Women's health_final master_Layout 1 21/08/2013 12:01 Page 1 In Placement Multisource Feedback: Ask all clinicians completing an IPMSF to sign below 1. Clinician name Job title 2. Specialty Obstetrics/Gynaecology Signature UCL MEDICAL SCHOOL Obstetrics/Gynaecology 3. Midwifery 4. Genito-urinary medicine 5. Genito-urinary medicine 6. Breast 7. Year 5 Urology 8. 9. 10. Supervised Learning Events (SLEs): A minimum of seven is required, but you are encouraged to do more to maximise the feedback you receive. Please indicate below the SLEs to show that you have fulfilled the requirements, and indicate total completed. SLE CEX Specific area of practice Sexual history taking Female genital exam: bimanual CEX examination +/- Cusco speculum CEX Attendance of woman in labour CEX Antenatal assessment & examination CBD Any O&G or GUM topic CBD Any Breast Health case CBD or CEX Any Urology case Case Based Discussions (CBD) Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (CEX) Assessor name Date 2013-14 Firm (please circle) A/B/C Block (please circle) 1 / 2 / 3 Total completed in this module Patient Pathway Contact dates: Ask patients to sign below Date 1: Date 2: Patient to sign: Patient to sign: Explanations for any uncompleted items on card: Attach extra sheet if needed Women’s Health & Men’s Health Record of Completed Procedures Must be submitted at the end of the module. Women's health_final master_Layout 1 21/08/2013 12:01 Page 3 Core procedures and competencies Each procedure/competency (items 1-10) must be performed under supervision in a clinical setting (i.e. not in Clinical Skills Centre or Gynaecology Teaching Associate session). Supervisors should only sign off a student if they perform at a level equivalent of a FY1 doctor on the first day. 1. Cusco speculum examination Signature Name & Designation Date 2. Female bimanual examination Signature Name & Designation Date 3. Antenatal examination Signature Name & Designation Date 4. Male genital examination Signature Name & Designation Date 5. Male catheterisation Signature Name & Designation Date Labour and deliveries (a) Normal vaginal deliveries observed Home site Signature 6. Cervical smear Signature Name & Designation Date 7. Female urethral catheterisation Signature Name & Designation Date 8. Urine pregnancy testing Signature Name & Designation Date Signature Date 10. Digital rectal examination of prostate Signature Name & Designation Date Gynaecology teaching associate (GTA) session Date Home or DGH (circle) Date Total number performed in module: Total number of instrumental deliveries observed in module: Total number of caesarean sections observed in module: DGH Signature To be signed by the supervising practitioner in charge. If session not running, contact the Undergraduate Administrator and record as appropriate (including date and name of contact). Antenatal clinic 1 Antenatal clinic 2 Breast clinic Breast theatre Breast MDT Name & Designation Date 2. Urology clinical sessions Prostate clinic Haematuria clinic or flexible cystoscopy list Andrology clinic Robotic theatre list Urology theatre list Urology ward teaching Name & Designation Date 3. HIV ward teaching (clinician to also complete feedback form) Date Name & Designation Name & Designation Clinic and ward attendance Signature Signature Home or DGH (circle) Date Total number attended in module: Signature Name & Designation (b) Normal vaginal deliveries performed (one at each site) Home site DGH Signature 1. Women’s Health (including breast) sessions 9. Breast examination DGH Home site Outcome of labour Name & Designation Name & Designation (c) Assisted deliveries observed (d) Labours attended (full or partial attendance) Signature HIV on call HIV testing on ward HIV ward teaching 1 HIV ward teaching 2 Name & Designation Date 4. GU clinics (clinician to also complete feedback form) Signature Name & Designation Date GUM 1 GUM 2 GUM 3 Health advisor HIV clinic Family planning