Problem Set #8 Answer Key Economics 435: Quantitative Methods Fall 2011 Please use WebCT to turn in both the Word document and R code for question (1) and turn in your answer to question (2) in class. 1 Public sector unionization and the size of government: Part V Please see the file The R code used to generate these results is available at 2 Fixed effects with measurement error a) plim β̂ OLS = = = = = cov(y ˆ it , x̃it ) var(x̃ ˆ it ) cov(yit , x̃it ) var(x̃it ) cov(ai + βxi + βvit + uit , xi + vit + it ) var(xi + vit + it ) cov(ai , xi ) + βvar(xi ) + βvar(vit ) var(xi ) + var(vit ) + var(it ) β(σx2 + σv2 ) + σx σa ρa,x (σx2 + σv2 ) + σ2 plim b) plim β̂ F D = = = = = cov(∆y ˆ it , ∆x̃it ) var(∆x̃ ˆ it ) cov(∆yit , ∆x̃it ) var(∆x̃it ) cov(β∆vit + ∆uit , ∆vit + ∆it ) var(∆vit + ∆it ) βvar(∆vit ) var(∆vit ) + var(∆it ) σ2 β 2 v 2 σv + σ plim 1 ECON 435, Fall 2011 2 c) If there is no fixed effect, then the probability limit of the OLS estimator is: plim β̂ OLS = β Since 2 (σx +σv2 ) 2 +σ 2 )+σ 2 (σx v is closer to one than σv2 σv2 +σ2 (σx2 + σv2 ) + σv2 ) + σ2 (σx2 is, the OLS estimator has smaller asymptotic bias. d) If the fixed effect is uncorrelated with xi , then the probability limit of the OLS estimator is: plim β̂ OLS = β Since 2 (σx +σv2 ) 2 +σ 2 )+σ 2 (σx v is closer to one than σv2 σv2 +σ2 (σx2 + σv2 ) (σx2 + σv2 ) + σ2 is, the OLS estimator has smaller asymptotic bias. e) If there is no measurement error, then the probability limit of the OLS estimator is: plim β̂ OLS = β(σx2 + σv2 ) + σx σa ρa,x (σx2 + σv2 ) and the probability limit of the FD estimator is plim β̂ F D = β Since the FD estimator is consistent and the OLS estimator is not, the FD estimator obviously has smaller asymptotic bias. f) The first statement is the correct one.