
this d,s. a pr.adin.e.xampla.of pre-.
a plan
presented which reflects
human concerns or the idea of Qomputer
registrtion at OSU be discarded
inhumane and merely another attempt
by this. administration to control
tudent decisions.
cisely the type of ignorance and
fear tie symposium was designed to
Clleviate. The speakers have been
invited to Oregon State not to incite
riots, but to enlighten through in-
telle'c.tual. di.Ccuss.ions. (repeat:':.
.int:ellactial,. .'ducational.) mem'bers
this particular institütion.' 'In
The American Renaissanc 'Symposium' E'd..ats of
addition, there is no way of predict-
mg whatwill be the esults of 'any
acti.vity-be.;.i.tGree.k Week Centeimil
I think; therefore, Iamb
I am; therefore, I exist.
The American Renaissance Symposium
will take place .April'25 26 and 27.
The American Renaissance Symposium
and the sponsoring organizations exist
and are functioning. The committee
would l'ka to." clear the air of some
of the misconceptions surounding the
Yesterday, the Student Activities
and ten faculty and administrat.ors)
refuSed 'r,ecogiition:'.of theprbgreIn outlined by the Symposium Committee on the
following gr.oind:
1. lack of organization
2. fear'of reprisals,of:sat.e
legislators in the form of redu.ed
funding for .unidr:si'tia
3. fsar' o.f riotCbr.whatvei
Cornniittee (coriipsed of-.ei'ght's.udents.
.., '..' .,
';AiAeridan Renaissance
The committee, in trying to
,.:coope.rate through established or'ganizatioial.: pr'ocedur:.e. made iumerous
conc'essioflsiie....t.he"ptogram was'
cut frmf our d'ays to two so that
i-t wo.ildot:'Jinterfere with classee'
and' so tg;' 'therei would, be an unin-'
'terrut,'ed schO'thlO'o'f e.vents,".l'eav.
ing io,:-free tite' fol-':riots. Also,.'.
'the, number of principal, speakers was
allay the.së.if.eas.an'din..txiilg'to
"iit':fro'm ',nin'e".it'o Oven 'and the. desired
Jbudge.t was The:duced. ':'T.he' cornmi.ttee'r'':
promised to operate within established
pro cedural. hound.ari"s
The ictiities Committee rejected
the S.yiiiposiam, but it:idid say Vat
it would, b.e:'willi.ng'..'to reconsid-dr
if'aer'tain :.condi onis"we:.e' mat'--.The
Renais,san:de;Cornmittee .'s'j'n'fujl':'.'
accord with all but two of the pro
The grounds upon which the comrnitteo posed' co,ndit,id'ñ,s:
refused recognition are both illogical
a.prov.iion':..f'or t.h.c'.estd.blishnent
and unreasonable. In the first place,
', donmi.ttee.to. be coino-sed "of repre
the Symposium Committee has been func.eit'at'i'ves':'.from:spons.oring ogani:za'
tions, the status. or :' :'(.conttd7
tionirig since approximately the middle
function of whiQb was not made clear.
Th fact.,, suc1' a comnIit'ee exists in
theform,of'the Arhericn Renaissance
Symposium Committae which is imde U
of reprosontatives from each sponsoring
organizadQn, and will include more
members t such time as committments
are made by other orgenizations. It
seems thet the nctivities Committee
wents to define for the Renaissance
Committee which members would be'
The second condition found unacceptable we that the sympoSium must
be carried out "over period of time."
peiiod of' tini&' mentioned ws not
mãde specific Obviously, the achedule
does cover a period of time--two daya
The implied intent of the Activities
CoLLmuttee in this area was quite clearly
an extended pe'riod of time., flare than
Here WeGo'Again?
o person should ue the threat
of ro ovel of en othleteT s or any
other student's grnt or scholarship: 'or suspension'from'flI' ps'rtid
ipetion on teams or other groups,
or any other form of coercion as a
means of forcing behavior on en
athlte.' (tile revised dminisrative I1roposd1 apptoved'by.Faculty
AlrcacLy tills trm, actions have
bden taken wi'ich
ie in direct
violation of the ebove steten-nts.
ndrew'flill.,.'OSU 'bas'kebal.ler, 'eS'
o rued from th court by coach
Vlent end told not"to return until
he 1d cut .is hair Bryce huddleston, varsity football player, was
told to leave spring practice and
wclaed not
return until he had
effectively debt1y the concept of a
symposiuri thich is, by definition,
to George Ccrr, B5U President,
not a multiple-week series of lectuies. these perciculcr cass are in the
These people have seemingly failed to
process of hei1i recomnrndod to
gxasp the fact that what the symposium
is de.signed to present i an' overview
of "An integrated cultural moven,.ent,.
This overview cannot be accomplished
through piecemeal presenttions. The
Activities Committee i's., in' effect.,
attempting to regiment and restrict
the presentation of a way of life
Thunded upon' a' rejection of rd.girrientation and restriction. lthough not
a direct, or perhaps even conscious,
attempt at censorship, the actionsal
iast night are a more subtle and
possibly more dan,perous forri of restkiction on, the efforts of scudents
who want to become invo'ved in their
tnc residert's Commission on i1unian
flights and Aesponsibilities.
te have ben told that this
Commission all settle such mutters,
but it' reficins to b'o 'seen whether
the Commission will ct on its in.tentlons ? individuls involved
'a re presenting theili case's to the
proper channels " Hopefuiiy, ti e
'prop r chcnnels 'till prove responsve to student needs, thereby
emma tin the necssity for
iecurrence of last teriii's disruption
own educition.
The following is part of the docu-
ment on "Student Rights, Freedoms,
Student aenate last veek and currently
before Faculty Senate.
'I do not think, therefore, I
am not,
'Studens shli''be',àllowedto
invite and to hear any person of their
'own choosing. Uhile the orderly
scheduling of facilities say require
the observance of routine proceaures
befoe',a guest speakdr.is initd 'to
appear 'on campus, '± titutiomCl" coiitrol of campus facilities shall never
b'e"used a's 'a devi,ce "of. Oenso'shi,.
It snall be made clear to the academia
and l'arger:coñunun,ity'that sponsorship
f guest speakers does not necessarily
imply endorsement of the views cx"essed'," eit'her by"the spbns,oring.
group or the institution.
It seems that the ctivities
Committee' does not' 'bCliee 'that
"studentC shall be 'allowed 'to invite
and hear any person of thei'r own
choosing," Or could it be that the
Committee believes it is the sole
judge' in such matters;' that i alOne:
dan read. the niinds' of'studen,tS,. that
It is the supreme being of education
on this campus9
administrator' Your computer is
it channels faster then the tide
and 'arocesses faster t1 an en army,
but t haS one defec't.
it needs a techncin..
student is very
it 'cAn learn and.. it can mimica,r'j
bn,tit oo..ias one defect::
It can thirik