Contribuciones Web [ C 117 ] IFA Local [C 117 ] Fecha 2015-04-23 Origen Rapporteur for Question 2/1 [ C 116 ] [C 116 ] 2015-04-23 Rapporteur for Question 2/1 [ C 115 ] [C 115 ] 2015-04-22 Rapporteurs for Question 1/1 [ C 114 ] [C 114 ] 2015-04-20 ITU-D CoChairman, Joint Group for Resolution 9 [ C 113 ] [C 113 ] 2015-04-17 Rapporteur for Question 3/1 [ C 112 ] [C 112 ] 2015-04-17 Rapporteur for Question 3/1 [ C 111 ] +Ann.1 [ C 110 ] +Ann.1 [ C 109 ] [ C 108 ] [ C 107 ] [ C 106 ] (Rev.1) [C 111 ] 2015-04-22 BDT Focal Point for Question 1/1 [C 110 ] 2015-04-17 [C 109 ] [C 108 ] [C 107 ] [C 106 ] 2015-04-01 2015-04-01 2015-03-31 2015-03-31 Título Liaison Statement from ITU-D SG1 Question 2/1 ITU-R Working Party 5D (IMT systems) on the Handbook on global trends in IMT and the roadmap for IMT Liaison Statement from ITU-D SG1 Question 2/1 to ITU-T SG15 (Networks, technologies and infrastructures for transport, access and home) on New versions of the access network transport (ant) standardization overview and work plan Liaison Statement from ITU-D SG1 Question 1/1 to CITEL on ongoing collaboration Liaison Statement from the Joint ITU-D/ITU-R Group on Resolution 9 to ITU-R Working Parties 1B (Spectrum management methodologies and economic strategies) and 6A (Terrestrial broadcasting delivery) on case studies for utilization of TV White Space (TVWS) Liaison Statement from ITU-D SG1 Question 3/1 to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO/IEC JTC1 on cloud computing Liaison Statement from ITU-D SG1 Question 3/1 to ITU-T SG13 (Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next-generation networks) on ongoing collaboration Over-the-top (OTT) services: business trends and regulatory issues Cuestiones Q2/1, OLS ISO ISO/JTC1 liaison report on ISO Cloud Standards Work Q3/1 Botswana (Republic of) Intel Corporation Providing health care by using spectrum sharing in Botswana Reflection of "ICT in education" chapters in the reports Summary of the study "Broadband situations in rural and remote areas" Proposed questions to assist combatting Numbering Misuse RES.9 BDT Focal Point for Question 5/1 Australia, Samoa (Independent State of), United Kingdom of Great Q2/1, OLS Q1/1, OLS RES.9, OLS Q3/1, OLS Q3/1, OLS Q1/1 Q7/1, Q5/1, Q2/1 Q5/1 Q6/1 [ C 105 ] [C 105 ] 2015-03-31 Britain and Northern Ireland, Vanuatu (Republic of) ITU-T JCA-AHF [ C 104 ] [C 104 ] 2015-03-31 ITU-T JCA-AHF [ C 103 ] +Ann.1 [ C 102 ] +Ann.1 [ C 101 ] [C 103 ] 2015-03-31 G3ICT [C 102 ] 2015-03-31 G3ICT [C 101 ] 2015-03-31 G3ICT [ C 100 ] [ C 99 ] [C 100 ] [C 99 ] [C 98 ] 2015-03-31 Oman (Sultanate of) 2015-03-31 Rwanda (Republic of) China (People's Republic of) [ C 97 ] +Ann.12 [C 97 ] 2015-03-30 BDT Focal Point for Question 1/1 [ C 96 ] [C 96 ] [C 95 ] [C 94 ] [C 93 ] [C 92 ] 2015-03-30 2015-03-30 BDT Focal Point for Question 7/1 N/A (no se aplica) 2015-03-27 KDDI Corporation 2015-03-25 Russian Federation 2015-03-25 Russian Federation [ C 91 ] [C 91 ] 2015-03-25 Korea (Republic of) [ C 90 ] [C 90 ] 2015-03-24 Nepal NTA [ C 98 ] [ C 95 ] [ C 94 ] +Ann.1 [ C 93 ] [ C 92 ] 2015-03-31 Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCAAHF to ITU-D Study Group 1 on the Draft meeting report of JCA-AHF held in Geneva on 18 February 2015 Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCAAHF to ITU-D Study Group 1 on Cybersecurity/security on the Internet for persons with disabilities G3ict third party captioning and copyright Q7/1, ILS DCAD Accessibility Guidelines 2014, accessibility and disability in IGF meetings Protection in Spectrum Management for Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) for persons with disabilities and medical Short Range Devices (SRDs) Standard Customer Agreement Q7/1 Telecommunication and ICT initiatives in Rwanda The latest development of OTT service and co-opetition ? relationship between telecom operators and OTT service providers Report on implementation for evolving telecommunication /ICT infrastructure for developing countries: Technical, economic and policy aspects ICT accessibility regulations in Mexico´s telecom reform Document withdrawn Q5/1 Example of mobile base stations with satellite backhauls Working material towards Chapter 5 Informational-explanatory campaign for notification about digital television in Russian Federation Accessibility aspects of language education based on speech/NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology Developing regulatory framework in the context of Next Generation Networks (NGN) in Nepal Q7/1, ILS Q7/1 Q7/1 Q6/1 Q1/1 Q1/1 Q7/1 N/A (no se aplica) Q5/2, Q5/1, Q2/1 Q8/1 Q8/1 Q7/1 Q1/1 [ C 89 ] +Ann.1 [ C 88 ] +Ann.1 [ C 87 ] [C 89 ] [C 88 ] [C 87 ] 2015-03-20 [ C 86 ] [C 86 ] 2015-03-19 Brazil (Federative Republic of) [ C 85 ] [C 85 ] 2015-03-19 Brazil (Federative Republic of) [ C 84 ] +Ann.1 [ C 83 ] +Ann.1 [ C 82 ] +Ann.1 [C 84 ] [C 83 ] [C 82 ] 2015-03-19 BDT Focal Point for Question 8/1 BDT Focal Point for Question 8/1 BDT Focal Point for Question 8/1 [ C 81 ] +Ann.1 [ C 80 ] [C 81 ] [C 80 ] 2015-03-17 [ C 79 ] [C 79 ] 2015-03-17 ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 6A [ C 78 ] [C 78 ] [C 77 ] 2015-03-15 Oman (Sultanate of) 2015-03-12 [C 76 ] [C 75 ] [C 74 ] [C 73 ] 2015-03-11 2015-03-10 Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov BDT Focal Point for Question 7/1 Egypt (Arab Republic of) AHCIET 2015-03-10 Benin (Republic of) [ C 72 ] [C 72 ] 2015-03-10 Benin (Republic of) [ C 71 ] [C 71 ] 2015-03-10 Democratic Republic of the [ C 77 ] [ C 76 ] [ C 75 ] [ C 74 ] [ C 73 ] 2015-03-20 2015-03-19 2015-03-17 2015-03-17 2015-03-17 2015-03-11 BDT Focal Point for Question 8/1 BDT Focal Point for Resolution 9 Brazil (Federative Republic of) BDT Focal Point for Resolution 9 ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 6A BDT activities on broadcasting Q8/1 BDT activities on spectrum management Providing optical fibre backbone to remote areas through infrastructure sharing between the telecommunications and electricity sectors Differences between local CAPM and global CAPM to estimate the cost of equity New commercial strategies on mobile services market as an answer to the MTR reduction and the competition with OTTs DSO database RES.9 A licensing toolkit for DTTB and MTV services Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) regulations for broadcasting installations Assessing the spectrum management needs of developing countries Liaison Statement from ITU-R SG6 WP6A to the ITU-D/ITU-R Joint Group for Resolution 9 on Dynamic spectrum access Liaison Statement from ITU-R Study Groups WP6A to ITU-D Study Group 1 on Transition from analogue to digital broadcasting The Government of Oman incentives for broadband network development List of Reports from previous Study Periods related to Question 1/1 Q8/1 BDT activities in ICT accessibility which may be of interest to Q8/1 Next generation access for broadband Q8/1 Promoción e impulso de la banda de 700MHz en Latinoamérica Collaboration entre une Agence de régulation et les associations de consommateurs: cas du Bénin Etude de quelques défis liés à la fourniture des services mobiles financiers au Bénin Contribution à la Question 4/1 sur la Section 2 relative au partage des Q8/1 Q5/1 Q4/1 Q1/1 Q8/1 Q8/1 RES.9 RES.9, ILS Q8/1, ILS Q4/1 Q1/1 Q2/1, Q1/1 Q6/1 Q1/1 Q4/1 [ C 70 ] [C 70 ] 2015-03-05 Congo Burkina Faso [ C 69 ] [C 69 ] 2015-03-04 Burkina Faso [ C 68 ] [C 68 ] 2015-03-03 ITU-T Study Group 16 [ C 67 ] [C 67 ] 2015-03-03 ITU T Study Group 16 [ C 66 ] [C 66 ] 2015-03-03 [ C 65 ] +Ann.1 [ C 64 ] [C 65 ] [C 64 ] [C 63 ] 2015-03-02 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Hungary [C 62 ] [C 61 ] [C 60 ] 2015-02-27 [C 59 ] [C 58 ] 2015-02-27 [C 57 ] [C 56 ] [C 55 ] 2015-02-27 [ C 54 ] +Ann.1 [C 54 ] 2015-02-26 [ C 53 ] +Ann.12 [C 53 ] 2015-02-26 [ C 63 ] [ C 62 ] [ C 61 ] [ C 60 ] [ C 59 ] [ C 58 ] [ C 57 ] +Ann.1 [ C 56 ] [ C 55 ] 2015-02-28 2015-02-27 2015-02-27 2015-02-27 2015-02-27 2015-02-27 2015-02-26 Rapporteur for Question 3/1 Egypt (Arab Republic of) Guinea (Republic of) Guinea (Republic of) United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) BDT Focal Point for Question 7/1 BDT Focal Point for Question 7/1 infrastructures Aperçu des initiatives publiques pour le développement des réseaux large bande, y compris les réseaux de prochaine génération Technique contractuelle et perspectives réglementaires en matière de cloud computing Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG16 to ITU-D SGs on ITU-D SG1 and SG2 Questions of interest to ITU-T Study Groups Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG16 to ITU-D SG1 Q8/1 on ITU-D work on transition from analogue to digital broadcasting 2014-2017 Numbering misuse - A tutorial Q1/1 Q3/1 QALL/2, QALL/1, ILS Q8/1, ILS Q6/1 Spectrum Management IT System (STIR) Unleashing the power of cloud computing The national broadband plan "eMisr": Transition from planning to execution National policy and development of ICT infrastructure in Guinea Accessibility of broadband in Guinea RES.9 Preliminary examples of spectrum sharing practices in the broadcast television bands Case Study: the United States digital television transition Technology transitions in the United States: FCC actions and the "Network Compact" Effective public-private partnerships for broadband investments Broadband toolkit RES.9 Regional internet basics Q1/1 Overview (Part 3) - Public procurement, including commercial best practices Overview (Part 2) - Which accessibility tools can be used for people with difficulties mastering reading and writing; and Practical applications for accessible e- Q7/1 Q3/1 Q2/1, Q1/1 Q2/1 Q1/1 Q8/1 Q1/1 Q1/1 Q1/1 Q7/1 [ C 52 ] +Ann.1 [C 52 ] 2015-02-26 BDT Focal Point for Question 7/1 [ C 51 ] [C 51 ] 2015-02-26 India (Republic of) [ C 50 ] [C 50 ] [C 49 ] 2015-02-26 Brazil (Federative Republic of) Brazil (Federative Republic of) [C 48 ] [C 47 ] 2015-02-26 [C 46 ] [C 45 ] 2015-02-26 India (Republic of) 2015-02-26 Brazil (Federative Republic of) [C 44 ] [C 43 ] [C 42 ] 2015-02-26 2015-02-26 Philippines (Republic of the) Hungary 2015-02-26 India (Republic of) [C 41 ] [C 40 ] 2015-02-26 Rapporteur for Question 5/1 Rapporteur for Question 5/1 [ C 39 ] [C 39 ] 2015-02-25 Cameroon (Republic of) [ C 38 ] [C 38 ] 2015-02-25 Cameroon (Republic of) [ C 37 ] [C 37 ] 2015-02-25 Cameroon (Republic of) [ C 36 ] [C 36 ] 2015-02-25 ITU-R Study Group 6 [ C 49 ] [ C 48 ] [ C 47 ] [ C 46 ] [ C 45 ] [ C 44 ] [ C 43 ] [ C 42 ] [ C 41 ] [ C 40 ] 2015-02-26 2015-02-26 2015-02-26 Brazil (Federative Republic of) Bosnia and Herzegovina education Overview (Part 1) - Necessary changes to existing legislation to promote ICT accessibility, and how to promote accessibility in public ICT spaces, such as telecentres and public pay phones Essential features of the access networks used for the cloud computing Communication strategies for a successful analogue switch-off Refarming the 700 Mhz Band in Brazil, and the implications for the transition to digital broadcasting Brazilian digital dividend auction process Challenges in achieving ICT accessibility policy for persons with disabilities and specific needs in Bosnia and Herzegovina Input for Question 6/1 Q7/1 Q3/1 Q8/1 Q8/1 Q8/1 Q7/1 Q6/1 Adoption of ITU-T Y.3500 and ITUT Y.3502 for regulation and consumer information purposes Dynamic spectrum access case study Q3/1 Hungary after the analogue switch off - Update Successful utilisation of cloud computing for effective implementation of e-Governance projects Draft Questionnaire for the global survey Draft Table of Contents of the final report of Question 5/1: "Telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas" The process of migration from analogue to digital broadcasting in Cameroon Consumer protection in respect of electronic communication products and services in Cameroon Access to cloud computing: challenges and opportunities for developing countries Liaison Statement from ITU-R Study Group 6 to ITU-D Study Groups on Radiated disturbances from PLT and wired telecommunication systems Q8/1 RES.9 Q3/1 Q5/1 Q5/1 Q8/1 Q6/1 Q3/1 Q8/1, Q7/2, ILS [ C 35 ] [C 35 ] [C 34 ] 2015-02-25 Kyrgyz Republic 2015-02-20 ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 6A [C 33 ] [C 32 ] 2015-02-25 India (Republic of) 2015-02-24 Burundi (Republic of) [C 31 ] [C 30 ] [C 29 ] 2015-02-23 Cameroon (Republic of) Intervale (Russian Federation) Madagascar (Republic of) [ C 28 ] [C 28 ] 2015-02-10 ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 5D [ C 27 ] [C 27 ] 2015-02-10 ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 5D [ C 26 ] [C 26 ] [C 25 ] 2015-02-09 Oman (Sultanate of) 2015-02-05 BDT Focal Point for Question 7/1 [C 24 ] [C 23 ] 2015-02-05 Mali (Republic of) 2015-02-02 Guinea (Republic of) [ C 22 ] [C 22 ] 2014-09-08 [ C 21 ] [C 21 ] 2015-01-23 Democratic Republic of the Congo ITU-T FG DFS [ C 20 ] [C 20 ] 2015-01-22 ITU-T FG DFS [ C 19 ] [C 2015-01-22 Odessa National [ C 34 ] [ C 33 ] [ C 32 ] [ C 31 ] [ C 30 ] [ C 29 ] [ C 25 ] [ C 24 ] [ C 23 ] 2015-02-21 2015-02-16 Migration to digital television broadcasting in the Kyrgyz Republic Liaison Statement from ITU-R Study Groups WP6A to ITU-D Study Groups on Human exposure to RF fields from broadcast transmitters IPv6 transition in India: The journey so far Rural connectivity and its impact on socio-economic development for the rural population in Burundi Revised draft outline of the Report for Question 1/1 Mobile payments: problems and prospects Trends in broadband in Madagascar and proactive measures by the regulatory agency Liaison Statement from ITU Radiocommunication Study Groups WP5D to ITU-D Study Groups concerning the Handbook on "Global Trends in IMT" Liaison Statement from ITU Radiocommunication Study Groups WP5D to ITU-D Study Groups concerning the Handbook on "Global Trends in IMT" OTT Services definition and categories Report on meetings, events and activities on ICT Accessibility for PWD since last Study Group meeting on Question7/1 held in September 2014, including future activities planned Revised draft work plan for Question 7/1 Overview of migration from analogue to digital TV in the Republic of Guinea DRC's experience with regulatory policy on ICT consumer protection Q8/1 Liaison Statement from ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Financial Services (DFS) to ITU-D Study Groups on BDT's work on ITU m-Powering Development Liaison Statement from ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Financial Services (DFS) to ITU-D Study Groups concerning its work Some features of tariffs QALL/2, QALL/1, ILS Q8/1, Q7/2, Q2/2, ILS Q1/1 Q5/1 Q1/1 Q1/2, Q1/1 Q2/1 QALL/2, QALL/1, Q2/1, ILS QALL/2, QALL/1, Q2/1, ILS Q1/1 Q7/1 Q7/1 Q8/1 Q6/1 QALL/2, QALL/1, ILS Q4/1 19 ] Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov [ C 18 ] [C 18 ] 2015-01-19 [ C 17 ] [C 17 ] 2015-01-19 [ C 16 ] [C 16 ] 2015-01-07 [ C 15 ] [C 15 ] 2014-12-15 [ C 14 ] [C 14 ] [C 13 ] [C 12 ] [C 11 ] [C 10 ] [C9 ] [C8 ] [C7 ] [C6 ] 2014-12-15 [C5] [C5 ] 2014-11-07 ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 5D [C4] [C4 ] [C3 ] [C2 ] 2014-09-15 Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) ITU-T Study Group 12 Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) [ C 13 ] [ C 12 ] (Rev.1) [ C 11 ] [ C 10 ] [C9] [C8] [C7] [C6] [C3] [C2] 2014-12-15 2014-12-15 2014-12-15 2014-12-15 2014-12-15 2014-12-15 2014-12-15 2014-11-27 2014-09-12 2014-09-08 Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov ITU-T Study Group 15 ITU-D/ITU-R CoChairman, Joint Group on Res.9 Rapporteur for Question 8/1 Rapporteurs for Question 7/1 Rapporteurs for Question 6/1 Rapporteur for Question 5/1 Rapporteur for Question 4/1 Rapporteur for Question 3/1 Rapporteur for Question 2/1 Rapporteur for Question 1/1 ITU-T Study Group 11 determination for telecommunications services on the basis of the simulation the cost of their providing Structure of curricula on "Design, technical operation and security of mobile payment systems" Q1/1 Draft outline of the Report for Question 1/1 Q1/1 Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG15 to ITU-D SG1 Q2/1 on New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Overview and Work Plan Draft work plan for Resolution 9 Q2/1, ILS Draft work plan for Question 8/1 Q8/1 Draft work plan for Question 7/1 Q7/1 Draft work plan for Question 6/1 Q6/1 Draft work plan for Question 5/1 Q5/1 Draft work plan for Question 4/1 Q4/1 Draft work plan for Question 3/1 Q3/1 Draft work plan for Question 2/1 Q2/1 Draft work plan for Question 1/1 Q1/1 Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG11 to ITU-D Study Groups on the Progress on the Technical Report on Counterfeit ICT Equipment Liaison Statement from ITU-R Working Party 5D to ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 2/1 on Roadmap on IMT and new areas for study under IMT Proposed revision of expected results Q6/1, Q4/2, ILS Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG12 to ITU-D SG1 Q6/1 on Indices Information on the development of provision of public utility telecommunication services in Viet Nam Q6/1, ILS RES.9 Q2/1, ILS Q1/1 Q5/1 [C1] [C1 ] 2014-09-08 Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) Current methods of determining the costs of telecommunication services in Viet Nam Q4/1 Informe Web [R9] IFA Local [R9 ] Fecha 2015-04-20 [R8] [R8 ] 2015-04-16 [R7] [R7 ] 2015-04-13 [R6] [R6 ] 2015-04-14 [R5] [R5 ] 2015-04-24 [R4] [R4 ] 2015-04-15 [R3] [R3 ] 2015-04-17 [R2] [R2 ] 2015-04-23 [R1] [R1 ] 2015-04-22 Origen ITUD/ITU-R CoChairmen, Joint Group on Res. 9 Rapporteur for Question 8/1 Rapporteurs for Question 7/1 Rapporteurs for Question 6/1 Rapporteur for Question 5/1 Rapporteur for Question 4/1 Rapporteur for Question 3/1 Rapporteur for Question 2/1 Rapporteurs for Question 1/1 Título Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Trabajo Mixto UIT-D/UIT-R sobre la Resolución 9 (Rev. Dubái, 2014) (Ginebra, lunes 20 de abril de 2015, 09.30 - 12.30 y 14.30 - 17.30 horas) Cuestiones RES.9 Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuestión 8/1 (Ginebra, jueves 16 de abril de 2015, 9.30 - 12.30 y 14.30 - 17.30 horas) Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuestión 7/1 (Ginebra, lunes 13 de abril de 2015, 09.30 - 12.30 horas y 14.30 17.30 horas) Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuestión 6/1 (Ginebra, martes 14 de abril de 2015, 9.30 - 12.30 y 14.30 - 17.30 horas) Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuestión 5/1 (Ginebra, viernes 24 de abril de 2015, 09.00-12.00 y 14.30-17.30 horas) Q8/1 Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuestión 4/1 (Ginebra, miércoles 15 de abril de 2015, 9.30 12.30 y 14.30 17.30 horas) Q4/1 Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuestión 3/1 (Ginebra, viernes 17 de abril de 2015, 09.00 - 12.00 horas y 14.30 17.30 horas) Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuestión 2/1 (Ginebra, jueves 23 de abril de 2015, 9.30 - 12.30 y 14.30 - 17.30 horas) Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuestión 1/1 (Ginebra, martes 21 de abril de 2015, 09.30 - 12.30 horas y 14.30 17.30 horas y miércoles 22 de abril de 2015, 09.30 - 12.30 horas y 14.30 - 17.30 horas) Q3/1 Q7/1 Q6/1 Q5/1 Q2/1 Q1/1