I NTERNATIONAL T ELECOMMUNICATION U NION Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Geneva, 23 October 2000 Ref: TSB Circular 3 SSG/TT Tel: +41 22 730 51 26 Fax: +41 22 730 58 53 E-mail: tatiana.tchaika@itu.int - To the Administrations of Member States of the Union and to ITU-T Sector Members; Copy: - To the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of Special Study Group “IMT-2000 and beyond” - To the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau; - To the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau; Subject: First Meeting of Special Study Group “IMT-2000 and beyond” Geneva 11-15 December 2000 Dear Sir, 1 I would like to inform you that according to the decision of the WTSA-2000 the new Special Study Group “IMT-2000 and beyond” was created to progress mobility studies within ITU-T and to lead corresponding studies within ITU-T. WTSA-2000 has also approved a new Recommendation in the Aseries on the provisional working procedures for Special Study Group (see Annex 2). In accordance with these rules and considering the priorities of studies in this area I have the honor to inform you that this Special Study Group will hold its first meeting on 11-15 December 2000 at ITU Headquarters in Geneva. 2 The meeting will open at 09.30 hours on the first day. Detailed information concerning the meeting rooms will be displayed on screens at the entrances to ITU headquarters. 3 force. An interpretation service will be provided for the meeting in accordance with the provisions in 4 The draft agenda, as prepared by agreement with the Chairman of Special Study Group (Mr. J. Visser, Nortel Networks, Canada), is set out in Annex 1 hereto. 5 The Plenary sessions will take place on 11 December 2000 and 15 December 2000. Parallel sessions are foreseen on 12, 13 and 14 December 2000. Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Telephone +41 22 730 51 11 Telefax Gr3: +41 22 733 72 56 Gr4: +41 22 730 65 00 Telex 421 000 uit ch Telegram ITU GENEVE Internet: itumail@itu.int X.400 S=itumail; P=itu A=400net; C=ch -2- 6 Pursuant to the provisions of Recommendation A.1 of the WTSA (Montreal, 2000) and Recommendation A.9 “Provisional Working Procedures for the Special Study Group on IMT-2000 and Beyond” of the WTSA (Montreal, 2000) (see Annex 2) contributions to the work of the Special Study Group shall be submitted to the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), using the following e-mail addresses: tsbssg@itu.int Participants are reminded that in accordance with Recommendation A.9 the meeting will be conducted paperless as far as possible. In accordance with Recommendation A.9 contributions should be received by the Director not less than five working days before the date set for the opening of the meeting. Therefore, such contributions must be received by the TSB not later than 1 December 2000. Contributions may be downloaded directly from the ITU-T web site. With a view to settling any questions which might arise concerning contributions, the name, the fax and telephone numbers and the e-mail address of the person to be contacted should be indicated on contributions. Accordingly, please give those details on the cover page of all contributions. 7 Annex 3 provides the terms of reference of the new SSG, Annex 4 contains the Chairmanship of this SSG and Annex 5 – list of the questions allocated to SSG “IMT-2000 and beyond”. 8 For your information, a hotel confirmation form is enclosed as Annex 6 (see TSB Circular 259 of 10 March 2000 for the list of hotels). 9 In order to enable the TSB to make the necessary arrangements concerning the organization of the meeting, I would be grateful if you would send me, by letter or fax (No.: +41 22 730 5853), as soon as possible, but not later than 30 November 2000, the list of people who will be representing your Administration, recognized operating agency, scientific or industrial organization, other entity dealing with telecommunication matters, or regional and/or international organization. The registration form in Annex 7, duly completed (one per participant), should be attached to the above-mentioned list. 10 Further meeting notification could be done electronically. Yours faithfully, H. Zhao, Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Annexes : 7 -3- ANNEX 1 (to Circular 3) Draft Agenda for the first meeting of ITU-T Special Study Group “IMT-2000 and beyond” (Geneva 11-15 December 2000) 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Approval of agenda 3. Framework for studies to be performed by SSG in the post 2000 period: 3.1 Guidelines given by the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Montreal, 2000) 3.2 Objectives for SSG, study period 2001-2004 3.3 Follow up of the studies carried out by WP 3/11 3.4 Proposal for SSG structure 3.5 Working methods in SSG 3.6 Appointment of Rapporteurs, Editors and Working Methods Coordinator 4. Liaison and interaction with other groups, standards bodies, forums/consortia 5. Key objectives for this meeting 6. Work Plan for this meeting 7. Conduct of and facilities available for the meeting 8. Documents and their allocation 9. Guidelines for the meeting of Working Parties 10. Approval of the report of the Working Parties 11. Future activities 12. Miscellaneous 13. Closing -4- ANNEX 2 (to Circular 3) RECOMMENDATION A.9: “PROVISIONAL WORKING PROCEDURES FOR THE SPECIAL STUDY GROUP ON IMT-2000 AND BEYOND” 1. General 1.1 The provisional working procedures described below are applicable only to this Special Study Group. On the points not explicitly referred to by this Recommendation, the procedures that apply to other regular study groups shall apply. 1.2 The working procedures described here are intended to be applied on an initial basis, to support the improvement of working procedures within the Special Study Group with a view to increasing the effectiveness and responsiveness of the ITU to marketplace needs. 1.3 The provisional working procedures described below shall take effect as soon as practicable. Additions or modifications to the working procedures, if any, should be proposed by this Special Study Group to TSAG and approved by TSAG until the next WTSA. 2. Reporting to TSAG 2.1 The Special Study Group shall report on its activities and progress to each TSAG meeting, including indication of any Recommendations that the Special Study Group has approved, together with observations on its working methods and their effectiveness. 3. Working methods other than for approving Recommendations 3.1 The Special Study Group and subgroups shall work electronically to the maximum extent possible, with paper copies of documents provided only on request. The Special Study Group should appoint a Working Methods Coordinator to assist the TSB in managing incompatibilities that may arise in various forms of documentation submitted by the participating Members. The Special Study Group should explore new electronic methods to test their effectiveness for conducting the work. 3.2 The Special Study Group and its subgroups shall not be bound by the rules governing the regular Study Groups concerning the frequency of physical meetings. The Special Study Group shall hold the minimum number of physical meetings necessary to meet its objectives in a timely manner. If it is necessary for more than one subgroup to hold a physical meeting, the dates and venue should be aligned as far as possible, to assist in the participation and coordination of the work. Physical meetings may be announced electronically with a minimum of one month’s notice through a specific email reflector maintained by the TSB for the Special Study Group. 3.3 Rapporteurs meetings may be held on request of the Rapporteur in consultation with the Special Study Group management team and after confirming their approval by electronic means. The Working Methods Coordinator shall work closely with the TSB in order to optimise this process. 3.4 In addition to physical meetings, subgroups of the Special Study Group are encouraged to hold teleconferences as much as possible. 3.5 The Special Study Group shall agree a simple process for the handling of input contributions to its work. For SSG or WP meetings, documents must be submitted a minimum of five working days before the meeting starts, be posted in an informal area of the ITU-T website - irrespective of meeting venue, be accessible to all members, and meeting reports must be made available quickly. The Working Methods Coordinator shall work closely with the TSB to ensure maximum accessibility and timely notice of electronic documents to all Members. -5- 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 Output The normative output of the Special Study Group shall be Recommendations. The Special Study Group shall apply approval procedures as in other regular study groups. The Special Study Group may also produce other forms of output as specified for other study groups, such as Implementer’s Guides, Supplements, etc. The Special Study Group may investigate alternative types of output of a lesser status than ITU Recommendations, e.g., normative technical specifications or interim Recommendations, and may make proposals for such types of output and associated approval procedures to TSAG to consider for approval. ________________ -6ANNEX 3 (to Circular 3) Terms of reference of the new Special Study Group “IMT-2000 and beyond” Special Study Group on IMT-2000 and Beyond Responsible for studies relating to network aspects of International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 (IMT-2000) and beyond, including wireless Internet, convergence of mobile and fixed networks, mobility management, mobile multimedia functions, internetworking, interoperability and enhancements to existing ITU-T Recommendations on IMT-2000. Special SG is a Lead study group on “IMT-2000 and Beyond” and for mobility. Special Study Group on “IMT-2000 and Beyond” This group has the primary responsibility within ITU-T for overall network aspects of IMT-2000 and beyond. This group is responsible for: • Developing a work plan for ITU-T activities on IMT-2000 systems and beyond, to ensure that this work is progressed effectively and efficiently with organizations external to ITU and internally with ITU-R and ITU-D, as appropriate. • Providing a migration path regarding network aspects and mobility from existing IMT-2000 systems towards systems beyond IMT-2000. • Enhancing an overview road map (Supplement to Recommendation Q.1701) on network aspects and mobility of existing IMT-2000 systems specified by ITU-T and external organizations (e.g., Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), Partnership Projects (PPs), IETF, and relevant external forums, etc.) • Providing interworking functions as needed and if not provided by other organizations, to allow for global mobility between existing IMT-2000 systems specified by external organizations. The second point above includes the development of a long term common IP-based network architecture as applicable to IMT-2000. The fourth point above, considering the ongoing evolutionary directions of network infrastructure, includes near term IP-based internetworking. In addition, this Special Study Group will study: • Harmonization of different IMT-2000 Family member standards as they evolve beyond IMT-2000 as much as possible in cooperation with relevant bodies. • Evolution of network aspects of IMT-2000 from the existing fixed network by utilizing the IMT-2000 radio transmission technologies as fixed wireless access. • Network aspects of the convergence of fixed and wireless networks and ultimately migration to interoperable and harmonized network architectures to provide services transparently to users across different access arrangements. • Assessment of the need for, and standardization of, IMT-2000 interfaces to provide multi-vendor advantages for operators, if not provided by external organizations. -7- In order to assist developing countries in the application of IMT-2000 and related wireless technologies, consultations should be held with representatives of ITU-D with a view to identifying how this might best be done through an appropriate activity conducted in conjunction with ITU-D. This Special Study Group shall be able to develop and approve Recommendations in the same manner as other Study Groups. In order to enhance its ability to respond to the rapid evolution of the needs of the marketplace, this Special Study Group may make use of Provisional Working Procedures (see Recommendation A.9) In the course of applying these Provisional Working Procedures, this Special Study Group shall: • investigate and recommend to TSAG modifications to the Provisional Working Procedures assigned to this Special Study Group. The term "mobility" includes terminal and personal mobility (Recommendation I.114). Terminal mobility is the ability of a terminal to access telecommunication services from different locations and while in motion, and the capability of the network to identify and locate that terminal. Personal mobility is the ability of a user to access telecommunication services at any terminal on the basis of a personal identifier, and the capability of the network to provide those services according to the user's service profile. This Special Study Group is the lead group for “IMT-2000 and Beyond” and for mobility within ITU-T, and collaborates with ITU-R Working Party 8F on the radio aspects of the terrestrial elements, and with ITU-R Working Party 8D for satellite elements. The Special Study Group shall liaise with ITU-R and ITU-D on standardization activities of IMT-2000. The Special Study Group shall maintain strong cooperative relations with external SDOs and 3GPPs and develop a complementary program. The group shall proactively promote communications with external organizations to allow for normative referencing in ITU-T Recommendations of mobile network specifications developed by those organizations. List of Recommendations under the responsibility of the respective Study groups in the post-2000 study period Special Study Group on IMT-2000 and Beyond Q.1700-series and associated Supplements. -8ANNEX 4 (to Circular 3) Chairmanship of the new SSG “IMT-2000 and beyond” Chairman: Mr. J. VISSER (Nortel Networks, Canada) Vice Chairmen: Mr. M. Ghazal (Lebanon) Mr. M. Briggs (British Telecommunications plc, UK) Mr. K. Lathia (Siemens, Germany) Mr. L. Graf (Ericsson, Australia) Mr. Y.K. Kim (Samsung, Korea) Mr. H. Nakamura (NTT DoCoMo, Japan) Mr. B. Ramos (Anatel, Brazil) Mr. Y. Trofimov (Russia) Mr. S. Husain (Motorola, USA) Mr. P.F. Masambu (Uganda) Mr. K.K. Sirohi (India) -9ANNEX 5 (to Circular 3) Questions allocated to SSG “IMT-2000 and beyond” Question Short Title A/IMT Network signalling requirements for wireless access to services provided over IP-based networks B/IMT Network signalling requirements for emerging mobility services (IMT-2000 and their evolution), including services over IP-based networks C/IMT Network signalling requirements for the support of Virtual Home Environment (VHE) in mobile networks D/IMT Network signalling protocols for mobility services (IMT-2000 and their evolution), including IP services - 10 - - 11 - ANNEX 6 (to Circular 3) Ce formulaire de confirmation est à adresser directement à l'hôtel de votre choix (voir la Circulaire TSB 259) This confirmation form should be sent directly to the hotel of your choice (see TSB Circular 259) Dirija directamente este formulario de confirmación al hotel que elija (véase la Circular TSB 259) UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION UNIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES SECTEUR DE LA NORMALISATION DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR SECTOR DE NORMALIZACION DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES Réunion CE/GT du au Genève SG/WP meeting -------------------------------------- from ------------------ to ------------------ Geneva Reunión CE/GT desde el al Ginebra Confirmation de la réservation faite le Confirmation of the reservation made on ---------------------------Confirmación de la reserva efectuada el A l'hôtel To hotel ------------------------------Al hotel au prix préférentiel offert à l'UIT / at ITU preferential tariff / al precio preferencial ofrecido a la UIT chambre simple/double du ------------- single/double room from habitación indiv./doble desde el heure d'arrivée --------------- time of arrival hora de llegada Nom / Name / Apellido ---------------------------------------------- Prénom / First name / Nombre ----------------------------------------------- Adresse / Address / Dirección ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- au to -----------al Tel : ----------------------------Fax : ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Carte de crédit en garantie de la réservation Credit card to guarantee this reservation: Tarjeta de crédito que garantiza la reserva AX/VISA/DINERS/EC ----------------------------------------------autre/other/otras No ---------------------------------------------- validité/validity/validez --------------------------------------------------- Date/Date/Fecha -------------------------- Signature/Signature/Firma ------------------------------------------------ - 12 To be returned by 30 November 2000 ANNEX 7 (to Circular 3) ITU - TSB TSB Fax: +41 22 730 58 53 Special Study Group Meeting (Geneva, 11-15 December 2000) Formule de participation - Registration Form - Formulario de inscripción 1. M. Mme Mlle Mr. Mrs. Miss Sr. Sra. Srta. 2. 3. ________________________________________ (nom / family name / apellidos) Pays / Country / País ___________________________________ (prénom / first name / nombre) ________________________________________________________________ Administration / Administración ________________________________________________________________ Chef de délégation Head of delegation Jefe de delegación Adjoint Deputy Suplente Délégué Delegate Delegado ou - or - o Exploitation reconnue Recognized operating agency Empresa de explotación reconocida ___________________________________________________________ Organisme scientifique ou industriel Scientific or industrial organization Organismo científico o industrial ___________________________________________________________ Autre entité s'occupant des questions de télécommunication Other entity dealing with telecommunication matters Otra entidad que se ocupe de cuestiones de telecomunicaciones Organisation régionale et/ou internationale Regional and/or International organization Organización regional y/o internacional 4. Adresse officielle Official address Dirección oficial ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ TEL. (office) __________________________ FAX _____________________________ TEL. (private) _________________________ Email _____________________________________________________ 5. Adresse privée pendant la réunion Private address during the meeting Dirección privada durante la reunión 6. ________________________________________ I wish to receive the documents in TX _________________ ____________________________________ TEL. _____________________ ____________________________________ Paper form Signature / Firma _________________________________ Réservé au TSB / For TSB use only / Para uso exclusivo de la TSB Casier Download from the Web Date / Fecha__________________________