2409.21e_10 Page 1 of 8 CHAPTER 10 - CURRENT VEGETATION DATA 10 - RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM (RMRIS). RMRIS is a Region 3 system designed to link an integrated relational data base with mapped polygons delineated primarily on the basis of existing vegetation. A standard set of information (data elements) is required Region-wide for upward reporting to the Region and the Washington Office. This system currently provides for the basic needs of Forest Planning, project implementation and many of the upward reporting requirements. Mapped polygons account for the entire area within the boundaries of the National Forests or Grasslands. The system stores existing vegetation attributes and other information which can logically be attributed to the delineated polygons. 11 - EXISTING VEGETATION. The existing vegetation comprises one of the layers of the overall information describing National Forest Resources. It is closely related to, but distinct from the underlying Terrestrial Ecosystem (TES) layer. 11.1 - New Data Elements. Submit to the Regional Office (RO) new data element addition or deletion suggestions. Submit these collectively to the Regional Forester for review at the beginning of each fiscal year. If changes are approved, the RO will implement on all District Data Bases and make necessary mass changes of the data base. Every District data base in the Region will have the same data elements (schema). Only the data content and number of Sites will vary. 11.2 - Use of the System. Using this system, one can summarize data at any level of land unit quickly and efficiently. Primary uses will be reporting analysis of project opportunities on Districts and updating of the Forest Planning data base. 12 - GENERAL FUNCTION. The vegetation tabular data base provides managers at all levels in the Region with information they need to manage the vegetation resource. It also links the Forest Inventory (Stage I) with the Site exams (Stage II). When used correctly, the system will: 1. Provide information for timberland and woodland prescriptions. 2. Plan for and track treatments. 3. Make required reports. 4. Keep a historical record of all treatments. 5. Provide information to update and revise the Land Management Plan. 6. Provide information to update integrated data bases. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/1998 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.21e_10 Page 2 of 8 FSH 2409.21E – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK CHAPTER – ZERO CODE 7. Provide basic stratification for Forest Level inventories. The usefulness of the system is directly proportional to the reliability and completeness of data entered. The addition and updating of information in the system should be regarded as a primary responsibility of those engaged in managing the timber resource. 12.1 - General Components. The vegetation data base has three components: 1. Index map (Hard copy or GIS depending on stage of implementation of GIS). 2. File folder. 3. Automated tabular data base. No component can function correctly without the other two. The index map is the primary index of all Sites in the system and may be hard copy or computerized depending on the status of the geographic system for the area in question. The Site folder contains all the details needed for management. The automated data base allows compilation of summarized information from the Site folder and in return makes reports for the Site folder. 13 - INDEX MAP. The function of the index map is to record the boundaries of each Site in relation to surrounding Sites and the land base itself. Each Site identified in the record system must be delineated on the index map. An index map must be maintained for all lands. 13.1 - Index Map Standards. The preferred hard copy index map is an orthophoto print -- an aerial photograph which has been corrected to remove distortion and has been overprinted with contours, names, and some conventional signs to facilitate interpretation. Topographic base maps also may be used. Maps will be kept at a full quadrangle size in order to allow the maps to be registered when doing GIS work. The map consists of a base whose scale is 1:24000 (2.64 inches per mile) and a clear overlay for recording Site boundaries. Keep one map for each Location or group of Locations. Forest boundaries, District boundaries and private land boundaries are registered to the USGS Primary Base Series. 13.2 - Overlay Standards. The overlay will consist of a heavy clear film approximately 0.0075 inches thick (K and E Stabilene, stock number 44-1037 or equivalent) that will accept and retain water soluble ink. Site information on each overlay will be: R3 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/1998 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.21e_10 Page 3 of 8 FSH 2409.21E – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK CHAPTER – ZERO CODE 1. Location boundaries in a heavy black line (#3 Rapidograph or equivalent). 2. Index map title block will be applied to the margin area of the map. 3. Sites will be delineated on the overlay with solid lines in water soluble black ink (Pelican TT: Drawing ink for plastic film or equivalent). Number each Location and Site in black. 13.3 - Mounting Standards. Facilities for filing the index map may, for some Units, dictate how the overlay is used with the map base. The preferred method (optional by Forest) is to fix two 1/4 by 1/4 inch mounting studs to the orthophoto base permanently. The overlay can then be registered with these studs and layered with other resource overlays of 1:24000 scale. The overlay should not be permanently mounted to the map base. 13.4 - Changes in Site Boundaries. All Sites entered in the vegetation data base must be delineated on the index map. As Sites are added or changed, a current record must be kept on the index map overlay of new Site configurations. To avoid undue changes in Site boundaries, a careful job of Site delineations should be done. Make a copy of the overlay at the end of every year and retain in a historical file. Use a microfilm system to accomplish if one is available. 13.5 - Digitized Map System. For those Forests and Districts with a working GIS system, the index maps should be digitized and entered into the GIS system. Each delineated Site will be digitized and labeled with the Location and Site number. Any changes made to the hardcopy index maps must also be made to the GIS delineations. 14 - FILE FOLDER. The file folder will contain basic information needed to manage the area, including the information not carried in the data base. 14.1 - Location Folder. The Location folder will contain information that pertains to the Location as a whole and will be the first folder in the file for a Location. 14.2 - Site Folder. Maintain basic information in each Site folder such as: 1. Photographic records. 2. Activity implementation guides. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/1998 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.21e_10 Page 4 of 8 FSH 2409.21E – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK CHAPTER – ZERO CODE 3. Stand examination printouts. 4. Stand diagnosis. 5. Plantation records. 6. Site-specific records for TSI or other improvements. 7. Site-specific silvicultural prescription and/or harvest records. National standards require that the silvicultural prescription be retained as part of the Site record. 15 - TABULAR DATA BASE. After Sites have been created, information about them forms a data base. It is vital to keep the Site maps current with the data base and information filed in the folders (both Site and Location). Each Ranger District will maintain a hierarchical 3-level Site data base. Organize a 3-level data base as follows: 1 - Location Identification and Area Control Elements 2 - Site Identification and Description Elements 3 - Activity Planning and Accomplishment Elements (Activities) When searching a data base, a Location is first found, then an individual Site within a particular Location, and last, a planned or accomplished activity within a Site. There may be several Sites within Locations and several reported planned or accomplished activities within Sites. Data stored will be either character or integer. The data stored at the Location level is for area control purposes only. Do not store resource or activity data at the Location level. Net acres are those acres within the Location administered by the National Forest. Gross acres are the total sum of all acres within the Location. 15.1 - Required Data Elements. The following data elements are required Region wide for consistency in upward reporting: LOCATION LEVEL. Administrative Forest Code R3 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/1998 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.21e_10 Page 5 of 8 FSH 2409.21E – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK CHAPTER – ZERO CODE Proclaimed Forest Code State Code Net Area (NFS owner code) Gross Area SITE LEVEL. Management Area Range Allotment Number County Ownership Area Acres Timber Component Special Unit (for special units) Special Unit Name (for special units) Vegetation Cover Type (All Sites) Tree Size Class (for forested lands) Slope Aspect Elevation ACTIVITY LEVEL. Accomplished Vegetation Treatment Activities All activities needed for Annual Silviculture Accomplishment Report All data elements based on the required reporting needs R3 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/1998 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.21e_10 Page 6 of 8 FSH 2409.21E – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK CHAPTER – ZERO CODE When an activity is recorded, the following data elements will always be completed: Location Proclaimed Forest Code Site Activity Code Fund Code Units Workforce Status Calendar Date For tracking KV project activities, the following additional elements are required: Project Number Subproject Number For plantation accomplishment the following additional elements are required for National Reports: Stock Type Seed Source Species Number Planted The following additional elements are required for National Reports for plantation survival survey accomplishment : R3 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/1998 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.21e_10 Page 7 of 8 FSH 2409.21E – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK CHAPTER – ZERO CODE Species Survival Survey Year Survival Percent For stocking survey accomplishment the following additional elements are required for National Reports: Stocking Level Regeneration Survey Year Reporting planned (status code P) or prescribed (status code X) activities is optional. To be consistent with TSPIRS, harvest activities are reported as accomplished (status code A) when units are cut and accepted. Project ID is required for harvest accomplishments. 16 - RELATIONSHIP TO LAND MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM. For land management planning purposes, a Forest Plan data base will be created to support Forest Plan development and implementation. These data bases will be preserved as part of the planning records. The Forest data base will be created through the aggregation of the District data bases. For program planning, the District data bases can accommodate planned activities for out years. Planned activities will be based on developed prescriptions for the Site and on reforestation and timber stand improvement needs. Queries will be made on the planned activities and needs in determining budget requests and target levels. 16.1 - Monitoring. A significant portion of Forest Plan monitoring will be accomplished through the vegetation and activity level information. 17 - RELATIONSHIP TO TIMBER INVENTORY. Index all stand exams and timber resource inventories to the Site identities (Location and Site numbers). 17.1 - Extensive Forest-wide Data Base. To facilitate Forest inventory planning, a Forest-wide data base will be created. This data base will contain the same data elements as the District Site data base and the same data information. The Forest-wide data base will be created by copying each District data base at a given point in time corresponding to the Forest-wide extensive vegetation inventory date. It provides the necessary stratification for data sample selection. This data base will remain static for the R3 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/1998 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.21e_10 Page 8 of 8 FSH 2409.21E – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK CHAPTER – ZERO CODE inventory planning period. A hard copy of the Site master index maps will also be made. The extensive data base will be kept until the next Forest inventory is planned. At the time of processing a new Forest inventory, it is the Forest's and District's responsibility to bring their District Site data bases up-to-date and ensure that area of all Sites total to the known District area. 18 - COMPUTER PROCEDURES FOR UPDATING AND REPORTING. All current documentation of procedures for entering and updating data and for running reports are contained in the RMRIS User Guide.