Linda Oostendorp

Linda Oostendorp
Short Biographical Statement
Linda is a researcher with a background in Biomedical Health Sciences and Epidemiology. She is
interested in patient preferences for care and treatment and her PhD thesis was on shared decisionmaking about palliative chemotherapy for patients with advanced cancer.
Research Associate at the Louis Dundas Centre, UCL Institute of Child Health
Linda has (co-)authored 10 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including three
systematic literature reviews, quantitative studies included randomised controlled trials, and
qualitative studies including semi-structured interviews and a Delphi study to reach consensus
among an expert panel of multidisciplinary stakeholders. In addition, Linda has presented her work
at several international conferences in the fields of oncology, psychology, decision-making and
palliative care.
Her current work at the Louis Dundas Centre includes a systematic review of the literature and
development of a questionnaire to be sent to researchers for a project on research access for
children and young people with a life-limiting illness or life-threatening condition. Furthermore, she
is involved in retrospective reviews of care and treatment of children with SMA-1, a rare
neurodegenerative disease, and the incidence of breakthrough pain in children on the caseload of
the palliative care team at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Linda is also involved with research on
clinical outcomes, including preferred place of death and the evaluation of outpatient clinics for
children with life-limiting conditions.